Last Vegas strip shooting: More than 20 dead, 100 injured after gunman opens fire near Mandalay Bay

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Dec 15, 2015
Why can't we change human nature? Because it's human nature.

Why can't we restrict access to implements of mass murder that are also really fun toys? Cuz freedumb, baby!
You give up too easy. Change is inevitable, no reason we cannot either control it, or at least guide it.


Jan 6, 2005
I'd rather not, just making a point at the (what I find to be) absurdity of banning $thing I don't like because $reason.
I always thought the primary reason for the 2A was so that militias and ordinary citizens could rise up against tyranny.

We did have well armed militias rise up against the federal government once, but they were on the wrong side of history, and got their asses handed to them.

We also now have open carry militias literally marching with Nazis. They should be shooting the Nazis, not marching with them.

Don't have a whole lot of sympathy for militias.


Dec 15, 2015
I always thought the primary reason for the 2A was so that militias and ordinary citizens could rise up against tyranny.

We did have well armed militias rise up against the federal government once, but they were on the wrong side of history, and got their asses handed to them.

We also now have open carry militias literally marching with Nazis. They should be shooting the Nazis, not marching with them.

Don't have a whole lot of sympathy for militias.
And true enough, the 'overthrow the government' is probably an unreasonable thought at this point, as I'm confident the day citizens decided to overthrow the government, we'd have boston robotics kill-bots armed with miniguns trudging through the streets. I still think though, that a vast minority committing crimes (no matter how horrible) is a dumb reason to ban any perceived reason, or weapon, of those individuals. Islamic religion comes to mind (speaking as an atheist, mind you).


Nov 11, 1999
You give up too easy. Change is inevitable, no reason we cannot either control it, or at least guide it.

Not on ideas that might actually work. You merely divert into an impossible quest rather than accepting honest solutions.


Dec 15, 2015
Not on ideas that might actually work. You merely divert into an impossible quest rather than accepting honest solutions.
Ironically, I see it as the opposite. I see gun legislation/reform as the impossible quest in the US, whereas shuffling research funding around to double up on mental health research as a simple, honest, and attainable solution.


May 15, 2000
That pretty much boils down the stupidity of a gun Nutter. They can't bother having a rational discussion because they've already decided where the other side stands.

Ironically, the comic ends with, "nothing about gun control in this country has ever been reasonable", but yet somehow gun nutters always point to existing laws and restrictions as being enough.

If you talk to one person in the morning and you think they are being unreasonable, they just might be but if everyone you talk to is unreasonable then it just might be you who is unreasonable.



Nov 11, 1999
Ironically, I see it as the opposite. I see gun legislation/reform as the impossible quest in the US, whereas shuffling research funding around to double up on mental health research as a simple, honest, and attainable solution.

Funny that, particularly considering I figure you've gotta be at least half nuts to see something as lethal as an AR as a toy whose ownership is to be protected regardless of the interests of public safety. If I thought that better funding mental health could curb those impulses I'd be all for it.


Dec 15, 2015
Funny that, particularly considering I figure you've gotta be at least half nuts to see something as lethal as an AR as a toy whose ownership is to be protected regardless of the interests of public safety. If I thought that better funding mental health could curb those impulses I'd be all for it.
It's interesting then, that you see the lethal toy as the problem, and not the mental health of those interested in it. Do you retain the same regard for any other toys, lethal or otherwise? Hoarders, purchasers of disused bomb shelters, end-of-world preppers?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
At least you state your point directly.

Can we start naming other things we'd like gone because stupid or bad people are allowed to own them?
The most absurd thing is that you are trying and failing to sound reasonable about insanity.

Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Spain, England, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Denmark are making gun restrictions work. What's wrong with Americans that they won't even try? Won't even consider it? Sickness!

Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
The most absurd thing is that you are trying and failing to sound reasonable about insanity.

Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Spain, England, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Denmark are making gun restrictions work. What's wrong with Americans that they won't even try? Won't even consider it? Sickness!

We HAVE gun restrictions. What do you mean we won't even try?

Are there any countries with gun bans that are NOT working? Mexico? Brazil? Anyone else?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I'm not against gun control. I support most of the "common sense" measures that have been mentioned in this thread (mandatory safety classes / training, stronger universal background checks, etc...) as long as they are structured in a such a way that they can't be used to prevent the average citizen who otherwise qualifies from owning a gun from getting one (i.e. putting ridiculous prices on the cost of those safety classes, making them available at one location in a state for one weekend a year, etc...).

I'm not trying to save my life. I simply like target shooting. I view it as being similar to going to the driving range. I also like reloading ammo and long distance precision shooting. I like the math, reading the wind, I like the challenge. I like timed shooting events (IDPA, 3 gun, etc...) because it's a fun competition.

For the record, I've never used my guns to kill, harm, or threaten anyone. I'd love it if you stopped treating me like I am.

FYI - I could give a flying fuck about you being pro this or anti that. What I'm doing is not hurting you in any way. If I have to vote for people who are staunchly pro 2A because otherwise you are going to take my hobby away, than so be it. I'm more than willing to compromise, but when you give a mouse a cookie... he's going to want all the ****ing milk.

I stated in an earlier post that I enjoy shooting... Though that was many years ago now. Don't own guns, if I want to shoot I'll go to a range. Yes prices should be reasonable but hey... Think of all the money people will be saving from not purchasing guns! Bankrupt the NRA and let's put that money in to someone else's hands.

Your thinking is stinking. Your hobby is most definitely more important than any of the lives taken by gun violence because regulations might disrupt your hobby. You've made yourself abundantly clear.

This is how Trump was elected and it is why pieces of shit are going to continue with mass murder. It's just best for everyone if nothing changes even if logic tells you different because being inconvenienced don't sit right with gun dicks.
Jul 9, 2009
The most absurd thing is that you are trying and failing to sound reasonable about insanity.

Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Spain, England, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Denmark are making gun restrictions work. What's wrong with Americans that they won't even try? Won't even consider it? Sickness!

5. We Seriously Don’t Care About Gun Laws in Other Countries
We really, really don’t. That, of course, is because of the Second Amendment. The countries often brought up in the gun control debate not only have less than conclusive results (see the above link) but they don’t recognize personal possession of a firearm as a constitutional right. That is the bottom line. While their gun confiscation laws and the outcomes might be interesting, they are not applicable here.


Dec 15, 2015
The most absurd thing is that you are trying and failing to sound reasonable about insanity.

Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Spain, England, Sweden, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Denmark are making gun restrictions work. What's wrong with Americans that they won't even try? Won't even consider it? Sickness!
As stated, we do have gun restrictions, just not as restrictive as some would deem appropriate to 'stop the problem'. I agree we do have a sickness, but as I've stated many times, it's with violence, not with 'guns'. Do you disagree? Do you firmly believe that gun restrictions/legislation would have stopped this event from occurring? I'm not confident. Purely speculation, but given the planning he put into this event, I'm confident he would have used another method if this one wasn't available to him (just as he used this method because an M60 wasn't available to him).


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2002
I stated in an earlier post that I enjoy shooting... Though that was many years ago now. Don't own guns, if I want to shoot I'll go to a range. Yes prices should be reasonable but hey... Think of all the money people will be saving from not purchasing guns! Bankrupt the NRA and let's put that money in to someone else's hands.

That's like saying that you enjoy golf and that you are pro golf... and then telling someone that when you want to go golf you go to the driving range and pick out a rental club and go hit golf balls. If that works for you, that's fine.

Your thinking is stinking. Your hobby is most definitely more important than any of the lives taken by gun violence because regulations might disrupt your hobby. You've made yourself abundantly clear.

If you can come up with legislation that protects more people without totally banning private gun ownership I'd seriously take a look at it. Banning semi-automatic rifles isn't going to significantly reduce gun violence in this country and will impact tens of millions of legal shooters.

This is how Trump was elected and it is why pieces of shit are going to continue with mass murder. It's just best for everyone if nothing changes even if logic tells you different because being inconvenienced don't sit right with gun dicks.

Trump got elected because the Republicans couldn't get behind a real candidate fast enough and didn't take him as a serious threat. Democrats were already serving up the office on a silver platter by running Hillary. Democrats can't even get behind their own gun control bill when the had both houses and the presidency.

I'm fine with being inconvenienced if it's meaningful. Having to wait x number of days before purchasing a gun is an inconvenience. Having to retake mandatory training that I've been learning since I was five, and have spent thousands of dollars on (classes) as an adult is an inconvenience. Giving the BATFE the ability to search my home at any point they choose (I have NFA registered Title II weapons) is an inconvenience. Totally removing private ownership of firearms isn't an inconvenience, it's a violation of my rights.
Reactions: [DHT]Osiris


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
I'm going to fix this....
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Here is the fix...
All able-bodied people eligible by law for military service, being necessary to the security of a free nation, the right of the people to keep and bear any weapons and ammunition, shall not be infringed.

Modern enough lingo for the 2nd amendment. If you wanted to change the control part, they have to be denied access to military service.
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May 15, 2000
I'm going to fix this....
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Here is the fix...
All able-bodied people eligible by law for military service, being necessary to the security of a free nation, the right of the people to keep and bear any weapons and ammunition, shall not be infringed.

Modern enough lingo for the 2nd amendment. If you wanted to change the control part, they have to be denied access to military service.

So to be clear, when the 2nd amendment doesn't say what people want it to say you think we should just change that?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017

5. We Seriously Don’t Care About Gun Laws in Other Countries
We really, really don’t. That, of course, is because of the Second Amendment. The countries often brought up in the gun control debate not only have less than conclusive results (see the above link) but they don’t recognize personal possession of a firearm as a constitutional right. That is the bottom line. While their gun confiscation laws and the outcomes might be interesting, they are not applicable here.
Because a certain segment of Americans are pansy-ass, paranoid, sniveling, frightened little bi*ches. The Constitution did not take in to consideration that innovation would bring about the kinds of guns that the NRA keeps assuring the fu*kwits are protected under it's umbrella. It is purely asinine to suggest it is a person's right to possess weapons of war. Stop being a tool.
Reactions: Capt Caveman


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
As stated, we do have gun restrictions, just not as restrictive as some would deem appropriate to 'stop the problem'. I agree we do have a sickness, but as I've stated many times, it's with violence, not with 'guns'. Do you disagree? Do you firmly believe that gun restrictions/legislation would have stopped this event from occurring? I'm not confident. Purely speculation, but given the planning he put into this event, I'm confident he would have used another method if this one wasn't available to him (just as he used this method because an M60 wasn't available to him).
Holy Hell man. Yes, mental health needs to be addressed of course but I happen to believe the gun problem and the mental stability problem can be worked on simultaneously. In fact, why don't we get rid of guns while we sort out American insanity? Sound good? We're clearly too volatile as a nation to have access to them.


May 15, 2000
Because a certain segment of Americans are pansy-ass, paranoid, sniveling, frightened little bi*ches. The Constitution did not take in to consideration that innovation would bring about the kinds of guns that the NRA keeps assuring the fu*kwits are protected under it's umbrella. It is purely asinine to suggest it is a person's right to possess weapons of war. Stop being a tool.

Its extremely asinine to think that the constitution would be talking about an individual right when the term "militia" is used multiple times throughout the document and everytime its in reference to states rights including the use of militias to put down rebellions and insurrections. Which means a militia that is trying to overthrow the government for any reason would be considered as a rebellion/insurrection and has the full backing of the constitution to be put down. But look who you are talking to.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
I'm guessing that you think you just made a point about something.

Just for the record, you didn't.
We both know his points are worthless and half baked. He's purposely obtuse, inflammatory and exhibits a pronounced lack of intellectual prowess. Oh tajjy just stfu,


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2011
So to be clear, when the 2nd amendment doesn't say what people want it to say you think we should just change that?
It says exactly what I want it to say.

-> The first half is information to be regarded then disregarded. We need this, because of this.
-> The second half is the juice. The government can not deny access to weapons and its ammunition(if it requires it) to anyone whatsoever.

All laws to control guns are subversive thus are promptly illegal. As the constitution is law of the land, the law above all laws; Constitution -> Federal -> State -> Local -> Personal.

In large part, the second amendment was built to be a cost saving mechanic. It is capitalistic in the sense that the government didn't have to provide weapons. If the people being recruited already had weapons.
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