latest grocery strike news


Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2003
kcal 9 strike news

"Kim, 32, has worked 10 years for Ralphs, where she makes $18.90 an hour. The single mother has been unable to find a part-time job that pays her enough to afford daycare for her three children, ages 3, 5 and 11"

"Warren Chapman, a Vons grocery manager in Torrance, took a part-time job with a cargo export company to help make ends meet. He makes about half the pay he earned at Vons, where he was paid $18.90 an hour"

"Robert Bruno, associate professor of labor and industrial relations at the University of Illinois in Chicago. "It's not as hard to replace a cashier as it is to replace a technician in a modern steel plant or a pilot on a plane."

they had a good, stable, no skill paying job, and they had to be greedy, now look what it got you??


Feb 12, 2001
Yep. They are really overpaid considering the difficulty of the work they do. Anyone can swipe stuff over a laser all day for $20/hr.


Platinum Member
Jan 11, 2003
weeks after the strike started, i voiced my anti union opinion, and i got flamed big time. now, it seems like people just started changing their minds.


Golden Member
Jun 25, 2002
But what I like the most is that the President of the Local that is making the most noise makes close to $300k a year. I don't see him giving up his paycheck. That would pay for a lot of rent bills.

L.A. Times Article

Damn, $18.90 an hour is well over $30,000/yr. For a single person, that's totally livable. But that lady shouldn't have had 3 kids unless she had a higher-paying job. Now she'll probably go on welfare. :|


Senior member
Nov 9, 1999
The problem, JJYIZ28, is that you continue to pound that no skill drum of yours. Look at your original post. 10 years of experience for the first one. Grocery MANAGER for the second one. Both have earn skilled positions within a company and are paid so. Would you expect $18.90 from an employer if you gave them 10 years of work experience? A manager within a grocery store is a skilled position, demanding team leadership, invoicing, inventory control among other things.

$18.90 is not the norm for union grocery workers nationwide. It is only achieved after years of showing leadership and management potential.

I wrote a ton the last time, I'm not going to be dragged back into it. We vote on our contract here (in Minnesota) at the end of next month. We are going to have to give a lot to get a little, I understand that. The southern CA workers are not willing to give that little.

Quit calling us all unskilled...



Dec 26, 2000
I can't believe the strike is STILL going on. At what point do you just give up and go home? By this time the stores must be functioning at just about full capacity. I see signs up that they have limited quantities of certain items but it seems to be business as usual. Just keep going with the new workers that have been hired to replace the strikers.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2002
The Union is running out of money too. Strike pay is only $25 a day now. They shall soon crumble to the power of the grocery stores, why not take a job now while there still ARE jobs!!!


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
Originally posted by: cricky
The problem, JJYIZ28, is that you continue to pound that no skill drum of yours. Look at your original post. 10 years of experience for the first one. Grocery MANAGER for the second one. Both have earn skilled positions within a company and are paid so. Would you expect $18.90 from an employer if you gave them 10 years of work experience? A manager within a grocery store is a skilled position, demanding team leadership, invoicing, inventory control among other things.

$18.90 is not the norm for union grocery workers nationwide. It is only achieved after years of showing leadership and management potential.

I wrote a ton the last time, I'm not going to be dragged back into it. We vote on our contract here (in Minnesota) at the end of next month. We are going to have to give a lot to get a little, I understand that. The southern CA workers are not willing to give that little.

Quit calling us all unskilled...


Bwahahaha, this is hilarious. You call that skilled labor? I don't care HOW long someone works in a grocery store, it is still unskilled labor. If they had SO much skill then how come the replacement workers have the store up and running at at LEAST 95% efficiency in the few months they have been working there?

I can't wait for the day that all these overpaid jobs are gone and replaced by machines.



Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
weeks after the strike started, i voiced my anti union opinion, and i got flamed big time. now, it seems like people just started changing their minds.

No we haven't changed our are still an ass.

Most people would rather watch paint dry than debate with the likes of you.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: cricky
The problem, JJYIZ28, is that you continue to pound that no skill drum of yours. Look at your original post. 10 years of experience for the first one. Grocery MANAGER for the second one. Both have earn skilled positions within a company and are paid so. Would you expect $18.90 from an employer if you gave them 10 years of work experience? A manager within a grocery store is a skilled position, demanding team leadership, invoicing, inventory control among other things.

$18.90 is not the norm for union grocery workers nationwide. It is only achieved after years of showing leadership and management potential.

I wrote a ton the last time, I'm not going to be dragged back into it. We vote on our contract here (in Minnesota) at the end of next month. We are going to have to give a lot to get a little, I understand that. The southern CA workers are not willing to give that little.

Quit calling us all unskilled...


You're unskilled. Get over it.

The stores have proven they can hire any old boob off the street and replace you with little to no problem. Maybe it's time to train for another job?


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
weeks after the strike started, i voiced my anti union opinion, and i got flamed big time. now, it seems like people just started changing their minds.

No we haven't changed our are still an ass.

Most people would rather watch paint dry than debate with the likes of you.

Why debate with him? He's right.


Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2003
All you anti union guys. Your day is coming. Off shoring, importing cheap labor,
hiring illegals. Big business uses this to squeeze the crap out of a disappearing
middle class. My days of 9-5 are behind me. What are you looking forward to
when YOU pay the bills..Self centered and short sighted pimple farmers......:disgust:


Platinum Member
May 8, 2001
That grocery union is getting weaker and weaker. Wonder how much power they'll have left in California, if any at all?
Good for the replacement worker to get a job, tough for the union worker, but they choose to do that, now they're paying the consequences dearly.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: galvanizedyankee
All you anti union guys. Your day is coming. Off shoring, importing cheap labor,
hiring illegals. Big business uses this to squeeze the crap out of a disappearing
middle class. My days of 9-5 are behind me. What are you looking forward to
when YOU pay the bills..Self centered and short sighted pimple farmers......:disgust:

Off shoring, illegals and importing cheap labor is happening because UNIONS have over priced the labor making it quite difficult for US companies to compete on a global scale.

The funny thing is, you think anti-union people are to blame, when it is unions that caused it by getting gready and over pricing their labor.


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2004
Originally posted by: galvanizedyankee
All you anti union guys. Your day is coming. Off shoring, importing cheap labor,
hiring illegals. Big business uses this to squeeze the crap out of a disappearing
middle class. My days of 9-5 are behind me. What are you looking forward to
when YOU pay the bills..Self centered and short sighted pimple farmers......:disgust:

This will only work so much. Problem is that if no one has jobs then no one will be able to buy anything from these big businesses. People will always have jobs, there is no conspiracy.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2002
Originally posted by: cricky
The problem, JJYIZ28, is that you continue to pound that no skill drum of yours. Look at your original post. 10 years of experience for the first one. Grocery MANAGER for the second one. Both have earn skilled positions within a company and are paid so. Would you expect $18.90 from an employer if you gave them 10 years of work experience? A manager within a grocery store is a skilled position, demanding team leadership, invoicing, inventory control among other things.

$18.90 is not the norm for union grocery workers nationwide. It is only achieved after years of showing leadership and management potential.

I wrote a ton the last time, I'm not going to be dragged back into it. We vote on our contract here (in Minnesota) at the end of next month. We are going to have to give a lot to get a little, I understand that. The southern CA workers are not willing to give that little.

Quit calling us all unskilled...


I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but working the same job for 10 years does not mean that you should be making an outrageous amount of money for that sort of work. Loyalty means nothing to a grocery store, and rightfully so, because the more they have to pay people to do a job that another person will do will little to no training, the more their profits go down.

I'm not calling you unskilled, I'm not saying the strike is stupid or anything of the sort, but what I am saying is that just because you've been working the same low-qualification job for 10 years doesn't mean you should be making more than most factory workers, who bust their ass in dangerous conditions day after day.



Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
weeks after the strike started, i voiced my anti union opinion, and i got flamed big time. now, it seems like people just started changing their minds.

No we haven't changed our are still an ass.

Most people would rather watch paint dry than debate with the likes of you.

Why debate with him? He's right.

No, he is not right. Uninformed people like him are what causes half the problems. Go ahead and believe the press and how they sensationalize it for the evening news. You think everyone in these stores is making that much per hour? No way.

They have set pay scales for job tiltle, years of service, and other factors. The stores would not be able to stay in business if everyone made that much an hour.

Let me ask you this. Since hiring in these scabs, has the prices in the stores gone down? Probaly not.

This country was founded on union labor. With out it the 40 hour work week wouldn't exists. But then again, so many people have to work more than that to get by on their sh1t wages.


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
kcal 9 strike news

"Kim, 32, has worked 10 years for Ralphs, where she makes $18.90 an hour. The single mother has been unable to find a part-time job that pays her enough to afford daycare for her three children, ages 3, 5 and 11"

"Warren Chapman, a Vons grocery manager in Torrance, took a part-time job with a cargo export company to help make ends meet. He makes about half the pay he earned at Vons, where he was paid $18.90 an hour"

"Robert Bruno, associate professor of labor and industrial relations at the University of Illinois in Chicago. "It's not as hard to replace a cashier as it is to replace a technician in a modern steel plant or a pilot on a plane."

they had a good, stable, no skill paying job, and they had to be greedy, now look what it got you??

All of this is true. And the workers who've come in to replace the striking union workers are doing a good job. They aren't quite as 'experienced' or as friendly but that's probably because they are doing a meanial job and have to put up with some harrassment by the union thugs standing outside the store (as do I whenever I walk into my neighborhood Albertsons). What really cracks me up is the signs: "Stop Corporate Greed." So, if we support the striking workers we are really saying that we are happy with Union Greed? Because that's all it comes down to in the end. The one's who lose are the workers. And, quite frankly, they were going to lose anyway. The unions are simply speeding up the process.

I have a friend who is pretty high up in the finance department for a non-union grocery chain and he says his business is up quite a bit because of the strikes. So, more money in his pocket means they will probably open more non-union stores. Not to mention the big Wal-Mart stores. They will take advantage of this as well. Lower prices is what people want. They don't give a sh!t about a bunch of grocery checkers and unions.

Quite frankly, I have a real hard time feeling sorry that a corporation is asking it's employees to pay $5 per pay period for healthcare benefits. I pay over $200/month for healthcare for my family. I'm not crying about it because it has been this way for me for's this way for 90% of the population. Deal with it or get run over. The corporations saw it coming and they are simply adjusting by passing a very small portion of their rising healthcare costs to the employees. The day of the union has passed.


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: dartworth
Originally posted by: jjyiz28
weeks after the strike started, i voiced my anti union opinion, and i got flamed big time. now, it seems like people just started changing their minds.

No we haven't changed our are still an ass.

Most people would rather watch paint dry than debate with the likes of you.

Why debate with him? He's right.

No, he is not right. Uninformed people like him are what causes half the problems. Go ahead and believe the press and how they sensationalize it for the evening news. You think everyone in these stores is making that much per hour? No way.

They have set pay scales for job tiltle, years of service, and other factors. The stores would not be able to stay in business if everyone made that much an hour.

Let me ask you this. Since hiring in these scabs, has the prices in the stores gone down? Probaly not.

This country was founded on union labor. With out it the 40 hour work week wouldn't exists. But then again, so many people have to work more than that to get by on their sh1t wages.

Because not everyone makes that kind of money is just another reason they shouldn't be complaining. They should be lucky they are getting paid that much for doing something we could train monkeys to do.

Anyone who makes working a grocery store cash register a career really needs to evaluate their life and maybe learn a skill that's not geared towards high school kids and old people if the job no longer pays what they are getting.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2000

I do agree with most users here that many union jobs are over paid for what they do & that is also a contribution to inflation. However, a person that do an honest day of work should be paid fairly like white collar office monkey.

It is sad that people who feed us & keep the nation going, such as farmers can?t afford to grow food on their land & is force to sell to housing developers.
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