Laughable comment in MMORPG's: "I'm so bored..."

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Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Aikouka
Originally posted by: Section8
There is life after wow and it's good!

Actually, I find it kind of boring.... Especially once you realize one fact in life: people suck. But it's also true that WoW is full of people and therefore most people in WoW suck too. But you can /ignore people in WoW, in real life it's a bit harder.

Yeah but dealing with difficult people is an important life skill. One that you're not going to improve upon by relying on your WoW ignore button.

I'm done with MMO's after playing most major releases for at least a year and Wow for about 1.5 years. I've been off of them for quite some time now and don't miss any of it, not even a little.


Senior member
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Aikouka
Originally posted by: Section8
There is life after wow and it's good!

Actually, I find it kind of boring.... Especially once you realize one fact in life: people suck. But it's also true that WoW is full of people and therefore most people in WoW suck too. But you can /ignore people in WoW, in real life it's a bit harder.

The players in wow were not really much of an issue for me. I only paid attention to guild chat and wispers. When I bothered to read the general chat, it was comical at times.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: gamepad
Originally posted by: Zbox
WoW is probably the least casual MMORPG in terms the end game (for both PvE and PvP). The grind drove me nuts.


It's casual in terms of difficulty, not that casual in terms of time requirements. Still, it's got nothing on games like EQ2 or Vanguard.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: hungfarover
Let me preface this rant/observation with a couple facts. I played EQ for about 4 years, and I've played WoW through Beta and since day 1 of the live servers. I play a ton of WoW. I'd say at least 40 hours a week. I PvE and PvP, and I really enjoy the time I spend online. I also have a 40/week job, go to the gym, and have time to spend with friends doing non-WoW things. As you've guessed I'm not a big sleeper...but I digress.

That said, one of the things I find absolutely hilarious and baffling at the same time is when people go on in guild chat with "omg i'm so bored...."

Uhh....what? No one is forcing you to play the game. Get off your ass and do something else. Go for a run. Go for a hike. Call a buddy and go shoot some pool or hoops. I've never understood why you'd play something you find boring. If you don't enjoy sports or activities away from the monitor, how about...*drumroll* another game?

I guess to me it's like sitting through a movie you hate. Umm, how bout get up, walk out and go do sometehing else?

I find it amazing anybody can play WoW for 40 hours a week ,personally I left after 3 months and I was in a guild(my ex-SWG guild),the game was boring and repetitive(a lot of stupid kiddies thinking they were God,and very annoying as well) to me and I have played a lot of MMORPGs,sad fact is a lot of the MMORPGs copy each other and a lot of players are looking for something original,last real MMORPG I had fun in was SWG PRE CU.

I'm hoping Warhammer Online does not turn out like WoW,otherwise I'll wait for Stargate or maybe KOTOR online(I live in hope ).

Mr. Lennon

Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: hungfarover
Let me preface this rant/observation with a couple facts. I played EQ for about 4 years, and I've played WoW through Beta and since day 1 of the live servers. I play a ton of WoW. I'd say at least 40 hours a week. I PvE and PvP, and I really enjoy the time I spend online. I also have a 40/week job, go to the gym, and have time to spend with friends doing non-WoW things. As you've guessed I'm not a big sleeper...but I digress.

Riding the white pony ehhh?


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
Originally posted by: Zeppelin2282
Originally posted by: hungfarover
Let me preface this rant/observation with a couple facts. I played EQ for about 4 years, and I've played WoW through Beta and since day 1 of the live servers. I play a ton of WoW. I'd say at least 40 hours a week. I PvE and PvP, and I really enjoy the time I spend online. I also have a 40/week job, go to the gym, and have time to spend with friends doing non-WoW things. As you've guessed I'm not a big sleeper...but I digress.

Riding the white pony ehhh?

For sure

I have many alts, but if I were to play my main and only my main, I admit I'd probably find it boring too.

At the end of the day I can see how it could get boring, I just don't let it. If nothing else it keeps me out of the bars on the weeknights. hah.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Acanthus
Its just a shame because the game takes so long to build up a char, then you just plain run out of new content and have to gear grind eternally to improve. It does get boring, but people dont want to quit when theyve already dedicated so much.

I gave up, all blizzard seems to want to do is add more of the same grind to keep people playing.

That's why I am so drawn to Warhammer and many other promising PvP titles. You rarely get bored of PvP because you are playing against other people. Another good aspect is getting xp and gear (even if it's generated off a loot table and not taken from a enemy player) is fun rewarding while PvP'ing .

Also Mythic hopefully will stick with the trend of not raising level caps with WAR just like they did with DAOC. Hopefully instead they'll be providing more content and completely fleshing out the game world instead. This makes it so you get the most out of your character, gear and have a pretty immersive world to be in without having to jump back onto the level treadmil grind everytime a expansion pack comes outl.

When it comes to raising levels caps in PvP MMO's the old rule is "What is good for PvE is not always good for PvP MMO's.". One style of game is built around forcing players to grind and the other is built on giving players new reasons to kill each other. I prefer the latter of the two IMHO

PVP can get extremely boring as well. Even though you're playing against other people (especially in mmorpgs, where there is very little skill involved), they end up using the same tactics over and over again so you might as well just be fighting some AI.

Two words: Darkness Falls (dark age of camelot)

Mythic did a fantastic job of giving incentives for people to go out and PvP, you had realm points which were traded in for abilities.

Realm ranks which gave you bonuses to skills, and a title.

The online stat system that showed where guilds and players ranked for the server.

You had Darkness falls which was only unlocked when your realm controlled more keeps than the other 2.

Darkness falls itself was a pvp zone, if you were in DF when it changed hands, the other 2 realms would almost certainly be in there looking for you.

You got additional exp, gold, and other bonuses for controlling more keeps.

Special relic items were captured by each side for realm wide bonuses to spell and melee damage.

It's a true shame that blizzard put pvp in as an afterthought.


Senior member
Apr 17, 2003
I play WoW casually, and I enjoy it. There are a quite a few "dedicated" Players who always seem to have top tier gear, but most players are not as well equipped. If I felt "bored" I'd just stop playing and do something else...but the thing that keeps me amused with WoW is not just the game itself, but interacting with other players and helping them out.

Once people level up high, a lot of them act all snobby and wouldn't want to give time of day to a noob...but judging players based solely on the level of their character is stupid. There are a lot of interesting people you can meet if you talk to them.

As a matter of fact, I was out in the Searing Gorge recently, mining mithril and thorium..and I ran into a couple of low 50 dwarves (I was level 53 at the time - alliance warrior). They were having trouble killing a group of 3 elite mobs for a quest so I helped them out. After that we just continued grinding in the area till we got attacked by a 68 warlock . The fun part was we managed to kill the lock, and spent a good 20 minutes camping her. Without a pet and only 1/2 her HP there was not much she could do against the 3 of us, but she did put up a fight...eventually she just logged off. That kinda stuff doesn't happen all the time, but you're not going to have those kinda encounters if all you do is log on the game and sit around in the city like a lot of people do.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: Hacp
Sometimes, you need to do boring things to get to exciting and fun things.

Its that whole 99 boring things to get to 1 exciting thing that wears people out.

Well, thats how RPGs usually are.
MMOs and to a lesser extent JRPGs, but Western offline RPGs don't usually have that problem.

This year I've played / replayed Fallout 1, Neverwinter 2, KOTOR 1-2, Vampire tM Bloodlines, and now I'm replaying Planescape: Torment. I can't recall doing any grinding in any of them.

Fallout and PS:T have some random encounters while you're travelling from A to B, but there's never a need to seek them out to level up.


Jun 8, 2005
Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
Originally posted by: Hacp
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: Hacp
Sometimes, you need to do boring things to get to exciting and fun things.

Its that whole 99 boring things to get to 1 exciting thing that wears people out.

Well, thats how RPGs usually are.
MMOs and to a lesser extent JRPGs, but Western offline RPGs don't usually have that problem.

This year I've played / replayed Fallout 1, Neverwinter 2, KOTOR 1-2, Vampire tM Bloodlines, and now I'm replaying Planescape: Torment. I can't recall doing any grinding in any of them.

Fallout and PS:T have some random encounters while you're travelling from A to B, but there's never a need to seek them out to level up.

Well, final fantasy and diablo 2 were both very popular grindfests


May 3, 2007
Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
Fallout and PS:T have some random encounters while you're travelling from A to B, but there's never a need to seek them out to level up.

It's just as well that those games lack a grind, assuming you're still grinding on Anandtech to reach 24,000 posts.

ultra laser

Jul 2, 2007
Originally posted by: Section8
I took your advice, although I did not see your post until this morning. I never sent a chat to anyone about the game being boring, but is was for me. I played for about 2 years and leveled 2 characters to 70. I was with a very good guild of friends that I know well and the game was ok for the first few months. After that, it seemed to be more of the same. One instance appeared to be like the one before. We shared gear and took on professions and shared what we made so no problem there. The main reason I hung in there was because of friendship rather than the game. So, last night I stripped my characters gave the gold and mats to the guild, deleted all of my characters and closed my account.

There is life after wow and it's good!

You should've sold your account. My 70 mage paid for my new 8800GTS.


Diamond Member
May 9, 2005
Hah! Now this is a funny statement. You see, depending on how Warhammer does PVP, it can end up being just as boring as it was in WoW. What made PVP end up getting boring in WoW was the necessity of a grind (somewhat removed with Arenas, but that system has its own pitfalls) and the typical PUG vs Team environment. Imagine being on a sport team where your teammates just kind of mess around the entire game and don't really try to win, but you actually try. It just gets disheartening and the fun-ness drops off rapidly.

Also, about being bored in an MMO... you tend to associate the game with having fun, but when you're not having fun... you get bored. You may also log in and then realize that you've got to wait to do something you might find fun whether it be raiding or running an instance. It'd be interesting if WoW could offer something fun to do every day that may or may not offer a reward, but it'd just be a fun, daily thing to do.

Mmm wow does not have actual pvp. It has people in a confined place beating each other without any goals or reasons. Thats why wow is a joke in pvp world, its like Unreal Tournament Rocket Arena but with carebears.

Real PvP has actual goals that effect gameplay of others, it is built around the game. No other fantasy mmo has made good pvp except DAOC and soon to be released Warhammer.

That guy in OP was bored cause what fun is it to grind in a game to lvl 70 with nothing to do but..grind again? lol


DAOC was a great game, I loved every minute of the 4 years I played. I only quit cause population was dwindling. I loved playing my Animist RR12 and bomb unsuspecting guys when tower doors fell!


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: EricMartello
Once people level up high, a lot of them act all snobby and wouldn't want to give time of day to a noob...but judging players based solely on the level of their character is stupid. There are a lot of interesting people you can meet if you talk to them.

Damn straight, when you get tons of "hai2u u do vc plz?" you really stop caring. It's not about being snobby, it's about being sick and tired of shitty newbies that expect the game handed to them on a silver platter that pisses people (read: me) off.

Originally posted by: EricMartello
They were having trouble killing a group of 3 elite mobs for a quest so I helped them out.

I sure hope they did both quests right there, because you have to kill Overseer Maltorius for a wanted quest and to get the fiery flux recipe thing behind him. What makes this guy such a hard encounter is the fact that he has priest abilities and around 18k health, which is quite high for that level (even being an elite). Not to mention always having two adds doesn't help. Personally, the easiest way to handle this is to abuse game mechanics and pull the adds and keep attacking one add while running and allow Maltorius and the other add to reset while you kill one of them. You do this again and you can finally get Maltorius by himself. But like I said, he ain't a cakewalk and does a lot of damage while being able to heal (I believe he uses Renew) and takes a lot of damage. I think he also has power word: shield, but I'm not entirely sure of that.

Originally posted by: EricMartello
After that we just continued grinding in the area till we got attacked by a 68 warlock . The fun part was we managed to kill the lock, and spent a good 20 minutes camping her. Without a pet and only 1/2 her HP there was not much she could do against the 3 of us, but she did put up a fight...eventually she just logged off.

I'm curious about that lock's spec. An affliction lock could easily get rid of all of you using insta howl of terror and a demo lock can summon a pet in .5 seconds using a cooldown. A dest lock would have more problems in mass PVP though unless they could get you all with shadowfury and/or use a succubus.

Originally posted by: Hacp
Well, final fantasy and diablo 2 were both very popular grindfests

I don't recall Final Fantasy games requiring grinds unless you want to get something special. Kind of like in VI how you could use the Cursed Shield in 999 battles to decurse it. Other than that, the games don't really require you to be max level to beat them nor do you need to have every spell or whatever. Then they just become really easy .

Originally posted by: imaheadcase
Mmm wow does not have actual pvp. It has people in a confined place beating each other without any goals or reasons.

The battlegrounds themselves have goals... the only one without an objective is the Arena, but that's because the play style is deathmatch. The way PVP was set up in WoW does not allow for battleground PVP to affect the world, because of how a reward would not last long enough with the constant matches. Unless they do something similar to what someone else mentioned about "unlocking a zone" based on how many wins you have. The only issue with that is you need to really coordinate with everyone and well... this is WoW we're talking about .

Thats why wow is a joke in pvp world, its like Unreal Tournament Rocket Arena but with carebears.

Originally posted by: imaheadcase
Real PvP has actual goals that effect gameplay of others, it is built around the game.

We call this world PVP in WoW, but you can try again .

Originally posted by: imaheadcase
No other fantasy mmo has made good pvp except DAOC and soon to be released Warhammer.

Oh, I've heard plenty about your DAOC PVP and from what I've heard, the imbalances sound quite attrocious.


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: ultra laser
Originally posted by: Section8
I took your advice, although I did not see your post until this morning. I never sent a chat to anyone about the game being boring, but is was for me. I played for about 2 years and leveled 2 characters to 70. I was with a very good guild of friends that I know well and the game was ok for the first few months. After that, it seemed to be more of the same. One instance appeared to be like the one before. We shared gear and took on professions and shared what we made so no problem there. The main reason I hung in there was because of friendship rather than the game. So, last night I stripped my characters gave the gold and mats to the guild, deleted all of my characters and closed my account.

There is life after wow and it's good!

You should've sold your account. My 70 mage paid for my new 8800GTS.

Q6600 and 4GB of ram with mine


Aug 28, 2001
Originally posted by: Aikouka

The battlegrounds themselves have goals... the only one without an objective is the Arena, but that's because the play style is deathmatch. The way PVP was set up in WoW does not allow for battleground PVP to affect the world, because of how a reward would not last long enough with the constant matches. Unless they do something similar to what someone else mentioned about "unlocking a zone" based on how many wins you have. The only issue with that is you need to really coordinate with everyone and well... this is WoW we're talking about .

Thats why wow is a joke in pvp world, its like Unreal Tournament Rocket Arena but with carebears.

Originally posted by: imaheadcase
Real PvP has actual goals that effect gameplay of others, it is built around the game.

We call this world PVP in WoW, but you can try again .

Originally posted by: imaheadcase
No other fantasy mmo has made good pvp except DAOC and soon to be released Warhammer.

Oh, I've heard plenty about your DAOC PVP and from what I've heard, the imbalances sound quite attrocious.

PvP in DAOC was substantially better than wow, across the board.

Imbalances? funny, you mean like the top arena teams all containing 2 warriors and 2 paladins?

World pvp is a joke, killing other players in wow doesnt grant experience, and has no effect on the game what so ever other than griefing someone who was likely out to level. Or inconsequentially attacking a city that cant be captured to grief a larger population.

You gain nothing from wow pvp but gear that can be replaced by pve gear. Sure the battlegrounds have goals, but once again winning affects nothing. You get tokens for gear thats easily replaced by heroic dungeon gear.

Lets not even talk about getting to respawn at full health and mana 15 seconds after you die and 15 seconds away from the combat. That was the most short sighted thing blizzard ever did.


Nov 27, 2001
Originally posted by: Acanthus
PvP in DAOC was substantially better than wow, across the board.

From how it was all explained to me, everything seemed to be more of a one-trick pony in that game rather than being pure skill. It's like this warlock in my shaman's guild said some remark like, "Gah it's getting boring out here dueling, no one can beat me." Disliking snotty remarks from overpowered 1-vs-1 classes, I challenged him and creamed him on my rogue. It's all about skeelz (skeelz kind of reminds me of a Sheetz spelling of skills...).

Originally posted by: Acanthus
Imbalances? funny, you mean like the top arena teams all containing 2 warriors and 2 paladins?

5v5? The top teams are usually 4 DPS teams.

Originally posted by: Acanthus
World pvp is a joke, killing other players in wow doesnt grant experience, and has no effect on the game what so ever other than griefing someone who was likely out to level.

That's just going around and killing people... there are world PVP objectives in place. Although, it is good to note that even Blizzard doesn't like some of their world PVP objectives that much as was noted at Blizzcon.

Originally posted by: Acanthus
Or inconsequentially attacking a city that cant be captured to grief a larger population.

You and many others fail to see the bigger picture in this. If you did something like that, do you know how much that would affect the PVE portion of the game? WoW itself tries to create a balance between the two and having something like being able to take over any city would not be very player-friendly when it comes to PVE. I don't think Blizzard ever mentioned it, but I believe the PVP only zone in Northrend may have things like cities that can take sides and they technically already sort of do with Halaa, although I think this new area will be to a much bigger effect.

Originally posted by: Acanthus
You gain nothing from wow pvp but gear that can be replaced by pve gear.

This was changed with the lack of resilience and higher stamina on PVE gear. You can still do well with PVE gear in PVP, but against the teams decked in PVP gear with equal skill, I would put my money on the PVP-oriented team defeating the PVE-oriented team.

Originally posted by: Acanthus
Sure the battlegrounds have goals, but once again winning affects nothing. You get tokens for gear thats easily replaced by heroic dungeon gear.

That's because you can't! Look at the model that WoW BGs take and tell me how you could have an effective system where me winning in WSG affects the game world in a decent manner. Something to this effect was even touched on at Blizzcon where they mentioned in the PVP panel that short-duration effects from winning in PVP were not very successful overall. This is what it would be like if BG winning had an effect on the game world.

Originally posted by: Acanthus
Lets not even talk about getting to respawn at full health and mana 15 seconds after you die and 15 seconds away from the combat. That was the most short sighted thing blizzard ever did.

What do you propose that they should do instead?


Aug 11, 2005
Sorry but DAOC PvP was >> than WoW PvP
Every MMORPG has balancing issues between classes, but the Darkness Falls and the ability to conduct keep seiges made DAoC much better IMHO.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
Where do you guys sell your accounts? I know ebay is quick to shut them down.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Well, the tactics that companies use to get you to stay on their game longer tend to make people bored.

Grinding, stupidly long inane quests for crappy but "must-have" items, etc.

For some, the price you (or your parents) are paying to play the online game gives you a feeling of obligation to play the game, so you're not wasting your money, regardless of if you actually want to play at the moment or not...

Solving this problem is easy. Don't play games with monthly subscriptions.


Senior member
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: ultra laser
Originally posted by: Section8
I took your advice, although I did not see your post until this morning. I never sent a chat to anyone about the game being boring, but is was for me. I played for about 2 years and leveled 2 characters to 70. I was with a very good guild of friends that I know well and the game was ok for the first few months. After that, it seemed to be more of the same. One instance appeared to be like the one before. We shared gear and took on professions and shared what we made so no problem there. The main reason I hung in there was because of friendship rather than the game. So, last night I stripped my characters gave the gold and mats to the guild, deleted all of my characters and closed my account.

There is life after wow and it's good!

You should've sold your account. My 70 mage paid for my new 8800GTS.

I offered my account to my guild, noone was very interested and I already have everything I want. A few $ will make no difference to me. In addition, buying and selling ingame items for real money goes against my grain. I don't want to start that argument here. There are plenty of threads concerning that elsewhere.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Originally posted by: manowar821
Well, the tactics that companies use to get you to stay on their game longer tend to make people bored.

Grinding, stupidly long inane quests for crappy but "must-have" items, etc.

For some, the price you (or your parents) are paying to play the online game gives you a feeling of obligation to play the game, so you're not wasting your money, regardless of if you actually want to play at the moment or not...

Solving this problem is easy. Don't play games with monthly subscriptions.

It was never about the money for me. More like time budgeting. I would think to myself 'Ok, I need 100k honor points to get my full PvP set, and I can get 1k points per hour, so I have to play 3 hours a day for a month and then I'm done.'

Nevermind the fact that I'll be bored to tears long before that month is up, you have to keep your nose to the grindstone or you'll never get anything done. Reputation, gold, trade skills, pvp, they all follow the same stupid formula. Take a random task that might be fun in and of itself, and make someone repeat it ad nauseum for x number of hours and it always ends up feeling more like work than a game. But since the only apparant objective of the game is to keep up with the jonses, people will gladly do it because it's all about the big payoff, not all the boring crap you did to get there.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
The solution is not to go outside... ye gads man haven't you heard about how evil the... the uh... light ball in the sky is? I know a guy who got burned so bad he had to fill his tub with ice and raid sitting in it using his laptop. Serious stuff man... the solution is to roll alts
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