League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
So..there is an interesting read from Riot about SOPA here:


In one comment post, there is this, which I found interesting.

Hi, this is Congressman Jared Polis of Colorado. As a member of the League of Legends community (partial to Anivia and Maokai), and as someone who made his living as an Internet entrepreneur before being elected to Congress, I’m greatly concerned about the future of the Internet and gaming if Congress doesn't wake up. You may have heard that Congress is currently considering a bill called the Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA. While SOPA has a ton of problems, there are some significant issues that I thought fellow gamers might want to know about.

I’m particularly concerned that SOPA might stifle the kind of innovation that brings us games we love, such as LoL. The bill makes it far too easy for angry competitors to sue good law abiding companies out of existence. It threatens any company or website that depends on user-generated content, even companies like Riot. Instead of coming up with great ways to keep making games like LoL even better, companies will have to spend their money hiring lawyers. That's why companies like Riot, who want to protect the games they create, are opposed to SOPA.

I’ve been working on alternative legislation that would protect the games companies create while also fostering innovation. But we also need you to call your members of Congress and let them know of your opposition to SOPA. This bill has a very real chance of passing, and it is up to all of who want to protect the Internet to take action. More information is available at http://keepthewebopen.com/. Please make your voices heard in this debate! I will be happy to respond to your posts below, and will check back every few hours today and respond to as many as I can.

Wow that's pretty cool :thumbsup:


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
You've always had a pretty positive attitude about things though. Some people don't share that sentiment. Glad to hear you have joined the LoL ranks though. The community is better for it.

lol, thanks. One thing I refuse to do and probably at the consternation of my teammates, I refuse to surrender. Never Surrender!


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
lol, thanks. One thing I refuse to do and probably at the consternation of my teammates, I refuse to surrender. Never Surrender!
Well when you don't have a ton of time to play, it can wear on you eventually. Like after you lost a game due to a leaver 4v5, then your next dominion game has two people insta lock Mundo and Galio. It's like fuck, I can dodge or just grit it out, either way I lose about 10min (forget the exact amount of time for dodging) at min, and more if the game drags. Lately I just say screw it, I'll troll it up as well with some stupid build if I see stupid ass picks.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2012
i agree with the never surrender!

no champ is a bad pick at first.. i mean.. some are more ideal however. if played well they can all cause havoc.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
i agree with the never surrender!

no champ is a bad pick at first.. i mean.. some are more ideal however. if played well they can all cause havoc.

Not necessarily true. Some champs require teams to be picked around them while others can generally fit into most team compositions without much problems.

Also some champs reward you a lot quicker/better for your efforts and scale better with the gold/items earned. It's the difference between becoming OP and barely competitive.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Jungle pantheon sooo fun! Triple dorans + lots of ganks = fed MANtheon.

yeah and you can tower dive at level 2 or 3 because of your passive, especially if you time it to take a tower hit, then use w to instantly refresh it. Tons of fun. Unfortunately I can't seem to make him terribly relevant late game even when I am fed. I've been going 21-9-0, full AD red & quint runes, armor yellow, MR blue, 3x doran, Boots (of lucidity usually), Brutalizer, Phage, Atmas, Phage -> Frozen Mallet with an optional Hexdrinker if some APs are getting out of hand or there's an enemy Karthus.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Rumor has it that the next champion is Ashe's sister. Here's the speculation on what she will do based on a post from some time ago:

Passive - Chilled to the bones
As Sejulani takes damage her body slowly turns to solid ice, increasing her defence by x%, upon death her entire body is encased in ice, causing her to shatter, immobilizing those around.

Q - Black Ice
Sejulani freezes the ground in a line in front of her, increasing allies movement speed and slowing enemies who walk over it by X%.

W - Mirror Shield
Sejulani encases her shield in a layer of enchanted ice, reflecting back any spell targeted at her for X seconds. Does not affect area effect spells.

E - Winter's Claw
Sejulani coats her claw in solid ice, extending her melee range and dealing additional damage for 4 hits until the ice shatters.

Champions affected by Black Ice are immobilized for 1.5 seconds if struck.

R - Avalanche
Sejulani slams both claw and shield into the ground, summoning a devastating avalanche that deals x damage and knocking those caught in it forward.

Apparently she's been in development for awhile. The spell reflect capability was something that took awhile for them to implement in the game engine.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Rumor has it that the next champion is Ashe's sister. Here's the speculation on what she will do based on a post from some time ago:

Apparently she's been in development for awhile. The spell reflect capability was something that took awhile for them to implement in the game engine.

Sounds sweet, though more brawlers aren't exactly what I was hoping for. Ashe is supposed to have 2 sisters IIRC... can anyone confirm?

edit from wikia
Over the years the tribes would have occasional skirmishes with one another, though the reasons for why they continued fighting had been long forgotten by most. The tribes were reigned by the three Princesses: Ashe, the Frost Archer; Lissandra, the Ice Dervish; and Sejuani, the Winter's Claw
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Agreed. I'd really like some new support-centric champion. Kind of getting tired of always seeing Alistar, Sona, Soraka, Janna, or Taric.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Agreed. I'd really like some new support-centric champion. Kind of getting tired of always seeing Alistar, Sona, Soraka, Janna, or Taric.

The last time they implemented one was Karma and she ended up to be a flop more or less


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
The last time they implemented one was Karma and she ended up to be a flop more or less

I know. They need to fix her big time. She's an awful mix of AP nuker and support but doesn't really do either well.

Also, the real Sejulani stats were leaked on some Taiwanese forum.

Champion Info:

move speed:315
armor base:17.5 (+3.5 per level)
mana base:220 (+40 per level)
mana regen:1.29 (+0.09 per level)
hp regen:1.45 (+0.17 per level)
magic resist:30 (+1.25 per level)
hp base:450 (+85 per level)
attack:54 (+3.5 per level)

Sejuani's basic attacks apply Frost, reducing enemy Movement Speed by 10% for 3 seconds.
> ==============================================
> Arctic Assault (Q):
> Sejuani charges forward, dealing 60/90/130/170/210 (+0.4) magic damage and applying Frost to enemies. Sejuani stops upon colliding with an enemy champion.
> cost 70/80/90/100/110 Mana
> cooldown 19/17/15/13/11
> range 700.0
> ==============================================
> Northern Winds (W):
> Sejuani summons an arctic storm around her for 5/5/5/5/5 seconds, dealing 12/18/24/30/36 (+0.1) (+ [1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2% of maximum Health]) magic damage each second to nearby enemies.
> Damage is increased by 50/50/50/50/50% against enemies affected by Frost or Permafrost ( magic damage per second).
> cost 40/40/40/40/40 Mana
> cooldown 10/10/10/10/10
> ==============================================
> Permafrost (E):
> Sejuani converts Frost on nearby enemies to Permafrost, dealing 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.5) magic damage and increasing the Movement Speed reduction to 30/40/50/60/70% for 3/3/3/3/3 seconds.
> cost 55/55/55/55/55 Mana
> cooldown 11/11/11/11/11
> ==============================================
> Glacial Prison (R):
> Sejuani throws her weapon, stunning the first enemy champion hit for 2/2/2 seconds and all other nearby enemies for 1/1/1 second. All affected targets take 150/250/350 (+0.8) magic damage and are affected by Frost.
> cost 100/100/100 Mana
> cooldown 150/130/110

Slightly different picture too. She looks like a female Vikinig warrior with a shield and a sword that ends in a flail.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
I know. They need to fix her big time. She's an awful mix of AP nuker and support but doesn't really do either well.

Also, the real Sejulani stats were leaked on some Taiwanese forum.

Slightly different picture too. She looks like a female Vikinig warrior with a shield and a sword that ends in a flail.

Sounds like a healthy mix of amumu/leona. This might just make them obsolete.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Yeah, she's going to definitely vie with Amumu in terms of the AOE magic damage initiator. I think Leona still has a place due to having far more hard CC and a built in AR/MR boost.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Haven't been playing lately, but on the topic of new champions... I'd like to see a non-healer (shielding counts as healing in this case) viable support.

Dota has dozens of them. Why does support have to be synonymous with healer in LoL?


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Haven't been playing lately, but on the topic of new champions... I'd like to see a non-healer (shielding counts as healing in this case) viable support.

Dota has dozens of them. Why does support have to be synonymous with healer in LoL?

Well there are some offensive based support type characters that have been surfacing recently. I believe blitzcrank is the most popular one since he has all that CC. I've also seen some others like nunu and amumu and even GP do okay but only with certain carries.

As it stands there are a few combination of offensive support type characters that can do well simply because their early game dmg will out do the sustain from a healing type support. Also since the healer wont really be doing much dmg to you you can pretty much ignore them past the first heal.

I've recently played a GP with support fizz bot lane that owned an ashe/nunu lane but that was pretty bad on them. Ashe will no heals and nunu with no peel will get crapped on by focus.

But a good ad/support lane is probably very difficult to lane against simply because a good ad will not take much harass and will be able to farm relatively easily and if you go non standard lanes to counter it you might end up with something like no ranged ad carries.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Well there are some offensive based support type characters that have been surfacing recently. I believe blitzcrank is the most popular one since he has all that CC. I've also seen some others like nunu and amumu and even GP do okay but only with certain carries.

As it stands there are a few combination of offensive support type characters that can do well simply because their early game dmg will out do the sustain from a healing type support. Also since the healer wont really be doing much dmg to you you can pretty much ignore them past the first heal.

I've recently played a GP with support fizz bot lane that owned an ashe/nunu lane but that was pretty bad on them. Ashe will no heals and nunu with no peel will get crapped on by focus.

But a good ad/support lane is probably very difficult to lane against simply because a good ad will not take much harass and will be able to farm relatively easily and if you go non standard lanes to counter it you might end up with something like no ranged ad carries.

Honestly, I think the real reason we haven't seen many non-traditional supports is because the sustain with a good Soraka/Sona/Taric is too massive to overcome. LeBlanc, GP, Ashe, Nunu, Blitz, Leona, Shaco and even Fiddlesticks have all seen some playtime as support champs but unless you can fully burst down someone they're insufficient and will lose over time to the side with sustain.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Honestly, I think the real reason we haven't seen many non-traditional supports is because the sustain with a good Soraka/Sona/Taric is too massive to overcome. LeBlanc, GP, Ashe, Nunu, Blitz, Leona, Shaco and even Fiddlesticks have all seen some playtime as support champs but unless you can fully burst down someone they're insufficient and will lose over time to the side with sustain.

Yea pretty much if your offensive lane doesn't nab a kill or two and set them back then the healer will be strong enough to heal off most of the harass.

It's only withing the first 4-5 levels where the heals from the healer supports are not as strong and on fairly long CD. If you can burst the ad hard enough within that time you stand a good chance for winning the lane.

Basically it's all about trying to win it early or bank on late game. Since a lot of things can swing wildly in the early game a lot of people bank on the late game. Early game champs need kills to end it quick. If they're denied that they're bound to lose as time goes on.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Basically it's all about trying to win it early or bank on late game. Since a lot of things can swing wildly in the early game a lot of people bank on the late game. Early game champs need kills to end it quick. If they're denied that they're bound to lose as time goes on.

In LoL, it's the game design itself that stonewalls the early game team comps. Their way to win is pushing a team and getting kills early and hoping to snowball that before the late game carry farms up enough to become a threat. The problem is the carry + healer gets a tremendous amount of help from the towers which basically prevents any early game champ comps from pressing their advantage.

In DoTA/HoN, towers are much weaker and allow for the champs who dominate the early game to tower dive without fearing death given the right circumstances. In LoL, at best you're trading deaths which isn't worth it unless you're getting FB out of it.

If towers weren't as potent, the pure support + carry comp wouldn't be as effective because they don't have nearly as much threat.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
what do you guys think of the jax changes?

i'll be on later tonight to play him.

Hard to say until we can try it out. Some of his skills got buffed but others got nerfed but it looks like the sentiment is that he got nerfed more than buffed.

His stun now being able to dodge on command and basically 'vlad pool' into stun makes it very nice.

His passive change feels like the most dramatic change. They basically split part of his old ult, knock it down a little and made it a passive. Being able to increase your AS in over the course of 6 hits in lane doesn't sound that great compared to getting hp for build ap/ad. This is considering his ult use to give him increased AS over 10 hits.

His ult also use to be very good vs mages as it gave him a ton of MR but now it gives him more dmg. Whether or not he will now be able to utilize that damage remains to be seen.

For sure his builds will have to change up and probably end up more towards the tanky dps meta for him to be effective. Without that extra free hp and MR it's hard for him to build a rage + gunblade and whatever else and start wtfpwning people.


Senior member
Jan 9, 2012
i played a dom game to check him out and it is very strong. i get to use my pax jax skin again. pretty pumped about that

billbobaggins if any of you wanna play.


Dec 4, 2004
lol, thanks. One thing I refuse to do and probably at the consternation of my teammates, I refuse to surrender. Never Surrender!

Not only do I have no problem surrendering, I have no problem straight leaving a game. I used to care, but when a game is not actually fun to play, I won't play it. I've taken that to the extreme with LoL now because too often I get trolls or just plain retards(like a shaco that never uses his box skill). If my team refuses to surrender, I'll let them have the boring and pointless game. I'll go do something else more enjoyable.


Jan 8, 2010
So, I've been playing alot of ranked lately, simply for something new to do and I did not realize that dodging lost you ELO. I have pretty much screwed myself simply because of this. I am currently 5 games under and there is no way I'll recover enough wins to actually get into a higher ELO unless I win 15-20 in a row.

I dodged quite a bit simply based on char selection, obvious trolls, and if a team is going at each other in the char select, the game usually isn't much better. Woops. I get it, but it sucks and forces you to play through a game that you shouldn't have to.


Golden Member
Jul 20, 2009
My favorite LB counter: AP Sion. Soo fun destroying some kids that think they have a ticket to a free win, muhahaha!
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