League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Dec 4, 2004
It was a game I just didn't want to play anymore so I trolled after how bad my team mates were. Thankfully it was just a normal game or I'd have been more pissed.

I just leave games like that, no sense in bothering. After getting banned 4 times for no idea why, I gave up caring. I have yet to be banned since, and I leave games all the time. The tribunal forums are filled with angry players that are getting banned for reasons unknown, some with videos of every game they played to prove they did nothing wrong. Riot literally does not care, so I do not either.


Oct 30, 2000
I was in a game yesterday where I told them not to ban Morgana. Frankly I don't think she is all that hot, but it's a bit like Malzahar in that maybe she's really useful but people just don't play her well. I just see a lot more better picks for a ban than a mage that really only has a shield going for her.

Some people bitched but the captain didn't ban her, and nobody picked her till it came to me so I picked her just to prove a point. I had said AD morgana is actually more useful to the team than AP morgana, because she becomes DPS then. I went 11/6/14 as AD morgana. Compared to other ranged AD champs, I actually like her more than most.

Why is everyone trying my AD morgana idea? For reference, all you need is triforce to get her going for AD build.


Jan 8, 2010
Has anyone ever tried to get a game forgiven? I wasn't really sure how to go about it.

Yesterday I was in a ranked game and we were clearly winning when suddenly 2 people started having lag issues. At first we just thought it was them. One said he was going to reboot, and never did show back up. The other kept playing but it got worse, then at some point, members of the other team started complaining about lag.

Finally, we all felt it. Game was even going backwards at times, but no one had ping spikes. It became unplayable, and at one point it was 2v4..or something like that. Anyway, we played the game out with no hope of winning as we couldn't really do anything.

When we got out of the game, everyone assumed that the game would be forgiven but it wasn't. There were no notes on the home page about server issues (although it was clear there were server issues most of last night). I sent an email to Riot about the issue but haven't heard back yet. I have no idea if anyone else on either team sent them an email.

Normally I don't care, but in ranked it's even more annoying...
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imported_Computer MAn

Golden Member
Sep 30, 2004
I have been playing a lot of ranked lately, and have started to wonder why is the random character option even in ranked. If someone doesn't pick their champion, they should be booted from char select and have it counted a dodge. Too many games are ruined by someone being afk during champ select.

Edit: I have been playing in the low 1000's for awhile and if anyone wants to duo que let me know. I like to ad carry so would love a competent support to play with.
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Oct 25, 2006
Ridiculously intense game tonight. I felt so useless. Only went 1/2/10. Became a tanky stun character late game essentially.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I just leave games like that, no sense in bothering. After getting banned 4 times for no idea why, I gave up caring. I have yet to be banned since, and I leave games all the time. The tribunal forums are filled with angry players that are getting banned for reasons unknown, some with videos of every game they played to prove they did nothing wrong. Riot literally does not care, so I do not either.

I bolded the part you seem to be missing. Leaving games can get you banned as you're essentially screwing over 9 other people.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Had a couple of my best games ever last night as Blitzcrank:


I still suck at aiming his claw at times, but for me his attacks are the most natural. I just grasp them better than other champs.


Oct 30, 2000
I bolded the part you seem to be missing. Leaving games can get you banned as you're essentially screwing over 9 other people.

Correct. There is always a chance to turn it around and come back for a win no matter how bad the start. Although it may be a very low percentage chance. I was in a turn around game yesterday with Thayorn. I went Graves and he went Taric bottom. We were against a Sivir and a Sona. He took one ward only to start with. No big deal.

So we get to bottom lane and the other teams jungler, Lee sin, grabs red and tries a level 2 quick gank on us while we are level 1. It almost worked, but we got away. However, we did take some hits. After a couple of heals from Taric and some life stealing, I got back to nearly full. The problem was we were pushed up against our tower, which was stealing CS from me this early in the game. We were getting exps, but the tower shoots faster and harder to kill minions compared to me. Factor in the minions killing each other and it gets really hard to last hit with any reliability that early in the game. We needed to push out and push out safely somewhat from the tower, but sona was camping that side brush near the tower. Anytime we moved an inch from the tower she would pop out to Q us and power cord me. Then she would turn back into the bush and hide. If sivir could, she would toss out a Q to try to hit me as well. It was getting frustrating. Thayorn tells me over vent he is going to place a ward. I am thinking, "FINALLY! we gain some brush control back from sona." Instead he goes around the back side out towards river to ward the river bush. I see him going and ask him what the hell he's doing. He responds warding river, and I said, "Why the hell you doing that? We aren't in any position to be in danger from a gank from the river. We are getting out shit pushed in right on our tower from lack of brush control. Ward that brush by the tower instead!"

Of course he doesn't. Of course I can't last hit or push out now. I can always go back to base to heal fully, but then I risk letting sivir and sona gain to much in levels over me by doing so. I tell thayorn that we are now screwed because he did that bad ward placement. He says, "Just chill and last hit on the tower." I tell him I can't because the tower is taking too much CS from me to keep up with sivir. And both are capable of poking me on the tower. Which is exactly what ended up happening. We both kept getting poked by sivir and sona. Finally, when we could no longer keep up with healing enough from the pokes they then tower dove us. We both died while they both lived. This was at level 4 or so. Now w are really far behind as Sivir got both kills.

I was a bit pissed with Thayorn for that since it really was his fault. Not once did the ward he put in the river that first time be usable. We never once pushed out from the tower to need a ward in the river to prevent a gank. Instead we needed a ward in the brush to stop them from destroying us on the tower. So we respawn and this time I buy the ward. I place it in the brush. All of a sudden we now have brush control and sona can't hide in there to constantly poke us. We are able to push out from the tower without over extending. Or next problem came with Thayorn as Taric constantly trying to stun sivir. It would have been fine, but he never once tried to fake her out. So she spell shielded whenever he ran straight at her. He should have broke off to fake her into using her shield and then stunned her after the shield went down. But he would send his stun at her after sivir shielded herself everytime. Thayron doing this over and over was giving Sivir plenty more mana to constantly harass us back. It was getting annoying. Once they reached level 6 though they caught Thayorn trying to send a stun at sivir. Sona stunned Thayorn and me and we got destroyed before we could reach safety. This happened again as soon as we came back into lane for a second time, but the second time I managed to pick up one kill from Sona. So I was 1/3/0 at this point. Thayorn as Taric was now 0/3/0. Sivir was getting fed and had more CS than me. Things were looking bleak with a 6/0/0 Sivir in our lane.

One good thing finally happened next. We came back into lane after our last deaths, and Lee Sin tries to gank as soon as we arrive. The funny thing is that our jungler, Sejuani, comes into gank as well at that same moment. Making it a 3 on 3. For some reason they all focus Taric and Sejuani and leave me mostly alone. I managed to snag three kills while only Taric died and Sejuani barely got away. I was then able to farm a few minion waves to bring my CS up after that. Luckily Sivir went the stupid route and bought a blood thirster first. I got an IE first.

Soon after I was dominating. I ended up 17/7/21 for the game as Graves. I had IE, Tri-force, PD, Atmas, BT, and Zerker Greaves by the end of the game. I was sitting at 92% crit chance. My attack speed was 2.4 something after I would dash. Standing next to Taric who was running Aegis on top of his buff I would have 550 something AD. I was running crit damage runes as well so I had another +100% crit damage as well. I also had over 200 armor, 140 MR, and 2.6K health. I was pretty darn tanky thanks to graves passive, the aegis, and taric aura buff. I was literally 2-shotting anyone on the other team.

For awhile we WERE losing pretty badly. Mid and top weren't doing so hot. Or jungler was actually decent, but we were failing bottom as well because of a few early stupid decisions by thayorn. In the end though we came back with a vengeance.

That's why you don't leave games Malak. Wait for 20 and surrender. AFK or leaving is against the summoner code and will get you banned.
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Oct 30, 2000
Had a couple of my best games ever last night as Blitzcrank:


I still suck at aiming his claw at times, but for me his attacks are the most natural. I just grasp them better than other champs.

I play BC a few times as well. His rocket grab can be tricky. A good grab can totally ruin the other team. One thing to know when playing BC is to know the "hiding" spots people like to go to when waiting for a team fight to start. Right before a team fight looks to be starting, people like to get into position to jump out at the right time. Well certain champs like to do that more than others. Usually they are safe in doing this. Against a blitzcrank that KNOWS that people are hiding behind a tree line then that tactic fails. Why? Just grab them from behind the treeline. Now they are completely alone and screwed. Sometimes you have to go with your gut as Blitz and toss out a grab through a treeline even if you don't know if someone is on the other side. If you toss it out in a spot people tend to hide and wait at then you may grab someone and ruin their day. I've done that a few times. Funny as hell. Then you get to type out in ALL chat "A wild xxxx appears!"


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Plus you can just play to learn how to play better in bad situations. You're not going to learn as much if you're only playing the games where your team is winning. Just /ignore the trolls and focus on how you play.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
I play BC a few times as well. His rocket grab can be tricky. A good grab can totally ruin the other team. One thing to know when playing BC is to know the "hiding" spots people like to go to when waiting for a team fight to start. Right before a team fight looks to be starting, people like to get into position to jump out at the right time. Well certain champs like to do that more than others. Usually they are safe in doing this. Against a blitzcrank that KNOWS that people are hiding behind a tree line then that tactic fails. Why? Just grab them from behind the treeline. Now they are completely alone and screwed. Sometimes you have to go with your gut as Blitz and toss out a grab through a treeline even if you don't know if someone is on the other side. If you toss it out in a spot people tend to hide and wait at then you may grab someone and ruin their day. I've done that a few times. Funny as hell. Then you get to type out in ALL chat "A wild xxxx appears!"

I honestly didn't know you could do this until last night when my son told me. What an awesome tactic.

One thing about Blitz, I seem to start more team fights than anyone else. Probably because, at times, i still will just charge headfirst into a couple of opposing team members and then all hell breaks loose.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Has anyone ever tried to get a game forgiven? I wasn't really sure how to go about it.

Yesterday I was in a ranked game and we were clearly winning when suddenly 2 people started having lag issues. At first we just thought it was them. One said he was going to reboot, and never did show back up. The other kept playing but it got worse, then at some point, members of the other team started complaining about lag.

Finally, we all felt it. Game was even going backwards at times, but no one had ping spikes. It became unplayable, and at one point it was 2v4..or something like that. Anyway, we played the game out with no hope of winning as we couldn't really do anything.

When we got out of the game, everyone assumed that the game would be forgiven but it wasn't. There were no notes on the home page about server issues (although it was clear there were server issues most of last night). I sent an email to Riot about the issue but haven't heard back yet. I have no idea if anyone else on either team sent them an email.

Normally I don't care, but in ranked it's even more annoying...

I contacted Riot's support about something like that a while ago, the CS rep told me that they don't do selective loss forgiveness. Either every single player that was playing in the time bracket they allot gets loss forgiveness or no one does as their system doesn't allow for selectively forgiving a few people due to fears of corruption (...).


Jan 8, 2010
I never even heard back from them. I wasn't expecting just me to get a forgive, that would throw off the numbers. Everyone on both teams figured they'd throw the game out..but I'm not really sure how they even do that unless they post something on the game while having issues.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I never even heard back from them. I wasn't expecting just me to get a forgive, that would throw off the numbers. Everyone on both teams figured they'd throw the game out..but I'm not really sure how they even do that unless they post something on the game while having issues.

watch your rating change after the game. The last couple times I had bad lag and lost the winning team still got +6 elo and the losing team got -0.

FYI the new champ spotlight is out. A little Yordle who tosses bombs.... it could be amusing but I've been avoiding LoL for almost 2 weeks now so we'll have to see when I feel like playing again.


Golden Member
Feb 24, 2004
Had a couple of my best games ever last night as Blitzcrank:


I still suck at aiming his claw at times, but for me his attacks are the most natural. I just grasp them better than other champs.

He's been my #1 play recently. Just too much fun and does pretty good burst at 6.

His grab is tricky. Either I hit it every time, or I miss it every time.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Ziggs is some troll shit. His scaling is insane. His kits is fun. His damage is insane, has excellent utility through zoning. All around strong hero.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Not sure why I thought the AI on Dominion would be better, but man its horrible.


Oct 30, 2000
Jax right now still sucks. That rework screwed him over too much. Even the buffs to him in the recent patch aren't enough. What made Jax great before is that he was a hybrid champ that got really tanky as he bought those expensive hybrid items. There aren't many hybrid items and what there is for hybrid items are some of the most expensive items for their value in the game. They aren't tanky items either. So the only real way to build jax is bruiser mode, but there are so many better bruiser champs out there that he's still in crap land as far as a champ goes.

Ziggs is effing RETARDED OP right now. I was watching Guardsman bob play last night. He straight up 1v5 the entire other team for a penta kill. Of course he was fed by this point, but the entire team came straight for him when he wandered off solo into their jungle. They caught him at the bush by blue and they were all nicely packed together. BOOM!!!!! They all died despite killing him for the first time. It was hilarious to watch.

Still, because he's new so many were still failing hardcore with him despite how powerful he is.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
I'm glad Jax sucks. It's better than him being extremely OP like he was. He wasn't just really tanky. He was f***ing invincible AND able to murder multiple champs at once, even if he hadn't been fed!

Ziggs is definitely OP. Not sure what Riot was thinking there...
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