League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Trundle is low end of the totem pole for junglers. He's not as bad as say, jungle Soraka, but he's not longer top tier jungler like he once was. Mundo, Cho and Olaf are still good junglers though right now. Good clearing speed, decent ganks, and are useful in team fights late game. That's what makes them good junglers compared to others. Their main problems is lack of 1v1 jungle dueling abilities where a lee sin at level 2 or 3 is going to rock any of those if lee sin comes to counter jungle and a duel starts. That's why they aren't considered as good as lee sin or shyvana.

As far as Udyr goes, he most certainly is a besat. His only downside is late game he falls off a bit, especially against good range AD carries. His nemesis is Ashe as she can kite him all day long. An udyr can't do anything against a good ashe at all 1v1. He has no gap closer unless you have a flash. Still a good ashe wll have a flash and do it as soon as you do.

You know I'm talking Twisted Treeline right? I love Trundle on Summoners Rift more than Udyr, but a lot of teams lack hard CC and Udyr provides that. You cannot q spam your first jungle run on TT is the only reason Trundle is bad there.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
Just hit 6300 IP, and I have decent runes set up..

Any of these newer characters worth their salt?



Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Ahri, Naut, and Ziggs are good for their roles.

I keep hearing that Victor is very strong but no one seems to be able to get past his learning curve making him undesirable atm.

Fiora imo just sucks. She reminds me of a mastery Yi but without the escape ability. Too squishy for top and ganks are lack luster leaving her no real lane to play in.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Ahri and Ziggs are in a class of their own on that list with Ahri being probably the best at her respective role on that list. She's a complete hero, has push, poke, sustain, mobility, cc, snowball, farm mode. Got it all.


Jun 30, 2003
Ahri, Naut, and Ziggs are good for their roles.

I keep hearing that Victor is very strong but no one seems to be able to get past his learning curve making him undesirable atm.

Fiora imo just sucks. She reminds me of a mastery Yi but without the escape ability. Too squishy for top and ganks are lack luster leaving her no real lane to play in.

fiora is a stupid awesome duelist for top lane. i got crapped all over by her as olaf (but delusion pwnd fiora's face with some OP riven).

next time i'll try renekton since he has great early game burst/harass/sustain.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
fiora is a stupid awesome duelist for top lane. i got crapped all over by her as olaf (but delusion pwnd fiora's face with some OP riven).

next time i'll try renekton since he has great early game burst/harass/sustain.

Fiora is stupid good. But stupid situational. She does insanely well against traditional duelers. Olaf would be one, heroes with on hits like Nasus. That said she looses in the most hard ways to other tops. Jax, Lee Sin, Garen and Irelia, they all just beat her. That's the beauty of top lane. It's easily the most dynamic lane in the game when it comes to hero match ups. People are always going to cry op on the FOTMs. But the fact is there isn't a single hero who lanes top right now who is so OP they can't get beat by another hero played by people of equal skill. Some have too much utility in other lanes to be allowed through picks/bans, Shen/GP fit here. But all in all top lane is balanced. It's just all about counter picks. And of course the fucking lame jungles who always camp me .

EDIT: Oh and Malphite top would do the most insanely unpleasant things to Fiora.
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Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
fiora is a stupid awesome duelist for top lane. i got crapped all over by her as olaf (but delusion pwnd fiora's face with some OP riven).

next time i'll try renekton since he has great early game burst/harass/sustain.

Not sure why Olaf got beat by Fiora. He has awesome trading with his reckless swing and he gets good life steal. Once he gets some items I can totally see him owning Fiora. The only thing that I might guess that gives him trouble is that he has no hard CC vs Fiora that and he does not have a gap closer that helps her poke at him but it really only takes a decently timed reckless swing to send her back with just as much dmg if not more from the poke.

Care explain how you lost?


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Fiora is stupid good. But stupid situational. She does insanely well against traditional duelers. Olaf would be one, heroes with on hits like Nasus. That said she looses in the most hard ways to other tops. Jax, Lee Sin, Garen and Irelia, they all just beat her. That's the beauty of top lane. It's easily the most dynamic lane in the game when it comes to hero match ups. People are always going to cry op on the FOTMs. But the fact is there isn't a single hero who lanes top right now who is so OP they can't get beat by another hero played by people of equal skill. Some have too much utility in other lanes to be allowed through picks/bans, Shen/GP fit here. But all in all top lane is balanced. It's just all about counter picks. And of course the fucking lame jungles who always camp me .

I believe most pros think Udyr is basically uncounterable. He has his limitations outside of top lane and team comps but from the games I've seen he's a monster on top. Tons of sustain, CC, dmg, pushing, ungankable. Then you give him some items and he'll punk you around like no tomorrow.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Udyr turns top into farm lanes. It's true that it's stupid hard to kill him. But if you pick a hero who scales better (Irelia), and work some kite into your comp with heroes like Ashe, Teemo or Janna and some de-initiate, also Janna, Gragas, Trundle; he's a wasted pick. He's mostly strong because he can shit on certain popular tops but can also jungle and shits on some of the more popular jungles (he can deal with Shyvanna and Lee sin) so he saves you from revealing your top lane. Also he looses to Volibear, Teemo and Mundo <-they just haven't fully worked their way into team comps yet. Volibear and Mundo are starting too though.

You'll be seeing a lot of jungle Mundo's at Hanover. *Oh you bear stanced? That's cute. Here's a cleaver to the face.*


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Still Soraka was basically telling me over and over, you need to go balls deep Graves! Your passive saves you against them. I said yah only when I auto attack does my passive give me a minor Ar/Mr boost that stacks up to 10 times. But at low levels I don't have the attack speed to make great use out of it.

Just like to point out that you don't stack Graves' passive by auto-attacking 10 times, you just have to be "combat" for 10 seconds continuously. For Graves that means having dealt or taken any damage in the past 4 seconds, so as long as you shoot once every 4 seconds (or get shot) then you should be able to maintain max stacks of your passive.

Had a fun normal game where I locked in Sivir since I had to use the bathroom, came back to find my team did not like that. But as it turned out it was a perfect pick since the enemy team was running a Jarvan + Leona kill lane bottom but that doesn't work vs. a Sivir if Leona is the one that starts the combo

Also on the thoughts about Fiora. She isn't an amazing champion, but she fits her title very well, The Grand Duelist. She can beat a lot of the standard top laners, and is extraordinarily good at 1v1ing just about anyone on the map. Problem is that's about all she can do, she doesn't exert a lot of team-fight presence or map control, no poke or cc, she's pretty bad overall BUT can snowball pretty quickly. Best thing about her in a team aspect, she can backdoor faster than Master Yi since his ult is up for at best, just 1 tower, while she can use it at every tower in a lane if left alone, and capable of beating almost anyone 1v1 so... new backdoor master I guess?


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
Just hit 6300 IP, and I have decent runes set up..

Any of these newer characters worth their salt?


I love Ahri. I haven't played her as much lately, but I just really liked how she played the first time I tried her.

You might also want to consider Shyvana, if those types of champs interest you. It took me a while to start doing well with her, but she's awesome once you figure her out. I think it's mostly the build I do with her. It seems to work well with my play style.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
I love Ahri. I haven't played her as much lately, but I just really liked how she played the first time I tried her.

You might also want to consider Shyvana, if those types of champs interest you. It took me a while to start doing well with her, but she's awesome once you figure her out. I think it's mostly the build I do with her. It seems to work well with my play style.

Shyvana is extremely powerful, with her only downside being that she lacks any real CC. She has so much base damage and innate tankiness, hence she's one of my favorite champions in the game. Definitely recommended!

Also I'm quite mad right now because I was trolled out of a win by a BR duo. We had a pretty big lead, I just wrecked in team fights as Annie. Instead of pushing mid with me to just force them into another fight they'd lose, they kept trying to split push lanes and allowed the enemy team to catch up. Then they focused tanks instead of carries in the last big fight and we lost despite how much we were beating them by.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Ahri, Naut, and Ziggs are good for their roles.

I keep hearing that Victor is very strong but no one seems to be able to get past his learning curve making him undesirable atm.

Fiora imo just sucks. She reminds me of a mastery Yi but without the escape ability. Too squishy for top and ganks are lack luster leaving her no real lane to play in.

I've run into exactly 1 good Victor in the past 2 months.

A warning if you play ranked. At 1500 Ahri is banned in 90% of the games.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Udyr turns top into farm lanes. It's true that it's stupid hard to kill him. But if you pick a hero who scales better (Irelia), and work some kite into your comp with heroes like Ashe, Teemo or Janna and some de-initiate, also Janna, Gragas, Trundle; he's a wasted pick. He's mostly strong because he can shit on certain popular tops but can also jungle and shits on some of the more popular jungles (he can deal with Shyvanna and Lee sin) so he saves you from revealing your top lane. Also he looses to Volibear, Teemo and Mundo <-they just haven't fully worked their way into team comps yet. Volibear and Mundo are starting too though.

You'll be seeing a lot of jungle Mundo's at Hanover. *Oh you bear stanced? That's cute. Here's a cleaver to the face.*

Teemo shits on just about every top lane except the casters (Ryze, Swain) and Yorick who is basically uncounterable IMO . He just doesn't have as much of a teamfight presence so you either win your lane hard or you've failed.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Shyvana is extremely powerful, with her only downside being that she lacks any real CC. She has so much base damage and innate tankiness, hence she's one of my favorite champions in the game. Definitely recommended!

Also I'm quite mad right now because I was trolled out of a win by a BR duo. We had a pretty big lead, I just wrecked in team fights as Annie. Instead of pushing mid with me to just force them into another fight they'd lose, they kept trying to split push lanes and allowed the enemy team to catch up. Then they focused tanks instead of carries in the last big fight and we lost despite how much we were beating them by.

Have you played a Annie versus Cass much? Any advice on how to survive as Annie? It just feels un-winable but I almost never play Annie (Traded a guy shen and he was going to give me a jungler... someone else wanted to top so the Shen jungled and it turned out he didn't own any of my mages: Cass/Xerath/Karthus).


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Teemo shits on just about every top lane except the casters (Ryze, Swain) and Yorick who is basically uncounterable IMO . He just doesn't have as much of a teamfight presence so you either win your lane hard or you've failed.

Yorick's job in team fights becomes ult the carry and dish out damage through the revenant/ghost. Then be as annoying as possible with his ghouls + sheen procs.

edit: The only champ I think fairs well against Yorick is Cho because killing the ghouls triggers his regen passive. I manhandled a Yorick like that and he was as aggressive as any Yorick normally would be.

e2: According to comments on LoL Wiki, Yorick is getting a remake? That's pretty BS if so. Yorick's unique in his play style and abilities and there are other champs that need reworks far sooner than he does to make them actually playable.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Yorick's job in team fights becomes ult the carry and dish out damage through the revenant/ghost. Then be as annoying as possible with his ghouls + sheen procs.

edit: The only champ I think fairs well against Yorick is Cho because killing the ghouls triggers his regen passive. I manhandled a Yorick like that and he was as aggressive as any Yorick normally would be.

e2: According to comments on LoL Wiki, Yorick is getting a remake? That's pretty BS if so. Yorick's unique in his play style and abilities and there are other champs that need reworks far sooner than he does to make them actually playable.

ahh yeah I wasn't clear I meant Teemo doesn't have much of a teamfight presence though Yorick has a similar problem except that his Ult makes him useful and he's usually so fed that he's a built up bruiser.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
New Favorite Champion...

Urgot...now that I have his sick skin.

Have you been playing him bottom lane or mid lane? I like him in both but in different situations. One of the reasons I like Xerath so much is that due to his ungodly range Talon/Panth and other melee counters to squishy casters have trouble getting at him, Urgot has better range but is slow so I think Xerath wins that one too but Urgot is a great counter to Morgana and Kassadin.


Golden Member
Nov 21, 2007
I've actually lost my last 2 games with him...but I was 9/2/? and 11/5/?.

Solo top suprisingly. Lots of junglers out there and newbie Lux's wanting mid and then feeding.

I used to build Urgot has more on the dps scale than the tanky dps side of the spectra. I've had much more fun building him on the tank scale of things.

Picking up Flash and Ignite. Urgot is very customizable as far as countering other heroes.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
I had a couple awesome games as urgot last night after I got the new skin, one top and one bottom. The game I went top they kept switching people because I kept killing them, I ended up 8-6 and something. The other game I was bottom with GP vs ezrael and nautilus and I ended up 8-1-15. I totally dominated ezrael, he kept trying to poke from the bushes but I would just land an acid bomb on him and then either kill him or force him to retreat and heal.


Oct 30, 2000
My take on Fiora as I've played her a bunch now.

As some has said, she is a Master Yi with boobs to an extent. She lacks a real escape like Yi but makes up for it in lane or jungling with a better sustain in my opinion. She does lack Yi's versatility when it comes to being AP or AD based though. Fiora is only going to be AD based despite 1 skill having an AP ratio (her W riposte).

What Fiora has that Yi doesn't is an active defense in the form of a "physical" shield. Both have an AD steriod. Yi's ult gives him an attack speed + movespeed steriod that lasts for a set duration. Fiora does as well but different. Again attack speed boost for 3 seconds (even higher than yi's attack speed boost), but the move speed doesn't occur until she hits something. which isn't hard if you activate your attack speed boost right next to your target. However, this means it can't be used as an escape unlike Yi.

Her biggest asset is her Ult. If timed correctly, it makes you untargetable for the duration. It can also dish out a ton of damage over all.

This is where Fiora exceeds Yi in one aspect. Against champions she is capable of bigger burst damage. She also has a gap closer that makes hitting her with skillshot disables much harder compared to Yi when she decides to enter the fight. It also allows her to get to the back line in team fights MUCH easier than yi to take out the other team's carries. That's her real role late game. Getting to those squishies and destroying them. She can take any range AD carry 1v1 at just about any time. That is assuming comparative levels and equipment though as any champ has a hard time killing another champ they are far behind.

I also think most people don't know how to build her right. She starts out with a high AD base and attack speed base. She starts out with AD steroid skills (her passive on her W) and an attack speed steroid. So the ONLY thing she really needs to start dishing out massive damage early on is crit % and crit damage. Here is how I build her and have totally demolished just about anyone top.

Crit % Quints and Reds
Flat Armor Yellows
Mr/lvl Blues

This starts you with 14% crit chance. It's pretty significant and a couple crits and you are winning lane very early.

For Masteries I go.

Maximize your offense while having a little extra defense.

For items I typically start Dorans Blade. The extra health, AD, and life steal are welcome for her. With the lifesteal from the Doran's, Masteries, and her Passive you'll have very good sustain top.

The next part is knowing which skills to prioritize. I get a single point in Q and leave it there. I maximize that skills last. It is a great tool for closing the gap and to start harassing with. However, the steroids need to be built first and faster. I then start working on W and E after that. These are the skills needed to own people 1v1 and early. Prodigious use of her W is a must. Make sure you DO NOT harass during a cannon minion wave without taking out the cannon minion first. The cannon minion is considered a "large" minion and thus any attacks from it will trigger the riposte. Trust me you do not want this happening right before a Nasus fires off his Siphon Strike for a huge hit. I rather parry the Siphon Strike that may take a large chunk of my health instead of the cannon minion that will only tickle.

Her parry is what allows her to safely harass anyone in top lane just about. Just use the Q in to gap close while activating W and E at the same time. You'll get a few hits on them and then Q out to a minion and back off. You'll do WAY more damage to them than they will do to you. The only one that you won't be able to do this to is a Yorick with blue buff or enough mana regen. Not that I've had trouble in lane against a Yorick, just that once he reaches a certain point it's hard to kill him or harass him back.

As for items, you need to prioritize Crit % along with some defense. You really don't need attack speed with your steroid, but it doesn't hurt. Also, most crit % items come with attack speed usually. For items I typically build the following.

1) Dorans Blade
2) Boots
3) Avarice Blade (crit % and gold per 10 seconds)
4) Zeal
5) Merc Treads
6) Phage
7) Atmas

Do it in that order for the most part. With this build at this point you should be at 424 movespeed from zeal + boots. I prioritize zeal first over merc treads for the move speed. Merc treads will jump you to 390 move speed while zeal with tier 1 boots gives you 400 move speed. Phage is needed for more AD, built in slow, and HP buffer. With Avarice (12% crit chance), zeal (10% crit), atmas (18% crit), and runes (14% crit chance) you'll have a good high crit chance percentage at 54% crit chance. The Atmas will give you the armor needed to go toe to toe late game and survive team fights when you dive after squishies. When combined with the flat armor runes and armor from masteries it should net you 45 + 13 + 6 for 64 armor on top of what her armor scaling per level is. It should put you around 130ish armor around level 13 if memory serves me right. Same thing for MR. Merc treads + runes + masteries + scaling should net you around 110 MR at 13 as well. Not super tanky, but pretty darn good with the health from Phage and Doran's blade.

Going into late game this is what I upgrade and go for item wise

1) Zeal -> Phantom Dancer
2) Phage -> Frozen Mallet
3) Sell off Dorans Blade. Buy Vamp Scepter -> Blood Thirster

This should put your health around 2.8K easy.

The last item I deal with is Avarice Blade. It can be used for an upgrade to Ghost Blade. I find the attack speed I get from it to be worthless though as Fiora will hit 2.497 attack speed (cap is 2.5) with her E active and combined with Phantom Dancer. The movespeed bonus can be used as an escape, but I rarely need it as I have 443 movespeed with Phantom Dancer. The crit% is nice as it puts me at 82% crit chance at this point which gives me damn near a crit every hit. At this point I need to decide if I need more defense or offense. For offense I have two options to go with really. Infinity Edge, Last Whisperer, or another Blood Thirster. The Infinity Edge puts me at 95% crit chance with 50% more crit damage. You will crit every damn hit for massive damage every hit. Even enemies with decent armor values will still feel a bit of sting when you land an attack as your AD should be around 420ish at this point. So a crit with land for 1100+ every hit without before armor reduction. Those enemies with exceptionally high armor values 240+ won't be hurting as bad, but your attacks won't be tickles against them either. Squishies will go DOWN though almost instantly with your E active as you are doing about 2.5 attacks per second. Speaking of which, any time you kill an enemy champ, you will refresh your E to keep your attack speed active again. Just like Master Yi in that regards. The other offensive items Last Whisper is a no brainer if the entire enemy team is stacking armor values pretty high. Blood Thirster is nice if you are dealing with a bunch of other good duelists alot such as Master Yi, Olaf, and Riven. If a team is stacked with those I found having two Bloodthirsters makes you nigh unkillable by them in 1v1 scenarios. Still the second BT is much more situational at this point than either IE or LW.

For defensive items there are a couple to consider. Guardian Angel is great when the actual angel bit is up. It deters people from making you the focus target first in team fights as they know they have to kill you twice over while your team is beating on them while at the second time being quite a bit tankier over all with higher armor and MR. By level 18 the Ga will give you an armor value at 220 with an Mr value at around 160. Combine that with 2.8K health and you are pretty damn tough to kill at this point. Another item to consider it Banshee's Veil. If the enemy team is full of disables and AP champs then this might be the wiser choice over GA. You'll boost your MR up to 180ish or so while giving yourself more health. This will put you over 3K health while giving a few more AD points from atmas. Last but not least is Aegis of Legion. If you aren't being specifically focused, and the enemy team is compromised of a lot of AoE, then this may be the better choice. A bit more armor, MR, and health for you as well as some additional AD. It's also nice that is shares some of that with the rest of your team.

Basically the build I do maximizes her potential I've found. Building up more AD and/or attack speed on her is stupid. Especially early on. You don't need it. Her W maxed out is 35 additional AD all the time. That's basically a free BF sword. Her E maxed out is 120% attack speed for 3 seconds. Again that's HUGE! you don't need much more as that will always put you above 1.8 attack speed at that point. Offensively wise the main thing she is lacking is crit % so that's what I build for. Beyond that she needs a little bit of defense to stay in the fight.

Speaking of which she makes an excellent top or jungle. What makes her one of the better tops in my opinion? From level 1 she out dps's everyone. Thus you need to go after your enemy counter part early and hard. Be relentless in harassing. NO ONE can trade blows with Fiora early. Especially once you hit level 3 and have Q, W, and E all usable. Your job at top is to hit them hard and constantly. They will back off or they will die. Speaking of which, there is a downside to this. By being that aggressive early you will most likely draw the enemy jungler to top. More so if you are starting on the blue team as the purple jungler's red buff is right next to top. Just be wary that the enemy jungler will most likely camp you top if they want to let their top have some chance at doing anything there early. This is fine if the rest of your lanes aren't losing. As long as you keep that jungler top then you draw that jungler away from being able to gank other lanes. If the enemy jungler doesn't come top to camp you for ganks then you will kill that enemy top or keep sending them back to base. You'll win that lane easy. I don't care what opponent Fiora is facing top. None of them have the sustain, DPS, or tankiness to deal with her in the first 3 levels. Even ranged champs can't deal with her since she starts with a double gap closer.

As far as jungling goes, she makes a good jungler as well. Q for gap closing on ganks. Her Parry works against the big minion at each spawn to remove incoming damage while giving the minion damage. Her passive for sustain, and her E to finish monsters while giving her a movespeed boost to get to the next camp. Her downside as jungler is a lack of CC to hold targets during a gank in place.

During mid game she is very strong as an assassin. If you are top lane, roaming down to mid lane to help on a gank is very easy to do. Her Ult allows her to tower dive with impunity as the tower can not target you to hit you while in your ult. Too bad she can't parry a tower hit though. Still if you get a few hits with E to finish a target after using your ult on them then you'll get a move speed bonus to escape the tower without taking too many hits once your ult is over. Her ult and damage output pretty much guarantee her a kill in 2v2 or 3v3 situations while still giving her a chance to make it out alive. Press your advantage with her as you can as long as you have levels and items over your foes.

Late game and big team fights she doesn't shine as much. You'll find one of two things happen. You are either massively targeted first, or not. If not it's simple to just rape the other team. Just target one of the squishie carries and kill them fast. Move on to the next squishie target after that. Ignoring a Fiora is dangers due to her damage output. However, you'll frequently find that you will be the initial focus in team fights and late game. The other team is most likely scared shitless from you if you've been playing as well as I described above. They will drop every CC, summoner, and ult on top of your head. Hence why you need to build some tanky items with her. At this point you become the damage soak and hope the rest of your team can finish up their team once they've blown everything they have to take you down. I find late games I end up dying much more often as Fiora, but it is always a good trade as I die for 3 or 4 of the enemy team deaths.

Which brings me at last to summoner spells and what to take. This is a hard one. Late game either cleanse or heal are going to be more beneficial if you are getting to be the focus during team fights constantly. Especially if the other team has plenty of CC. Exhaust and Ignite are going to give you way more kills early on to hopefully give you a huge advantage early to mid game though. Flash is a must unless you are jungling. At which point you can get away with smite and exhaust without having flash.

I find overall Fiora to be an excellent champ. She trades blows better than any other champ early on. She can be devastating mid game to get her a massive advantage to press earlier than other champs. She is still useful late games and can even burst down towers pretty good. I find that her Parry works on quite a few abilities besides plain auto attacks. Of course any ability that does physical damage while applying on hit effects it wil parry. Such as Siphon Strike by Nasus or Parrrley from Gangplank. It will also parry some of the pure physical attacks single shots such as Caitlyn's Ult or Corki's Rocket. I'm not sure if that is suppose to work that way, but it currently does. The great thing is it doesn't have a particle effect that is noticeable to let people know you have parry up. So they may waste an attack without realizing it. While her Parry isn't quite a good as a real spell shield, it certainly does help in mitigating quite a bit of damage over the course of the game against her.


Oct 30, 2000
Teemo shits on just about every top lane except the casters (Ryze, Swain) and Yorick who is basically uncounterable IMO . He just doesn't have as much of a teamfight presence so you either win your lane hard or you've failed.

Fiora can Parry Teemo's blind dart to let you know. Fiora shits all over Teemo top I've found. Parry blind + gap closer + insane dps = dead teemo.

Also Riven pops teemo hard as her abilities aren't affected by blind. Q nor W are affected by it. Riven also out dps's teemo early on. She also has a gap closer with E and somewhat with her Q.

Yorick just laughs at the idea of going against a teemo top.


Oct 30, 2000
Yorick's job in team fights becomes ult the carry and dish out damage through the revenant/ghost. Then be as annoying as possible with his ghouls + sheen procs.

edit: The only champ I think fairs well against Yorick is Cho because killing the ghouls triggers his regen passive. I manhandled a Yorick like that and he was as aggressive as any Yorick normally would be.

e2: According to comments on LoL Wiki, Yorick is getting a remake? That's pretty BS if so. Yorick's unique in his play style and abilities and there are other champs that need reworks far sooner than he does to make them actually playable.

No, I've beaten yoricks top with both Riven and Fiora. You HAVE to be relenetless against Yorick early with either Riven or Fiora early. Riven can dash away from ghouls and ignore them with the shield overall. Fiora just dishes out WAY more damage than Yorick can deal. She can also proc her passive as she hits ghouls to keep her sustain going. Yorick has no escape and no gap closer. The trick is to keep hitting him hard and as much as possible with semi bursty but sustainable dps. This is why Renekton, Olaf, Wukong, and Jarvan have a harder time against him top. They have good burst, but not sustainable dps. Yorick will just heal back anything done to him without constant harass.

When it comes to Yorick isn't not just about trading blows, but being on him as much as possible as early as possible while still being able to shrug off his ghouls. Not many champs can do that.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Game where I was Annie I was facing off against a Ziggs. Unfortunately the reason she isn't seeing play anymore is fairly obvious, she has no range. She's a medium range caster in a meta dominated by long range casters like Ahri, Xer, Cass or mage counters like Kass. I couldn't even poke the Ziggs at all when I was laning. However with that being said she still has an insanely powerful combo as once I hit 6 I just dropped him from full health basically. But for the current meta and standard picks, Annie isn't going to be much of a pick (although she is still pretty awesome imo).

Also Yorick has a very strong counter in Nasus, neither will likely kill the other but the big difference is that Nasus benefits more from straight farm AND he can farm Yorick's ghouls for Q damage. I'd like to say the same for GP since Parrley would proc bonus gold from the ghouls but GP can easily be pushed against if he's just Parrleying the ghouls instead of the creep.

As for Riven vs Teemo, not likely unless the Teemo player is bad. Yes she isn't affected by blinds that much, however her gap close is not equal to his attack range, and Teemo is generally faster than you while laning meaning he has no excuse for getting caught. I was not aware that Riposte could parry Blinding Dart however which I find moronic as its a magic damage spell.

And to HumblePie, Fiora does have a particle effect to notify enemies that she has just activated Riposte so not sure if you just don't notice it or if for some reason you can't see it. Also she is pretty easily beaten in lane by a few champions. I see her counters being:
Olaf: Reckless Swings just makes it impossible to fairly damage trade with him past level 3 or 5
Shen: In terms of straightforward laning, he can harass her endlessly without her being able to really engage him if he doesn't want to. HOWEVER it is hard for him to stop her farming once she gets a Wriggles, he just won't lose typically.
Lee Sin: Counters both her gap closer and AS steroid really well, once he gets a few levels she can't really duel him and thusly can't truly win the lane.
Nasus: Yeah she can parry your Siphon Strike, but your Wither absolutely owns her Burst of Speed, also you can just auto attack her to provoke her into using Riposte THEN hitting her with Siphon, that or she lets you hit her face repeatedly.
Malphite: Basically the epitome of counters to Fiora, has scaling damage off armor which is effective in neutralizing her damage, has an AS debuff, which neutralizes her damage, has a 10% of max hp shield which prevents her from poking/trading effectively. And he can basically outrun her whenever he wants by just hitting her with Q. That being said I don't see him being able to do much to her aside from never ever die. (Or just Q spam and hope she leaves the lane).
Jax: Can dish out more damage in small engages, and his Counterstrike counters Burst of Speed damn well. The Grandmaster at Arms can apparently beat The Grand Duelist!

Those are the only counters that come to mind atm, I'll be back to see if I think of any others though.
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