League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Just wanted to ask a very nooby question. If supports aren't supposed to last hit and let the adc last hit, how do they get their gold and experience? Only from assists?

Most supports will run gold runes and masteries. Then you build the gold generating items for passive income. Supports are chosen because their abilities have the desired effects at base level (Taric's stun, Janna's knockup, slow and AD boost, Nunu's BB and ice ball, etc) and don't need the scaling from items. So they don't need as much gold and can spend it on wards.


Oct 30, 2000
Yes. There are several hidden passives like that.

For example, Shen and Akali get 1 less health or something if they are on the same team because ninjas work alone.

Assists, standing near minions for experience, Gold per 5 Items.

They are called interactions. And there are several of them in the game. Renekton and Nasus interact. Darius and Draven do as well. Volibear and Zilean.

Some interactions are char only based and some are based on skins. For example Jarvan gets a +1 bonus damage when he is in dragon killer skin, as well as vayne, against Shyvana.

As for the answer to the other question, there are several runes, masteries, and items that give a player either passive gold or experience bonuses. They are not much, but they do help the support stay semi close in levels and items as the rest of the team without last hitting. Still they do need to stand near minions or kills for experience though. And for reference it's Gold per 10 seconds or GP/10s, not GP/5s


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
Most supports will run gold runes and masteries. Then you build the gold generating items for passive income. Supports are chosen because their abilities have the desired effects at base level (Taric's stun, Janna's knockup, slow and AD boost, Nunu's BB and ice ball, etc) and don't need the scaling from items. So they don't need as much gold and can spend it on wards.

Yep, as a support your job is to make sure that your adc gets the kills & stays alive. I main Taric most of the time and I believe I've gotten reasonably decent, last few games with him:

1-15-12 (a rare horrible game)

Typically at best I'll break even or be slightly ahead in k/d ratio. But that's not what supports shine in really, as you can see I get in a ton of assists. Part of this is due to in team fights Taric's ult gets him a lot of team kill participation. The other portion is during the laning phase. To be a good support you have to be very situationally aware at all times. I'm still working on getting to the level I was at before I took a 7 month hiatus from the game but a good support can win games for a team.

Insofar as income is concerned I generally rely on the gold I get from assists and from gold generating support friendly items like the heart of gold.


Oct 30, 2000
So I finally got my support ticket answered by Riot as to my I had got my first suspension from Tribunal ever. I never received and email or a "review" card of what it was. I finally get it and I'm laughing in tears because going over the games I was reported for I have no idea why I was suspended still. I'm being quite serious here. I have 4 games listed, let me summarize what happened as I remember them all once I read the game review.

Game 1)

I played support eve to try something new. I went 3/1/6 and had a bad cait bot. Tower dove level 2 and died and tried to blame me for it. Caitlyn ended up 2/7/2 for the game. Cait and Shen, both of which fed reported me and was constantly harassing me all game for playing "support" eve. Never once did I say anything bad, condescending, use curse word, or anything negative in chat. All game long they were typing, this support eve is ruining this game. We are losing because of eve. Despite me having the best score on the team and the ONLY one really doing anything in the game for the team. In fact I typed very little during this game in chat except a "? who you talking about" when olaf on the other team said, "This bitch is stupid." I asked that in all chat and shen said in all chat, "I agree out stupid bitch eve is stupid." Then olaf typed, "No akali is the stupid bitch."

Game 2)

I played yorick. I went 27/6/2. Game was a loss. My team was intentionally feeding and this was a ranked game. 2/12/9 lee sin, 0/13/0 orianna, 1/12/4 leblanc, 1/15/8 Jayce.

Look at those scores. Still all I typed was commands such as "please stop feeding and follow me only. We can still win since I'm so fed. All you guys have to do is stay near me and we win." and "Why are you guys even playing ranked if your intention is just to feed? You are literally all standing in lane and auto attacking while they kill you. I do not understand how you guys do not recognize that as not feeding."

I got reported for being "mean" to the team by asking them to stop feeding and to group up to try to win?

Game 3)

I played singed. My score here wasn't all that great, but that was because I was literally getting trolled. I wsa 1/7/4, but originally was 1/0/4 until mid game. I was constantly being wall off by my own team mate anivia. I would go in to initiate and anivia would place a wall behind me leaving me alone to die. Ezreal was also massively feeding as 1/9/4 by the end of the game. However, he started 0/4/1. Sona bot lane was also 1/4/0 early on too and ended up 2/7/6. In the chat log I keep asking anivia to stop trolling and walling me off. I also ask ezreal and sona to stop feeding please and to hang near the tower instead since they so far behind. Near the end Ezreal just was jungle farming and never would fight against the enemy in team fights anymore. Anivia kept walling people off to die constantly. still, I never lost my cool, never used anything worse than typing "FFS" during the game. My team reported me for "calls everyone bad teals everyone to report ezreal and anivia. and then feeds and blames everyone else" which was the anivia who was walling people off to get them to die like myself.

Game 4)

I was graves and went 0/1/0. Got trolled by an annie that randomed as the last pick, and then said they were going AD annie AFTER I already picked graves. I was like, who is supporting then, and annie finally caved and said she would support. Which is fine, but the annie kept being dumb and diving. Also she never bought a single ward and was constantly caught for it. Annie ended up going 0/6/0. The rest of our team had an akali top that was 2/4/0 but to be fair she was 2/0/0 early on. A malzahar that was 0/3/0 and a volibear jungle that was 0/2/0. In the chat logs again, the extent of what I said was asking WHY people are doing the things they are and to ask them to please stop and to do some other play instead. For example I said, "well would be nice if malz actually pushed his lane, and then side ganked like a mid is suppose to." Malz replied, "uhh that makes no sense graves, 1. its galio, 2. jungler is main ganker" I said, "well considering galio is doing it properly and you are not right now. Once a malz reaches six you should push as hard as you can fast, and move to a side lane and use your ult to get a kill." Malz said, "You have no idea what you are talking about to stupid ass graves. Reporting you for being a fucking dumbass."

Akali on the other hand was cussing the hell out of volibear and malz. At the end volibear finally types something and says, "Shut up you dumb bitch (referring to akali). All the lanes failed and there is nothing I could do as a jungler." I responded, "Bot lane didn't 'fail" as out tower is up and I still have CS on par with their ADC, just no kills." Volibear then responds, "Yah right, you have an 0/5/0 bot lane." He was referring to annie's score at the time as she was feeding purposefully that game because she wanted to be AD annie and not support.

Basically in all instances, except the one where I played support eve, I got reported for asking certain team members to stop doing their bad actions and then asking players to do correct actions like a good player is suppose to do in order to hopefully turn a losing game around. And for some reason tribunal players decided that asking other team mates politely to stop their bad actions and to offer suggestions on what to do is a punishable offense. Unless they were banning me because I went support eve.

Not once did I cuss, call anyone names, or talk negatively in chat. I didn't feed, assist the other team, or do anything that would break the summoners code that I can tell. However, since it's a tribunal banning, Riot I found out doesn't take any action beyond the 3 day suspension for it. I originally thought they review any case before any final action takes place, but I guess I was wrong there. So it looks like I am now stuck never typing anything in chat again during the game to avoid suspensions.
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Senior member
May 5, 2012
Its for that reason that I try to say as little as possible, just "mia", "ganking _____", "group mid", "dragon", "buying" etc. Surest way to avoid getting reported. My computer has video driver crashes that require me to restart the computer, so I'm extra careful to not tick anyone off and garner a few more reports. Everyone who plays thinks their right about everything, so I don't bother talking about anything other than strategy. If you really think you have a case you could try posting a picture of the reform card on the forums and seeing if you can survive a duel with Pendragon, he top dog for the ban hammer department, fair warning, I've never seen anyone emerge victorious.

Anyone ever jungle Renekton? Ran it three games yesterday, all wins, 4/2/6, 7/2/11, and 13/4/13. I hadn't done it for a while, ganks are powerful, sustain is good, clear times are decent. I go boots+3, brutalizer->ghostblade, vamp, phage->mallet, HoG->Randuin's, blood thirster, warmog's. Not in that order though, it varies. He doesn't have the best initiate late game though, need something like a Cho Q that you can follow up on with E->W.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
The post above me summarizes it best. Just keep your retorts to simple "mias", "all mid", "ganking bot" etc. I think about 60% of the entire LOL community just likes to troll or fck someone else up when they're doing bad, even if it's within the team.

The last game i played had our team at 51 vs enemy team 37. And then our team decided to go bonkers. The enemy team stuck to a simple strategy by going ALL MID. Our team however, built on ego and over-confidence by then started trying to take towers ALONE. I kept shouting "OMG, OMG, what are you guys doing?? stick to mid, stick to mid, OMG" like a little girl, but nothing. I realized then that they might be trolling, cos i couldn't offer any other explanation.We lost obviously.

So i'm out for the time being and just got myself GW2. I think i'll keep playing GW2 till i get into the right frame of mind to play with retards.


Jan 8, 2010
I just want to brag because I just won 11 ranked games in a row. No idea how..but there were no DC's, no, afker's, and noone constantly hammering the surrender button.

Then, 12th game, had someone who never joined the game, and it's been blah since..people dc'ing, afk'ing. I've found just putting everyone on ignore keeps things better because I don't take kindly to people being asshats in game and I'm an asshat right back to them. Honestly I'm surprised I've not been banned yet ;p


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
These reports is why I'm very hesitant to ever buy any riot points. I've haven't had my account suspended yet, but these sort of stories just show how flawed the system is.

Now that you can spectate, it shows they have the tech to record every game. Every game with enough reports to go into tribunal should have it's game recorded, and voting in tribunal should require viewing the game in it's entirety.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2012
I haven't ran into many problems/trolls when I have played.

And same as them above me I also only say very simple things in chat. Even when talked too I just stay quiet unless I must speak. And when I do it is simple/quick. I let my actions speak for themselves.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Aside from my placement matches and a few people in arranged teams, I generally have very little BM (that I see) in matches. Some games end with the enemy team spamming to report each other due to constant QQ and such but I rarely have that on my team. People do play ranked a bit differently then normals, I've turned around an almost hopeless game because I got everyone to stop arguing and just follow my lead, I'd die and get us 3+ kills in the process so they saw there was hope and kept up a relatively positive attitude.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
I will play it, one thing I don't like about LoL is how often the game itself changes due to new champions or shifts in the meta game. You don't play for awhile and suddenly theres like 5 new heros you have zero idea wtf they do or how to prepare against them.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2004
Having played LoL for a while, I have to say...it's a total piece of s**t. FAR too many times do you get a leaver. TWO games last night IN A ROW had leavers. As in, gone in the first 5 min. Previous game a few nights ago had Mundo building mana regen/AP. More games than that two people pick the same general champs (blitz + nunu in a lane) or stuff like people jungling who shouldn't, people solo laning when they don't know how. And I'm not a new toon, I'm lvl 25 or something.

The game is maddening, because people are completely useless, 75% of the time.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
And I'm not a new toon, I'm lvl 25 or something. The game is maddening, because people are completely useless, 75% of the time.

Wait till you hit 30. You will see a totally new level of idiocy and weirdness.
My problem is that i just can't let go of this game. I'm addicted. Even though i decide to stop playing i have to come back to it at least for one game. My only solution is to uninstall, but i'm not able to


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Are you guys gonna play or move to Dota 2 once it's open for all?

I've been playing it for months, but mainly just co-ops since I can't get any of my buddies to play with me. I prefer to LoL personally but many are turned off by all the additional "advanced" mechanics like denying and much more trollish terrain (like trees).

Robert Munch

Senior member
Oct 11, 2006
I've been playing it for months, but mainly just co-ops since I can't get any of my buddies to play with me. I prefer to LoL personally but many are turned off by all the additional "advanced" mechanics like denying and much more trollish terrain (like trees).
I played LoL for a while too, really enjoyed dominion at launch. Just felt more team orientated in pubs and you can't steam roll an entire team with just one champ. What I do miss is the concede option.

Denying is really good for early game, but doesn't matter much towards mid/end game. Co-op matches are fun too, with the hardest bot difficulty. Valve seems to have done a decent job with bot matching.
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Jul 10, 2007
I will play it, one thing I don't like about LoL is how often the game itself changes due to new champions or shifts in the meta game. You don't play for awhile and suddenly theres like 5 new heros you have zero idea wtf they do or how to prepare against them.

And how is that going to be any different in dota2?
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Robert Munch

Senior member
Oct 11, 2006
Well, dota2 doesn't rely on money from players buying new champions, so they don't need to release new champions so insane op that you see them in every game for a month.
Also, Dota 2 has established heros which derived from Dota where as LoL seems to be mixing and mashing existing Dota heros to create new champs. Anyone with Dota experience will have no issue with the release of "new" Dota 2 heros that are released by Valve, since they are exact copies of Dota heros.
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Jan 8, 2010
For every Diana there is a Syndra.

Seems to be every 2 to 1. I tend to latch onto the 1 that is not OP. LOL. In fact..i tend to prefer the underplayed characters to the FOTM champs and tend to absolutely loath the commons so much so I refuse to play them (Wu, Graves, Vayne, Mumu, Singed etc).


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Also, Dota 2 has established heros which derived from Dota where as LoL seems to be mixing and mashing existing Dota heros to create new champs. Anyone with Dota experience will have no issue with the release of "new" Dota 2 heros that are released by Valve, since they are exact copies of Dota heros.

Exactly, even limited by the WC3 engine, DotA was just a much more polished and balanced game. Items and heros took a long time to change and were balanced well. The only real complaint I had were some heros were really in need of a remake, but even then IceFrog got around to redoing quite a few.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Having played LoL for a while, I have to say...it's a total piece of s**t. FAR too many times do you get a leaver. TWO games last night IN A ROW had leavers. As in, gone in the first 5 min. Previous game a few nights ago had Mundo building mana regen/AP. More games than that two people pick the same general champs (blitz + nunu in a lane) or stuff like people jungling who shouldn't, people solo laning when they don't know how. And I'm not a new toon, I'm lvl 25 or something.

The game is maddening, because people are completely useless, 75% of the time.

I'm not trying to be a dick, but you are new until (at a minimum) you hit 30. You don't have full runes, masteries, have limited number of champs and fewer that you play well. The thing about low level games is that you get a ton of people who just can't quite cut ranked who smurf and rage at newbies for not having a ton of game knowledge and pretty much everyone who gets banned for BM just creates a new account and BMs the newbies instead (sigh). I think I've seen maybe 2 leavers in my past 100 games, plenty of ragers and assholes but not leavers. I made a smurf once when a friend started LoL and it was massively unpleasant, thinking back on when I was still learning the game I know I would be dumbfounded by my actions then.

TL;DR This game has a huge learning curve and a nasty community (no better/worse than HoN or Dota2).


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Seems to be every 2 to 1. I tend to latch onto the 1 that is not OP. LOL. In fact..i tend to prefer the underplayed characters to the FOTM champs and tend to absolutely loath the commons so much so I refuse to play them (Wu, Graves, Vayne, Mumu, Singed etc).

You and me both but are Wukong, Vayne and Singed really played that often? I practically never see them in my games. I love Trundle, Tristana, Janna, Hecarim, Swain and Xerath. My two concessions to popularity are my jungle Cho'Gath and playing Nunu on Twisted Treeline... but that's TT which is itself unpopular. If Karma ever gets a buff I will be playing her non-stop (she's tons of fun in ARAM).
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