League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2005
I need a new ADC, I only have Ashe and Sivir. Any suggestions? I played Corki and liked him, but I was kinda thinking Vayne or Caitlyn. For some reason, I am unable to get Tristana for free from the FB promotion.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
I can't see Thresh as a legit ADC. His one steroid isn't impressive at all - don't attack for awhile then do lots of bonus damage, kind of anti-ADC. I guess it's similar to Ashe's passive, but she at least has better range on her AAs.

Every Thresh that's tried to play something other then support I've seen was trash. I had Clakeydeee from Marn try to jungle him against me in a normal shortly after release and it was brutally bad. His bonus damage is magic so it doesn't scale with apen so that's pretty trash for an ADC, that doesn't even touch his horrible auto range. His Q steroid is based on time so on hit doesn't work. All of his strength is in his CC and that doesn't need farm to be good.

That said he's a super fun support. If I'm forced to support he's who I play now. His soul collecting gets rid of almost all the down time you have as a support even if you're being forced to play passive. And his hook may be more game changing then Blitz hook. His ult is great for protecting an ADC as well.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
I need a new ADC, I only have Ashe and Sivir. Any suggestions? I played Corki and liked him, but I was kinda thinking Vayne or Caitlyn. For some reason, I am unable to get Tristana for free from the FB promotion.

Corki isn't a bad adc really, he isn't played too often but he's solid with a good amount of damage and a nice escape. You might also want to look into Draven as he's another fun ADC to play.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Yeah Quinn would be a definite buy for me if I didn't hate bot lane so much, though because of her bruiser-esque nature with her ultimate, and ability to duel very well she could potentially be a ranged top laner/mid and still do well (need to build tanky to utilize ult in a real fight).

As for ADC's, Corki is a very strong pick along with Graves and Ezreal, very spam heavy champs with lots of nuke potential even if their steroids aren't as powerful as some others. If you can take the time to really understand and practice 1 champion though (I get bored of them too easily) I would suggest Vayne as if you can get her mechanical play down well, she's the strongest ADC in the game in terms of damage output and mobility.

And Thresh can work as an on-hit, just not with any AD. The AD scaling portion of his Q's passive is time-based, but he will always hit for a flat amount based on his souls harvested, meaning if you have 300 souls you'll still hit for 300 magic damage every hit. Combine that with a Wit's End and you've got decent damage output, only issues being his attack animation is kind of weird for that and he needs to build quite tanky to be allowed to AA.

Also finally got into plat after 6 wins in a row


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I need a new ADC, I only have Ashe and Sivir. Any suggestions? I played Corki and liked him, but I was kinda thinking Vayne or Caitlyn. For some reason, I am unable to get Tristana for free from the FB promotion.

Corki is solid, his main problems are that he uses a lot of mana and his escape has a much longer CD than any other ADs movement skill so in general I feel if you're going to play Corki, you might as well play Ezreal (whose skills also have the bonus of scaling off of AD). The one exception to this is that I love Corki/Leona as a lane combo if the opponents don't have hard CC.

That said, I love Trist and I currently believe that her weak midgame can be completely mitigated by buying BotRK which since it's buff is worthwhile when enemies hit about 2k HP (i.e. get a Warmogs) and that's not including the active which is really nice for kiting. Admittedly in an endgame build it's not as good as a Bloodthirster (since that full 100 damage will crit) but you have to get to endgame first and Trists massive AS steroid makes her one of the better ones to use an on-hit item even if an ulting Twitch is better.

I personally love both Twitch and Varus and I feel Twitch is slightly better (amazing base damage) though Varus is more fun.

If you're even slightly considering Caitlin I do suggest her however. She's simply a lane bully and a competent Cait will win just about any lane, especially when paired with Taric or Nunu.

I've failed the two times I've tried to play Vayne so no comment but if you're good enough to get her built up she's a great carry even though I prefer Twitch/Kog/Trist for hypercarries just because I like range.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Nik you left one game too early yesterday. Our last game of the day featured Zirze feeding mid hard (0-5 start, Diana was 8-1) and me carrying as Tristana =0

I'm now 6-2 as Tristana when starting BotRK + SS I'm going to try it out in ranked now since it smooths out her power creep making her mid game viable and only slightly weakening her late game (as enemies health scales, BotRK approaches bloodthirster strength).
Oct 25, 2006
Nik you left one game too early yesterday. Our last game of the day featured Zirze feeding mid hard (0-5 start, Diana was 8-1) and me carrying as Tristana =0

I'm now 6-2 as Tristana when starting BotRK + SS I'm going to try it out in ranked now since it smooths out her power creep making her mid game viable and only slightly weakening her late game (as enemies health scales, BotRK approaches bloodthirster strength).

Dayum. I should start playing ranked again. I sorta ragequit after losing 8 games in a row.
Feb 20, 2013
Been playing since season 1! Got the Kayle skin to prove it.

My username is DemonicCutThroat, but I'm making a new one pretty soon.


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
Hey guys, any advice on runes setups?

I'd be interested to hear what you guys have set up.

I have a buddy who goes all AD and all AP, and I have always heard that you should get Armor and MR for seals/glyphs at least.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
You only need a few to cover most roles.

Magic Pen
Attack Speed


Flat MR

Flat AP
Flat AD
Movement Speed

Obviously beyond that you can customize more for individual champs. But those cover most roles. For AD carries use the flat AD quints and reds, for AP carries use the mpen red and either the MS or AP quints. Jungles mostly use MS quints and AS reds. Supports use GP5 quints and mpen reds (or armour reds). Top lanes can use any combination of anything. I like AD reds and MS quints (or the flat AD setup you use with AD carries). The armour yellows and mr blues are used on almost everyone.
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Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
You only need a few to cover most roles.

Magic Pen
Attack Speed


Flat MR

Flat AP
Flat AD
Movement Speed

Obviously beyond that you can customize more for individual champs. But those cover most roles. For AD carries use the flat AD quints and reds, for AP carries use the mpen red and either the MS or AP quints. Jungles mostly use MS quints and AS reds. Supports use GP5 quints and mpen reds (or armour reds). Top lanes can use any combination of anything. I like AD reds and MS quints (or the flat AD setup you use with AD carries). The armour yellows and mr blues are used on almost everyone.

This sums it up pretty well. As you naturally start gravitating towards champs you really like playing or are just good at playing, you can tweak the rune and mastery set-up to fit your playstyle with them.

My suggestion is to start with the Tier 3 flat armor Seals, unlike the other runes there's pretty much no comparable replacement for the flat armor seals. They can be run on pretty much any champion and serve you well and ever since they nerfed the mana regen yellows, there's nothing really worth running besides those aside from very gimmicky strategies/builds.

After that is magic resist/level glyphs or flat mr glyphs. Either one is very useful and there isn't really a replacement for these either unless you know you won't need the early resists in favor of some other type of stat (ap/level is pretty popular).

Those 2 general purpose resist runes will be in pretty much every runepage you'll ever make, the Marks and Quints will vary depending on the role and champion you play so you'll need to save up more IP to make use of them (and they're more expensive than the runes I listed). For less than 4k IP you can get 9 flat armor seals and 9 flat mr glyphs, and they're arguably the best and most cost efficient runes you can buy anyways, they just happen to also be cheapest.


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2005
Thanks for the tips guys. That is pretty much how I have it set up. I just wanted validation on whether it could be improved in any way.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2009
I recently tried DOTA2. Didn't like it as much as Leagues, but that might be because I don't want to endure the learning curve again.

I do not play this game near as much as I used to, but keep coming back to it for the online fix.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Thanks for the tips guys. That is pretty much how I have it set up. I just wanted validation on whether it could be improved in any way.

there are a few small things for instance as ADC:
replace one AD mark with crit chance. The point being you have a lot of autoattack - skill - autoattack retreat exchanges and going from 15->14 AD isn't going to change anything but if you get a lucky crit you can just go all in and win the fight.

Lifesteal quints... I see a lot of people running these these days and your early game damage suffers but it seems to let you skip buying one of D. Blade or Vamp scepter in some cases saving money and getting an early BF Sword earlier.

ArPen Marks - these are better mid/lategame (starting at level 4 IIRC and even earlier for Draven due to his Q) so If I'm not worried about killing/dying I'll run these rather than AD marks but it makes last hitting harder.

some junglers/laners do really well with CDR glyphs but everything FirstTime posted are your basic runes.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I don't think GP10 quints are as effective on supports in S3. They were passable in S2 because they'd allow you to buy a ward for "free" every 4 minutes (2.5 mins with GP10 seals). That's not nearly as big a deal now with the inclusion of Sightstone and the Pickpocket mastery. You're better getting stats you can actually use early game rather than waiting on a trickle of gold.

3g/10 seconds = 18g per minute

78HP from Quints (205g value) = 11.4 minutes
8.1 HP/5 from Quints (291g value) = 16.2 minutes
12.78 Armor from Quints (255g value) = 14.2 minutes
6.75 AD from Quints (270g value) = 15 minutes

That's the math using gold value per point based on basic items. As you can see, GP10 quints don't start equaling the value of the stats they likely replace until 15 minutes into the game. And the same goes for GP10 seals which are slightly worse.

I would say HP/5 quints are now really good for harassing supports and some top laners. Why not start with a Philo Stone's worth of health regen to help mitigate trade damage?
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Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
I don't think GP10 quints are as effective on supports in S3. They were passable in S2 because they'd allow you to buy a ward for "free" every 4 minutes (2.5 mins with GP10 seals). That's not nearly as big a deal now with the inclusion of Sightstone and the Pickpocket mastery. You're better getting stats you can actually use early game rather than waiting on a trickle of gold.

3g/10 seconds = 18g per minute

78HP from Quints (205g value) = 11.4 minutes
8.1 HP/5 from Quints (291g value) = 16.2 minutes
12.78 Armor from Quints (255g value) = 14.2 minutes
6.75 AD from Quints (270g value) = 15 minutes

That's the math using gold value per point based on basic items. As you can see, GP10 quints don't start equaling the value of the stats they likely replace until 15 minutes into the game. And the same goes for GP10 seals which are slightly worse.

I would say HP/5 quints are now really good for harassing supports and some top laners. Why not start with a Philo Stone's worth of health regen to help mitigate trade damage?

I dunno, I have HP/5 Quints (and yellows), they are extremely underwhelming. HP regen is one of the easiest stats to itemize, even early game, all you need is a pot. I still like GP5 on supports cause there are so many more items to buy. But I don't play supports well or often so I could be way off base. HP/5 quints are underwhelming though I do know that.


Oct 30, 2000
I have always preferred movespeed quints on support champs. I tried the GP quints and really felt them underwhelming. If you plan on playing completely passive then GP quints are okay if your opponent support is not using them and not getting extra gold either through kills/assists. In the long run you'll come out ahead... but it's a negligible difference. And as pointed out, with sightstones the gold difference is really minor. I prefer to use runes which will help me get kills or prevent my death. Also the time to get back into lane after a recall to base can save you far more gold in the long run that GP quints.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
The G/10 quints are really the way to go unless you have a clear reason to do otherwise. It makes a difference in when you get sightstone, PStone and that just snowballs. There are a few valid options if you're really trying for an early kill (especially flat AP on Lux/Zyra or MS on a few champs) but the support with the G/10 is almost always better off than the one without unless they get massively outplayed.

MS is still the hardest stat to itemize for so I could see that especially if you're trying to roam or be aggressive but with the base MS buffs in S3 it's not as needed.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Meh, I don't think they're the only way to go now with the new stuff in S3. Grab more Armor/HP/HP5 so you can harass more. With PP, you need to get 6 hits in per minute to get the same amount of gold (max theoretical is 12 if you're able to trigger the passive every time it's off cooldown). But you'll be better equipped to deal with counter-harass and will push opponents stuck on ancient GP10 runes around.


Oct 30, 2000
Meh, I don't think they're the only way to go now with the new stuff in S3. Grab more Armor/HP/HP5 so you can harass more. With PP, you need to get 6 hits in per minute to get the same amount of gold (max theoretical is 12 if you're able to trigger the passive every time it's off cooldown). But you'll be better equipped to deal with counter-harass and will push opponents stuck on ancient GP10 runes around.

That's how I feel. Early harass because your stats are better allow you to stop the opponents in lane from effectively staying in lane. The gold advantage gained from GP/10 is completely lost the moment you are either forced out of lane early or as a pair are effectively denied CS. Not to mention if an early kill comes into play.

I like MS because it's a bigger difference in early game, but still very useful late game. The fact you can get back into lane quicker on your first trip means you'll have opportunity to be higher level on experience. Add in the fact you can roam and make it team fights more often means you'll get more experience and gold in the long run.

I'll state this, I've more often wished I had that one extra step to have escaped a situation where I died, than 280 extra gold during the course of a game. That extra bit of movespeed that saved my ass far exceeds that 280g


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Blade of the Ruined King is going to be so OP once it gets the ASPD component in the next patch. It's already pretty damned powerful in the bruiser/health stacking meta. I've been experimenting with building it as a first item on ADCs with good results.


Oct 30, 2000
Blade of the Ruined King is going to be so OP once it gets the ASPD component in the next patch. It's already pretty damned powerful in the bruiser/health stacking meta. I've been experimenting with building it as a first item on ADCs with good results.

Damnit, that was one of my go to items when it rolled out But yah, the lack of attack speed on it made it less effective than the original blood razor.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Damnit, that was one of my go to items when it rolled out But yah, the lack of attack speed on it made it less effective than the original blood razor.

I'd give it the edge over MBR even now without the AS. MBR was 4% of max HP as magic damage. BotRK does 5% of current HP as physical so an ADC can use its full potential. Plus it has lots of lifesteal and the active nuke which gives you a MS boost. And it's 900g cheaper.
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