League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
I really really want magma chamber. I hate the 5 man ganksquad style of game, and in summoner's rift you can *almost* counter it by side pushing hard. In a bigger map, side pushing will be that much stronger...


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
I wish they'd make a map that was 3vs3vs3 with the minions playing a bigger role. Wouldn't be competitive obviously, but would be fun for just messing around.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Haha. So lame. It's a new map of a game mode that Dota had. Whatever, it will be regulated to the same status as TT.


Jan 8, 2010
Seriously that was it? Wonder what the deal with magma chamber is. Wonder if they just couldn't get the play balanced enough. There are really only so many ways you can make a map for these games and keep them from being roll fests.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
So, they are adding Arathi Basin? I hope they don't get the bright idea to take any more battleground ideas from Wow.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Dota has had a capture the point mode for a while too, as has HoN I believe. Really underwhelming when this is what they choose to announce the week Valve throws the gauntlet down with their tourney. Also funny is that they were saying that something was coming "this week, not soon" this is soon. Seriously wtf.


Oct 30, 2000
If magma chamber comes out, certain heroes I have a feeling would be MUCH more desirable. Gangplank, Yi, TF, Nocturne, Shen, and Panth would all be major. Anyone that can push and get out of the way fast enough if need be or has a huge range or global ult will be major picks for it.


Jan 13, 2006
OMG this thread fell to second page and I cannot have that.

Anyway, I finally bought Tryn. He is broken. Easily the best champ in the game right now. Granted he is all about late game but that is where most games are won. I didnt even play him well last night and I was basically unstoppable.

But, Blitzcrank is still and always my favorite champ. Such a challenge to play him - the most fun champ in the game to play. I got a nasty pro build for him, takes a while but end game if I do well I am a beast. Prob is sometimes the grabs just aren't landing. a couple too many drinks and it is a big weakness!


Oct 30, 2000
OMG this thread fell to second page and I cannot have that.

Anyway, I finally bought Tryn. He is broken. Easily the best champ in the game right now. Granted he is all about late game but that is where most games are won. I didnt even play him well last night and I was basically unstoppable.

But, Blitzcrank is still and always my favorite champ. Such a challenge to play him - the most fun champ in the game to play. I got a nasty pro build for him, takes a while but end game if I do well I am a beast. Prob is sometimes the grabs just aren't landing. a couple too many drinks and it is a big weakness!

Trynd is too easily hard countered. Exhaust screws him over pretty good. Suppression for sure. CC can mess him up bad too.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Trynd is too easily hard countered. Exhaust screws him over pretty good. Suppression for sure. CC can mess him up bad too.

Yea, I love it when I play Teemo and there's a tryn... He's pretty much useless in any fight I'm participating in.


Diamond Member
Jul 20, 2001
Anyway, I finally bought Tryn. He is broken. Easily the best champ in the game right now. Granted he is all about late game but that is where most games are won. I didnt even play him well last night and I was basically unstoppable.

he's hard-countered by Teemo, and in general he's pretty easily countered. never seen him do anything but feed since 1500+ ELO


Jan 13, 2006
Odd I have seen him do the opposite.

But true what you say about CC, teemo. with the right champs and focused early he can be rendered useless.

But the same is true for any non-tank. The difference is the dmg this guy outputs and with his ult it is enough time to chop down almost anything late game.

He is top tier at least, imo.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Trynd is bad in that he has to be at melee range to deal any damage. He doesn't have any real utility other then his slow and is overly depended on red buff. Other AD's have better gap closers, Xin and Yi, are tankier like Lee Sin or Jax, and bring more to the team fight table. Trynd is a glass cannon hero, it's stupid how hard exhaust counters him. Especially when there are heroes like GP or the entire tanky dps line up who can do things without their ulty.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
So since I'm bored with my normal tanks, I want to play Morg as a tank support. What item builds are recommended for this?


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
Trynd is bad in that he has to be at melee range to deal any damage. He doesn't have any real utility other then his slow and is overly depended on red buff. Other AD's have better gap closers, Xin and Yi, are tankier like Lee Sin or Jax, and bring more to the team fight table. Trynd is a glass cannon hero, it's stupid how hard exhaust counters him. Especially when there are heroes like GP or the entire tanky dps line up who can do things without their ulty.

This is pretty much why Trynd is not considered top tier. There's really no such thing as squishy melee dps anymore. They're pretty much not viable in high elo play because they can't tank the burst if they get in there. The only exception to this at the moment is probably GP but that was after many reworks. Trynd can pubstop at lower levels of elo play but that doesn't really make him top tier. Hilarious if you can get him farmed and the other team doesnt have enough CC to stop you but otherwise there are too many other tanky dps options that work a lot better.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
So since I'm bored with my normal tanks, I want to play Morg as a tank support. What item builds are recommended for this?

I would go merc treads with BV/Zhonyas/Rylais in mostly that order. Gets you AP, armor, hp, and mres. Build the catalyst for BV->zhonya->finish BV then giants belt->rest of rylais.

Runes would be flat armor yellows, mres/lvl blue, mpen reds and flat hp quints I'm thinking. Standard AP tank runes.

There is a bit of redundancy from BV and Morg spell shield, but I don't think that's a bad thing. It would let you spell shield later, or shield other people.
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Oct 30, 2000
So since I'm bored with my normal tanks, I want to play Morg as a tank support. What item builds are recommended for this?

Well, I've done an AD/Bruiser Morganna build before and it worked. Takes a few items to get going, but it surprises the hell out of people.

The main reason this build works for Morganna is because her AP ratio for her W is weak and they aren't as needed because of her W (fermented soil) ability.

So this is the build I go for with her.

MPen Quints (or Movespeed or Health)
MPen Reds
MP/5 Yellows
CDR Blues


Get the spell pen master in the offensive tree and then fill out all the utility tree with the better skills.

Skill Build:
1: Q
2: W
3: E
4: W
5: E
6: R

Then build W to max, then Q, then E. I like having 2 points in E at first as it makes the shield not insta pop when people use skills on you at first. But I find putting too much into it too early hampers your ability to kill and farm too much.

Item Build:
Regrowth + Pot (HP Pot)
Reach 385 + 75 gold go back for Philospher Stone and ward
Reach 350 + 75 + 390 gold and go back for boots, ward, and meki pendant
Reach 605 gold and go back for Tear of Goddess

Here is where I make a decision. If I am doing well and my team is doing decent I'll hold onto the tier 1 boots for a bit. If not or I find that the other team is coming after me I'll complete the boots for a bit more survivability. So the next go back is either:

Merc Tread Boots
- or -

Why sheen? Cause this is an offbeat build, it is more AD/bruiser style than anything else. This is because many of the normal AP items like Rylai's Scepter don't work so well with Morgana. That and her AP ratio isn't all that high on her skills, nor is she bursty enough with her AP abilities to require all that high an AP. Plus for some reason she actually has a decent scaling AD ratio. Better than some tanks like Leona for example. Don't ask me why this is so, but it is.

So I end up making sheen into Tri-Force. I know strange right? but as Morgana with this build I turn her into the kiting/chasing queen. Rylai's scepter doesn't work for her because the only real ability it works on is Dark Binding which snares the enemy for the duration of the slow in the first place. It doesn't affect her shield, her fermented soil or her ult. Why? Well the shield is self explanatory, but the other two abilities DO NOT TARGET the enemy. Which is why they aren't stopped by banshee veil either. So rylai's scepter doesn't add it's slow to her other abilities since they don't target either.

So I found that snaring them in place on top of a fermented soil patch while auto attacking is basically all morganna does. So what can a player do to make that more effective? Either upgrade how much damage her Dark Binding and Fermented soil does by upping her AP or upgrade how much her auto attack does. I find the auto attacking upgrade scale MUCH better than the AP does for her. Not only that, once the Dark Binding snare has worn off, they are still slowed from the Tri-force. Which gives you plenty of time to back up and resnare them. You end up just snare + soil + auto attacking them to death MUCH faster than before by upping your auto attack I found. Actually to ridiculous levels once you get the other items I pick up which are usually....

Phantom Dancer
Hextech Gunblade or Banshee Veil (hp and mana which turns into AD with manamune) or Guardian Angel if they are really focusing you all the time.

I upgrade the Tear of the Goddess to Manamune and last but not least the Philosopher stone to Shureli Reverie. That gives you something like 2.7K-ish hps as a decent buffer to go with your spell shield. Tons of spell vamp and life steal from both Hextech if you go that route and her passive ability. Otherwise you get a bit more suvivability with either the veil or GA but less offensive power. You have a something like 480+ movespeed as well which makes you hard to catch on top of being able to slow people down and root them in place if you are good with skill shots.

It seems weird, but I've had it work several times with this build. You WILL get people on your team and the other team going, "WTF? What the hell are you building Morg?" Then when you rape their faces they'll change their tune I found

I don't recommend trying this with other traditional AP characters. I only do this with morg because of how her skills work. It's funny as hell watching people literally melt on your puddle while you toss auto attacks at 1.5 attack speed and hitting them with 600+ AD crits frm range.

But don't do this build if you aren't goo with morganna.
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Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2009
Thanks Humble, I'll try that out. I was having issues because I saw another Morg do well at it (playing against them) and wanted to try it, but totally forgot what they built.

I have played about 5-6 games and find I'm not able to find a balance of having enough mana and enough survivability. I've been good with the snare and shield, but had my normal tank mindset in place and was WAY too aggressive and diving in. I was basically getting two Dora rings, boots, BV, then I wanted to make that tomb with SV aura. But my armor would suck and AD heros would still gib me fast.


Oct 30, 2000
Thanks Humble, I'll try that out. I was having issues because I saw another Morg do well at it (playing against them) and wanted to try it, but totally forgot what they built.

I have played about 5-6 games and find I'm not able to find a balance of having enough mana and enough survivability. I've been good with the snare and shield, but had my normal tank mindset in place and was WAY too aggressive and diving in. I was basically getting two Dora rings, boots, BV, then I wanted to make that tomb with SV aura. But my armor would suck and AD heros would still gib me fast.

With the Tear and Philo Stone you won't have much or really any mana problems at all once you've built the tear up.

The problem with morg is if you build her REALLY tanky, then you are practically worthless besides a shield and snare and the stun off your ult which I find to be hit or miss in usability with her. Which means the other team will mostly ignore you except when you pop your ult then they just move out of the way after CCing you to a spot to prevent the stun from happening.

That's why I go for a bit of the bruiser build. AD + some survivability + her CC allows you to take down just about anyone 1v1. In team fights you are still useful and won't die as fast as a straight AP build. It is a higher sustained DPS build, but it still churns out quite a bit of DPS that surprises most people. It's not the highest AD carry DPS, but it doesn't need to be with her CC skills, range, and shield. Your job in team fights is to get in the thick of it with the shield going. Ult, and lock down their carry or support squishie. Then wreck that character. If you are focused, you flash out and get away if need be. If you are not and your team is kicking the crap out of them, then you are invaluable in preventing the other team from getting away.

Also, this build makes morgana into a very good pusher. I've 2v1 with this build a few times as she is very good at that. Fermented Soil at rank 4 will wipe out all the caster creeps and at rank 5 will wipe out all the melee ones as well. The only one it won't wipe out is the buster cannon creep, but with your auto attack actually worth a damn because of the build I have, morgana can clean up any creeps that her soil didn't kill FAST. This means you can push and wave AND take down towers pretty damn fast. Add to the fact that if anyone comes at you they are going to have a hard time CCin'g you to stop you if you pop your shield and they will have a hard time catching you with your snares, slows, and stuns + high move speed. Makes her a decent split pusher with this build.
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