League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Senior member
May 14, 2008
Finally won my first game

Dominion has created a lot of epic moments like this. They have done an excellent job balancing so it remains competitive to the very last second. So far my favorite champs to play are blitz and jax. Need to learn akali, she can be so dominant on that map.


Jan 8, 2010
Sorry for the horrible game last night. I had a rather annoying family phone call right at character loading that lasted most of the match. I was pretty distracted and totally screwed up my build (as someone pointed out). By the time I was back in the game it was a lost cause.


Jun 30, 2003
Sorry for the horrible game last night. I had a rather annoying family phone call right at character loading that lasted most of the match. I was pretty distracted and totally screwed up my build (as someone pointed out). By the time I was back in the game it was a lost cause.

i wasnt doing too well vs. ashe mid, dont worry


Dec 4, 2004
How are you playing your teemo? I usually do decently going boots -> malady -> phage -> madrids, but been wonder what might be better.

Close. I get madrids if I think I need it(like against a singed), but usually I go gunblade because it helps with sustain. Just depends on the other team's lineup. Lots of squishies makes madrids not that great.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Close. I get madrids if I think I need it(like against a singed), but usually I go gunblade because it helps with sustain. Just depends on the other team's lineup. Lots of squishies makes madrids not that great.

When do you usually go for gunblade (after boots or malady? or sometime else?)?


Jan 8, 2010
So I've been playing alot of Dominion lately. Almost exclusively AD/AS Rammus or Heimer if Rammus is taken. I pretty much dominate 90% of the games I'm in.

With Rammus however, I do catch alot of slack as soon as someone sees a Phantom Dancer on him, especially if the rest of the team isn't really doing their part. There is quite a difference in opinion as to how the game should be played at this time and it can really affect how it plays out, but hands down AD/AS/Crit Rammus beats tank Rammus 1v1 (except watch for thornmail obviously). Since most of the best champs for Dominion are AD, you just throw on a thornmail and can usually call it good.

Now, here's what I see is wrong with the way people play this game sometimes:

A. The person that takes bot and never leaves because "He's supposed to defend bot"
Ok, I get it, but if your team is fighting not far from you, move your ass off the turret. If there's big team fight top and their bot is open, go take it. Especially Heimer. There is no reason you can't leave a turret or 2 and go cap a tower while everyone is busy. It works. Also, if they have your bottom, don't concentrate on getting it back if they are all there. Go get another, they will leave it wide open eventually and it's the easiest to get back. Don't risk death of the whole team just because they have your bottom tower.

B. Trying to get as many kills as possible - or aka: The other team has 4 turrets, but we're going to attack the one with all their people defending it.
Don't. If most their team is there, head opposite direction. If there are 1-2 there and you go for it, as soon as their entire team shows up, 1-2 people split off and take other turrets while the rest keep them busy. If you're dead and respawn while it's happening - go get a turret. Generally you can at least disable it before someone comes. **GET the cap reduction items!!

C. The Jungler: This person spends the whole time in the jungle trying to gank and doesn't concern himself with turrets. This could be good, if you have turrets, but if you NEED turrets or need to defend, you aren't helping anyone.Obviously there are certain characters that ganking works well, but gank people trying to cap, not people running by randomly.

D. The one I hate the most (because I"m rammus most the time). Prior to the match, it is agreed 4 will go top and 1 will take mid. Except, 2 go mid, leaving Rammus alone vs 3-4 waiting for the slow 2nd person to show up. Whenever I even think this is going to happen, I skip top altogether and rush their bottom to delay them getting it. I'm only going to die or run away from top otherwise.

That being said. Take turrets take turrets take turrets. I am not sure about quests as it really seems the quests are designed to be a challenge (example take a turret that has 4 people defending it) or defend a turret when its the only turret you have, etc). More often than not they just seem to be a pain to concentrate on.

One point I differ on many people about is how many turrets to hold. Early game I like to get as many as possible since the game can change so quickly. The enemy team loses more every second with 4 turrets as opposed to 3 so early game is crucial for this and can help you get a nice lead early. This will vary depending on team comp and how easy it is to defend or take a turret. Late game (especially if it is close) as soon as you get 3, defend hard. That 1 point a second can seem like eternity

Ok done rambling..just my thoughts. I'm sure there are plenty of other opinions.
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Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
The last game last night, clear case of too much AD and not enough AP. We were winning the early game, but in the end most of the enemy team just stacked armor and our single AP malzahar wasn't enough.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
The last game last night, clear case of too much AD and not enough AP. We were winning the early game, but in the end most of the enemy team just stacked armor and our single AP malzahar wasn't enough.

Yeah things went south when I thought we could take dragon and we got hammered instead. After that ... idk everything just went wrong. We never established a clear kill order or anything. Oh well, my interest in this game is rather low right now, I probably need to take a week or two off to recharge the batteries. I just happen to think that as soon as D3 comes out I'm going to jump ship so I need to get my games in now.


Jan 8, 2010
Meh, I'll play through Diablo III maybe 1 time like I did the rest. I never got into the Pokemon mentality that so many people do in those games. Once you've played it, you've played it. I might try DOTA2 just to see how it differs.

I figured my time would be taken by SC2, and it was for awhile, but then LOL stole that and I haven't touched SC2 since..so..


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Likewise. I'll play through D3 at least once fully and then get a few going with other characters to try out the different playstyle. I'll likely give DOTA2 a try, but if I can barely get into HoN because I don't have the time and patience to learn another 80+ heroes then I don't think I'll play much of DOTA2 either.


Platinum Member
Jun 12, 2001
I've been playing LoL for awhile now but only in 5v5 normal blind picks solo queues. I've been keeping pace with my wins/losses being equal for the most part which I think is good considering all the maroons I run into on a nightly basis.

I've always wanted to join the ranked games but have been afraid I would be a hindrance to my teammates so I never really pursued it much. Until last night.

I played two ranked solo 5v5s last night. Both as Singed and had very different outcomes. The first game was kind of sad. We had a troll Gangplank on our team that was just god awful. I ended up going 5/6/5 before our team captain pretty much gave up and started surrendering every chance he could. My 2nd game was much more productive from a team perspective. I was the pseudo-tank and it worked out well because for some reason the other team focused on me every freakin time. I ended that game 7/3/17 and 2 of those deaths resulted in our team acing the other team. Well worth those deaths.

Do any of you guys duo queue? I make no claims to be the best of the best but I would love to start playing some more with the PC Gaming crowd here and hopefully learn some things. I have any kind of communication medium needed and willing to use whatever else would be required. My username is WaldoJ. I think I have some of you on my friends list already but can't remember names vs the AT names.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Morello posted today that they're very close on the stealth rework, just putting the final touches on Eve and Twitch's kit reworks. He says it's going to be very different.


Oct 30, 2000
I've been playing LoL for awhile now but only in 5v5 normal blind picks solo queues. I've been keeping pace with my wins/losses being equal for the most part which I think is good considering all the maroons I run into on a nightly basis.

I've always wanted to join the ranked games but have been afraid I would be a hindrance to my teammates so I never really pursued it much. Until last night.

I played two ranked solo 5v5s last night. Both as Singed and had very different outcomes. The first game was kind of sad. We had a troll Gangplank on our team that was just god awful. I ended up going 5/6/5 before our team captain pretty much gave up and started surrendering every chance he could. My 2nd game was much more productive from a team perspective. I was the pseudo-tank and it worked out well because for some reason the other team focused on me every freakin time. I ended that game 7/3/17 and 2 of those deaths resulted in our team acing the other team. Well worth those deaths.

Do any of you guys duo queue? I make no claims to be the best of the best but I would love to start playing some more with the PC Gaming crowd here and hopefully learn some things. I have any kind of communication medium needed and willing to use whatever else would be required. My username is WaldoJ. I think I have some of you on my friends list already but can't remember names vs the AT names.

I play solo rank. Used to do quite a bit of it in fact before the reset. I've done 8 games since with 4 wins and 4 losses. 3 of the losses were from pure trolls. The last one was just poor team comp that led to poor late game decisions. That loss I can live with. It happens. The other 3 I might as well not even played. I even knew going in that I was going to lose on two of those occasions at the champ select. Still I went ahead because a queue dodge counts as a loss regardless and I am not guaranteed my next time queueing would result in no trolls. So better to play I say regardless and learn from the experience as best you can than to dodge.

I will say that before playing ranked you should try the following if you are serious about winning. Master, or at least be very comfortable with, several different champs. If you are last pick you may be forced into a roll you are uncomfortable with otherwise. Especially considering there are 4 bans and 9 other people picking ahead of you. So having proficiency with different champ types in different roles is a good thing to have when trying rank. At least one champ of the following types: AD/AP Melee, AD/AP range, Tank, Support, Jungle. Having at least 3, preferably 4, rune pages is also good. I have an Armor Pen based page, a Magic Pen based page, a Tank based page, and a Support based page. That is a bare minimum in my opinion to cover the majority of champs. Additional pages can be used to fine tune different champs, such as a crit based page for trynd for example, but are not needed. Trynd can be still played well with my Armor Pen based page.

Mastering several champs of each type is also good if you can handle it, but at least one is sufficient. Personally here is what I play for each role

AD/AP melee: Xin, Yi, Trynd, Nasus, Gangplank, Riven, and Jarvan.
AD/AP range: Vayne, Sivir, Teemo, Karthus, Annie, Ryze, Anivia, Morganna, and Veigar.
Tank: Leona, Jarvan, Amumu, Singed, and Rammus.
Support: Sona, Kayle, Morganna, and Janna.
Jungle: Xin, Yi, Amumu, Rammus, Nasus, Gangplank

Even with those listed some I'm still better with some than others, but I am proficient with all those. I can play other champs, but since I play them less the muscle memory for them isn't the same.

Of course you don't have to go to the extreme I did when it comes to being proficient with that many different chars. Still I found it helps when it comes to playing against many different chars.

Last but not least when it comes to playing rank. LEARN TO DODGE SKILL SHOTS. That is the most important and valueable skill as a player you can learn in this game. So many champs rely on skillshots that if they land they will royally screw you up. However, almost every champ that uses skill shots has a "tell" that you use to dodge. There are only two exceptions I know of to this which are Ezreal and the Caitlyn exploit trick. Ezreal has almost no animation or cast time for his skill shots (minus his ultimate). The fact that he can also use a "teleport" to move in a direction you can't predict before letting you have it with a skill shot makes doding a proficient Ezreal damn near impossible. Also Caitlyn with her stupid netshot + piltover pulverizer shot combo makes her skill shot impossible to dodge right now as well. Still, learning to dodge skill shots goes a long way. I'm not saying you will be able to dodge them all, because I certainly don't, but being proactive in your dodging attempts goes a long way to winning games. I would say it has been my experience that the majority of players that lose their lanes during the laning phase do so because they can't dodge skill shots very well. So I highly suggest doing plenty of normal games with the idea in mind you are going to practice actively dodging skillshots made by your opponents. Not to get most kills, or to get a ton of last hits on minions, but to actively dodge. You'd be surprised at how much better your game play in the end will be.
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Dec 4, 2004
Well dominion is full of retards, though not nearly as bad as solo ranked. I've pretty much given up, I just can't enjoy the game at all when 95% of players don't have any concept of actual strategy. Going back to shooters, done with this game type.


Moderator<br>Love & Relationships
Aug 29, 2004
dodging skillshots is part and parcel of learning to read your opponent's mind, which is valuable in any gametype. unfortunately i think some of it is taught, and some of it is natural talent...


Jun 30, 2003
dodging skillshots is part and parcel of learning to read your opponent's mind, which is valuable in any gametype. unfortunately i think some of it is taught, and some of it is natural talent...

we had a damn good nidalee spamming spears last night. she was hitting for 1K+. it was pretty insane.


Oct 30, 2000
dodging skillshots is part and parcel of learning to read your opponent's mind, which is valuable in any gametype. unfortunately i think some of it is taught, and some of it is natural talent...

To an extent what you said is true. But you make it seem like the "reading of the opponents" mind is the natural talent. That isn't the case if that is what you are implying. Reading their mind is nothing more than thinking, "now what would I do with that character in the next 5 seconds?" Is your opponent playing blitzcrank? Do you see him angling to move around the minion wave to toss out his skillshot grab? How do you prevent that?

Simple things like that and practice with knowing how to play with and against champs that use skillshots will make up for a lot of "natural talent" in my opinion. I just think people with the natural talent are those that just pick up that skill faster without having to practice it as much as others. Unless the person is a complete moronic bonehead that has trouble with any sort of move and counter move scenario they have a chance of learning out to improve their current abilities. However, I do know that some people just don't get it at all.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
we had a damn good nidalee spamming spears last night. she was hitting for 1K+. it was pretty insane.

Yeah she singlehandlely carried that game for them. I outfarmed her in lane, killed her once and took their mid turret before they got our and it didn't matter because around level 13 she just went full on beast mode. We won almost every fight she wasn't in. That said I really enjoyed that game because I had a couple of moments as Morgana that just made me go damn I love this champ. 2 flash > dark bindings which landed and someone was calling for a retreat when Lee Sin and I said fuck it and went 2v3 nabbing all 3 kills without either of us dying (Morgana + Zhona's is awesome).


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Had the most hilarious game last night. Won 3 games in a row duo queue with my brother, and then one with another friend as well.

The last game we won via "double jungle", so we decided to try an oddball strategy and all three of us took smite. Well, oddly enough the 2 random pugs decided to play along and also went smite. To kick it up a notch we each took revive along with smite. Looked like a total troll team, we were expecting to lose but gave it our best effort anyway.

Well, long story short we did lose, but it was much closer than any of us expected, game went on 52 mins and I think we only really lost because the enemy team had stronger late game champions- that and our fiddle pug was simply trolling, stacking hextech revolvers which is silly since the spell vamp doesn't stack. Turns out there were some fun advantages to have 5 smites, we just annihilated dragon every time it spawned and at the start of the game we pushed top lane as 5 and took out the two top turrets in the first few minutes of the game.

I think 5 smite could work on a real team, but the 5 revives killed our chances- it was just too hard to get any good team fight initiation without flash or ghosts.

One "cute" thing I noticed is that smite works with spell vamp, some nice free instant healing if your team has a will of the ancients.

Anyway, 5 smite team- not recommended for ranked, but was damn fun in a draft normal. Funnest game I ever lost.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I've always been a strong advocate of the on-hit/AP Kog build since it boosts all his abilities. It's only weak point being that it leaves Kog really slow. So I tried out an AD build of IE + 2xPD and wow it is just devastating. LA doesn't scale quite as well but it still does good damage. But you've basically got a 750 range auto-attack that's critting 3/4 attacks for nearly 600 with an additional 6&#37; of HP magic damage on top. I was melting down their tank from full HP in 3 seconds.

And between having movespeed near 470 and your slime trail, you should be able to dissuade most heroes from getting close to you.
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