League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Sep 5, 2004
It'd be fun if it wasn't only a Custom game but I understand why they made it so at least. Oh well, guess I'll try it out when it drops. Also looks like they're changing it so you can no longer ignite minions (you will still be able to ignite jungle creeps though). I'm happy with this one, it sucks missing out on a kill because your cursor was off 3 mm.

Also, anyone seen the (supposed) new Glacial Malphite skin that's popping up all over the place?


Oct 30, 2000
Well since Diablo 3 is a bust, I've been playing LOL a bunch more these last few weeks. I've finally got Yorick nailed down. I haven't lost my lane yet with him. And only lost one game with him when I had a real troll on my team. Even then it was close.

So here is my build at setup for Yorick that just WINS.

Masteries are 8-16-7 AD Bruiser setup

3 Brute force, 1 Mental Force (meh could go Summoner's Wrath as well)
4 Alacrity

1 Resistance, 2 Hardiness, 2 Tough Skin (this lets you be a bully in lane)
4 Durability, 3 Vigor
2 Indomitable (best mastery in game period), 1 Veteran's Scars

3 Expanded Mind, 1 Improved Recall
3 Meditation (needed for the mana problems Yorick has)

For Runes I do the following:
Movespeed Quints
Flat Armor Reds
Flat Armor Yellows
Mr/lvl Blues

So 4.5% move speed boost, 21 armor, and 24 MR.

Start with boots and 3/4 pots (4 if you wait to go top). If I'm not invading I put my first point in E. If I'm helping team invade I put first point in W.

From here I just bully. Use my ghouls to finish a minion for a creep kill and to send it against my opponent. I alternate E and W. I don't bother with Q until level 5 or 7. Get R when it's available.

After boots and pots I rush a chalice. This is where my build majorily differs from the "recommended" and prevailing builds I see. Most rush ToG and go straight for manamune. I feel this is a HUGE mistake for Yorick. Manamune is such a crap item for the cost. For the AD it provides you need almost 2000 mana to make it a somewhat cost effective item. Even then, the huge mana pool it provides and slight mana regen are useless late game. So it's being used for AD only and takes forever to be used early when you REALLY need it. Beyond that, the regen provided by ToG is crap early. Chalice provides FAR more regen early, along with more MR which allows you to bully the lane early on even more. and being a lane bully is what being Yorick is all about. You must OWN top. No one has the early power of Yorick with a chalice. NO ONE. I say that emphatically. There is not a single champ in the game stronger top that Yorick early on with a chalice.

After chalice I like to build for my opponent. If the top and or jungler is AP based, or the mid keeps coming top, I go for more MR. If they top and jungler is AD based I go for armor. So I build my boots next to a ninja tabi or merc treads. I then pick up a kindle gem for the extra CDR and hp. Which completes into a Spirit Visage. This is another key core item for Yorick. A maxed E with Spirit Visage is going to make it impossible for you to be pushed out of lane. Even most gank attempts will do NOTHING against you. I've had 3 to 4 people come top to gank me. Blow every ult, every summoner, and still not kill me because of E, R, and spirit visage with Yorick's innate tankiness.

Next items I complete are Athena's Holy Grail, and Glacial Shroud which goes into a Frozen Heart. This should put you around 240 armor and 160 MR. With your 15% damage reduction from ghouls this is just sick. Finally I build into a Tri-force going for Phage first (more hps and ghouls hurt more), then sheen (I hurt them more), and finally complete Tri-force.

Last item is really open. I've done Aegis when team didn't have one. I've done PD or even BT. All works. Just depends on what your team needs and the other team has.

Seriously though this build just wins. Flat out, hands down beats every champ top. Just bully, bully, bully. Make sure you ward the river though as the jungler on the other team will have no choice but to baby sit top. Which takes pressure off the other lanes and Yorick can easily handle 1v2.

Also, learn to use Yoricks abilities in the right order. Don't lead in with W on someone. Use E or Q. When they run for a bush then use W. This is because W is the only ghoul you can summon which doesn't require a target minion or champ to activate. The other two require something to activate upon to summon the ghoul. So you can summon the W ghoul blind into a bush and give vision to whatever is in that bush. So if you use E first, the enemy champ runs into a bush, the E ghoul will stop. Once you pop W in the bush it gives vision and now both ghouls will chase the enemy again.

Remember to use your R EARLY in a fight. Another big mistake. Using it at the end does not matter. Using at the end means you intend to die and be made a revenant and hope to kill them after you are a ghoul. Using it early means you intend to kill the other person before you die. There is the key difference.

The base damage from Yorick's ghouls is high enough which means you don't have to focus on making them stronger per say. Just focus on making Yorick more tanky and able to spam them. Which means CDR and Mana regen. Which all comes from Athena Holy Grail. It's the perfect item for Yorick. Massive mana regen, MR, and CDR. Add to that AP to make his W hit harder when it spawns on a target and it's all gravy. When you get Tri-force on top you should be pushing 200 AD and 160 AP anyhow at level 18. MORE than enough to smack down almost any enemy champ. Late game just use R early on your biggest team carry and just win the fights by have 6v5.

That's my Yorick guide. Enjoy and wreck people.


Oct 30, 2000
Hey Terrible, did you get my messages I sent you while I was spectating your game and did you respond? I sent another friend a few while I was watching you and he says he got them and responded but I never saw his responses...just curious.

Saw them, but was too busy to respond at the time. Like how I got hit by that knock-up bug?


Sep 5, 2004
I messaged you when I saw that, Leona was sky high. They might as well add that to Janna's skill: "5% chance to knock the enemy 10,000 ft in the air."

We need to play sometime, you n me. I've been more in the mood for LoL than D3 lately, although I hate playing solo...


Sep 5, 2004
Here's the new Pulsefire Ezreal skin. The model "upgrades" as you level up.


They've got a website dedicated to this.

Half price the first 4 days after release, then it goes up to normal legendary skin price.

BTW Shu, I played DotA 2 the other day, good grief it's confusing. LoL seems basic in comparison.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Yeah Pulsefire Ez has been in the works for awhile. But what's ridiculous is that it will cost 3250RP (the first 4 days available will be 50% off, so 1625RP). I'll probably buy it at the reduced price (my first legendary) but $30 is really fucking steep for even a very well done legendary skin.

The LoL General forum has exploded with posts about the cost. Too funny.
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Jan 8, 2010
Yeah Pulsefire Ez has been in the works for awhile. But what's ridiculous is that it will cost 3250RP (the first 4 days available will be 50% off, so 1625RP). I'll probably buy it at the reduced price (my first legendary) but $30 is really fucking steep for even a very well done legendary skin.

The LoL General forum has exploded with posts about the cost. Too funny.

It's pretty cool, but no....I'd rather pay $30 for them to fix the bugs and trolls.
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Sep 5, 2004
The LoL General forum has exploded with posts about the cost. Too funny.

I don't know why it would, ALL the legendary skins cost that much. Sure it's way too much but you think they'd have started complaining before now.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I don't know why it would, ALL the legendary skins cost that much. Sure it's way too much but you think they'd have started complaining before now.

Legendary skins have been 1820RP. This is more but I understand why. There's a lot more put into this one. New animations, new VO, new effects, the upgrading his armor feature, and new minion death animations. There's a "Making of PFE" thread as well and they said the team doing it was 4x the normal size plus lots of additional help from outside that.


Sep 5, 2004
Oh, that's right, 1800 RP sounds much more normal. WEll then yeah, 3200 RP is ridiculous but it's their game so I suppose they can charge what they want, people will complain but if they like it they'll pay.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Man I haven't touched Ezreal in a while but that is one snazzy skin, might pick it up and use him again

Nice explanation on how you play out Yorick, though you seem to hate the idea of the Manamune on him, I wouldn't rush it but I would rush the Tear for the increased mana pool + regen + charging stacks on it asap. Once it's maxed out and you have a FH and T-force, you get around 3k mana and subsequently 60 AD from it.


Senior member
May 14, 2008
It's pretty cool, but no....I'd rather pay $30 for them to fix the bugs and trolls.

Then buy the skin. People buying skins and champions is how they pay the bills.

You would rather a game company started a kickstart like site for their bugs. Where the bug with the most "donations" got fixed first? Cuz that is essentially what you're suggesting you would do. That sounds way worse to me.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
That skin is awesome looking. Free to play is the best shit ever. Don't have to pay a cent if you don't want. Can spend $10000 if you want. Everyone should be happy.


Jun 30, 2003
That skin is awesome looking. Free to play is the best shit ever. Don't have to pay a cent if you don't want. Can spend $10000 if you want. Everyone should be happy.

yeah, HoN switched over to F2P for a reason...they saw how well LoL was doing


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
yeah, HoN switched over to F2P for a reason...they saw how well LoL was doing

I think HoN was content with what they had for a while, then the lingering DOTA 2 launch forced them into changing up their gameplan as there was no way to compete with Valve, so they went for a LoL feeling more DOTA-esque game.

Out of curiosity have many of you played against/with pro-tier players, more than likely in normals since I don't think anyone here has the ranked ELO to play with them Just finished a game with erwinbooze in it, but I've also played against Cop, QTpie, scarra, and once with westrice o-o


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
I get them every now and then. Most recently Nubbypoohbear (AP from orB) just before MLG, he played AD Gragas and did quite well. Whenever I get them it reminds me how much of a different league they are in even from like the 1900's who are frequently in the normals. Absolutely insane some of the skills.

Maknoon was the hardest stomper I've ever played with. That guy absolutely crushed in the most skilled ways.

OMGitsChris was like 2400 elo when we was on my team once, he was the trolliest high elo player I've played with. Did AP Shaco was an absolute douche to our jungle, was kinda funny, but he completely stomped a Karthus mid so whatever works I guess.


Jan 8, 2010
Then buy the skin. People buying skins and champions is how they pay the bills.

You would rather a game company started a kickstart like site for their bugs. Where the bug with the most "donations" got fixed first? Cuz that is essentially what you're suggesting you would do. That sounds way worse to me.

They introduce new bugs with every new patch that they make changes to and they make those changes on a regular basis, so essentially they fix one and introduce 2 more constantly. Yea yea, I know its a free game - but again THEY introduce the bugs on a regular basis when they make all the large changes to characters and gameplay. When I first started playing this game, maybe I could gloss over and say wow this is a great game I will throw money at it so they can make it better, except they aren't. They are making skins and characters that many are designed in a manner that most of the instant gratification people "must" buy because they have no IP. There are a number of bugs that have existed for the 2+ years I've played this game.

Really, it matters not either way as I don't like EZ so I have no desire to buy this skin. I think the skin is cool but I think $30 for a skin is a bit crazy if you consider the amount of money already given for skins. I'm not saying it's out of line, it's their game and it's free, I just think it's kind of gouging when there are plenty of other things they could invest their time to.

That being said, if it was a skin for a character I liked, my opinion might be different.
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Sep 5, 2004
I just did, owned some silly Renek. We lost because bot Taric and Ez fed so much though...


Oct 30, 2000
I just did, owned some silly Renek. We lost because bot Taric and Ez fed so much though...

LOL... you were that Taric

Damn that game too... I was 7 levels ABOVE renekton with how much I denied him. My 160 CS compared to his 9 at one point. And still we lost


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Our jungle Noc also wasn't that great. Twice he got caught waiting in ambush at mid and died. I didn't do too bad as Karthus, but I very rarely play him (or mid for that matter). Trying to learn it a bit better.


Sep 5, 2004
I was just pissed that our Ez decide to blue pill standing in the middle of the lane and then look away from the screen...I stunned Blitz and healed him when they approached but they killed him and then they got me (since I hung around trying to keep him alive).

Anyways, today is a new day, mayhaps with some LoL in it.

BTW, funny, how to win by feeding.


Oct 30, 2000
bleh, I'm sick of winning top lane to have every other lane fail and then can't win. Or a team that goes into derp mode.

Last game playing I was up with 4 kills and 1 death and a few assists. I had dominated Cho Gath top. He was behind on CS and levels despite their jungle noc coming top 4 times and casseopia from their team coming top twice. Our jungle only came top twice and both ganks we got kills. But they never killed me in a single gank attempt. My first death was a team fight that I went into in mid. Despite that, our bot lost hard core. Still we were up on wins.

Team fights start and we are still doing MUCH better. Our range AD sucks badly as a tristana, but rest of us holding our own. Then people stopped going for their kog during team fights and started focusing their cho only. Cho wouldn't die and Kog was melting us once he got IE, PD, and LW. I tried to go straight for kog, but no one else would so I would be focused down by him as soraka and cass would peel off to save kog. Several times I was in his face with my revenant out and had 3 of the other team all on me and the other 4 of my team were STILL focusing cho. Other team took two barons. We went form a 40 to 20 kill lead advantage to a 44 to 50 kill lead deficit. Everyone kept getting caught or focusing cho. It was a nightmare. Worst they were blaming me despite only having gone from 1 to 8 deaths in team fights all from kog on me while I was in his face. Tristana had 18 deaths. 18!!!!!


Senior member
Dec 1, 2011
Man, I think Pulsefire will be the first skin I'll be willing to get. I haven't played Ez for a while, but he's usually my fav AD carry whenever I play bot... So tempted.
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