League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Sep 5, 2004
bleh, I'm sick of winning top lane to have every other lane fail and then can't win. Or a team that goes into derp mode.

Last game playing I was up with 4 kills and 1 death and a few assists. I had dominated Cho Gath top. He was behind on CS and levels despite their jungle noc coming top 4 times and casseopia from their team coming top twice. Our jungle only came top twice and both ganks we got kills. But they never killed me in a single gank attempt. My first death was a team fight that I went into in mid. Despite that, our bot lost hard core. Still we were up on wins.

Team fights start and we are still doing MUCH better. Our range AD sucks badly as a tristana, but rest of us holding our own. Then people stopped going for their kog during team fights and started focusing their cho only. Cho wouldn't die and Kog was melting us once he got IE, PD, and LW. I tried to go straight for kog, but no one else would so I would be focused down by him as soraka and cass would peel off to save kog. Several times I was in his face with my revenant out and had 3 of the other team all on me and the other 4 of my team were STILL focusing cho. Other team took two barons. We went form a 40 to 20 kill lead advantage to a 44 to 50 kill lead deficit. Everyone kept getting caught or focusing cho. It was a nightmare. Worst they were blaming me despite only having gone from 1 to 8 deaths in team fights all from kog on me while I was in his face. Tristana had 18 deaths. 18!!!!!

It's lonely at the top.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
bleh, I'm sick of winning top lane to have every other lane fail and then can't win. Or a team that goes into derp mode.

That's the weakness of Yorick. To really make an impact late game, you scale off the success of your carry (who you're putting your ult on to make teamfights 6v5).


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Yorick is so team dependent. You need some ultra sustained DPS mage or AD to ult or you're a massive walking meatwad who can't peel, can't DPS, and can't CC. You'll see in high level play he'll typically be paired with Cassiopea. He stomps lane but falls off hard.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Solo ranked was not kind to me today, so much whining and blaming (more than usual by a lot), an especially large amount of QQ about why I don't gank a lane when they've pushed it to enemy tower >_>

And yeah Yorick is like a support top laner that can pretty easily win his lane, especially with your build Humble. You're absurdly tanky with that but you won't have enough damage to make it worth ulting yourself, mayhaps try going for a slightly higher damage output route?


Oct 30, 2000
Solo ranked was not kind to me today, so much whining and blaming (more than usual by a lot), an especially large amount of QQ about why I don't gank a lane when they've pushed it to enemy tower >_>

And yeah Yorick is like a support top laner that can pretty easily win his lane, especially with your build Humble. You're absurdly tanky with that but you won't have enough damage to make it worth ulting yourself, mayhaps try going for a slightly higher damage output route?

actually it's quite a bit of dps. Rank 5 E hits for 175 + 1.0 AD scale. I am reaching 200 AD pretty easy so that's 375 summoning a red ghoul on someone. W at rank 5 is 200 + 1.0 AP which iI have around 140. So another 340 damage AoE. Q does bonus damage on your next attack of 150 and 1.2 AD scaling. So 200 AD is 240 on top of 150 for 390. So I have a 200 AD hit + 390 + sheen proc of another 200 is a big 790 damage shovel in the face.

The combo of all three on someone late game is still 1500 damage. Quite a bit. Plus it is spammable. Massive sustained DPS in a fight with my build because everything is at 6 second cooldown besides the ult roughly. Plus being able to revenant a carry on your team makes your damage output insane in team fights. So long as there is someone worth ulting. Which is a slight problem if you are the highest auto attack dpser on the team.

Again the reason for this build is it shuts down top lane and forces jungle to come top. Which SHOULD take off the stress on the other lanes and allow them to have an easier time. It just sucks when people fail badly despite lack of jungle pressure.

The other reason is it makes that top laner worthless in team fights later. They should have lower levels and less CS and items. Which means they should be hosed as well. And if you are good to avoid the ganks coming your way, it makes it so the jungler on the other team is wasting his time having to stay top too often and missed ganks and farm from other places.


Oct 30, 2000
OMG the late night derpiness and trolls!!! ARGHHHH!!!! Last several games I've played Yorick and dominated lane and every other lane fails. I've had the jungler and mid camping top. They did it and I even got a triple kill 1v3. Still can't do shit if my team mates troll me.

Then played a leona game. Again massive derpiness by the draven in lane and the rest of the team later. Draven does a crap ton of damage, except this one. Couldn't figure out how to use the axes or something. Always auto attacked and was out of mana. Didn't do squat for damage. 40 minute game and the Draven has ONLY done 135K damage total. WTF? As leona I've done 60K which is about half that. I shouldn't be HALF the AD carry as Leona. The other AD carry Graves has done 230K damage. Almost double Draven. Funny thing is up until the last 10 minutes, Draven had more farm than graves and gold. Graves barely beat him at end according to Lolking by 2K gold.

So a draven that does no damage and a team that completely derps by being caught and then everyone rushing in 1 at a time over and over and over. It was like a damn smorgasbord for the other team as they stayed 5 strong at the end. My team would have someone spawn and rush in 1v5 cause one person on the other side was low and I was standing nearby. Despite the other team have a Volibear, Taric, Ahri and Singed for CC to stop them from getting near anyone that is low. And then we have retards chasing singed all over the map. Two of them died from 100 to 0 just chasing and taking poison damage. Nothing else hit them.

GAH!!!!!!!!!!!! And again, we WERE winning until near the end somehow. We had over 15 kills on them, more towers, and more dragon kills. Just to have everyone piss the game away and I as support am powerless to stop it.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
I had a game like that last night. Just a normal game with some really weird picks and play. I didn't care too much but they bitched like we're playing in a LoL tourney.

Soraka goes mid. Pushes Veigar like crazy and gets ganked repeatedly by Mundo. Is out of position a bunch of times and gets caught later in the game as well. We have a Nunu and AD Lulu bot lane who can't really do much vs Janna and Ashe. Kayle did OK top vs Yorick, but again overextended and got ganked by Mundo a few times. I was jungle Malphite and I ended the game a respectable 2/5/9 given the conditions I had to play with and I'm the one getting bitched out.

I will say though that Malphite + Lulu is an awesome combo. Unstoppable Force into the team, then Lulu ults you and drops her speed buff on you. No one can escape. I just needed a team that could actually kill them in a decent amount of time before it all wore off.

edit: Anyway, picked up Nautilus as my next hero to learn in the jungle and/or support.
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Oct 30, 2000
I like naut a LOT. Nautilus is everything Sejuani should have been.

For jungle I use the following setup.

Attack speed quints and reds, armor yellows, and MR/lvl blues

I go 8/13/9 setup.

Start with his W, Titan's Wrath, and level that and his E, Riptide, for jungle clearing. Get a point in Q, Dredge Line, at level 4 or 5 depending upon when you want to gank.

I also start regrowth pendant and 1 pot. He's a little slower than other junglers to get going, and NEEDS a hard leash at blue. Once he gets through his first clear though he's usually good to go. Some nauts like taking the second blue though. Go for an amumu style setup with Philo stone, HoG, and Kage Pick. Use dredge line to move you around quicker.

Naut's basic abilities hit HARD and he doesn't need much AP to be effective. He's tanky as all get out too. Most build him into support tank late game with some aura items and tank items and not much AP. It works real well.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Riddle of the day, if 2 amumus bandage toss at each other, where do they end up at?

You say its a riddle so I'm guessing you have a clever response of some sort? If it was just an actual question, you both move to where the other Amumu was when your bandage connects.


Oct 30, 2000
For my fellow gamers, it's half off all domino pizza's this weekend when ordering online. Delivery or carry out. Code is "50off"


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Patch notes:

PvP.net v1.61

    Players can now earn unlimited rewards per day in Co-op vs. AI. After 180 minutes, rewards continue to be earned at 75% the normal rate.
    Custom games now have a separate pool of 120 daily reward minutes that is no longer shared with Co-op vs. AI.
        Only applies to Summoners level 15+. Lower level Summoners earn unlimited rewards per day.
    Updated the IP reward forumula for Co-op vs. AI:
        Games of medium to long length will yield larger rewards
        Games of short length will yield smaller rewards
            On Summoner's Rift, "short" is generally less than 24 minutes
            On The Crystal Scar, "short" is generally less than 12 minutes
        Players should see an increase in IP reward per game so long as they aren't quickly steamrolling the bots
    The Tournament Draft Custom Game mode will now allow Summoners to pause the game
    Dodging a Ranked Game will no longer result in loss of Elo but the time before you can join any queue again has greatly increased
    Adjusted the way Elo is handled for newly formed ranked teams; many new teams will see their Elo increase as a result.
    Normal Draft Mode (Please note that these additions were incorrectly stated in the Darius patch notes)
        Normal draft has changed so that premade groups are not prioritized over solo players
            Solo players have a 20% chance of being the team captain with banning powers and first pick, regardless of the premade status of the rest of the team
            If a solo player is not team captain, the player will be given a random slot in the pick order
            If players group up before a game, their host absorbs all of their chances, i.e. the host of a 4-man premade has an 80% chance to be captain
    A feedback sound now plays when spending mastery points

League of Legends v1.0.0.141


    Summon: Tibbers
        Reactivating 'Summon: Tibbers' while the Bear is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
        You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Yordle Snap Trap now properly ignores unit collision when placed


    Missile Barrage
        Missile Barrage's area of effect and particle are now properly centered around the point of impact
        Missile Barrage's spell icon is now tinted when 'The Big One' is ready


    Children of the Grave
        Reactivating 'Children of the Grave' while the Ghost is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
        You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    If Pounce's movement extends past Nidalee's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)


    If Broken Wings' movement extends past Riven's current movement order location, that order will be cancelled (she will no longer automatically walk backwards to that point)


    Rumble now has a marker at 50 Heat to denote when he has reached the Danger Zone
    Flamespitter is now more responsive especially while moving and turning
    Electro-Harpoon now has a swirling icon overlay and a slight icon shift to denote the second shot


        Reactivating 'Hallucinate' while the Clone is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
        You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Fixed a bug where Wish would sometimes not grant assists


    Fixed a bug with Explosive Shot's passive not working correctly with Madred's Razors and Wriggle's Lantern


    Blood Scent
        Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent if he reduces a target’s health below 50%
        Warwick will now immediately gain the bonus of Blood Scent when it is activated


    Event Horizon will now always correctly stun enemies who use dash abilities to pass through it


    Tuned Death Ray travel speeds and hitbox precision, especially when cast near walls
    Fixed an issue where Chaos Storm could sometimes be cast twice


    Omen of Death
        Reactivating 'Omen of Death' while the Ghoul is active now allows you to control your pet, similar to Alt+Right Clicking
        You will also see a self-only targeting particle when using this ability, depicting what command your pet is following


    Mana Potion gold cost reduced to 35 from 40

Co-op vs. AI

    Added Alistar Bot and Dr. Mundo Bot
    Intermediate bots will now sell their Doran's items to buy an additional item after completing their builds
    Beginner bots will no longer purchase elixirs
    Updated several bots' item builds


    Summoner’s Rift (Winter) has been disabled
    Updated the Item Shop to display 8 build options for items, increased from 6
    Circle portraits are now correctly aligned with team colored outlines during announcements
    There is now new messaging to inform players that leaving games can result in temporary bans in League of Legends
    Neutral Minion Camps now have new icons on the Minimap
    Champions that have died now display an icon on the Minimap
    Updated several Champion art assets including splash art and icons for various Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Caitlyn, Mundo, Jax, Renekton, Tristana, Teemo, Twisted Fate, Warwick, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon skins
    Fixed several missing particles for various Champions


Oct 30, 2000
some good stuff with that patch and no nerfs that I see. All good stuff and bug fixes. I like the new targetting for pets, something that should have been done AGES ago. The corpses on the minimap are also a massive boost. This way you know in lane if someone is mia because of basing or if they died instead of being caught by surprise.

I also do agree with the leaving of ranked games during champ select should not reduce elo. That was stupid in the first place due to the amount of trolls. It's one thing if this game was 1v1 setup. Then leaving SHOULD cause elo loss. But as a team game where you can't control team mates, having a loss of elo for not even playing a game because you know there are trolls at champ select that will cause you to lose elo regardless is stupid. Good fix in my opinion. Mainly because I find that 9 out of 10 times if I get a feeling during champ select that we are going to lose I am correct. The other 1 time is .9 because the other team has bigger trolls, or even less of a chance that .1 chance the people really are good at champ select but for some reason are just being stupid there. But I can count on my hand the number of times the latter has happened so I rather have the ability to dodge without penalty.

Now I might actually play a solo ranked game or two again.

The being captain for normal draft changes is also great. I was so sick of always being last pick if I was solo, or first pick if I was in a premade. It was almost always the case. I good majority of the time. Not that I mind last pick, but in solo normal draft that means I am typically always support. I like support, but being stuck with 20-50 games of that in a row gets a bit boring for me.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
The only thing is why the hell did they roll out a patch on a Sunday? US servers have been down all day because it messed something up big time. GG Riot QA.

Conspiracy theory - get people to watch the Dreamhack tourney.
Oct 25, 2006
Weren't they supposed to remake viktor so something, I've been watching to play him, but he seems so Mediocre and that feeling was confirmed when I played a few games with him. I also seem to remember the lead designer admitting that they messed up with that staff customization ability because it gimps Viktor late game.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Viktor is amazing. He does more damage then just about any other AP caster. He's not underpowered at all. Pro's would play him, but they say he has range issues. Range issues aren't nearly as big a deal in unorganized play. 6 item Viktor is on par with 6 item other casters, but his midgame once he has two items and augment is insanely good. My duo Prizmm plays a lot of Viktor and dominates his lane and teamfights pretty frequently.

Edit: Just checked his Viktor stats he's got a 65% win rate in 55 games with a 5.25 KDA. The hero is very playable.
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Jan 8, 2010
He can be powerful, but he is insanely easy to dodge even with slow characters. I've met maybe 1 decent Viktor since he's been out...

Part of his "win" streak might be contributed by the few games he's actually in where people don't really know how to counter him.

Also, since the last patch, I notice his "laser" is bugged to where you can't always see it's graphic or path.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Why a Sunday indeed, usually takes place Tuesday night, sad to see that The Proving Grounds didn't make it this patch but hopefully soon.

That aside, the fix with Veigar's Event Horizon has been long overdue, glad they finally did something about it. The cost reduction for mana pots is also interesting, but not really sure if it will affect many people's decisions to pick it up or not.

What I'm most interested in though is Warwick's Blood Scent changes, the immediate activation when he drops the target below 50% is nice but it is a relatively minor change. The part that really piques my interest is that it seems toggling it off then back on will give you the movespeed increase, even if only for a short burst. I can't wait to see how useful it becomes!

Part of his "win" streak might be contributed by the few games he's actually in where people don't really know how to counter him.

Also, since the last patch, I notice his "laser" is bugged to where you can't always see it's graphic or path.

That is a good point in that since most people never fight one, they're unsure of how to react to his kit in terms of damage output/range compared to theirs, I don't generally have issues facing one off in mid though (but I usually play sustain mages so poke doesn't really affect me).

As for the laser bug, I've had that for a long time now and it's rather annoying when you're standing there and suddenly lose a chunk of your life to a max range laser purely because you can't see its particles.
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Jan 8, 2010
Why a Sunday indeed, usually takes place Tuesday night, sad to see that The Proving Grounds didn't make it this patch but hopefully soon.

That aside, the fix with Veigar's Event Horizon has been long overdue, glad they finally did something about it. The cost reduction for mana pots is also interesting, but not really sure if it will affect many people's decisions to pick it up or not.

They need to fix the hitbox for the stun. It still stuns way outside the graphic.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Made this yesterday morning...

I wonder how many others shared the sentiment lol.

That aside, since the Draven patch I've had 2 pretty annoying bugs come about.
Firstly when I get to the game ending screen (victory/defeat) if I hit Continue then my screen just locks up and I can't alt tab, I have to open task manager to close it in this scenario. For that reason I can't leave a game I'm spectating either, I have to alt tab and close the program but then the adobe AIR client takes a while to acknowledge this, doing this also occasionally get's me stuck on the Game In Progress screen.

Edit: Second issue resolved itself (video card was acting funny).
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Jun 30, 2003
Viktor is amazing. He does more damage then just about any other AP caster. He's not underpowered at all. Pro's would play him, but they say he has range issues. Range issues aren't nearly as big a deal in unorganized play. 6 item Viktor is on par with 6 item other casters, but his midgame once he has two items and augment is insanely good. My duo Prizmm plays a lot of Viktor and dominates his lane and teamfights pretty frequently.

Edit: Just checked his Viktor stats he's got a 65% win rate in 55 games with a 5.25 KDA. The hero is very playable.

i really want to pick up viktor....at the same time, i have enough IP for whatever the next champ is. i dont know whether to hold out or not :hmm:


Sep 5, 2004
Got my first ever Quadra kill last night and it was at the oddest of times...about 6 mins into our game with my lvl 5 Twisted Fate. I don't even remember getting kill #3.

Course, I didn't do much of anything after that, I ended up positive but I wasn't some powerhouse of awesomeness like I shoulda been.

As for you Fenix, hold out for better things!
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Jun 30, 2003
Got my first ever Quadra kill last night and it was at the oddest of times...about 6 mins into our game with my lvl 5 Twisted Fate. I don't even remember getting kill #3.

Course, I didn't do much of anything after that, I ended up positive but I wasn't some powerhouse of awesomeness like I shoulda been.

As for you Fenix, hold out for better things!

i suppose i should just enjoy instagibbing people as malphite....

you will lose *flexes arms*
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