League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
meh....this game gets less fun the higher your level gets. People were reporting me for playing blitz in the top lane. WHO GIVES A FUCK? I was called a 'f*ggot n*gger c*nt" for wanting to have fun in a video game with no money on the line or anything else for that matter. For wanting to play in a different lane than people usually play in. We won the round btw. This shit happens constantly now, it's just not fun at all. I can practically hear the pus popping on the other players' acne-scarred faces as they rage at someone daring to not follow their COMPLETELY ARBITRARY RULES about what lane you have to play in or how you have to play. Talk about completely boring, they have 800000 different champions, each of which HAS to be played a certain way and only that way. It might as well be a friggin NES game, they take all the complexity and strategy out of what should be a very strategic game and reduce it to 'you pick this character so you have to buy exactly this stuff and go to this spot on the map in exactly this way'.

The thing is that this is game is largely dependent on cooperation for success. For example, imagine if you're playing a 5 on 5 game in basketball and you have one guy on your team that refuses to play defense so he stands on the sidelines when the other team has the ball.

You can see how your team would get frustrated as they either have to work harder to win or they're guaranteed to spend the next 30-40 minutes losing. Nobody likes to spend the next portion of their time knowing they're going to lose because of someone else's unwillingness to cooperate. That is why they're raging at you.

Like most of the others have said, most people that play this game derive their fun from winning and a lot of these arbitrary rules are more like all the trial and error that players have gone through to figure out what's the most optimal configuration for success especially when playing with people that have uncertain skill levels. A large portion of the player base already have a semblance of the 'strategy' involved with which characters are strong where and what builds go with which characters.

If you're looking for strategy it's more on the overall map control or the fine nuances of being more mechanically skilled than your lane opponent i.e lane control and harass regardless of the champ you're using.

Another thing is that the game really doesn't start till you hit lvl 30. At that point you have access to all summoner spells and masteries and even then, until you get the runes that you need you're technically at a disadvantage vs someone with all possible lvl 1 bonuses.


Oct 30, 2000
Actually started playing again the other day. Just not enough time for all the hobbies I wanted to do.

Got in a game last night with xStrifex. He went mid Annie, and I was support bot with Sona. We had a Miss Fortune as ADC, Trynd Jungle and Zed top. Other team was Shen top, Lux mid, Skarner jungle, Ez as ADC, and Nidalee as support.

xStrifex and I did well. The other team were all average for the most part. But strife and I were certainly carrying our MF at the very least. Zed and Trynd had equal moments of good play and really bone headed plays. For the most part, being support to MF was a bit tough. MF was constantly pushing and could not dodge a skillshot tossed at them. Constantly being nailed by Nid spears and EZ Q's. And would almost never respond to pings when I knew ganks were coming. Several times I said over vent to xStrifex, we are pushed up and I think a gank is about to be coming for us in the next few seconds. I would ping and start to back away. Immediately as I called it the gank would unfold. Usually I would sacrifice my life to save the team and since I called the gank out to strife before it happened, he was able to make to bot to help out.

Which meant most of the game I was trading my death for an assist. For the most part, despite the pretty bad MF play style, neither team was having a clear advantage.

About mid game, we have a series of engagements that actually put us over the other team. Including nabbing dragon a few times, winning a team fight, and getting ahead on towers. To have it squandered by an over confident Zed and Trynd. Those were their bone head mistakes. Their over confidence led to a few deaths by them and allowed the other team to catch up on towers/drag kills. Which then led to use losing a few times fights. One was bad enough that the other team got the first inhib.

Luckily by that point, I had finally got to the point were I was darn well fleshed out item wise as tank support sona. Which was exactly what we needed to win the next few engagements. For some reason their Shen and Skarner set me as priority target number 1. They would literally run past xStrife as Annie who may have been caught out front as well as my entire team just to get me. No idea why those two were being bone headed like that, but it turned things around. I was able to get my stun off and then Strife would tibber bomb the other team. I would merrily kite shen and skarner around while the other 4 of my team would pick off their low life squishies with ease. The fact that this happened in 3 or 4 team fights after they took the initial inhib from us was what lost them the game. I finally ended up 3/6/22 despite being 0/5/5 from bot lane gank sacrifices.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
That team was bad. Lux bought a Zhonya's. And then actually got herself killed rather than possibly escaping by using it.

Lissandra's info has just been released. She looks pretty badass.


Lissandra is a flexible, mana efficient mage with abilities that emphasize crowd control, kiting, and mobility over raw damage.

Iceborn (Passive): After a brief cooldown, Lissandra's next ability costs no mana. Hitting an enemy with movement impairing abilities reduces Iceborn's cooldown.

Ice Shard: Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on contact with the first enemy struck, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a short duration. Enemies behind the struck target also take damage.

Ring of Frost: Lissandra freezes the area around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for a short duration.

Glacial Path: Lissandra casts a slow moving, long-range ice claw in a line, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. Re-activating Glacial Path teleports Lissandra to the claws current location.

Frozen Tomb (ultimate): (On enemy cast) Lissandra freezes an enemy champion, damaging and stunning them briefly. Dark Ice emanates from the target, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies. (On self cast) Lissandra encases herself in ice, rooting herself in place briefly and becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark Ice emanates from Lissandra, dealing damage and slowing nearby enemies. (According to the gameplay stuff, this is not like Zhonya's where you can't do anything - she can still cast spells while entombed)
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Oct 25, 2006
I will have REAL INTERNET tomorrow night!!!!! :awe::awe::awe::awe:

Woo, I don't hate you anymore.

I'm also attempting to start up Xin Zhao to try and carry from the jungle. Mundo is fun and all but I never feel like I can actually carry my team for the win.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I've just started playing, atm I trying to go ranged. Seems like lots of fun.

Standard disclaimers for new players:

1. The playerbase can be toxic, ignore them, use /ignore if needed.
2. For the most part the "real game" doesn't start until level 30
3. If you try a champ you really like go ahead and buy them but be sure you save a shit ton of IP for level 20 when you can start buying tier 3 runes (Tier 1 are so cheap that buying them is ok, but tier 2 aren't much stronger while being 4-10x the cost and should be avoided at all costs).
4. To add on to number 2 at level 30 the standard way to play the game is a support (who doesn't kill any creeps leaving all gold for the other champ) and an AD ranged champion bottom lane, a solo mid laner (often AP), a solo top and one character who farms the "jungle" and ganks lanes. For the most part jungling before the late 20s will just make your top laner go 1v2 and lose and without the right runes/masteries it's soo slow as to be barely worth it.

Good luck, ask any questions as you see fit. There is a big learning curve unless you've played moba games before (i.e. DotA).

If you've not played moba before the two things I highly encourage you to do is to unlock the camera and learn to play with it unlocked and to make custom games and practice last hitting creeps since only the last hit provides any gold.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I will have REAL INTERNET tomorrow night!!!!! :awe::awe::awe::awe:

Congrats! it will be good to be able to play with you again. FYI for anyone interested Zirze and I will be on tonight if anyone wants to make a ranked team and run through placement matches.
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Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
So some of you were around for my AP Skarner expirements. I gotta say he's a ton of fun but the point of my post is actually Hybrid Pen runes!!! dear god those are beastly. Since the marks only 2.25 Mpen less than straight MPen I'm going to replace my mage pages with hybrid pen marks to take advantage of all the autoattack trading that happens early game with the extra 8 ArPen. I'm strongly considering trying this on Tristana as well though I do like having AD marks for easier last hitting.

Also if you're the type of person who likes to check out the enemy team on lolking during load screens, try lolteam.net instead, it will show you all 10 players at once including info like number of times they've played their champ in a ranked game and KDA. The division/tier shown is always solo queue even if you're in a ranked team game.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
The thing is that this is game is largely dependent on cooperation for success. For example, imagine if you're playing a 5 on 5 game in basketball and you have one guy on your team that refuses to play defense so he stands on the sidelines when the other team has the ball.

You can see how your team would get frustrated as they either have to work harder to win or they're guaranteed to spend the next 30-40 minutes losing. Nobody likes to spend the next portion of their time knowing they're going to lose because of someone else's unwillingness to cooperate. That is why they're raging at you.

Like most of the others have said, most people that play this game derive their fun from winning and a lot of these arbitrary rules are more like all the trial and error that players have gone through to figure out what's the most optimal configuration for success especially when playing with people that have uncertain skill levels. A large portion of the player base already have a semblance of the 'strategy' involved with which characters are strong where and what builds go with which characters.

The problem is there is a specific game type to join if you want to win at all costs: ranked. If you are just playing a normal game I don't think you have the right to bitch out a teammate just because they want to play against the usual meta.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
The problem is there is a specific game type to join if you want to win at all costs: ranked. If you are just playing a normal game I don't think you have the right to bitch out a teammate just because they want to play against the usual meta.

Plenty of for-fun play/troll in ranked when I play

Also a much more varied skill level, I honestly wonder how some people got to my Elo with how badly they play or how little they understand about overall mechanics.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Skin Pricing Revamp

390/520 RP
- Mostly an outdated tier now that consists of color swaps, loading screen picture changes, and sometimes slight model changes.
- 36 skins in the store at the 975 RP price level will be dropped to 520 RP.
- No new skins will be created at this tier, but existing skins will be eligible to be put on sale.
Examples: Loch Ness Cho'Gath, Aviator Irelia

750 RP - New tier
- Skins will feature new texture and model work as well as a new splash image. Some skins will feature new animations.
- 40 skins int he 975 RP tier will have their prices lowered to 750 RP.
- 10-20% of new skins in 2013 are expected to be released in this tier, and they are eligible to be put on sale.
Example: Little Knight Amumu, Explorer Ezreal

975 RP
- Feature a new model, textures, and splash art. Some skins in this tier will feature new animations, visual effects and sounds where appropriate for the theme.
- 50-75% of skins released in 2013 will be in this tier, and they are eligible to be put on sale.
Examples: Haunted Maokai, Jade Dragon Wukong

1350 RP - New(ish) tier
- Feature a new model, textures, splash image, animations, visual effects, and sound. In some cases these skins will also have processed voice overs.
- Intended for skins that go above and beyond the quality of 975 RP skins.
- 3 skins from the Legendary 1820 RP tier will have their price lowered to 1350 RP.
- 18 skins from the 975 RP tier will have their price increased to 1350 RP.
- 7-15% of skins released in 2013 are expected to be in this tier, and they ar eligible to be put on sale.
Examples: Blackthorn Morgana, Arcade Sona

1820 RP Legendary
- Completely change the look and feel of a champion.
- Feature new models, textures, splash art, as well as completely new animations, sounds, visual effects and voice overs.
- 6-10% of skins released in 2013 expected to be in this tier, and they will not be put on sale.
Examples: Battlecast Cho'Gath, Brolaf

3250 RP Ultimate
- A complete reimagining of a champion that includes an evolving model and additional features and bonuses, such as new summoner icons.
- Feature new models that evolve into different forms, textures, splash art, animations, visuals, sounds, and voice overs, as well as additional content.
- 2-4% of skins released in 2013 expected to be in this tier. They will have initial promotions or discounts, but will not be put on sale.
Examples: Pulsefire Ezreal

The full list of skins getting bumped up/down in pricing is on the linked page.
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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Tomorrow's the Frejlord patch. Howling Abyss, Lissandra, and the remakes of Trundle and Sejuani all get released. Expect lots of downtime!


Senior member
Jan 23, 2009
If you want to roll normals, play Sona and Thresh bot lane. Thresh goes pure ADC (Dorans blade to start) and Sona goes AP/support (2-3 dorans rings to start). Hide in the brush closest to enemy turret in bot lane, if Thresh lands his Q you have a guaranteed first blood. From this point on you can just zone them so bad that they stand no chance of eve coming back into the lane.

I did it with both people having flash/ignite, after first blood you should go back to buy and get some wards that way you can't be ganked from river. Once you are both 6 a jungle gank really won't work, Sona with 3 dorans will take almost any ADC to half health from one Q and an auto-attack.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2001
If you want to roll normals, play Sona and Thresh bot lane. Thresh goes pure ADC (Dorans blade to start) and Sona goes AP/support (2-3 dorans rings to start). Hide in the brush closest to enemy turret in bot lane, if Thresh lands his Q you have a guaranteed first blood. From this point on you can just zone them so bad that they stand no chance of eve coming back into the lane.

I did it with both people having flash/ignite, after first blood you should go back to buy and get some wards that way you can't be ganked from river. Once you are both 6 a jungle gank really won't work, Sona with 3 dorans will take almost any ADC to half health from one Q and an auto-attack.

With the nerfs to Thresh (among other champs) in tomorrows patch that may not work anymore since his damage output is being reduced by a pretty hefty amount.


Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2003
The problem is there is a specific game type to join if you want to win at all costs: ranked. If you are just playing a normal game I don't think you have the right to bitch out a teammate just because they want to play against the usual meta.

In theory you are correct but if someone has a dumb idea that's going to guarantee you struggling with no chance of winning for the next 20-40 minutes then it's more than likely that you and/or the rest of team are going to want to bitch that player out.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Are you guys seeing as many "Blue Ezreal" builds as I am?

SotEL, Muramana, IBG, CDR Boots, LW, BotRK? Thankfully most silver players are bad and just die in lane so it's not terribly effective.


Jan 8, 2010
I'm really enjoying the new ARAM mode. I've been hesitant to play chars I'm not comfortable with in normals/ranked, and bots just..well..don't get you far, but people don't seem as serious in ARAM so you can experiment.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
I'm really enjoying the new ARAM mode. I've been hesitant to play chars I'm not comfortable with in normals/ranked, and bots just..well..don't get you far, but people don't seem as serious in ARAM so you can experiment.

yeah I love ARAM though it's not really much different than the custom ARAM games that took forever to start. I love the poros since they flee from any champ you can tell if a bush is occupied early game by their location.


Jan 8, 2010
That's been my problem is I was too impatient to wait out them before (I don't even like waiting on blind pick). I just want a quick start of a game. People don't tend to dodge these as much.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
That's been my problem is I was too impatient to wait out them before (I don't even like waiting on blind pick). I just want a quick start of a game. People don't tend to dodge these as much.

The queue dodge penalty helps a lot in that regard and the main reason why they made ARAM into a queue. It's just an added bonus that they made a new map for it rather than stay with the modified tutorial map.
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