League of Legends - F2P MOBA (like DOTA) part 2

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Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Has anyone played this with a R2XX card yet? I get terrible frame rates, like 100+ then it drops into the 20s during fights. I have a custom fan profile set up and the temperature on the card never goes above 61C so that isn't the problem. Pretty annoying since I bought this card to play way more intensive games and I wasn't expecting any problems from this.


Senior member
Feb 14, 2013
Has anyone played this with a R2XX card yet? I get terrible frame rates, like 100+ then it drops into the 20s during fights. I have a custom fan profile set up and the temperature on the card never goes above 61C so that isn't the problem. Pretty annoying since I bought this card to play way more intensive games and I wasn't expecting any problems from this.

Yes. Same issue with my 290s. I turned up priority in task manager and it helped the dips but I still only get about 60fps-100.

It's annoying too its very very sparatic fps. And the card only runs at 600core in lol. Even at 65c.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Yes. Same issue with my 290s. I turned up priority in task manager and it helped the dips but I still only get about 60fps-100.

It's annoying too its very very sparatic fps. And the card only runs at 600core in lol. Even at 65c.

Yeah I noticed mine was only going up to around 700Mhz so I'm guessing that's the problem. I'm sure the drivers will get better since these cards are new, but it's annoying to have to play on low settings to retain a decent framerate. I'll try changing the priority on mine as well, I can live with dipping into 50s and 60s but when it's hitting 25fps or so in fights it gets pretty choppy.


Feb 8, 2004
All for one mundo, easy win :awe:

Unless teamed with bronze tier trash then it wont matter what champ you are.


Senior member
Feb 5, 2013
All for one mundo, easy win :awe:

Unless teamed with bronze tier trash then it wont matter what champ you are.

I love mundo, corporate edition best skin for him, hes my main jungler. I did do all for one mundo only lost 1 game because jinx during lane phase is just terrible and they can push turrets way better.


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Too many to count, I'm currently hating the trinket system during the times I do play games though.

Showdown is epic fun to me though, I hope it's a mode that sticks around after their little test run of multiple modes.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
Just another rant:
Just a heads up, I'm stuck in bronze IV. I'm trying my best to advance, practising as much as I can with every character. This is basically the only game I play right now and as much as I despise the people in the game, I keep getting drawn back to the game. I get good teams and I can mostly carry games as mid. But in every promotion series, I repeat, every promotion series I get at least one afk or so robe who has connection issues. And every promotion series then is turned to a farce. We do manage to pull of a miraculous 4 v 5 victory once in a while, but it's never enough. I lost my 10th promo series last night and I'm seriously wondering if Riot has some strange algorithm in which you have to team up with at least one person with Internet issues. You can lolking me I'm not that bad.
So I've kinda taken it for granted. Bronze forever.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005

Despite the unfortunate division you're in, it's possible to improve. AFKers, ragers, Dcers, and otherwise bad teammates happen equally to both your team and the other team. It's possible with the right skill level to overcome them.

Glancing over your stats, you don't have terrible item builds. Your CS is decent but no doubt you could improve (as most of us can). The only thing that stands out are that when you lose you're dying a lot. If you cut down on 2-3 of those deaths then that might make the difference. Perhaps it's less chasing into areas you don't have vision or less engaging into unfavorable situations. Maybe a greater focus on objective taking (yeah, at that level it's probably like herding cats but you have to try). It's hard to say the cause without game play examples.

I'd also suggest you concentrate on learning only 2-3 champs per role you play. That way you know them in and out rather then being passable with a larger pool.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012

Despite the unfortunate division you're in, it's possible to improve. AFKers, ragers, Dcers, and otherwise bad teammates happen equally to both your team and the other team. It's possible with the right skill level to overcome them.

Glancing over your stats, you don't have terrible item builds. Your CS is decent but no doubt you could improve (as most of us can). The only thing that stands out are that when you lose you're dying a lot. If you cut down on 2-3 of those deaths then that might make the difference. Perhaps it's less chasing into areas you don't have vision or less engaging into unfavorable situations. Maybe a greater focus on objective taking (yeah, at that level it's probably like herding cats but you have to try). It's hard to say the cause without game play examples.

I'd also suggest you concentrate on learning only 2-3 champs per role you play. That way you know them in and out rather then being passable with a larger pool.

Thank you for your inputs. Appreciate them.
Regarding the large number of deaths, I'd like to clarify that these are mostly matches when other lanes have fed so bad that a 7/1/2 kda in the early 20 mins turns to 7/8/2. I'm not saying that I'm good or anything, but I keep practicing the same players over and over, but even though I do a little better in my lane, the others don't.
What I want is some toons who have global presence. Cos a fed Diana is useless when the enemy adc is far off and shielded well by the enemy team while our team never even tries to attack her.
I will definitely try not dying as much. Thanks.
Also, I only prefer a few champs and only stick to those. They are;
Top: Nasus(now banned every game)
Mid: Diana, Lux
Jungle : Udyr, Nasus
Adc: Twitch, Kogmaw (have a horrible horrible record with him, though I Love playing him)
Support: Taric, Soraka
To tell you the truth, I love playing support. It's just that there's so little you can do when your adc decides to go balls up and turret dive at lvl 2.

So I will definitely try to die less and improve my cs. And oh do let me know of characters who can add more to the team and have a much better late game. Someone other than a Yi or a Kass.
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Senior member
May 5, 2012
Thank you for your inputs. Appreciate them.
Regarding the large number of deaths, I'd like to clarify that these are mostly matches when other lanes have fed so bad that a 7/1/2 kda in the early 20 mins turns to 7/8/2. I'm not saying that I'm good or anything, but I keep practicing the same players over and over, but even though I do a little better in my lane, the others don't.
What I want is some toons who have global presence. Cos a fed Diana is useless when the enemy adc is far off and shielded well by the enemy team while our team never even tries to attack her.
I will definitely try not dying as much. Thanks.
Also, I only prefer a few champs and only stick to those. They are;
Top: Nasus(now banned every game)
Mid: Diana, Lux
Jungle : Udyr, Nasus
Adc: Twitch, Kogmaw (have a horrible horrible record with him, though I Love playing him)
Support: Taric, Soraka
To tell you the truth, I love playing support. It's just that there's so little you can do when your adc decides to go balls up and turret dive at lvl 2.

So I will definitely try to die less and improve my cs. And oh do let me know of characters who can add more to the team and have a much better late game. Someone other than a Yi or a Kass.

CS can always be improved until you're the best, but honestly this game stresses conceptual knowledge far more than mechanical skill. Your decision making at all stages of the game is the most important factor, you can reach plat with average mechanics.

I've known a couple of friends in Bronze to rant to me after every loss about how bad their team was, and that they're better than the League they're in and should be higher. If you're that superior in skill to the people you get matched with, you will constantly crush your lane and use your gold advantage plus your tactical understanding to get your team to make smart plays and win. The #5 ranked player on the NA server recently did a one week stream where he went from Bronze to Diamond I. His record to get from Bronze to Plat was something like 55-4 (He played jungle).

Obviously none of us are as good as he is, so I don't expect you to carry games like that, I just want to point out that if you have the skill of a higher Elo player, you will reach that Elo. I'm not saying that you're condemned to Bronze for life, almost everyone has the capacity for improvement, I've watched my friends who spent a long time in the same rut commit themselves and go from Gold->Diamond in one month.

I think that for most people watching an informative stream is one of the best ways to improve. If you have the critical thinking necessary you can do it yourself, but you'd probably have to record and then analyze your games because it's difficult to do that in the heat of battle. Most pro streams I wouldn't recommend watching, it's usually someone who offers no to very little commentary, with a few exceptions. Nightblue3 (the guy I mentioned earlier) is probably the best one you can watch, he will explain everything.

I looked at your champions picks and here's arguably the strongest champs for each role:

  • Mundo - The new defensive masteries have made him very strong. His early game is weak until your cleaver is ranked up a bit, then he can dish out some damage.
  • Shyvana - She received some buffs a while ago and has seen a return. She does a ton of both physical and magic damage and is difficult to kill.
  • Riven - Always been a strong champ, either she was just nerfed last patch or has a nerf on the PBE, but she will still be very strong. She's actually more popular mid now since the squishies there are easy targets for her.
  • Rengar - If you win your lane you will be able to instantly kill any of their squishies. If you lose lane, build tanky, still has good damage on with spirit visage + your W you're very difficult to kill.
  • Renekton - He's been popular for a while now, since he started getting picked last year in the LCS; still good.
  • Jax - Saw a comeback with the buffs to Tri force, you can build him tanky, do a regular build, or go AP.

  • Nasus is good.

  • Ziggs - Probably the strongest mid laner there is right now. Strong in lane with great team fight presence. Sieges well and has good poke.
  • Syndra - Nukes squishies with great efficiency, probably has even more burst power than Leblanc.
  • Yasuo - Strong but his win rate indicates people have great trouble playing him. He has almost assassin-like damage with amazing utility and decent mobility and survivability. You might want to avoid him unless you can master him, not easy to play.
  • Kha'Zix - Great carry potential, his damage on an isolated Q is obscene.

  • I haven't seen a Diana since her last nerfs, back when Dig was crushing everyone with her; I don't think she's a top pick anymore. Lux is just alright. Kassadin is very good.

  • Kha'Zix - Same reasons he is good mid, he gets great clear times once you get some levels, has strong ganks and snowballs hard. Evolve your Q first.
  • Vi - Good clear times, very strong ganks, she's a threat at all stages of the game.
  • Elise - Tanky champions are really popular, and Elise's % damage is great against them. Once again, good clear times and ganks. I would build tank Elise with a little mpen.

  • Udyr is strong, but just not quite as much as these other champs.

  • Jinx - Does a ton of damage with good range.
  • Draven - He's strong in lane and snowballs very hard.
  • Sivir - She was buffed a couple patches ago and has been very strong ever since.
  • Lucian - His passive is very strong and he has a good dash.

  • Twitch isn't as strong as he used to be, Kog is just kind of average, but if your record with him is really bad something isn't right. Kog is pretty weak early because his base range and damage are low and he needs ranks on his W, he lacks the burst that other champs can put out. Play safe for the most part and farm. Once you have some ranks on your W you can harass almost with impunity.

  • Thresh - He's always going to be a top support because of the insane utility his kit offers.
  • Annie - She's stronger than most ADCs early on, has a reliable stun, AoE stun, and massive burst.
  • Leona - Tanky initiator, excellent CC.

  • Taric and Soraka are a little weaker right now. Soraka should get instagibbed early by the Jinx/Draven + Annie/Thresh hyper aggressive lanes that are popular right now.
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Senior member
May 26, 2011
Another thing to note is that people will sometimes get the mentality that they should only try to pick people off when they're behind instead of participating in teamfights.

If your four teammates engage in a 4v5 teamfight (even if it starts poorly) and you back out (you think you're too far behind, your jungler got caught, whatever), you're not helping as much as you could.

I know the new trinkets mean that everyone should be warding, but they don't. Vision wins games. You can probably get away with buying a Sightstone as jungle or top. If you're jungling, you should be trying to keep an eye on where the enemy jungler is or could be. If you did get that sightstone, you place a ward at their wraiths. You might see them pop up on your minimap as they head to red or towards mid. Ping these things (not annoyingly, but once or twice is enough).

If you get a lane that's snowballing, get your teammates to shove their lanes and rotate to shut down or shut-out the problem.

Too many people in soloQ are focused on their own metrics. CS is good and all, but you are part of a 5 man team. Playing mid? Bot lane having troubles? Go help them. Don't just farm and complain in chat.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Agree with all of the above. I'd actually go as far as to say Kog is a terrible pick right now. He has no mobility/escape skill or self peel and so relies too heavily on his team protecting him. That's a bad combination in low level games where you can't depend on your team for anything.


Golden Member
Feb 12, 2012
CS can always be improved until you're the best, but honestly this game stresses conceptual knowledge far more than mechanical skill. Your decision making at all stages of the game is the most important factor, you can reach plat with average mechanics.

I've known a couple of friends in Bronze to rant to me after every loss about how bad their team was, and that they're better than the League they're in and should be higher. If you're that superior in skill to the people you get matched with, you will constantly crush your lane and use your gold advantage plus your tactical understanding to get your team to make smart plays and win. The #5 ranked player on the NA server recently did a one week stream where he went from Bronze to Diamond I. His record to get from Bronze to Plat was something like 55-4 (He played jungle).

Obviously none of us are as good as he is, so I don't expect you to carry games like that, I just want to point out that if you have the skill of a higher Elo player, you will reach that Elo. I'm not saying that you're condemned to Bronze for life, almost everyone has the capacity for improvement, I've watched my friends who spent a long time in the same rut commit themselves and go from Gold->Diamond in one month.

I think that for most people watching an informative stream is one of the best ways to improve. If you have the critical thinking necessary you can do it yourself, but you'd probably have to record and then analyze your games because it's difficult to do that in the heat of battle. Most pro streams I wouldn't recommend watching, it's usually someone who offers no to very little commentary, with a few exceptions. Nightblue3 (the guy I mentioned earlier) is probably the best one you can watch, he will explain everything.

I looked at your champions picks and here's arguably the strongest champs for each role:

  • Mundo - The new defensive masteries have made him very strong. His early game is weak until your cleaver is ranked up a bit, then he can dish out some damage.
  • Shyvana - She received some buffs a while ago and has seen a return. She does a ton of both physical and magic damage and is difficult to kill.
  • Riven - Always been a strong champ, either she was just nerfed last patch or has a nerf on the PBE, but she will still be very strong. She's actually more popular mid now since the squishies there are easy targets for her.
  • Rengar - If you win your lane you will be able to instantly kill any of their squishies. If you lose lane, build tanky, still has good damage on with spirit visage + your W you're very difficult to kill.
  • Renekton - He's been popular for a while now, since he started getting picked last year in the LCS; still good.
  • Jax - Saw a comeback with the buffs to Tri force, you can build him tanky, do a regular build, or go AP.

  • Nasus is good.

  • Ziggs - Probably the strongest mid laner there is right now. Strong in lane with great team fight presence. Sieges well and has good poke.
  • Syndra - Nukes squishies with great efficiency, probably has even more burst power than Leblanc.
  • Yasuo - Strong but his win rate indicates people have great trouble playing him. He has almost assassin-like damage with amazing utility and decent mobility and survivability. You might want to avoid him unless you can master him, not easy to play.
  • Kha'Zix - Great carry potential, his damage on an isolated Q is obscene.

  • I haven't seen a Diana since her last nerfs, back when Dig was crushing everyone with her; I don't think she's a top pick anymore. Lux is just alright. Kassadin is very good.

  • Kha'Zix - Same reasons he is good mid, he gets great clear times once you get some levels, has strong ganks and snowballs hard. Evolve your Q first.
  • Vi - Good clear times, very strong ganks, she's a threat at all stages of the game.
  • Elise - Tanky champions are really popular, and Elise's % damage is great against them. Once again, good clear times and ganks. I would build tank Elise with a little mpen.

  • Udyr is strong, but just not quite as much as these other champs.

  • Jinx - Does a ton of damage with good range.
  • Draven - He's strong in lane and snowballs very hard.
  • Sivir - She was buffed a couple patches ago and has been very strong ever since.
  • Lucian - His passive is very strong and he has a good dash.

  • Twitch isn't as strong as he used to be, Kog is just kind of average, but if your record with him is really bad something isn't right. Kog is pretty weak early because his base range and damage are low and he needs ranks on his W, he lacks the burst that other champs can put out. Play safe for the most part and farm. Once you have some ranks on your W you can harass almost with impunity.

  • Thresh - He's always going to be a top support because of the insane utility his kit offers.
  • Annie - She's stronger than most ADCs early on, has a reliable stun, AoE stun, and massive burst.
  • Leona - Tanky initiator, excellent CC.

  • Taric and Soraka are a little weaker right now. Soraka should get instagibbed early by the Jinx/Draven + Annie/Thresh hyper aggressive lanes that are popular right now.

Thank you for taking so much time to help me out. I'm overwhelmed. Will use your pointers and practice the champs you mentioned as much as I can. Damn, so much positivity right now.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
S4 is officially live!

I find it odd that they are pushing back the rune changes and some other things (Baron buff change or did they just scrap that idea?) into the actual season. Seems like precisely the sort of stuff you'd want to introduce in a down time period.
Oct 25, 2006
Its official. Riven is the new Irelia.

Baron is too weak. NERF RIVEN.

Too much lane mobility. NERF RIVEN

Middle tower too weak. NERF RIVEN.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2005
Just got my first S4 game in the other day.... the game feels like a nice mix between the long games of S1 with better gold income for supports and I love trinkets. I don't have much time to commit to LoL right now but I like most of their recent changes. If I had one thing to complain about I think Jynx is simply a little too strong right now but that's about it.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Oh man, Fenix and I duo'd and had one of "those players" in our game. I'm Taric supporting this Trist vs. a Cait and Thresh lane. The first 6-7 minutes are fine. Then we get a four man gank bottom that catches Trist out. He bitches at Fenix (jungle Mao) that we haven't had a gank bottom yet (because Fenix has been busy feeding top and mid kills). So when he does come to our lane it's pushed to their tower and we're just sitting in the bush waiting for the last couple of creeps to die so it pushes back. Just as the last minion is dying, Trist gets hooked and Cait chunks half his health before leaping away. Fenix and I go in but in the end no one dies. Trist then says that maybe next time someone other than him should initiate! When I say getting hooked is not an initiation and he should waited a few more seconds for them to push out, he begins spewing the typical "you're bad, I'm good" nonsense. I can't count how many times he had such poor positioning that one of us had to save him from.

I put him on ignore shortly after that gank so I'm sure he was spewing all game long.


Feb 11, 2013
TJG, many if you want to improve, especially in bronze, my best advice would be either 1 of 2 things. #1 being simply keep playing normals until you find a champ you can carry EVERY single game, regardless how bad the game may be going or #2... Duo with someone that can help carry you out.

I was stuck in Bronze 1 for the longest and unable to hit silver 5, after being demoted to Bronze 2 then 3 I got furious, I found that during Bronze however, Evelynn was my BEST choice due to bronzies not understanding how to play against her. I played her mid/jungle for burn evelynn build and made it to Silver FINALLY! Playing from Silver 5 to Gold 5 I played Nocturne jungle only, then from Gold 5 to Platinum 5 playing mid only (Annie, TF, Fizz). I stopped playing and my ranking dropped to Gold 1, but I ended the season there and quit the game due to the community and stupidity of players in that community.

It's an easy game to understand, the hardest part is understanding the game mechanics and the mechanics of every champ in the game. Once you learn these essentials it is a much easier and enjoyable experience.


Jun 30, 2003
Oh man, Fenix and I duo'd and had one of "those players" in our game. I'm Taric supporting this Trist vs. a Cait and Thresh lane. The first 6-7 minutes are fine. Then we get a four man gank bottom that catches Trist out. He bitches at Fenix (jungle Mao) that we haven't had a gank bottom yet (because Fenix has been busy feeding top and mid kills). So when he does come to our lane it's pushed to their tower and we're just sitting in the bush waiting for the last couple of creeps to die so it pushes back. Just as the last minion is dying, Trist gets hooked and Cait chunks half his health before leaping away. Fenix and I go in but in the end no one dies. Trist then says that maybe next time someone other than him should initiate! When I say getting hooked is not an initiation and he should waited a few more seconds for them to push out, he begins spewing the typical "you're bad, I'm good" nonsense. I can't count how many times he had such poor positioning that one of us had to save him from.

I put him on ignore shortly after that gank so I'm sure he was spewing all game long.

2-0-18 mao FTW he's such a great jungler!


Platinum Member
Jan 10, 2008
Ended up Plat 4 after placements, was glad I didn't have to go through the gold-> plat promos though when I did that last season it was 3 ridiculously easy stomps back to back so idk if I would have cared lol.

Was way more stoked about the fact that I got into my favorite champion's League, Teemo's Scouts muahahaha!

In any case I'm glad to see my other favorite champion in the LCS and such now (Pantheon) since he has a lot to offer with a few decided pitfalls. However they all use him as a jungler and I just take him mid. I don't seem to be quite on the ball for using him this season yet though since I'm only 6/4 and at the elo I'm playing at right now I should be performing better. Don't quite have that aggressive go for the kill instinct I had last season.

On another note I hate Vi and Jinx in solo queue so much right now, don't even care if nothing else is banned as long as those 2 are out >_>
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