League of Legends is officially a childs game


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
They might as well age restrict you to play the game now. Chat restrictions left right and center for speaking your mind or trash talking the other team. Ranked restrictions for doing the same. Man what happened to competition? What happened to being able to make your enemy feel bad for losing, this is a competitive game this isn't child's play. If you feel hurt after a game because someone said something to you, suck it up and move on. Instead this game has become the epitome of tattle tales. Its breeding a generation of people unable to handle the real world. Never knew game developers had to become baby sitters as well. Shame on them, shame on Riot, and shame on the League community for supporting a lack of freedom. My 2 cents.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2010
They might as well age restrict you to play the game now. Chat restrictions left right and center for speaking your mind or trash talking the other team. Ranked restrictions for doing the same. Man what happened to competition? What happened to being able to make your enemy feel bad for losing, this is a competitive game this isn't child's play. If you feel hurt after a game because someone said something to you, suck it up and move on. Instead this game has become the epitome of tattle tales. Its breeding a generation of people unable to handle the real world. Never knew game developers had to become baby sitters as well. Shame on them, shame on Riot, and shame on the League community for supporting a lack of freedom. My 2 cents.

My 2 cents:

A) It's because a lot of people like to stream LoL
B) Sometimes someone trash-talks "too badly", such as "I'm going to murder you and your whole family because of how awful you are"
C) Because of B), the police are called and stuff goes down

Honestly, I can see Riot Games doing it just to help protect themselves from liability.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
My 2 cents:

A) It's because a lot of people like to stream LoL
B) Sometimes someone trash-talks "too badly", such as "I'm going to murder you and your whole family because of how awful you are"
C) Because of B), the police are called and stuff goes down

Honestly, I can see Riot Games doing it just to help protect themselves from liability.

Lets be honest. A) Mute every player, its an option use it. B) The number of cases that reach that extent are clearly minuscule. C) Refer to B

If Riot was liable for threats of that nature then Facebook, Twitter, all means of social media would be responsible for similar threats. Heck, if liability is the case then phone companies should be held liable for SMS threats. Its just not the case, Riot is trying to set an example, trying to be the pedestal of online gaming. In the process of this, they manage to completely segregate their user base. If more games start to follow this method of policing then you better believe online games are going to become just another area where all of your rights are stripped away.


Jan 8, 2010
My 2 cents:

A) It's because a lot of people like to stream LoL
B) Sometimes someone trash-talks "too badly", such as "I'm going to murder you and your whole family because of how awful you are"
C) Because of B), the police are called and stuff goes down

Honestly, I can see Riot Games doing it just to help protect themselves from liability.

They would fix it easier by simply removing the chat option all together. It is rarely used for anything but to piss people off.

People report for the smallest thing now - pretty much simply just do something they don't like and they report. They've bred a bunch of emo crybabies that abuse the system.

They have a new automated system that is far worse than the tribunal. 4 years I played this game w/o so much as a warning and a few weeks after the automated system a 2 week ban, and since I've had at least 50 chat restricted games. I rarely say anything in games. The game simply isn't enjoyable anymore for the most part. Riot is trying to protect its image by saying that the toxicity and trolling is only 1% of its player base, however I did a study and tracked 50 games and those numbers are simply BS.


Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
I've played since Season 1, well over 4k games by now. I've never been chat banned or suspended. No one I play with regularly has ever been chat banned or suspended. Which has led me to believe if you're getting chat banned or suspended you're saying stupid shit.

Mind you I was a Dota 1 player for years and that was more crass and "toxic" then League has ever been imo. You can rib people and talk trash without being a dick. I think chat bans are pretty dumb when the ignore button is so easy to use, but I'm pretty convinced most people who are getting them are earning them.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I've played since Season 1, well over 4k games by now. I've never been chat banned or suspended. No one I play with regularly has ever been chat banned or suspended. Which has led me to believe if you're getting chat banned or suspended you're saying stupid shit.

Mind you I was a Dota 1 player for years and that was more crass and "toxic" then League has ever been imo. You can rib people and talk trash without being a dick. I think chat bans are pretty dumb when the ignore button is so easy to use, but I'm pretty convinced most people who are getting them are earning them.

Dota 1 was never more "toxic" than league PLEASE.

Dota 1 you had more trash talk than league sure. But in terms of toxicity? I never had Dota 1 games where I had what happened in League. Because in Dota 1, communities IP banned regularly. League, especially Season 1, is a free for all. You can do/say whatever you want and you'll still be back. It takes a string of reports to get banned

Dota 1? It takes 1 report to be banned from a community. Just 1.

But the good days of Dota 1 are gone and we have matchmaking/costumes now.

As for the bolded, I 100% agree. I'm tired of this day and age where people cry left and right about what a person says to them. If you can't use the ignore function online you deserve all the bullying you'll get and more. People refuse to be responsible for their themselves now a day. I regularly ignore/mute people on forums, games, etc. No reason not to. Just the culture we've developed where we coddle people and refuse to let them do a single thing for themselves. I've had people cry all game about someone's comments rather than simply mute them. I've unmuted people after a game and seen them STILL talking trash/racist comments to me from champion/hero select. Just sad that people won't use the function.
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Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
Dota 1 was never more "toxic" than league PLEASE.

Dota 1 you had more trash talk than league sure. But in terms of toxicity? I never had Dota 1 games where I had what happened in League. Because in Dota 1, communities IP banned regularly. League, especially Season 1, is a free for all. You can do/say whatever you want and you'll still be back. It takes a string of reports to get banned

Dota 1? It takes 1 report to be banned from a community. Just 1.

But the good days of Dota 1 are gone and we have matchmaking/costumes now.

There were easily as many 4v5's playing shitty TDAs or Garena rooms (let alone the server browser games haha). The difference was in Dota you usually benefited from 4v5 so who gives a shit, if someone is feeding, fuck them, flame them into leaving. Take their shit and carry the game.

In LoL if someone leaves the game is ruined for everyone. I hate free win more then the automatic loss usually. It's no fun for anyone. It sticks out in your mind more.

Regardless it blows my mind that people pick these games up at all. It's got to be hell trying to learn all this shit. In Dota there was no matchmaking so you got thrown into games with people who had been playing forever and in LoL there are smurfs.


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
I remember TDA and there were far fewer leavers than LoL. I've had nights of LoL where I had a leaver/troll every single game. I think you're mixing up TDA and Garena a bit with leavers (I never played Garena too many leavers, too many foreigners, US East Battlenet, no reason to touch Garena) because I had very few leavers in my TDA games.

LoL's community is just worse than Dota's though. My brother is a Challenger player in LoL and he'll play Dota with me and he's talked about it. But worse yet, I've seen it in LoL regularly when watching my brother where people at even Diamond1/Challenger INSTANTLY troll at champion select regularly.

Dota still had a lot of old school gamers I guess but LoL brought in a lot of new guys and that community adopted that mentality of new age gamers very much.

The quality of online gaming is just bad at this point. Just disappointing.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
There's a reason there's no chat in Hearthstone. And it's a pretty brilliant move imo. I'm not there to chat and couldn't care less about what anyone in any game has to say basically ever. There's not really any good that can come of it - it's either harmless or stupid.

Man what happened to competition? What happened to being able to make your enemy feel bad for losing, this is a competitive game this isn't child's play.

No, it's actually just a game. That's pretty much all there is to it.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
There's a reason there's no chat in Hearthstone. And it's a pretty brilliant move imo. I'm not there to chat and couldn't care less about what anyone in any game has to say basically ever. There's not really any good that can come of it - it's either harmless or stupid.

No, it's actually just a game. That's pretty much all there is to it.

This isn't Hearthstone this is League were talking about. A game that pits 5v5 players in competitive game play. Typing is in fact a crucial part of the game, especially for people who solo queue. Not only that but it allows you to feel human, being social is a part of life. If you feel like tossing out any form of social communication from online games you are veering into the wrong direction. Considering social media and online communication is clearly the future.

There is only so much that can be accomplished from pinging. Sure it works for what its made for. But you cant tell your support to pull someone from dragons pit or to setup wards for dragon or baron with just pings, they don't exist.

This is real life, people talk crap online as they would probably do in real life as well. If someone can't handle that, then they just can't handle life as a whole. You can't expect to go through life with zero hurdles, this isn't a movie. What league is essentially doing is teaching kids that hey life is perfect, and that in real life if someone pisses you off you can just run off and tell on them. Were breeding a generation of tattletales and cry babies, and once they leave high school and college they are going to realize just how different life really is.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
If more games start to follow this method of policing then you better believe online games are going to become just another area where all of your rights are stripped away.

What rights would those be?

It's their game and they can set whatever policy they want. Otherwise people could show up at your house and say whatever they wanted and you'd have no recourse to remove them, because of "rights".

Riot doesn't want a bunch of idiot teenagers constantly flaming each other. Most of the trash-talk and flame is typically directed at teammates, which ruins the experience for other players. Even when it's not being directed at you, it sucks to lose a game because one team member kept flaming another instead of focusing on the game or being helpful.

If you acted like that in real life, you'd soon find that there were very few people who actually wanted to play with you.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
What rights would those be?

It's their game and they can set whatever policy they want. Otherwise people could show up at your house and say whatever they wanted and you'd have no recourse to remove them, because of "rights".

Riot doesn't want a bunch of idiot teenagers constantly flaming each other. Most of the trash-talk and flame is typically directed at teammates, which ruins the experience for other players. Even when it's not being directed at you, it sucks to lose a game because one team member kept flaming another instead of focusing on the game or being helpful.

If you acted like that in real life, you'd soon find that there were very few people who actually wanted to play with you.

Once again, its called IGNORE.


Oct 30, 2008
Has LoL never not been a children's game? It has a cartoony art style, a lack of advanced mechanics, and a lack of penalty for death... It also has a lack of voice chat (at least, it used to). Wtf kind of team game has no voice chat...


Senior member
May 29, 2013
My general gaming outlook:

1) let your gameplay do all the talking

2) mute all voice chat (unless playing with friends)



Jan 8, 2010
The system is abused plain and simple. Especially if you are playing with duo's etc.

The #1 reason for toxicity in this game is that you are locked into a game as soon as you go into character select. If anyone trolls you, YOU are the one punished if you leave, not them. You have no choice but to play through until the end regardless of what happens.

After a number of times of this happening, it is no wonder people get irate and negative. Riot did this to themselves due to never actually addressing this major weakness in the game. Yes it's a game, but people ARE competitive. All sports are a game, and toxicity happens there as well. It is just the nature of competition. Emotions get high.

I for one just tend to mute people that annoy me, but that doesn't fix the trolls and leavers at all. If it isn't your team that has one, it's the other team. Rarely is there a match that it doesn't happen (usually whoever is losing). These days even if you are winning if someone dies and thinks it was your fault they start trolling or yelling 'reported'. It's just gotten stupid. People are assholes.

I've been in the habit of just muting everyone as soon as the game starts. While it helps against distractions, it certainly takes away from the depth and feeling you are playing with humans. And again, it does nothing to fix the real issues of the game that lead to all of this.
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Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2011
Once again, its called IGNORE.

Riot would seem to disagree with you and obviously doesn't want people like you who think they should be able to trash-talk and flame other players in the game.

Ideally they would have a better system in place that approximates some kind of reputation system that people like you who talk crap would only get queued with other people who also flame and rage in chat for most of the game.

If that makes your queue times all the longer, that's your problem then.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I don't think I've ever played a moba or fps where the chat was a positive thing. Give my a well executed command wheel so I can communicate orders any day of the week. Best thing is a command wheel is language independent. Automatically translates for you.


Senior member
Aug 7, 2013
Riot would seem to disagree with you and obviously doesn't want people like you who think they should be able to trash-talk and flame other players in the game.

Ideally they would have a better system in place that approximates some kind of reputation system that people like you who talk crap would only get queued with other people who also flame and rage in chat for most of the game.

If that makes your queue times all the longer, that's your problem then.

Doesn't DoTA2 do that?


Jun 17, 2005
I don't think I've ever played a moba or fps where the chat was a positive thing. Give my a well executed command wheel so I can communicate orders any day of the week. Best thing is a command wheel is language independent. Automatically translates for you.

Or any PUG game ever, and it is just getting worse. Maybe League is trying to teach people to be more civilized when dealing with people in public chat. Someone needs to.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Isn't this the other way around? Trash talking and things like 'wanting to make sure your enemy feels bad for losing' is certainly childish behavior, so removing the way to do that will have the effect of making the game less attractive to childish people and on the other hand attract more mature people who don't need to do all that stuff in a game.


Jan 8, 2010
Isn't this the other way around? Trash talking and things like 'wanting to make sure your enemy feels bad for losing' is certainly childish behavior, so removing the way to do that will have the effect of making the game less attractive to childish people and on the other hand attract more mature people who don't need to do all that stuff in a game.

I don't trash talk people who are losing or doing badly. I do however trash talk people who are obviously trolling, or if someone starts being an asshole.

I had a few conversations with Riot over this when I got my ban. I don't agree with their stance on the subject which officially is "It doesn't matter what someone says does, trolls, etc, you are supposed to just keep playing and ignore it as if it isn't happening", but whatever, I simply just put everyone on ignore and have decided I will never give them another dime.

They are going to need to change that path or they are going to find themselves losing popularity very quickly.
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Oct 30, 2008
Isn't this the other way around? Trash talking and things like 'wanting to make sure your enemy feels bad for losing' is certainly childish behavior, so removing the way to do that will have the effect of making the game less attractive to childish people and on the other hand attract more mature people who don't need to do all that stuff in a game.

A well placed jab at the ego of your opponent is a valid tactic. If you think people are unable to be rattled by a little trash talk, giving you the advantage, you're wrong. And it certainly isn't childish. However, the internet allows for people do go beyond simple trash talk and just act stupid.

I do understand some people just don't understand trash talking. Those people also tend to be less competitive. If you've never had a pick up game end in a near fight, you've never tried hard enough.


Jan 8, 2010
Oh the fist fights that used to break out over games of Risk or Axis and Allies!!


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
MOBAs aren't the place for trash talk, IMHO.

In a first person shooter, if a teammate makes a mistake and gets his head blown off by a sniper, its no big deal. I have a better idea where the sniper is now, you think, and there's no bad feelings.

In a MOBA when a teammate is failing, it makes the enemy player/team more powerful, and there may be little the average player can do to stop the situation from getting worse. Most bottom lane supports, for example, don't know anything they can do to stop a top lane player from feeding. So, the natural feeling is one of frustration, that can quickly escalate to anger. Add in people who are intentionally trolling, dual queue players who are from foreign countries and don't speak your language, leavers, and generally toxic players, and it'll wear down the patience of the average gamer until it's to the point where an ADC is cussing out a support for accidentally last hitting 1 minion, not because that's something they'd normally do, but because that frustration level was already too high from the last couple games.

The general gameplay of a MOBA is going to cause normal people to get into toxic behavior pretty naturally on it's own, so this is pretty much the worst place to allow "trash talk" for the sake of regular competitive banter. Mocking an enemy player you've just killed, for an example, might help poor gas on the flames of teammates' attacks, that have already being going on for a while.

As far as the argument of how kids being censored in League going to soften them up for the "real world"... Where the heck is that coming from? You CAN'T insult, mock, or threaten other men IRL, because it presses them into a situation where they're OBLIGATED to harm you, and with women they'll usually have you arrested for being an asshole. For example, go to a bar and start calling people racial slurs. What do you think will happen to you? Competitive sports are no different. You can get away with a little ribbing, maybe, but certainly not LoL style insults, threats, and mockery.
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