Learning curve when moving from controller to keyboard and mouse

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Oct 17, 2011
Thanks for the reply. I've disconnect the controller, that hurt. Been playing single campaign of COD Ghosts. I feel awkward with having my hand on two different devices at the same time. But say that I was getting better as the game went on. Tried playing squads for a while, getting 8 - 11 kills to about 5 - 7 deaths.. Felt pretty good till I went online for real. That I got this 3 - 11 deaths first game and the second game was even worse, I got nil kills and 17 deaths., back to single player for a while. Had about 4 1/2 hours to night. My other question is, do I use the KB + M for all games or just FPS. I play guild wars 2 with the KB+M, but what about third person of platform games like Max Payne 3 or the Lego games. Don't laugh I really enjoy the Lego games, it's my way of chilling. I've got a gaming KB+M coming from Amazon on Saturday. The one I'm using now is a Trust cheap and nasty one I got for about £10. So I hope after a few days using the new kit I should be ready to hold my own in most games, ( I can dream) but I think I should see an improvement. Again thanks for the advice and sorry if I bored you..lol

Use both! I use Joy2Key and map WASD to the left analog stick of the Xbox 360 controller (which you can use on the PC) and aim with the mouse. I map jump to the left trigger, change stance/crouch/prone to the left bumper button, run to click the analog stick, and other random stuff to the d-pad and the right analog stick that I can reach with my left thumb. (Obviously only map stuff to the d-pad and the other buttons if you do not need to use those things while moving... like checking scores or using killstreaks or something.) Takes a little getting used to but once you get the settings down (for instance, you need to adjust the stick sensitivity for diagonal movement) it's sort of like the best of both worlds. Even better would be something like a one handed wand type controller, but I already had some 360 sticks lying around so I use this. I love it.

I grew up playing Doom, Doom 2, Quake, Unreal, etc. on the PC, got really good at it, moved to the console shooters once they really took off and lost all my KB+M skills, and just got frustrated bumbling around with Keyboard movement when I tried to come back. As a parent I have limited time to "get good" and practice (practice?? this is a video game! I don't want to practice). I missed the old days of just jumping on line for an hour and murdering people.:awe:

Some random thoughts in no particular order:

(1) I have used Kontrol Freeks (basically, stick extenders) on my Xbox 360 controller for a while. For some PC games the controller is great, e.g. Assassin's Creed, or basically anything that is not an online FPS up against KB+M master race opponents.
(2) Not to say you cannot face off against KB+M opponents with a controller... I did on Ghosts, and honestly did not do too bad. Ghosts was an oddly slow COD game though and the controller is really exposed on a game like Advanced Warfare, which of all the COD games to me plays more like a Unreal/Quake type shooter, where there is more verticality and crazy fast movement of targets across the screen (remember the red grappling hook mod from Quake 2? Yeah). The controller is not well suited for quickly aiming at rapidly moving targets across wide swaths of the screen.
(3) You will suck with aiming the mouse for a time. It takes getting used to. My aim was a full 10% worse with the mouse vs. a controller when I first went back to the mouse from years of using the controller. It is slowly rising but it's not "easy." Once mastered it is better, but it is not easy. Contrary to what a lot of people say I actually advise starting off with very low sensitivity to get used to fine tuning your aiming, and slowly moving up as far as you can as you get more comfortable. I also don't think you need a fancy gaming mouse with ultra high sensitivity for casual gaming; I've never owned one in my 20+ years of online gaming and (when I was actually good with the mouse in the past) it never mattered. Just get a mouse with adequate buttons so you have all the buttons you need on both hands, where you want them. Some mouse side buttons suck and require you to move your hand around too much to push them. Go to a store and pick up some mice and try pushing all the extra buttons and see if it is awkward or not. For instance I have some cheapo Logitech wireless mouse with 2 very comfortable side buttons, a middle clickwheel that also goes side to side (so really the wheel itself is like five buttons in one) and a middle button below the click wheel. That's 10 buttons, all easily pressed without unnecessary movement or accidental button pushing. I game from my couch with the stick in my left hand and the mouse on my couch on the right. (It's a nice flat couch so it works.) Best of both worlds!
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Apr 15, 2015
Hi Guys.
First of all thankyou for all the advice and support, it means a lot.
My new keyboard and mouse came today.
Now down to the nitty gritty stuff, finished my first full game with KB/M, Ghosts. Didn't do aswell as I did on ps4. But I've learned the basic layout of the keys, just looks really funny when your running after the chopper and I just go prone instead.
I've been playing squads with my son to learn more, he's really good, but saying that I got some good kills. I wouldn't say I find it easier more different with the gaming KB+M. So I'm going to start the campaign again and up the difficult settings to normal. Then try veteran. I completed it on veteran on the ps4, just don't want you good guys out there thinking that I'm a Nancy. Lol and again thanks. Will update as I get better.
Cheers Karl.


Junior Member
Apr 18, 2015
I just converted from console to PC (alienware laptop). Had the same issue...not so much the mouse aiming but customizing the kb...kept hitting incorrect keys in heavy battle. My kdr suffered bigtime since I only play COD-AW online.

Decided to try a 360 wired controller.....love at first sight (play). Took me a little while to custom the layout but now I'm rocking it against K+M players as well. My kdr is now back to positive. Had some extremely good sessions just now with topping several maps back to back.

Too bad not all games support gamepads. I say, gaming is supposed to be entertaining so whatever gives you comfort, stick with it.

My Steam ID is "TacoKommando".



Apr 15, 2015
Well said, I'm still learning. Like you said it's should be fun. I'm not really an online player but when I've had a go I get really smashed. One reason is I'm still trying to come to grips with the dreaded KB+M. But like the other players have said in these post and online, you stand a better chance of improveing your KD. But saying that I was pretty poo on the consoles so nothing much has change there. Lol I'm just happy if I can get through a match without getting a big fat zero. Lol
Cheers Karl


Apr 15, 2015
I just converted from console to PC (alienware laptop). Had the same issue...not so much the mouse aiming but customizing the kb...kept hitting incorrect keys in heavy battle. My kdr suffered bigtime since I only play COD-AW online.

Decided to try a 360 wired controller.....love at first sight (play). Took me a little while to custom the layout but now I'm rocking it against K+M players as well. My kdr is now back to positive. Had some extremely good sessions just now with topping several maps back to back.

Too bad not all games support gamepads. I say, gaming is supposed to be entertaining so whatever gives you comfort, stick with it.

My Steam ID is "TacoKommando".

Hi mate, hows it going with your gaming, still struggling with the KB+M. Played a few games of squads with my son and he smashed me. I was getting 10 kills to his 23+. He's always played PC so I'm at a massive disadvantage, plus I went back to a controller which I thought could help it didn't, so I'm only going to use my controller for games that need them. FPS I'm sticking with my board and mouse.


Apr 15, 2015
Hi guys
Just seen some mouse exercise games that supposed to make your control better. The main guy said try and just play Blacklight retribution. I believe this is free to play game. He said it took him a couple of months to be completely be happy with mouse and board., but most of his friends only took around 3 to 4 weeks to crack it. If anyone who's in the same boats as me wants to try Blacklight retribution then just send me a message. I've just put the game to my Steam Account, so I can download it when I get back to my PC.
If anyone knows of some training exercise games, just post the sites on here.
Cheers karl


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
If you're converting for the first time from console to PC and decided to go with a regular keyboard, you're missing a great chance to do it the 'right' way and use a gamepad (Razr Nostromo/Logitech G13).


Apr 15, 2015
Hi Cronos
Took you advice and bought a Razar keypad. Couldn't find anywhere in the UK to buy the Nostromo pad, so I went with the Razar Tartarus model. Seen some good reviews on them , also it's has a thumb stick. Should get it Wednesday morning from Amazon. The thing is I'm taking my eldest daughter the Heathrow airport tomorrow night, it's about 4 hrs there and the same back if traffic is not to bad. So I won't get to long to give it a go. In the mean time I've just downloaded Blacklight retribution. Just waiting for a patch so will give it some hammer tomorrow before I set off.
Will let you know how things go, I'm not expecting to be a master in the few hours I have with it. Some one said it took about 4-8 weeks, now he can hold his own in any FPS. A lot of it comes from map knowledge.
Again cheers for the advice.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
That's great! If you read this thread from the beginning, you'll see that the OP of this thread ended up getting a gaming pad as well. If I'm not mistaken.

I've been using my Nostromo for many many years (it's the old version, the brand is still Belkin). I mostly play RPG (MMO or single-player) instead of FPS, so the thumb pad is how I move (I bind WASD to them), and by the combination of mouse and thumb pad for movement, I still have 30+ keys (with shift+ and alt+ combination) that is accessible with the four fingers I have free on my left hand.

One important advantage of this device that people sometimes don't realize is that in addition to the ergonomics, you never have to bother to change/tweak the keybinding within any of your games. Instead, you simply re-bind whatever the standard binding the game comes with to the keys in the pad you're most comfortable with (using the game pad software), and you're good to go.

Hope you'll like it!


Jun 3, 2011
my advice is:

not all fps games are equal.

i spent a long time playing quake, and while i got decent at it, i never really got to the point of skilled confidence; i just don't "get" the game.

then i tried a different shooter (BLR) and it immediately clicked - my game, my tactics, my mentality. i carry my team, keep down the enemy team, and destroy any opposition.
because the game is designed in ways which i understand naturally, and my normal response to a situation is the correct response.

Arma, i'm good at it. i see a valley and i think "that would be the place i would go to if i was the enemy; i'm gonna try to find someone to snipe" and bang! i find the enemy and drop them.

In CS i'm awful. I get bored and i always wind up walking into someone's hardscope. I'm bad at Hawken, i dont know why, it's just that my natural aim and movement response to the situation is always bad. But i'll easily roflstomp the enemy team at Survarium, because my intuition works in that game, while it doesn't work in others.

try some f2p and see how they fit you. once you find one that does, and you get good, some of the skills will carry over.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
not thread crapping, but it had to be said.

K+B = key + board
K+M = (or Kb+M) keyboard and mouse

resume your normal activtiy.


Apr 15, 2015
Hi Guys.
It's come. I'm now using the Razar Tartarus keypad. It's amazing. Did a little fine turning and bish bash bop, I'm really enjoying playing my FPS again. I'm no way as good as I was on console, but I remember I wasn't that good when I started out on them.
I just feel more in control with the pad. I'm not missing keys or looking down for keys, it's fantastic. I'm so happy using the pad and thats what gaming is about, Right. I know the more I use the keypad the better I'll get.
You've all helped me with different advice on PC gaming I just wanted to say thankyou.
Cheers Karl


Apr 15, 2015
Hi Guys.
I said I would tell you how it's going with my Razar pad and mouse. At first I thought I wasted £54. Didn't seem any different for the KB. Been trying to remap the buttons and it's worked a treat. So in a lot better at Guild Wars 2 and playing ghosts is pretty good too, I still suck at it though. I've played all the way through MOH Warfigther using the keypad and it's fantastic. Most of the kill are by head shoots, and I've even opened all the breeching options, which I never could on console. So like they saw it takes time and practice. I'm enjoying playing FPS again. So happy days.


Oct 9, 2002
I have played many games on PC, but for the most part, i play everything on my 360, or just use a controller with a PC. I have heard it from numerious people on here to just suck it up and learn how to use a keyboard and mouse, and that a controller will never compare.

The games I have played with keyboard and mouse have been very basic, so my skills arent the best. Im usually fine with WASD, and can move around fine, but when it comes to putting moves together i start to suck. (jumping and crouching through windows in half-life, sprinting and hiding behind walls, executing commands. I basically dont like to let my fingers off the same spots.

Any tips or advice you would give to a noob like myself?

I also considered buying a gaming mouse with a bunch of buttons on it, but would this be considered kind of cheap? Would hardcore gamers scoff at the idea of having a bunch of actions tied to mouse buttons?

For example, i remember mapping jump to middle-click when i first played HL2 a long time ago. I guess it helped a little, but am i just better off getting used to using spacebar? since its universally jump in almost every PC game?

How long until I can expect to really get used to K+B? I would like eventually get good enough where i can play multiplayer and be competitive, but right now I get dominated pretty bad whenever i play any PC game online. (im decent at nexuiz, but i might be playing against people even worse than myself - so who knows)
I used to map right-click as jump and middle-click as alt fire. Once I stopped doing that and got used to space bar for jump and right-click for alt fire, I hated myself for bothering to re-map the controls for so many years. The default is definitely superior.

Anyway, Portal 1 is a great game to get used to it. As many retries as you want. You'll want to play through Portal 2 as soon as you complete the first one!


Oct 9, 2002
If you're converting for the first time from console to PC and decided to go with a regular keyboard, you're missing a great chance to do it the 'right' way and use a gamepad (Razr Nostromo/Logitech G13).

Hated my Belkin Nostromo SpeedPad when I tried to play Bioshock and the bottom row needed ONE more key to do what I needed.

Realized the damn thing was a waste of space and I just use the keyboard for that. Much better.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
Hated my Belkin Nostromo SpeedPad when I tried to play Bioshock and the bottom row needed ONE more key to do what I needed.

Realized the damn thing was a waste of space and I just use the keyboard for that. Much better.

The newer Nostromo/replacements have 2-3 more rows of keys, and the G13, has even more keys than that. I don't think that is a problem now.


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2010
This might be useful for some people. About your mouse's polling rate.

By default, your computers asks your mouse 125 times per second what is happening. Aka the default mouse polling rate is 125 Hz. This seems like a lot, but it is not. This relatively low polling rate is the reason why you see your mouse "skip" a bit when you move it over your windows desktop. It also causes your camera to move less smooth in games when you move your mouse. It would be much better if your computer would poll your mouse more frequent. Like 500 or a 1000 times per second.

Many mice come with their own drivers. Some of these drivers will allow you to increase your mouse polling rate. Check the mouse control panel, or some special software utility you get with your mouse.

Regular mice don't come with the option to increase polling rate. E.g. I use a Logitech Marble Mouse trackball. And it lacks this feature in Logitech's SetPoint software. However, the hardware in my trackball is capable of higher polling rates. I believe many mice can be polled more frequently than 125Hz. Maybe not all can do 1000Hz. But 500Hz might be doable. 500Hz is certainly working on my trackball. And it clearly gives a more smooth experience. Both on the desktop and in games.

Even if your mouse doesn't come with the option of higher polling rate, you can still configure windows to poll your mouse more frequently ! Here is how to do it. You need to run Windows 7 (not Win8/8.1). And you need to plug your mouse in a USB2 port (not USB3).

Give it a try. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to install. But it's worth your time. Certainly if you are a gamer. Hope this helps.
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