Let it drop or close it please


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: conehead433
So this has a brand, a model number, a size?

I did not put brand, etc in the post because it was discussed quite a bit in the posts surrounding BF. Here is the info:

Viore 42" plasma model number PDP4210EA

In the original info on the plasma it was described as having only an OTA tuner for HD and as being HD compliant, but supposedly only ED since it downscaled 720 and 1080 to 480p. All that is wrong according to the tech person. It has two tuners and displays full HDTV, not downscaled. I have already hooked both tuners up and know they work, and have received HD in 1080 (according to the display info) off the OTA tuner.

They may be very hard to find since they were so inexpensive to begin with, but at least one earlier poster ( around BF) said he found about 10 in some small store. However, many people sold them on Ebay and they were not aware of the dual tuners, etc, so they sold cheap for a set with its features. They are still showing up there on occassion.

Mine gets a beautiful pic.



Senior member
Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: Bekker
If anyone finds one of these still in stock anywhere they can get a red hot deal. I got mine out of layaway and called Viore tech support with questions. They told me that they had made mistakesz in the specs and it actually has two tuners, not just over the air, and it actually displays up to 1080 instead of downscaling to 480p. I did not want to post till I checked both tuners out, but tech was correct. To anyone who might have gotten one BF, you got lots more than you bargained for!

I am posting this in case any are still in stock anywhere.

Somehow i doubt that... If it IS hdtv, then it probably down/up converts everythign to 720p.... Since a 1080p plasma would be about 10x the price you're talking about here.



Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: nguyendot1
Originally posted by: Bekker
If anyone finds one of these still in stock anywhere they can get a red hot deal. I got mine out of layaway and called Viore tech support with questions. They told me that they had made mistakesz in the specs and it actually has two tuners, not just over the air, and it actually displays up to 1080 instead of downscaling to 480p. I did not want to post till I checked both tuners out, but tech was correct. To anyone who might have gotten one BF, you got lots more than you bargained for!

I am posting this in case any are still in stock anywhere.

Somehow i doubt that... If it IS hdtv, then it probably down/up converts everythign to 720p.... Since a 1080p plasma would be about 10x the price you're talking about here.

I would be as doubtful as you and really have no way to check except what the display reports. Anytime I view non-HD programming, the display indicates it as being 480i. When I view OTA HD broadcast, it reports it as 1080. I asked the tech if he was certain and he said he was, as long as the correct inputs were used. The conversation we had was over two models Wal-Mart had. One was an older HD (not ED), but it had no internal tuners. It had been priced at $2295. The other was the one labeled ED. I asked which set was better and he said undoubtedly the one mistakenly labled ED. He said it has two tuners and the other none. I argued that the other was true HD, not ED, and he said so was the one labeled ED. I asked if it downcscaled and he said it does not .. that was a mistake, as was the info re the tuners. On Viore's site they show two plasma sets with one reported as having 1080 capabilities and the other 480p. Those are the specs (the 480P) he says are definitely wrong. He said the one labled ED was the best set. If you want you can go to www.viore.com to see that they in fact do report one or two models as having 1080 resolution. That's also where you can find the wrong specs for the PDP4210EA.

Other than looking at the display reported resolution I have no idea how else one can check resoultion. If you do, let me know and I will try it.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
I really doubt that this is HD. People with a good eye would have noticed that it was HD immediately when they bought it and it would have been all over the boards.


Senior member
Jan 10, 2002
Since this is no longer available for this price and hasn't been for well over a month, you are posting in the wrong place. Sounds like you intend to Brag & Moan here. There is no hot deal going on. Lock this, Mods.


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: leonc
Since this is no longer available for this price and hasn't been for well over a month, you are posting in the wrong place. Sounds like you intend to Brag & Moan here. There is no hot deal going on. Lock this, Mods.

I may not even keep mine as I cannot get closed caption on many HD stations and that's a must as I am unable to hear dialogue. Therefore, neither brag nor moan.

Posted because some out of the way stores may still have them, and because they are still being sold with the wrong specs on egay. I just checked and two are now listed, both with wrong specs.



Senior member
Jan 23, 2002
Just because the TV says it has 1080i on the input does not mean that it is displaying that resolution.

The resolution on the panel is 852x480 and there is no reason to think it is anything but that, regardless of what the "tech" person said.


Junior Member
Jan 4, 2006
So basically you're saying you got a 1080i for under $1000, and you got a super good deal. But we can't buy them. Nanner nanner. So how was this not brag&moan?


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Danly
So basically you're saying you got a 1080i for under $1000, and you got a super good deal. But we can't buy them. Nanner nanner. So how was this not brag&moan?

This belongs in B&M or off-topic.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
But! He said he wasnt going to keep it because he needs captioning, so it should be in For Sale/Trade!

This thread has created a black hole that will rip apart the cold fusion molecules that hold the forums(and even the universe) together! thanks deek :|


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
If Ido not keep it I will just return it to WM as I do not want the hassle of shipping it. I sure got bugged this weekend cause my wife would not let me watch the games on it.

As I said before, you can find them on Ebay for usually around 1150-1250 shipped since they do not know the correct specs.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by: S13SilviaK
Just because the TV says it has 1080i on the input does not mean that it is displaying that resolution.

The resolution on the panel is 852x480 and there is no reason to think it is anything but that, regardless of what the "tech" person said.

Exactly. I have an Infocus 4805 projector that is ED (852x480) and it correctly tells you what the input resolution is (1080i, 720p, 480p, etc.) but that doesn't mean it can display at that resolution.

I'm glad you're happy with your TV though. I'm happy with mine .


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: SearchMaster
Originally posted by: S13SilviaK
Just because the TV says it has 1080i on the input does not mean that it is displaying that resolution.

The resolution on the panel is 852x480 and there is no reason to think it is anything but that, regardless of what the "tech" person said.

Exactly. I have an Infocus 4805 projector that is ED (852x480) and it correctly tells you what the input resolution is (1080i, 720p, 480p, etc.) but that doesn't mean it can display at that resolution.

I'm glad you're happy with your TV though. I'm happy with mine .

I have no way of knowing the "true" resolution, but the tech was quite adamant about it because I had a choice between a true HD and the one I got. He said the one I got does not downscale and has the same resolution as the true HD plus having the two tuners whereas the other had none. I asked if he was certain and he said yes, as long as I connected it correctly (and told me how to do that). Since I am too unfamiliar with the various types of connections, what he said went in one ear and out the other.

I don't want to keep this post at the top if it is not useful, but if anyone should consider one from egay I would suggest first calling tech support for Viore to see how it must be connected, etc, as well as to confirm it is true HD. Be sure you ask about the model PDP4210EA. If you do call, do not select the option to speak to tech support because they have not answered for me. Instead select the option to talk to customer service and have them connect you.

BTW, Wal-Mart was worse than useless in providing specs for either the model I got or the one I did not. They did not know how to tell what res either displayed and one person tried to tell me that the difference between EDTV and HDTV was in the screen shape, with ED being shaped like normal TV and HD being panoramic.

Should anyone need to know, I will also point out things I do not like if asked.



Golden Member
Oct 21, 2000
Its hard to believe that the resolution wouldn't have been noticed, not to mention a second tv tuner. But, it could be true. Nevertheless, its not available now, and I would certainly not buy from ebay a slim chance.


Junior Member
Jan 10, 2006
1080i and 720p are both HD. Not sure where it is written that it has to be 1080p to be considered 'true' HD.

If you think in terms of 'true' and 'not true' HD there is going to be lots of confusion for all.

It's better for all to go by SD or HD and then just make sure people understand the difference between 1080i, 720p and 1080p.



Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Did not mean to mislead by "true HD." Simply meant that it supposedly displays 720 or 1080 instead of downscaling to 480p like the incorrect specs say it does.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Bekker
Did not mean to mislead by "true HD." Simply meant that it supposedly displays 720 or 1080 instead of downscaling to 480p like the incorrect specs say it does.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but you should never talk a tech at their word. Or maybe you misunderstood him. But there is no way that you have a plasma which will not downscale 1080i content-- there is not a single plasma out there in the consumer market which has at least 1080 lines of resolution. Pioneer is releasing a 1080p capable plasma this spring, and Panasonic plans one for later this year-- but even those will be 60" screens. Putting 1080 lines worth of pixels on a 42" inch plasma screen is something you won't see for at least two or three years.

According to Viore's own website, the resolution on this panel is 852x480. If the picture looks great, and I'm sure it does, I sure wouldn't complain for the price. But don't confuse the fact that it is capable of displaying HD (after its been downscaled) to meaning what you are actually seeing is HD.

Aug 19, 2005
Originally posted by: MathMan
Putting 1080 lines worth of pixels on a 42" inch plasma screen is something you won't see for at least two or three years.

According to Viore's own website, the resolution on this panel is 852x480. If the picture looks great, and I'm sure it does, I sure wouldn't complain for the price. But don't confuse the fact that it is capable of displaying HD (after its been downscaled) to meaning what you are actually seeing is HD.

All of the HDTV manufacturers are really misleading people by producing only 852x480. HDTV should be 720p or 1080i/p. Putting 1080 lines on a small 27" display should be easy. We have already had CRT Monitors that have .24dp and lower, and can display 1600x1200 or greater. This is distinct lines too, as long as your monitor has a low dot-pitch. So you don't need anything bigger than about a 24" CRT to display that many lines. Sony made a widescreen 24" CRT Monitor at one time with low dot-pitch.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Jackyl

All of the HDTV manufacturers are really misleading people by producing only 852x480. HDTV should be 720p or 1080i/p. Putting 1080 lines on a small 27" display should be easy.

Who says fitting 1080 lines into a 27" plasma screen would or should be easy?

If it was so easy, trust me-- it would be done. But the fact remains that it is not.

We have already had CRT Monitors that have .24dp and lower, and can display 1600x1200 or greater.

Plasma and CRT screens are not made anywhere near the same fashion, so the argument that it is easy to do on CRTs is moot.

It's relatively easy to coax 1000+ lines of resolutation out of a CRT since the back of the tube is coated with phosphors. The size of the pixel then is only dependent on how small you can make the electron beam-- the smaller the beam, the smaller your pixel.

For plasma, it's a totally different ball game. Each pixel on a plasma screen is its own little sealed glass chamber (actually, 3 glass chambers). While it is relatively easy to make an electron beam smaller, it's not trivially easy to make glass chambers filled with rare gases much smaller.

Could a 42" plasma with 1080 lines or resolution be manufactured right now with the technology that we currently have ? Probably, but the cost would be prohibitive. Add to that fact that there is much debate as to whether or not you would be able to see any difference between 720p and 1080p from normal viewing distance (about 10 feet) on such a small screen-- it is questionable at best.


Golden Member
Sep 6, 2000
Originally posted by: MathMan
Originally posted by: Bekker
Did not mean to mislead by "true HD." Simply meant that it supposedly displays 720 or 1080 instead of downscaling to 480p like the incorrect specs say it does.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but you should never talk a tech at their word. Or maybe you misunderstood him. But there is no way that you have a plasma which will not downscale 1080i content-- there is not a single plasma out there in the consumer market which has at least 1080 lines of resolution. Pioneer is releasing a 1080p capable plasma this spring, and Panasonic plans one for later this year-- but even those will be 60" screens. Putting 1080 lines worth of pixels on a 42" inch plasma screen is something you won't see for at least two or three years.

According to Viore's own website, the resolution on this panel is 852x480. If the picture looks great, and I'm sure it does, I sure wouldn't complain for the price. But don't confuse the fact that it is capable of displaying HD (after its been downscaled) to meaning what you are actually seeing is HD.

I am wrong about 1080 ... it is 1024. Duh! The 1080 appears in the display window when viewing an OTA HD broadcast.

I do not know the actual resolution. since the tech told me it was not downscaled to 480P

To tell the truth I probably could not see the difference between 480p and 720, maybe not even 1024, (just had cataract surgery a month ago) so certainly would not suggest anyone take my word for the resolution. I simply relayed what the tech said. He did not say 1080, I did ... he said it displays true res without downscaling to 480p.

The website's specs on the tuners is correct now, as it lists two.

Viore Plasmas
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