Let's talk golf


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 1999
A few questions for the golfers of ATOT:

1) How often do you play?
I golfed about every other day when I started last August, about 2-3 times a week in September, only about 6 times from October to April, a couple of times a week until June, then about every other day from mid-June to now. Cost isn't really an issue because last August I played for free most of the time as a guest or I played at Twilight. This summer I got a part-time job at the golf course for free golf.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
For me, it was to think of a race to the ball when I was swinging an iron. Make sure the grip came in first, my left hand second, my right hand third, and the club head last. I just could not hit with my irons until someone described it like that, and then I could hit them just fine whenever I thought of it.

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
I know you're supposed to use different ones in different situations, but most people I golf with seem to have a favorite club for chipping. I try to use the right one for the lie and the distance, but I find that I use my sand wedge most often.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
I get my grip, get behind the ball and check my target line, take a couple of practice swings, address the ball, make sure I have it positioned correctly, make sure I'm balanced and comfortable. When I take my practice swings and before I start my backswing, the things that go through my head are to keep my shoulders level, take the club away in front of me on the target line, not too much, get a good wrist hinge, keep my right knee flexed, don't sway, start my downswing with my right knee and then hips, keep the club head on the inside, eye on the ball, release my wrists, swing through the ball, extend my arms toward the target, good follow-through and hold.

5) What's in your golf bag?
I have the 7-9 irons and the sand and pitching wedges from the cheap set I bought last year plus 5 & 6 irons given to me by friends. The new clubs I've bought so far are:
Lob Wedge - Wilson
Driver - King Cobra Speed LD Offset 12 degree loft Lite flex
3-Wood - Cobra Speed LD Offset Lite flex
5-Wood - Cobra Speed LD Offset Lite flex
7-Wood - Taylor Made r5 dual Senior flex
4-Hybrid - Cobra Baffler DWS Lite flex
Putter - Ping G5i Anser

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
I don't really know what my average would be, probably about 110 right now, but my best so far was a 92. I've worked all summer to break 100.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
Every person I've played with, but one, has taken some strokes off their score. It's usually in the form of do-overs. They didn't like that drive so they'll hit another one. They miss-hit a shot and take another one. I have no problem with someone practice/playing when it's just for fun, but don't do it and keep score. They'll say they shot an 80-something when I know good and well that they wouldn't have broken 100 if they'd been keeping score properly. The one guy I play with who counts every stroke says that he sees it all the time too. He works at a golf course and says that probably 60 percent of the people who say they shoot under 100 probably do not. What do you think?

8) How would you describe your game?
I average 160 yards off the tee with my driver and I rarely miss the fairway. I can get 190 yards, but I slice it when I do. I'm most accurate with my 3-wood from the fairway and it averages 135 yards. I'm getting better with my irons, but I tend to hook them. My pitching is okay, but my chipping is terrible. I'm a pretty good putter and I believe I can become a really good one now that I've found a grip I like and can be consistent with.

If I'm playing a par 5, it usually goes like this - good drive middle of the fairway, very nice 3-wood shot, a pitch with good distance but to the left into the rough next to the green, lousy stinking chip that didn't make it out of the rough, lousy stinking chip that that went rolling all the way across the green, two putts with the first being on line but short, then tapped in for a double-bogey.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
I see a lot of guys drinking while they're golfing and I just don't see why you would. I mean, I have a hard enough time playing sober, it would have to hurt your game if you were trying to play with a buzz on.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Mine is pretty easy going, though they are particular about dress and behavior. Most of the time you don't have to call ahead for a tee time. They don't use starters. The pro and cart-boys do occasional rangering but it's not usually needed. The dress code is collared tops with slacks or nice shorts. Small cafe with sandwiches, etc. Alcoholic beverages are not sold at the course, but a lot of people bring their own in coolers. Every day except Tuesday it's $45 including cart for 18 holes, Tuesdays are $28 all-day golf for Seniors, Twilight every weekday for $24, no Twilight on weekends. It's usually only crowded on Tuesdays and weekends. It's open dawn til dusk.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?
I do, but I'll have to post them later.

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
My first was the first time I birdied this hole. I was intimidated by it and couldn't get the ball on the green; it was either lost in the high grass or rocks, or I had to pitch up onto it. One day I teed off and the ball landed about 14 inches from the cup. I yelled, "Yay!", and looked around for a witness, but there weren't any. I tapped it in for the birdie. All was right with the world, until the next hole of course.


Nov 17, 2004
1) How often do you play?
about once every 3-4 weeks. used to play 3-4 times per week.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
use your own swing, or - work with what you've got

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
depends on the lie i have and how close i am to the putting surface. if i am on even ground and have a regular stance i will take a putting stroke with my 8-iron. if i am laying crappy i might use my wedge.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
hit the damn ball.

5) What's in your golf bag?
used King Cobra irons from fleabay. bought a couple years ago
ancient driver - Taylor Made Firesole
ancient knockoff Tight Lies 3-wood
Wilson Harmonized putter that has been thrown a few times

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
I've shot 81 twice. Never broken 80. I shoot mid 90s now for 18 but if i could putt anymore, i could shoot better again. putting has been the first and worst thing to go since i stopped playing more often.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
no one i play with cheats like that. you take what you take on a hole. i don't know many guys that shave strokes.

8) How would you describe your game?
i suck.

9) Do you drink when you golf?

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
VERY laid back.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
i won my flight in the club championship a few years ago. i won a 9-hole "shootout" thing that went to the 2nd extra hole that year too. i've hit a lot of clutch putts, won a bunch of closest-tos, skins, etc etc.

i'd have to say my favourite golf moment of all-time so far was playing golf in Alberta with my brother. Kananaskis golf - check it out. Seeing is believing.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Originally posted by: montanafan
A few questions for the golfers of ATOT:

1) How often do you play?
I golf about once every two weeks now, used to be 2-3 a week (just moved, young kids, new job, more expensive area etc.)

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
Never swing at 100%

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
I always vary, as I find being creative helps me focus on the shot I'm hitting. I've tried both, and some very successful golfers have stuck with one.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
Look at target. Visualize shot shape and result. Practice swing. Step back. Visualize shot shape and result. Line up. Commit to shot. Look at target. Swing.

5) What's in your golf bag?
Driver --> Titleist 905R (3-4 years old) 9.5 degree stiff fujikura shaft
3 wood --> TaylorMade Steel something (don't remember model right now) 15 degree. stiff stock shaft.
Hybrid --> TaylorMade RescueMid (old version) 21 degree x-stiff rifle shaft.
3-SW --> TaylorMade Firesole (1999) irons with x-stiff rifle shafts.
LW (60 degree) --> Cleveland plain jane chrome plated
Putter --> Odyssey White Hot Blade

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
Average right now: 81
Best Round: 73 - in tournament play (1 over par on a tough course).
Favourite Round: 78 - first time breaking 80, with 3 friends in our annual tournament on a long, tough course.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
A very large percentage unfortunately. I've seen it happen in tournaments more than I care to say. If you need to win that bad, go play video game golf.

8) How would you describe your game?
Decent golfer ... can hit the ball 275-280, but am currently struggling with a complete and utter lack of confidence off the tee due to my uncontrolled slice. I can't make myself 'play with' the slice, and am constantly trying new things, none of which stick. Very good iron player, particularly with wedges. Decent putter, but nothing spectacular. Best part of the game? Greenside bunker shots.

I garner plenty of birdies, but with the wild drives, have the occasional double too.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
No. Mainly because I like to think I'm serious ... well that and I'd have to pee on every second tree after about 4 beers.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Very slack at my old place, but now I'm somewhere that more is expected. Nothing too serious though, and the rangers only hassle you if you're a goof-off, which I appreciate.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?
I have a few, but not here ... may try to update, but will likely forget

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
This is cut and paste from an old PM to Melty:

So I went to the driving range last night to relieve some stress, and to work on my troublesome driver. I was methodically working my way through the bag as I normally do, starting with the wedges. Everything was going OK, and I was feeling pretty decent. It was hot though, with very little wind, and intense sun. I'll admit that as pathetic as it may sound, I was working up a bit of a sweat.

The range wasn't too busy, and I was toiling away near the left edge of the range with no one within 5 or 6 stalls on either side. I pull my 4 iron, take a couple of practice swings, line up to the ball and begin taking my backswing. Out of the corner of my eye I see the best pair of cans I've seen in a while, and promptly shank the mother-f'er into the range's side netting. Well, of course, I had to step back, and gather myself, as well as say a little prayer of thanks not only for the heavenly body setting up in the stall next to me, but also that I'm wearing my mirrored shades to cover my lecherous glances.

I'm not going to lie ... this was impressive enough to be a serious challenge to my concentration, and of course, she was a right-hander, so she was facing me. Not to sound too pervy (if I haven't already given a distinct enough impression), but a low-cut tighty-whitey tank top on a beautiful woman swinging golf clubs is manna from heaven. She started to practice swing and her swing wasn't too bad, but it was obvious she was a beginner. When she started hitting balls, she regularly banged them off the mesh divider between the stalls, and was mostly topping everything else.

I resumed hitting balls after wiping the drool off my chin, and managed to keep my head down, and think I figured something out with my grip. I was able to hit a draw or fade at will, though the exact range of those shots varied quite a bit. I was getting a bit giddy at this simplistic-seeming fix , and the control it was affording me. I'm sure I had a goofy grin on my face every time the shot came off as I intended. It was then I realized that she was standing there smiling/laughing while watching me. She laughs again, and said "You seem to know what you're doing, and really quite enjoying yourself."

I responded by saying that I had a good idea of what I should be doing, but doing it all the time was a whole other thing, and that I had just figured something out. Sensing I was getting too geeky, I didn't explain much more. She then asked me to help her. I threw the disclaimer out there that I could try, but that I was terribly underqualified, and asked her just to hit a few balls while I watched, this time with permission to do so. She was totally overswinging, and was therefore having troubles getting things aligned again to strike the ball. I told her to shorten the swing and to keep her head down as long as possible, and all of a sudden she was popping them up in the air and actually making good contact.

I shit you not, she was so excited she started jumping up and down, and I very nearly passed out. Instead I managed to tell her just to try to keep those basic things in mind, and she'd improve in no time. I went back to hitting balls again, with a little bit of chit-chat thrown in here and there. She finished up, and was getting ready to leave when she came over and gave me her number, telling me to give her a call if I ever wanted to take her golfing!

Needless to say, I laughed my way through the rest of the bucket, and cared slightly less that I still haven't cured the driver slice.


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Originally posted by: montanafan
meltdown75, I checked out Kananaskis golf, beautiful course!

I used to go there almost every summer, and it is gorgeous. Played it last a couple of years ago, and now I'm living quite far away, but can play 12 months a year Now if only I could find the time, money, and get a pass from the wife!


Aug 14, 2001

1) How often do you play?
Hardly ever these days. Sucks.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
Split grip drill. Swing with the hands separated by 2, even three inches. Sort of forces you to get the left shoulder back and around, sort of. Pretty much got rid of my slice, and improved my ball striking, but I've got a loooong way to go.

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
No. The more you play the better you get at knowing which club to use. There's a handy little rule where you estimate how much you need to fly and how much you need to run and get the club number from... Based on the idea that most of the time you want to land the ball as soon as possible - ie have it land just past the fringe on the putting surface and roll the rest of the way.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
I get my grip, get behind the ball and check my target line, take a couple of practice swings, address the ball, make sure I have it positioned correctly, make sure I'm balanced and comfortable. When I take my practice swings and before I start my backswing, the things that go through my head are to keep my shoulders level, take the club away in front of me on the target line, not too much, get a good wrist hinge, keep my right knee flexed, don't sway, start my downswing with my right knee and then hips, keep the club head on the inside, eye on the ball, release my wrists, swing through the ball, extend my arms toward the target, good follow-through and hold.

Left your quote in - honestly it sounds like you've got too many things going on here, but I'm no expert.

My routine: Stand behind the ball and use the shaft of the club to be sure I've got my intended line picked out. Move up to the ball get the face of the club perpendicular to the line. One practice swing, step up and hit. I play pretty fast. I HATE really slow players.

5) What's in your golf bag?
Varies - typically 3 or 4- wedge 1-2 higher loft wedges - I've got a 50, 56 and 60. Don't use the 60 so much but it's pretty good for some traps. Two hybrids (taylormade) and a driver (Cleveland). My driver isn't lofted enough for me, it's a 9.5 and I should probably have a 10.5, but I play in windy conditions pretty frequently, so it's not so bad to lose some distance to keep it lower.

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
Average is sort of N/A right now... maybe a 90-95 depending on the course. Best round is 78 on a par 71 course.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
Not fudging the score exactly, but plain cheating in my book - mulligans, not counting penalty strokes and "improving your lie." I only cheat when it comes to pace of play - picking up after 3 putts, that kind of thing. Otherwise, play it where it lies, count all penalties, all strokes, etc.

8) How would you describe your game?
Okay off the tee, somewhat weak with irons, streaky putting and short game.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
I try to walk when I play, and if I walk I won't drink. If I'm in a cart I might pop one or two depending on who I'm with.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Local muni, pretty laid back. Really depends on who you happen to be paired with. Run into a lot of ex military retired types and they're almost always good to play with.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?
google Clay/kizer.

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
Last time I played gold with my dad. He was pretty old then and wasn't nearly as good as in his prime - but somehow we both managed to birdie #3, one of the toughest holes on that course. I chipped in from the sand, he made a long putt.



Golden Member
Mar 25, 2008
1) How often do you play?
April-May 3 times per week
June-August 4-5 times per week
Sept-Oct 3 times per week

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
"KEEP YOUR HANDS IN FRONT OF THE CLUB!!!" golf pro at my course was not pleased with my lack of work that day

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
I use my 56* for most chipping conditions and sand although depending on the lie, amount of green, pin and anything in my way I will look at my 60* or 52*

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
Usually have a song going in my head that i'm mouthing to keep relaxed, practice swing, 3 steps back, choose line, set up to ball, switch wrists, swing

5) What's in your golf bag?
Driver - Cobra HS9 F 9*
3 Wood - Cleveland Launcher 15* (soon to be Mizuno F-60)
3-PW - Titleist 755
52* - 5 year old Callaway
56* - Vokey Spin Milled
60* - Cleveland CG10
Putter - Scotty Cameron Studio Select Newport (my baby)

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
Average Score is 84 at my course, best round at my course is a 81 and best ever was 79 a few years back at the radium resort course

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
Yes it is a large percentage, I've seen blatant cheating as well as ignorance for the rules in tourneys

8) How would you describe your game?
Long of the tee 300-320 yards drives, fairly long with irons as well (9 iron=155 yards 5 iron=200 yards) not very accurate unless within 160 yards, chipping is rock solid...always within 10 feet, putting depends on the mood I'm in

9) Do you drink when you golf?
Only Water and lemonade...unless I'm just playing with some of the guys...but I don't count those scores

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Private Course so very classy...I've seen people kicked for borderline shirts, I don't have a full membership so AM hours on weekends are off limits, I'm also not 18 so Thursdays are off limits (men's night). Our pro is terrible hes probably a 10 handicap now and I still haven't seen him on the course this year...our assistant pros are alright (scratch and 2 handicaps) but the pride of our course are Ryan Yip who went pro and holds the course record 63 with a double and Scott Stiles who came second in the Canadian amateur.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?
Only the pics on the side of the website Bearspaw CC

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
probably losing to my dad by 1 shot...the closest I've come so far...he made a birdy on 18 and I made a bogey


Apr 19, 2001
The only thing that's a bigger joke than an online sex thread is an online golf thread. Toss in a question about which supermodels everyone has slept with, you'll get more honest replies.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Nice thoughtful post, montanafan. Sounds like the golf bug really bit you! Do you think there are teachers who went into that field only because they have the summers off to golf? Sorry I can't really add to the thread since I don't golf. But I will say one thing:

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
I get my grip, get behind the ball and check my target line, take a couple of practice swings, address the ball, make sure I have it positioned correctly, make sure I'm balanced and comfortable. When I take my practice swings and before I start my backswing, the things that go through my head are to keep my shoulders level, take the club away in front of me on the target line, not too much, get a good wrist hinge, keep my right knee flexed, don't sway, start my downswing with my right knee and then hips, keep the club head on the inside, eye on the ball, release my wrists, swing through the ball, extend my arms toward the target, good follow-through and hold.

No wonder it takes people 4 hours to finish a round!

I've tried it twice, can't say I totally embarrassed myself, but the game just didn't grab me. But I have a new position at work now and the CEO and all my peers golf, the CEO has said golf outings are going to be an occasional event, so I suspect I better get to it so I'm not the wet blanket of the group.


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
1) How often do you play?
Not as much as I used to. Twice a week.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
Don't watch the ball, keep your head still your swing will turn your head naturally.

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
I use whatever club the shot requires. Most of the time that is a lob wedge or pitching wedge depending on what I want the ball to do and how much green I have to work with. 7 iron is really useful as well.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
Stretch, relax, 20 minutes on the putting green to get the speed.

5) What's in your golf bag?
1, 3 wood
3 hybrid
2, 4-P irons (depending on course I'll swap a 5 wood for the 2 iron if I need the higher ball flight)
two wedges, putter

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
Best was a 78, average around mid 80s.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
I never fudge my score and count every stroke. However if I'm just out to practice i'll improve lie or position but not count the score. The people I play with are the same because there's frequently money on the game.

8) How would you describe your game?
Goal on a 400 yard par 4 is 250 drive, 7 iron for 150 in. Focus on hitting greens and good putts, don't short side the hole and choose the safe shot over the risky one. My short game could use some serious work. Of course there's plenty of holes where that goal doesn't happen.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
They don't call it swing oil for nothing.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Laid back, very friendly.

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
Holing a 170 yard 5 iron for an eagle. Never had a hole in one yet.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
1) How often do you play?
I get out about 2 or 3 times a week. I'm a student so I have very few responsibilities over the summer except work.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
I guess most recently would be a friend told me that I swing my wrists too much when I drive, and I changed that and now I don't slice anymore. It's a miracle, I've been fighting it for years, and I'm sure I've checked my wrists, but never fixed it until now.

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
I don't own a sand wedge, so I generally use my pitching wedge for chipping.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
Not too much. Just check position of ball between feet and distance to tee, and I try to keep my wrists from breaking.

5) What's in your golf bag?
Taylormade 3 iron -> PW
Nike driver
some no-name putter

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
I don't really keep count of the whole round, I just go hole by hole. I'm probably just under 100

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
The people I play with are generally pretty honest about their scores, because there is no getting around the fact that they're really no good anyways. I have a friend that moves the ball a few inches to a better lie every time he swings.

8) How would you describe your game?
Just got rid of my slice, which is fantastic. It is changing my game completely. 4-iron is my favorite club, and since I don't use any woods is generally my most used club, because I can't hit at all with my 3-iron.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
Sometimes. usually I'm the one driving, so I don't. If I drink, I get drunk.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Absolutely the most laid-back course you could find. One of two local courses for a town of 8000. The other one is the real fancy one that costs way more. At mine, no dress code, tee times are very loose, you pretty much show up when you want to play, prices are really low, very few pros. Even the course pro isn't very good for a pro.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?
I don't but it has a website: www.dragonflygolf.com It's really not a great course, but for $250 for a membership for students, it's great.

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
I'd have to say my first birdie is one of my favorite moments. It was a par 3 and nothing special, but it was fun.



Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
The only thing that's a bigger joke than an online sex thread is an online golf thread. Toss in a question about which supermodels everyone has slept with, you'll get more honest replies.
oh come on Gag, just play along. i was honest - i got nothin to hide. don't be such a fuddy duddy

edit: and for the record i've never been with a supermodel but my wife is pretty hot no pics


No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Champ
12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
probably losing to my dad by 1 shot...the closest I've come so far...he made a birdy on 18 and I made a bogey

That has to suck. The hole time (get it?) you're thinking - make par.


Golden Member
Jun 12, 2000
1) How often do you play?
once or twice a week, but more often now that it's cooling down

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
hit the little ball before you hit the big ball

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
i only vary based on the lie i'm facing. I have a wedge with more bounce for thick grass, and one with less bounce for off other lies...or is that switched around...

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
stand directly behind my line, 2 practice swings while facing straight down the line, then go rip it

5) What's in your golf bag?
Cobra FP irons (referred to as my "old man" clubs)
Calloway Fusion driver
Calloway steelhead 3 wood
Armour 845 Sand Wedge

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
85ish average right now, best round was 80 (77 on a 4,000 some yard course, but I don't count that)

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
I see tons of people who "tee" the ball up in the rough, give themselves gimmes on putts that they actually missed, stuff like that.

8) How would you describe your game?
unbelievably unpredictable. I'll play a draw with ever club one week, then a fade with every club the next week, then fade my driver and draw my irons one week then switch it up.....I just can't get my swing to stay consistent. Once I get comfortable, I have to change it again.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
Not usually since I walk most of the time. If I'm riding, I might.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
typical semi-private not snobby, but not dirty either attitude

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
I worked/lived on a golf course in High School, so more than I can remember. Probably the first time a bunch of my friends and I got together for an "All you can eat, drink, and golf" deal at a club in Ohio.


Nov 17, 2004
Originally posted by: mjquilly
12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
I worked/lived on a golf course in High School, so more than I can remember. Probably the first time a bunch of my friends and I got together for an "All you can eat, drink, and golf" deal at a club in Ohio.
I love deals like that


Golden Member
Jul 3, 2005
1-Last played on a course around 6-7 yrs ago.
2- No one helped me, had to read golf mags and practice, practice, practice.
3-Depends on the lie and green speed.
4-Pretend I'm in my patio or backyard. I always swing worse on the range, weird.
5- My dad's old Callaway irons and BBerthas.
6- Dunno, but I did shoot around 118 on Bethpage black one time.
7- My dad always fudges, SHHH! I never did, there's no point in doing so.
8- Very middling amateurish, don't have much time anymore.
9-No, the bushes couldn't take it.
10- Buncha crappy to semi-crappy.
11- No
12- Making par on the 10th hole at Bethpage Black on the blue tee. Lucky I had a flier, that gave me some extra "squirt", prolly an extra 15 yards than I normally would.


Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
The only thing that's a bigger joke than an online sex thread is an online golf thread. Toss in a question about which supermodels everyone has slept with, you'll get more honest replies.

go take some midol.


Golden Member
Mar 25, 2008
Originally posted by: meltdown75
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
The only thing that's a bigger joke than an online sex thread is an online golf thread. Toss in a question about which supermodels everyone has slept with, you'll get more honest replies.
oh come on Gag, just play along. i was honest - i got nothin to hide. don't be such a fuddy duddy

edit: and for the record i've never been with a supermodel but my wife is pretty hot no pics

golfs a gentleman's game...honesty is key


Apr 7, 2005
I really really like golf. I also really started to play it about a year ago when I bought a decent set. The first one I bought was from a second hand shop. The entire set cost $50. It was worthless.

Anyways, you play way more than I do. Golf is expensive, and you can't get better if you don't play constantly, and I'm not rich enough to play all the time. I have a ton to learn about the game yet; especially seeing certain shots, or getting myself out of situations, or just having the right mind set. I've noticed that if I don't think too much about a shot, I tend to hit it way better than if I over analyze it. However, they are times, especially in putting, where I've taken my time and walked around the green and stuff, and then sunk some amazing putts.

I'm guilty of shaving my scores, mostly by do overs. The only reason I do that is because I know that I can hit a better shot that the crappy one I just hit. And I usually do the second/third time around ^_^. I've honestly gotten better, and I don't think golf is that hard of a sport to learn. My only problem is to see shot. All I want to do is hit it straight to the flag, without caring about slopes and stuff - and that doesn't help me any.

Golf right now is in my top 5 favorite sports to play... and I've even drawn a liking to watching it on TV. I usually make the joke that I fell asleep watching baseball and woke up when golf came on

1.So I don't play as often as I would like to.
2.I play with ppl who are better than me/watch the pros then practice - that's how I get better
3.Clubs vary
4.My routine isn't set yet. But I'm working on it.
5.Confidence Z series set, with a LW from Wally Mart
6.I shoot par shaving scores
7.I do
8.My game is weird. I need to work on my mindset A LOT!
9.I have b4
10.Just alright
12.I've had a couple of birdies WITHOUT shaving my score. That's an honest drive, 7-iron, putt for birdie. Also, I think Par-5s are my favorite holes!

I could talk golf all day!


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2000
Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
The only thing that's a bigger joke than an online sex thread is an online golf thread. Toss in a question about which supermodels everyone has slept with, you'll get more honest replies.

As the others have said, you need to get a life beyond slamming people in any of the golf threads that appear here. At least put some substance to your complaint about what people aren't being honest about :|


Feb 15, 2003
1) How often do you play?
2 times a week.

2) What's the best tip anyone ever gave you that helped your swing or ability to make a shot?
An old guy a about 10 years ago told me to swing easier and relax.

3) Do you tend to use the same club when you're chipping near the green or do you vary it?
Same club, sand wedge. I've gotten a good feel for it.

4) What's your routine or what kind of checklist do you go through in your head before you tee off?
Tee ball, find spot on tee box that I'll aim at, address ball, practice swing, and then step up and hit it.

5) What's in your golf bag?
Driver & 3-Wood: Ping G10
3-S: Taylormade Burners
P: Old Palm Springs Putter. Bought it when I was 10 (31 now).

6) What's your average and what was your best round of 18?
I'm between 85 and 90 consistently. I once got a 79, but it was an open course with no trees and the rough was rather easy to hit out of.

7) Have you noticed how many people fudge their score? Would you say it's a large percentage of recreational golfers?
I'd say a large percentage. I don't hit mulligans, but I've been know to use the foot wedge. Most people I've golfed with will hit a mulligan or use a foot wedge here or there.

8) How would you describe your game?
Average. Can hit the Driver 300 yards. That is, once every 50 drives. The other 49 have a nice fade or nasty slice. I usually use my 3 Wood. Doesn't slice, can have a slight fade, but nothing problematic, and it goes 250 - 280. After that, I mostly use 7 iron on down. I can hit the 7 iron 200 yards, so I haven't really needed anymore length from the higher irons. Pitching and putting are probably my weak points. I don't really concentrate on those. I've been known to reach a par 5 in two, only to take 5 more shots getting it the last 30 feet.

9) Do you drink when you golf?
Yes. I'll typically drink a 6 pack when playing 18 holes.

10) What's the atmosphere like at your favorite local course? (Dress code, tee times, prices, rangers, starters, pro, policies, etc.)
Not too bad, it's a public course, but most people will wear collared shirts. I don't see very many jeans, except when they have league nights.

11) Got any pictures of the course you play most often?

12) What's one of your best golf moments so far?
I don't have one. I just love when I hit the perfect drive or perfect approach shot. I only need one per round the make me happy.


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