Liberals trying to force homosexuality onto children

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Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005

I have to ask this question....

Are you really this stupid or do you get off on trying to work people up by having to point out how freaking stupid you sound?

Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: zendari
Gay marraige is not a right, and there would be no right to restrict if the amendment passed. At least 18 states have amendments to their constitutions.

Well maybe it is for the Parkers in Massachusetts.

Heterosexual marriage isn't a right either. Please point to the article/amendment that explicitly grants it.

I never said it was.

By stating that Gay marriage is not a right and can be legally restricted by an amendment, you are implying that hetrosexual marriage is a right that cannot be. Or are you calling on an amendment banning ALL marriage?

Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: Shira
Do you have any objection to such educational programs? Can you list the advantages of such programs? Do you think the existence of such programs is equivalent to "recruiting" kids into undergoing gene therapy to become Down-syndrome kids? Do you think that marginalizing kids (and adults) with Down syndrome would accomplish anything beneficial?

What school district teaches their kids about Down syndrome? Mine didn't.

Seems unnecessary in a regular curriculum, if you want to teach about it in special ed it might be more fitting.

As for this part of your drival, if there were a child that had Down's Syndrome in the classroom, hell yes it should be discussed. Or do you think that the other kids should be allowed to ignorantly tease and taunt the kid? Wait don't tell me....I don't want to force you to actually think about anyone else's well-being and break the streak that you have going.

Oh, I almost forgot, from your link trying to be cute and defining homosexuality as abnormal....

Biology. Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies. if someone could find proof of homosexual acts taking place in nature...that would be natural being that homosexuality is natural.

I wonder if a list of animals would suffice?


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong

Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: zendari
Gay marraige is not a right, and there would be no right to restrict if the amendment passed. At least 18 states have amendments to their constitutions.

Well maybe it is for the Parkers in Massachusetts.

Heterosexual marriage isn't a right either. Please point to the article/amendment that explicitly grants it.

I never said it was.

By stating that Gay marriage is not a right and can be legally restricted by an amendment, you are implying that hetrosexual marriage is a right that cannot be. Or are you calling on an amendment banning ALL marriage?

Any right can be restricted by an amendment. The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Hence the need for the FMA.


Jun 17, 2005
I think the real problem here is that the parents were unreasonable in their demands on what the school had to report to them. It would be reasonable to report to the parents any time they were going to teach, as a part of curriculum, opinionated information concerning homosexual lifestyle. It is not reasonable to be informed anytime there is a chance that their child might meet someone that is homosexual. To do so would be to discriminate against both homosexuals and children of homosexuals, because the only way to guarantee that the conservative parents would have the ability to make a choice if they want their child exposed to that would be to restrict, pending pre-notification, access of the homosexual parents to the school and school functions.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
wow page 6? i guess we should keep mum on interracial marraige too. don't want to expose racist parents children to race mixing

and if you still believe sexual orientation is learned. ur a closet homo or a tard. sorry, it is that simple.


Nov 23, 2003
Originally posted by: zendari
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: zendari
Well maybe it is for the Parkers in Massachusetts.

Heterosexual marriage isn't a right either. Please point to the article/amendment that explicitly grants it.

I never said it was.

Do you have any objection to such educational programs? Can you list the advantages of such programs? Do you think the existence of such programs is equivalent to "recruiting" kids into undergoing gene therapy to become Down-syndrome kids? Do you think that marginalizing kids (and adults) with Down syndrome would accomplish anything beneficial?

What school district teaches their kids about Down syndrome? Mine didn't.

Seems unnecessary in a regular curriculum, if you want to teach about it in special ed it might be more fitting.

You learn about it in biology when you're discussing chromosomes and such. Maybe your school is just a terrible school, because I'm sure most people learned about it in the same way.


May 27, 2005
Originally posted by: Strk

You learn about it in biology when you're discussing chromosomes and such. Maybe your school is just a terrible school, because I'm sure most people learned about it in the same way.
Actually the school was pretty good, ~1200 avg SATs. They might have mentioned it as a sidenote in biology, but I was assuming shira was talking about Down syndrome in health/wellness/phys ed/whatever. IIRC we did fitness, nutrition, sexuality, and drivers ed in the 4 years.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
Zendari, ask yourself this one question. In the end, does it really matter if a child is learning that there are homosexual couples? As long as it doesn't go into explicit detail about sex, what is the big problem? I mean you cannot shelter your child forever, they will find about about HOMOSEXUALS at some point in their lives. Why preach intolerance? Would Jesus want you to teach intolerance to your children?


Jan 6, 2005
Zendari, ask yourself this one question. In the end, does it really matter if a child is learning that there are homosexual couples? As long as it doesn't go into explicit detail about sex, what is the big problem? I mean you cannot shelter your child forever, they will find about about HOMOSEXUALS at some point in their lives. Why preach intolerance? Would Jesus want you to teach intolerance to your children?

That is an unfair question to ask, as organized religion, particularly Christianity, has a fairly specific stance against homosexuality.

Assuming Jesus was the son of God, we cannot exactly ask him his thoughts on the subject...or God's for that matter...what we have instead is organized religion, which is a human construct, and therefore a fallable institution.

The religious right is a highly motivated and organized political entity in this nation...and they do not care for homosexuals...they do not view the issue as a question of intolerance, as they do not understand the necessity of tolerating that which they consider sinful.

Just as a Christian community has no right to impose its beliefs in public schools, public schools do not have a right to impose upon the beliefs of Christians...if parents do not wish to have their kids exposed to homosexuality at kindergarten age, they certainly have that right.

The classroom should not be the front line of the battleground for social change.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004

Sorry, but that list is bogus or grandly anthropomorphic at best. Only a couple non-human primate species have exhibited homosexuality. I say that being a liberal and a scientist. Ever hear of S Marc Breedlove (iirc, he's at Michigan State now)? I TAed his class a couple times plus took his graduate courses when he was a prof at Berkeley. Asexuality, poor discriminability, or anything else along those lines is NOT homosexuality. Also, for the record there is a ton of evidence that homosexuality in human is ~50/50 nature/nurture (by nature im including more than just genetics or that its strictly congenital).


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: rickn
Zendari, please join a religion that forbids you to use the internet.

Come on, people should be able to express their viewpoint without being told to piss off. Even if it is an unpopular viewpoint.


Golden Member
Jul 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Originally posted by: spunkz
Originally posted by: Moonbeam

There is no evidence that I am aware showing that being offended by homosexuality is genetic. If 95% of the people are bigots all the more reason to change.

Bigotry is an evil and it is the moral duty of every person to eliminate it. This is best done by freeing children from the delusions of the past. But bigots crave company and the company of their children. Bigotry runs very very deep. It is self hate that masks itself as hate for the other. But while there may be benefits from a social stigma against intolerance, bigotry can't be defeated by hate. That is why it is important to remember that the bigot has a disease and is not responsible for it. He can see his bigotry and overcome it best if he is loved, because it is only love that heals self hate. This urge to ban Zendari is one that I don't understand. It's a rare bigot that stands forth and tells you he is proud to be one. The task at hand is to heal, not ban. Zendari has an irrational belief that Gay is evil, but he cannot prove that case without going to an old bigoted text like the Bible. His case is as absurd as the Hindu case against the Untouchable. It is nothing but irrational hate and fear and a form of mental illness. When did we start hating the sick? Hate the evil it does if you have to hate. Hate that Gays die dragged behind the cars of the sickest bigots. It is the same disease evenly more openly expressed. Most good people are ashamed of themselves when they see what their bigotry does to the victims we manufacture in this world. It is only in certainty that men kill. And the thing about bigotry is it's certain. George Wallace later in life asked forgiveness of the girl become woman he tried to keep out of a white school.

Humanity will awake from its Millennia sleep in bigotry and superstition or will kill itself over lies.

who decided that bigotry was evil? where do you get off pushing your morality on him?
First I would like to hear your defense of bigotry. What is the argument that bigotry is good?

well i, like the op, have reason to believe homosexuality is a sin. and that makes me a bigot in your book since i'm intolerant of your beliefs. but that's fine with me. i'm standing up for what i believe is truth, which i think is a good thing.

in the same light, you're a bigot from my standpoint since you're intolerant of my beliefs. but that's fine, too. you can continue to tell me what you think is evil, and i'll tell you what i think. i just don't get where you come up with good and evil and why you think they have any real significance, unless you ascribe to some religion, which doesn't seem to be the case.


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: spunkz
i just don't get where you come up with good and evil and why you think they have any real significance, unless you ascribe to some religion, which doesn't seem to be the case.

What does a religion have to do with knowing right from wrong? :roll:



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: spunkz

in the same light, you're a bigot from my standpoint since you're intolerant of my beliefs.

The thing is he is not trying to take away anyone freedom, it's you who are, so this makes you exactly as you described, a intolerant bigot.

Pointing out a backward belief system that hurts others is not bigoted, people who discriminate are.



Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: homercles337

Sorry, but that list is bogus or grandly anthropomorphic at best. Only a couple non-human primate species have exhibited homosexuality.

what do you mean by "homosexuality"?

any kind of same-sex sexual interaction is by my definition a "homosexual behaviour".

the list contains animals "for which there is documented evidence of homosexual or transgender behavior of one or more of the following kinds: sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, or parenting."

Originally posted by: homercles337
I say that being a liberal and a scientist. Ever hear of S Marc Breedlove (iirc, he's at Michigan State now)? I TAed his class a couple times plus took his graduate courses when he was a prof at Berkeley. Asexuality, poor discriminability, or anything else along those lines is NOT homosexuality.

in general the documented cases of same-sex sexual interactions in animal species can't be explained (in an intellectually satisfying way) using concepts like "poor discriminability" or "asexuality".

Originally posted by: homercles337
Also, for the record there is a ton of evidence that homosexuality in human is ~50/50 nature/nurture (by nature im including more than just genetics or that its strictly congenital).

the notion that we can actually put a ratio figure to the nature/ nurture proportion is preposterous. There simply isn't enough evidence to get that specific. Also, if anything, the evidence suggests that different people may become homosexual for different reasons, i.e., there may be multiple routes to homosexuality (interacting biological and environmental factors).



Golden Member
Jul 16, 2003
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: spunkz

in the same light, you're a bigot from my standpoint since you're intolerant of my beliefs.

The thing is he is not trying to take away anyone freedom, it's you who are, so this makes you exactly as you described, a intolerant bigot.

ROFL! let's make up our own definition of bigotry to make it look like we proved a point!

i never said anything about taking away someone's freedom. i said they're very welcome to believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do. the fact that i don't believe it is the right thing to do is an idea that marks me as an intolerant bigot who is hated and rejected by the majority of this forum, the same majority that preaches tolerance and open-mindedness to all ideas(excepting, of course, anything related to the bible). the same majority that says the only constant is change, the only truth is relativity, and yet still has the audacity to claim they have all the answers, they know right from wrong, and they KNOW that i'm wrong.....

show me where you get this knowledge from and why i should listen to your version of right and wrong over, say, the OP's? this is why i said religion is closely tied to right and wrong. it is an attempt at revealing the truth and providing a foundation for making claims about, for example, right and wrong, rather than relying on your own vague notion of morality.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2004

In reading over your comments, your perspecitve is VERY anthropomorphic.

Originally posted by: aidanjm
what do you mean by "homosexuality"?

The most objective definition, with the least amount of anthropomorpism.

A sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) a member of the species of the same sex, that results in pleasure. These primates come to mind.

any kind of same-sex sexual interaction is by my definition a "homosexual behaviour".

the list contains animals "for which there is documented evidence of homosexual or transgender behavior of one or more of the following kinds: sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, or parenting."

Youre first definition here does not jibe with your second. Your second includes things that are not sexual. If i help my longtime friend with his kid for a weekend does that make me "homosexual?" If i hangout with my longterm buddy for a weekend and do some heart-to-heart bonding about life, chics, or whatever, does that make me "homosexual?" If a nonhuman animal is not able to accurately discriminate the gender of a mate, but exhibits "advancements/affection/courtship" does that mean that animal is homosexual?

in general the documented cases of same-sex sexual interactions in animal species can't be explained (in an intellectually satisfying way) using concepts like "poor discriminability" or "asexuality".

Yea, um, again, not true. If you place a normal male rat in a cage with a TFM rat (thats a testicaularly femenized rat) he will attempt to mate. So, why would a rat try to mate with a male? Does that make him a homosexual rat? Or one that can not discriminate between a male and female? This is an extreme example too--its pretty easy to get a male rat "indiscriminantly mount." There are numerous maniplations one can perform to get male rats to mount indiscriminate males. THis is VERY well documented and talked about in the field (my cohorts in grad school talked about his stuff all the time). Its also pretty easy to get male dogs to mount LEGS too. Does that make them interested in humans as partners? Fact is, when you really start to LOOK at these homosexual behaviors they are mostly anthropomorphic. I mean, come on, a male whale that releases sperm near another male whale is considered homosexual by these anthropomorphic statndards. Im not saying it doesnt exist, im saying the extent is grossly exaggerated and best kept to reasonable, rational estimates.

in general the documented cases of same-sex sexual interactions in animal species can't be explained (in an intellectually satisfying way) using concepts like "poor discriminability" or "asexuality".

BOLD claim that i will handily discredit if you wanted to provide links.

the notion that we can actually put a ratio figure to the nature/ nurture proportion is preposterous. There simply isn't enough evidence to get that specific. Also, if anything, the evidence suggests that different people may become homosexual for different reasons, i.e., there may be multiple routes to homosexuality (interacting biological and environmental factors).

More evidence you dont know what youre talking about. If the animal models are accurate, and in behavioral/neural experiments they definately tend to be well supported. Kinda like the way DNA evidence supports Evolution. I never said we are 100% sure, did you see my 'tilde' indicating "approximately? Or the fact, that im talking about how behaviour can influence biology and vice versa. Did you even bother to google or pubmed S Marc Breedlove?


Aug 9, 2004
Originally posted by: homercles337

In reading over your comments, your perspecitve is VERY anthropomorphic.

Originally posted by: aidanjm
what do you mean by "homosexuality"?

The most objective definition, with the least amount of anthropomorpism.

A sexual attraction to (or sexual relations with) a member of the species of the same sex, that results in pleasure. These primates come to mind.

How do you know that the animal is experiencing "sexual attraction"? Or "pleasure" for that matter. That is an inference on your part. (One might even say it is anthropomorphism on your part). You can't easily quantify "attraction". The best you can do is assign a behavioural measure, like the amount of physical contact an animal might seek out with another animal, assuming that the behavioural measure somehow reflects your quality of "sexual attraction". A behavioural definition - i.e., sexual contact between same-sex animals (within the same species) - can be quantified. I would use a behavioural definition.

Originally posted by: homercles337
any kind of same-sex sexual interaction is by my definition a "homosexual behaviour".

the list contains animals "for which there is documented evidence of homosexual or transgender behavior of one or more of the following kinds: sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, or parenting."

Youre first definition here does not jibe with your second.

The first definition is my definition. The second definition is not my definition - it is the definition given by the author of the link.
Do you think it surprising that my definition may differ with someone else's definition? Lol.

Originally posted by: homercles337
Your second includes things that are not sexual. If i help my longtime friend with his kid for a weekend does that make me "homosexual?" If i hangout with my longterm buddy for a weekend and do some heart-to-heart bonding about life, chics, or whatever, does that make me "homosexual?" If a nonhuman animal is not able to accurately discriminate the gender of a mate, but exhibits "advancements/affection/courtship" does that mean that animal is homosexual?

Witihin biology, parenting behaviours are considered part of the broad spectrum of reproductive (or sexual) behaviours. I would include parenting within reproductive or sexual behaviours. Afterall, one of the primary purposes of sex (but not the only purpose) is reproduction and the raising of off-spring. You're thinking is too literal. A peacock displaying it's feathers is engaging in a sexual or reproductive behavior even though no physical contact is taking place with another bird. Your assumption that animals engaging in homosexual behavior are not able to discriminate between the gender of male and female animals is not accurate. We know that certain non-human animals will ONLY engage in sexual behaviours (sex, courtship, affection, pair-bonding, parenting) with same-sex animals of the same species. I.e., they can tell the difference, and choose a same-sex partner for the range of sexual or reproductive behaviours they engage in. I would refer to that as 'homosexuality' or 'homosexual behavior'.

Originally posted by: homercles337
in general the documented cases of same-sex sexual interactions in animal species can't be explained (in an intellectually satisfying way) using concepts like "poor discriminability" or "asexuality".

Yea, um, again, not true. If you place a normal male rat in a cage with a TFM rat (thats a testicaularly femenized rat) he will attempt to mate.

Interesting, if you place normal males in a prison with a few overlty homosexual or feminised men, many of those "normal" men will "mount" the homosexual or feminised males.

Originally posted by: homercles337
So, why would a rat try to mate with a male?

Why would a human, male prisoner try to mount (anally penetrate) another male prisoner? Could it have to do with, um, the lack of availability of females?? I'd describe that as a situational homosexuality (in humans). But it is homosexual behaviour, nevertheless. And it is certainly interesting behaviour, worth studying.

Originally posted by: homercles337
Does that make him a homosexual rat?

If the "normal" male fvcks the weaker, submissive, feminised, or gay male in prison, does that make him a homosexual? Well, perhaps not, because the studies suggest these so-called normal males who engage in homosexual behaviours in prison will revert to heterosexual behaviours when they are released. I.e., they are engaging in homosexual behaviours as a result of the environment they are in.

I'd also be interested to examine the role of sex in establishing status or dominance ranks in humans (and rats, for that matter). Sex may well serve other purposes than reproduction. Other roles might be to establish hierarchy in a group, and of course to obtain pleasure.

Originally posted by: homercles337
Or one that can not discriminate between a male and female?

Does the 'normal' male who anally penetrates a weaker, or submissive, or gay, male in prison not know how to tell the difference between a male and a female, I wonder?

I would seek to place the male rat in a cage with female rats, and so-called feminised male rats, and see if a pattern emerges: does the rat mount a given gender more frequently? If you place that rat in a cage with a normal (non-feminised) male and a female rat, my guess is that the rat will display a preference for the female rat. The male rats may also fight, I would guess, and who knows, perhaps one rat will display submissive behviours towards the other rat.

Originally posted by: homercles337
This is an extreme example too--its pretty easy to get a male rat indiscriminantly mount. There are numerous maniplations one can perform to get male rats to mount indiscriminate males. THis is VERY well documented and talked about in the field (my cohorts in grad school talked about his stuff all the time).

Who knows, rats may distinguish gender through aggressiveness or other behavioural characteristics (i.e., not visually) and the artificial manipulation of hormones may well be creating a situation in which the normal cues to gender are changed or absent. Interesting findings, but whatever. I look to the broad picture emerging, across many species. There are documented examples of individual sheep, penguins, swans, and animals from numerous other species who consistently engage in same-sex sexual behaviours, in preference to opposite-sex sexual behaviours. The very fact they display a preference indicates an ability to discriminate between the genders.

Originally posted by: homercles337
Its also pretty easy to get male dogs to mount LEGS too. Does that make them interested in humans as partners? Fact is, when you really start to LOOK at these homosexual behaviors they are mostly anthropomorphic. I mean, come on, a male whale that releases sperm near another male whale is considered homosexual by these anthropomorphic statndards. Im not saying it doesnt exist, im saying the extent is grossly exaggerated and best kept to reasonable, rational estimates.

Um, thanks for the straw man examples. Maybe you'd like to take a look at the actual data.

If the whale or dolphin uses it's beak or flippers to stimulate the genitals of the other animal, then certainly I'd describe that as homosexual behaviour. I'd also describe it as homosexual behaviour if e.g., two male dolphins form a life-long pair bond, involving sexual activity with each other, defending and protecting each other from sharks, etc. Whether or not the factors leading to this kind of homosexual behaviour in dolphins and other animals are the same factors producing a homosexual orientation in adult humans is the interesting question.

Originally posted by: homercles337
in general the documented cases of same-sex sexual interactions in animal species can't be explained (in an intellectually satisfying way) using concepts like "poor discriminability" or "asexuality".

BOLD claim that i will handily discredit if you wanted to provide links.

Sure. Give me a moment.

Originally posted by: homercles337
the notion that we can actually put a ratio figure to the nature/ nurture proportion is preposterous. There simply isn't enough evidence to get that specific. Also, if anything, the evidence suggests that different people may become homosexual for different reasons, i.e., there may be multiple routes to homosexuality (interacting biological and environmental factors).

More evidence you dont know what youre talking about. If the animal models are accurate, and in behavioral/neural experiments they definately tend to be well supported. Kinda like the way DNA evidence supports Evolution. I never said we are 100% sure, did you see my 'tilde' indicating "approximately? Or the fact, that im talking about how behaviour can influence biology and vice versa. Did you even bother to google or pubmed S Marc Breedlove?

Incorrect. There is not adequate evidence, at the moment, to give even a tentative estimate of the relative contribution of genetics and environment in determining adult human sexual orientation. There is no agreement on the relative importances of the two within psychology. The science is still up in the air. You gave a figure - a percentage figure - and that is preposterous. Utterly preposterous.

If the animal models are supported? Lol, and which animal models, exactly, are you referring to? And please explain how those models are easily mapped onto human development and outcomes.
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