Liberals, your chickens have come home to roost, now what

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Sep 5, 2000
Non-biblical references to Jesus :

Josephus, Antiquities 18.63-64

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.

Thallus (52AD)
“On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun.” (Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18:1)

Phlegon (80-140AD)
“And with regard to the eclipse in the time of Tiberius Caesar, in whose reign Jesus appears to have been crucified, and the great earthquakes which then took place … ” (Origen Against Celsus, Book 2, Chapter 33)

“Jesus, while alive, was of no assistance to himself, but that he arose after death, and exhibited the marks of his punishment, and showed how his hands had been pierced by nails.” (Origen Against Celsus, Book 2, Chapter 59)

Pliny the Younger (61-113AD)
They (the Christians) were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food—but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”

what 100 years after his death? lmao. There is no afterlife. Deal with it.


Sep 5, 2000
We know for a fact muslims are bombing various cities in Europe and the US.

We know for a fact girls are being sent out of Europe for female circumcision.

We know for a fact girls are being sent out of Europe for forced marriages.

We know for a fact that there were several bombings last weekend and a stabbing.

We know for a fact gang rapes are taking place by muslim refugees in Europe.

Hiillary wants to allow even more muslims into the nation?

So, where do liberals draw the line on their tolerance? How many gang rapes, bombings, stabbings, mass shootings,,,, etc before we say enough is enough.

We know for a fact Texashiker is retardation incarnate.


Dec 3, 2013
Wrong - this is what it says, there's nothing in here like what you state. In fact, this just backs up TH even more. This is from the OT, Jeremiah is also a prophecy book not a law book :

31 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 32It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt—a covenant that they broke, though I was their husband,* says the Lord. 33But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, ‘Know theLord’, for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more.​

Context fail.

He redefined adultery vs the OT. In the OT, a man could just give a woman a piece of paper and they were divorced. What Jesus is saying here is that if he does that, and remarries, that's adultery. That is foreign to the Old Testament, it's not part of the OT law you're talking about. This along with some other writings are the first inklings of women's rights in religion.

He then goes on to say that the law will not "fail". That's not the same thing as saying the OT law is absolute, especially in the context of divorce that he sited. And no one ever said the OT law was irrelevant.

You are another one that has been hanging out on the forums a long time.

Your like the Uncle I used to know that was an Evangelical that was a PITA just going out to dinner, and we'd all get pissed of because he refused to go to a good Restaurant over his ignorance.

I have a similar problem with the wife's friends when they show up, the Italians will debate 2 hours before deciding where to eat for dinner sometimes

It was usually a lets try to be nice and indulge him thing.

He missed many good places and is basically dead now I guess.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Why does OP seem to root for the terrorists? Sad Republican pressing for a win, any win.

Here is an idea, root for this country please, not your party. Morons.

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Feb 16, 2005
Not where you want to draw it. Many Muslims (certainly not those applying to come to the US) don't practice those, and banning an entire religion is an insult to the US' values.

Besides, imagine if I used your all-or-nothing argument for gun control: so, where do conservatives draw the line on their tolerance? How many gang killings, mass shootings, easy suicides and avoidable accidents before we say enough is enough? Ban all guns, no exceptions.

Of course, that's not my real position. You'd rightly argue that the cost of that added safety wouldn't be worth compromising the country's civil liberties. Well, how is a blanket ban on Muslims different? It's a simplistic attempt to solve a complex problem, and while it's potentially effective, the price you'd pay wouldn't be worth it.

yea, but don't you get it? they're MUSLIMS (insert scary organ music here)...


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
You are another one that has been hanging out on the forums a long time.

Your like the Uncle I used to know that was an Evangelical that was a PITA just going out to dinner, and we'd all get pissed of because he refused to go to a good Restaurant over his ignorance.

I have a similar problem with the wife's friends when they show up, the Italians will debate 2 hours before deciding where to eat for dinner sometimes

It was usually a lets try to be nice and indulge him thing.

He missed many good places and is basically dead now I guess.

Guess again, I'm not evangelical and I don't go to church.


Jun 9, 2016
This thread is a study in the dumb shit american conservatives didn't learn in school, ostensibly because they were told school is the instrument of leftist commies.

I love being right. Turns out getting your education from is even worse than trump U; in fairness it costs less but guess you get what you pay for.


Dec 3, 2013
Guess again, I'm not evangelical and I don't go to church.

You sure of hell have always sounded that way.

Maybe something to work on I guess, on your part.

That or just embrace it and run with it I guess, whatever floats your boat.


Oct 11, 2005
The ignorance is yours. TH probably knows more about this than 90% of this forum.

"Abolish" is way too strong a word, but what he is saying is correct. Anyone who grew up learning / paid attention to Christian bible class knows this.

A more correct word would be fulfilled, or "ended", the law of the OT.

When talking about the "Law", Jesus always said he fulfilled "The Law and The Prophets". He was fulfillment of the prophecy, and the law. This concept doesn't translate well to English.

Gentiles (non-Jews) specifically do not fall under the Old Testament laws, and never have.

More directly (keeping in mind these are Jewish converts to Christianity speaking) : Acts 15:1-29

1 Now some men came down from Judea and began to teach the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.
<etc etc - this wen to the apostles with the question "do Gentiles need to follow the Jewish law"?>

Answer :

"10 So now why are you putting God to the test by placing on the neck of the disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor we have been able to bear? 11 On the contrary, we believe that we are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they are.”

The only thing TH "knows more about than 90% of this forum" is eating paste topped with lead paint chips while running head first into a wall.
Feb 16, 2005
Rather than debate the facts, you insult the messenger.

I keep my bible close at hand, do you?
I keep lots of things close at hand, but that's mainly a convenience thing. Just because you have a bible at hands reach doesn't make you a biblical scholar. And that's been proven here pretty resoundingly.
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Dec 18, 2010
I keep lots of things close at hand, but that's mainly a convenience thing. Just because you have a bible at hands reach doesn't make you a biblical scholar. And that's been proven here pretty resoundingly.

Never claimed to be a scholar.

If you had attended bible school as a child, or services as an adult, you would know the things being discussed.

Christ fulling prophecy and ending the old testament is basic Christianity 101.

Knowing islam can not even live in peace with itself is just common sense. If islam can not live in peace with itself, how is it suppose to live in peace with the rest of the world.
Feb 16, 2005
Never claimed to be a scholar.

If you had attended bible school as a child, or services as an adult, you would know the things being discussed.

Christ fulling prophecy and ending the old testament is basic Christianity 101.
sorry, don't subscribe to that fairy tale nonsense. You may as well be quoting L Frank Baum for all the plausibility of it. Sorry you got brainwashed as a kid.


Sep 6, 2000
sorry, don't subscribe to that fairy tale nonsense. You may as well be quoting L Frank Baum for all the plausibility of it. Sorry you got brainwashed as a kid.

Fairy tale or not it's a core element of our culture for better or worse and you should be at least knowledgeable about it as a simple informed person. I'm not a Muslim but I know about the Five Pillars and facing Mecca to pray. I'm not a Hindu but I know about the concepts of karma, reincarnation, and Nirvana. I'm not a Sikh but I know about the symbolism of not cutting your hair and wearing your ceremonial knife around with you. What TH stated should be a minimum level of background knowledge you should already possess.
Feb 16, 2005
Fairy tale or not it's a core element of our culture for better or worse and you should be at least knowledgeable about it as a simple informed person. I'm not a Muslim but I know about the Five Pillars and facing Mecca to pray. I'm not a Hindu but I know about the concepts of karma, reincarnation, and Nirvana. I'm not a Sikh but I know about the symbolism of not cutting your hair and wearing your ceremonial knife around with you. What TH stated should be a minimum level of background knowledge you should already possess.
I know it like I know passages from any other work of fiction. The op is just an excuse for th to throw out more of his phobias for the world to point and laugh at.


Oct 11, 2005
Funny, you still seem to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.

It's amazing you can tell what other people think. If I had that ability I wouldn't be wasting it on a message board.

Oh, and +1 to Strawman ability.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Banning all Muslim immigrants may well reduce domestic terrorism (and even that assumption is highly suspect, since a strong anti-Muslim bias built into our immigration laws may actually cause more hostility and terrorism by Muslims already in America). But completely ignored in the "ban Muslim immigrants" mantra is the fact that immigrants bring large benefits to America. If you stop all Muslim immigration, you also prevent all of the benefits those immigrants would bring to America. For example, how many lives would be lost each year because Muslims who would become fine physicians or nurses or psychiatrists or researchers aren't allowed to immigrate? How many good jobs would be lost because Muslims who would become successful entrepreneurs aren't allowed to immigrate?

People generally recognize that, for example, we tolerate the 35,000 deaths caused by car accidents each year because the benefits that cars provide outweigh that loss. But Trump supporters are apparently so frightened by the prospect that - say - 30 American might lose their lives each year to domestic terrorists that they will happily forego all the benefits those banned immigrants would have brought. Are they insane?


Sep 6, 2000
Banning all Muslim immigrants may well reduce domestic terrorism (and even that assumption is highly suspect, since a strong anti-Muslim bias built into our immigration laws may actually cause more hostility and terrorism by Muslims already in America). But completely ignored in the "ban Muslim immigrants" mantra is the fact that immigrants bring large benefits to America. If you stop all Muslim immigration, you also prevent all of the benefits those immigrants would bring to America. For example, how many lives would be lost each year because Muslims who would become fine physicians or nurses or psychiatrists or researchers aren't allowed to immigrate? How many good jobs would be lost because Muslims who would become successful entrepreneurs aren't allowed to immigrate?

People generally recognize that, for example, we tolerate the 35,000 deaths caused by car accidents each year because the benefits that cars provide outweigh that loss. But Trump supporters are apparently so frightened by the prospect that - say - 30 American might lose their lives each year to domestic terrorists that they will happily forego all the benefits those banned immigrants would have brought. Are they insane?

While what you say is true it also overlooks that illegal immigration is seen as a big problem which mutually reinforces the concerns about Muslim immigration via legal channels. I don't think you can talk about the two questions as completely unrelated things even though they might lend themselves to very different policies.


May 11, 2002
Funny, you still seem to believe that Islam is a religion of peace.

You need to get out of inbreeding, Alabama and go see the world.

I'm not defending Muslims but there's a vast difference between Singapore and Syria or Pakistan and Putrajaya.

If you ever ventured out of your trailer, you might find a world that is different and that'll scare you so much...


Jun 23, 2004
Banning all Muslim immigrants...

Isn't on the table, but open border proponents like their straw opponents.
You see there's miles of middle ground between open border and closed border.
The argument is largely where we should place our policy on that middle ground.

Current policy is seen as near useless and far too near to open borders.


Jun 17, 2005
All this arguing about religion is a red herring. Any religion can be used to convince the gullible that killing in it's name is the right thing to do. Christianity has had the Crusades, The Inquisition, Branch Davidians, and the Jonestown Massacre to name just a few. Fire and brimstone, or love thy neighbor, all religions can be interpreted any way the religious leaders want and Islam at one time was interpreted to be a religion of reason, science, and peace, but decades of war has made it's people bitter and more open to a message of hate. If we want to change Muslims back to an enlightened culture embracing reason and science we need to support the 'Islam is a religion of peace' message.
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