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Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
Dude the town is on the edge of ocean easy attack. Kadafi is threatening to gas everyone. Whole population is against him. apples to oranges.

Saddam supposedly killed roughly 2 million people and his idol Stalin 25 million. Now you're saying its only acceptable if it isn't a majority? I'm sure a few dictators could use you in their propaganda departments.


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2003
Helping the Libyans by enforcing a no fly zone IN CONJUNCTION with other nations should be a low-risk measure to allow the Libyan people topple Ghadaffi. That should be the extent of our help unless he starts gassing and turning the place into a living hell.


Jul 13, 2005
There's nothing to take care of. Freedom is paid for in blood, the libyan people will either fight for theirs or be destroyed by the dictator. You can't give people their freedom. I can't believe so many haven't learned anything in the past 10 years.

Actually thats Only true in America!!
Middle eastern freedom is subservient to Islam and their Islamic rulers!!


Feb 5, 2011
UN has stepped up to the plate with some nasty words and meaningless crap. This situation is too dire for what they've done. US-dictated intervention could raise issues, but as part of a multi-country UN effort I think the time is now to hit Gadhafi's forces. It seems like he's doing his best to hang on and many dying in the middle of it. If the UN isn't going to get involved now, when a popular uprising has a majority of a country against its dictator and when the balance of power is such that the UN does not have to fight a war but merely help tip it toward a certain, morally justified direction, when will it? It may even be that just operating as a proxy airforce for the opposition would be fine. No boots on the ground with mission constrained to continue only until Gadhafi has lost the rest of his control.

I only think UN should use force though if things tip the other way and Gadhafi makes up ground. It's hard to say what's happening, but as long as he continues to lose it and is pushed into the sea then UN should watch his own people finish this. Hard to see what will happen to him. Unlike Mubark he's not going to get a free pass to live in a villa near the coast. Unless he puts this uprising down he'll end up dead, in prison, or as the long term guest of some country somewhere else, though the more people he kills the less others will want to have him around.
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Jul 1, 2004
I should not reply to you as usual, but your response is idiotic - typical right-wing nutty.

It's like 'The Police should tell peple who protest their beating people wrongly, that they will no longer do any police work at those people's homes if crimes happen.

You don't like the police, fine.'

The US should use its military for good purposes - like enforcing good UN measures.

If it were me, I wouldn't want the UN nor the USA involved. Considering their track records, that's probably the worst thing that could happen, worse than Gadhafi offing a bunch of protesters. This is their fight, let them have it. The last thing they need is more corrupt assholes with guns trying to restore a kind of peace they don't want anymore.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
I'm surprised at the liberals' responses. Haven't they been screaming about the other two wars we're involved in? Aren't they being just a tad hypocritical?

For those advocating a no-fly zone enforced by the US/UN. Whatcha gonna do when one of our planes goes down?

IMO, the US armed forces should stay out of it.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
Washington Post - Pentagon: moving forces in case needed for Libya

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon says it's moving some armed forces in the region near Libya in case they're needed, but is not saying what they might be needed for.

Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan says Pentagon planners are working on various options and contingency plans as the violence aimed at overthrowing the government continues in the North African nation. Lapan told reporters Monday that as part of that planning, the Pentagon is repositioning some naval and air forces.

The U.S. has a regular military presence in the Mediterranean Sea and farther to the south has two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf area.

Hopefully this has the intended effect of encouraging Gaddafi to fly the coop.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I'm surprised at the liberals' responses. Haven't they been screaming about the other two wars we're involved in? Aren't they being just a tad hypocritical?

For those advocating a no-fly zone enforced by the US/UN. Whatcha gonna do when one of our planes goes down?

IMO, the US armed forces should stay out of it.

This has already been explained. cost/benefit must be done and every situation is unique.

I personally don't like sitting by while people are slaughtered and if it can be clean, as in, not hundreds of thousands killed and done on the cheap I have no problem with preventing it.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
This has already been explained. cost/benefit must be done and every situation is unique.

I personally don't like sitting by while people are slaughtered and if it can be clean, as in, not hundreds of thousands killed and done on the cheap I have no problem with preventing it.

So when are you signing up? And since when has a military operation ever been cheap?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Obama is dropping the ball, again. War power act gives him right to shoot down planes and take Kadafi out. I would not even a question. Some people just need a killing nd this is trivial for a CBG.

Agreed. Obama needs to fucking end this guy now. No worthwhile country would hold it against him, or the USA.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Since predator drones and cruise missiles. Very good bang-for-your-buck.

Just how are those weapons supposed to enforce a no-fly zone or not kill civilians? According to Wiki, the cruise missiles cost $600,000 each. Maybe a good bang-for-your-buck, but still not cheap.

There are a crapload of places on this planet where the U.S. could send military assistance and "help" people, but does not. Why is Libya different?


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2010
the cruise missiles cost $600,000 each.

You sir, just solved how we fix our economic woes.

We just need to use our current stocks of armaments and make new ones, which in turn we'll need to create jobs to do.


Oct 10, 2006

TRIPOLI, Libya – International pressure on Moammar Gadhafi to end his crackdown on opponents escalated Monday as his loyalists fought rebels holding a city near the capital and his warplanes bombed an ammunition depot in the east. The U.S. moved naval and air forces closer to Libya and said all options were open, including the use of warplanes to patrol the North African nation's skies and protect citizens threatened by their leader.

France said it would fly aid to the opposition-controlled eastern half of the country. The European Union imposed an arms embargo and other sanctions, following the lead of the U.S. and the U.N. The EU was also considering the creation of a no-fly zone over Libya. And the U.S. and Europe were freezing billions in Libya's foreign assets.

"Gadhafi has lost the legitimacy to govern, and it is time for him to go without further violence or delay," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said. "No option is off the table. That of course includes a no-fly zone," she added. British Prime Minister David Cameron told lawmakers: "We do not in any way rule out the use of military assets" to deal with Gadhafi's regime.

Gadhafi, who in the past two weeks has launched the most brutal crackdown of any Arab regime facing a wave of popular uprisings, laughed off a question from ABC News about whether he would step down as the Obama administration demands.

"My people love me. They would die for me," he said. ABC reported that Gadhafi invited the U.N. or any other organization to Libya on a fact-finding mission.

The turmoil in the oil-rich nation roiled markets for another day. Libya's oil chief said production had been cut by around 50 percent, denting supplies that go primarily to Europe.

The uprising that began Feb. 15 has posed most serious challenge to Gadhafi in his more than four decades in power. His bloody crackdown has left hundreds, and perhaps thousands, dead. But clashes appear to have eased considerably in the past few days after planeloads of foreign journalists arrived in the capital at the government's invitation.

The two sides are entrenched, and the direction the uprising takes next could depend on which can hold out longest. Gadhafi is dug in in Tripoli and nearby cities, backed by his elite security forces and militiamen who are generally better armed than the military. His opponents, holding the east and much of the country's oil infrastructure, also control pockets in western Libya near Tripoli. They are backed by mutinous army units, but those forces appear to have limited supplies of ammunition and weapons.

Gadhafi opponents have moved to consolidate their hold in the east, centered on Benghazi — Libya's second- largest city, where the uprising began. Politicians there on Sunday set up their first leadership council to manage day-to-day affairs, taking a step toward forming what could be an alternative to Gadhafi's regime.

The opposition is backed by numerous units of the military in the east that joined the uprising, and they hold several bases and Benghazi's airport. But so far, the units do not appear to have melded into a unified fighting force. Gadhafi long kept the military weak, fearing a challenge to his rule, so many units are plagued by shortages of supplies and ammunition.

On Monday, pro-Gadhafi forces retook control of the western border crossings with Tunisia that had fallen under opposition control and they bombed an ammunition depot in the rebel-held east, residents in the area said. The Libyan Defense Ministry denied the bombing.

Regime forces also moved to tighten their ring around two opposition-controlled cities closest to the capital Tripoli — Zawiya and Misrata — where the two sides are locked in standoffs.

An Associated Press reporter saw a large, pro-Gadhafi force massed on the western edge of Zawiya, some 30 miles (50 kilometers) west of Tripoli, with about a dozen armored vehicles along with tanks and jeeps mounted with anti-aircraft guns. An officer said they were from the elite Khamis Brigade, named after one of Gadhafi's sons who commands it. U.S. diplomats have said the brigade is the best-equipped force in Libya.

Residents inside the city said they were anticipating a possible attack.

"Our people are waiting for them to come and, God willing, we will defeat them," one resident who only wanted to be quoted by his first name, Alaa, told AP in Cairo by telephone.

In Misrata, Libya's third-largest city 125 miles (200 kilometers) east of Tripoli, pro-Gadhafi troops who control part of an air base on the outskirts tried to advance Monday. But they were repulsed by opposition forces, who included residents with automatic weapons and defected army units allied with them, one of the opposition fighters said.

No casualties were reported and the fighter claimed that his side had captured eight soldiers, including a senior officer.

The opposition controls most of the air base, and the fighter said dozens of anti-Gadhafi gunmen have arrived from farther east in recent days as reinforcements.

Several residents of the eastern city of Ajdabiya said Gadhafi's air force also bombed an ammunition depot nearby held by rebels. One resident, 17-year-old Abdel-Bari Zwei, reported intermittent explosions and a fire, and another, Faraj al-Maghrabi, said the facility was partially damaged. The site contains bombs, missiles and ammunition — key for the undersupplied opposition military forces.

State TV carried a statement by Libya's Defense Ministry denying any attempt to bomb the depot. Ajdabiya is about 450 miles (750 kilometers) east of Tripoli along the Mediterranean coast.

Gadhafi supporters said they were in control of the city of Sabratha, west of Tripoli, which has seemed to go back and forth between the two camps in the past week. Several residents told the AP that protesters set fire to a police station, but then were dispersed. Anti-Gadhafi graffiti — "Down with the enemy of freedom" and "Libya is free, Gadhafi must leave" — were scrawled on some walls, but residents were painting them over.

There were signs of economic distress in the country, with prices skyrocketing and long lines forming for bread and gasoline.

Global efforts to halt Gadhafi's crackdown escalated Monday.

In Washington, the Pentagon said it was moving some naval and air forces closer to Libya in case they are needed. The U.S. has a regular military presence in the Mediterranean and farther to the south has two aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf area.

The U.S. Treasury Department said that at least $30 billion in Libyan assets have been frozen since President Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Libya last week.

France promised to send two planes with humanitarian aid the eastern opposition stronghold city of Benghazi, hoping to give it the momentum to oust Gadhafi. The aid to included medicine and doctors, would be the first direct Western help for the uprising that has taken control of the entire eastern half of Libya. French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said it was the start of a "massive operation of humanitarian support" for the east and that Paris was studying "all solutions" — including military options.

The EU slapped its own arms embargo, visa ban and other sanctions on Gadhafi's regime, following sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the U.N. in the past week. And Europe was also considering the imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent any air attacks by the regime on rebellious citizens.

Clinton met in Geneva with foreign ministers from Britain, France, Germany and Italy to press for tough sanctions on the Libyan government.

Here we go...

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Quite a few nations would contribute the planes and pilots to enforce a Libyan no fly zone.
Not only would such a no fly zone be a good idea, it would be a win win for everyone except Kaddafi.

But it might be a mistake if only the USA does it.


Feb 1, 2008
It would be great if Kaddafi were brought down. But I don't like propaganda from any country or source. Kaddafi might well be delusional, but we can say the same thing as to GW Bush and his weapons of mass distraction. Kaddafi is killing his own people. GW Bush killed 3000+ American service men/women with war started from his delusional belief of weapons of mass destruction. I don't see the difference here...
Both should be tried on war crimes. Guess which one of the two will never see that trial.
Which one of the two is/was more delusional than the other?
It doesn't do America's credibility any good to pump out this propaganda, while still suffering from our own delusional ex president (and vice president) that should face their own war crimes trial here.
I want Kaddafi removed, sure. Who doesn't. But who is kidding who, here?


Feb 5, 2011
It would be great if Kaddafi were brought down. But I don't like propaganda from any country or source. Kaddafi might well be delusional, but we can say the same thing as to GW Bush and his weapons of mass distraction. Kaddafi is killing his own people. GW Bush killed 3000+ American service men/women with war started from his delusional belief of weapons of mass destruction. I don't see the difference here...
Both should be tried on war crimes. Guess which one of the two will never see that trial.
Which one of the two is/was more delusional than the other?
It doesn't do America's credibility any good to pump out this propaganda, while still suffering from our own delusional ex president (and vice president) that should face their own war crimes trial here.
I want Kaddafi removed, sure. Who doesn't. But who is kidding who, here?
All kinds of people rationalize behavior others find abhorrent. In your example it's easier to give Dubya a pass with such notions that although the Iraq was was predicated on misinformation that the end result was worth the mistaken engagement, etc. Cognitive dissonance. Still, although Dubya's errors have resulted in the death of tens of thousands of people, his intent does matter here. He certainly lacks the kind of cutthroat selfishness that only dictators can polish to a sheen. So, these two cannot be compared simply by the numbers and how many people have died as a result of their actions. Otherwise, the worst kind of serial killer would pale in comparison to a general who happens to make a mistake on a battlefield and costs a few hundred lives.


May 1, 2006
It would be great if Kaddafi were brought down. But I don't like propaganda from any country or source. Kaddafi might well be delusional, but we can say the same thing as to GW Bush and his weapons of mass distraction. Kaddafi is killing his own people. GW Bush killed 3000+ American service men/women with war started from his delusional belief of weapons of mass destruction. I don't see the difference here...
Both should be tried on war crimes. Guess which one of the two will never see that trial.
Which one of the two is/was more delusional than the other?
It doesn't do America's credibility any good to pump out this propaganda, while still suffering from our own delusional ex president (and vice president) that should face their own war crimes trial here.
I want Kaddafi removed, sure. Who doesn't. But who is kidding who, here?

On the one hand, Qaddafi is 'worse' than Bush or Cheney; on the other, the US is so much more powerful than Libya that a less corrupt US is still more harmful.

We have a sorty of institutional corruption - simpler and smaller governments are more vulnerable to the protests we see in the Middle East.

We in the US have no plan for any addressing of our corruption. We're told, 'take the margianlly less corrupt guy once in a while and be happy to get it.'

You need look no further than 1/3 of the people voting how Bush's war was 'proven' to cause the current rebellions to see how bad the voters are misled in the US.
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