Like Mother Like Son??? Bush strkes out against Jackson!


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
I really like this article. It was located on He speaks out against Jackson!! Also, many black leaders are leaving Jackson and his followings because they feel its time for a new black leader. Its not in this article, but its on

Like Mother, Like Son?
Essayist Lance Morrow finds himself comforted by the no-nonsense presence of First Mother Barbara Bush on the inaugural platform

The faces in the inaugural tableau might have been painted by Gilbert Stuart in collaboration with Norman Rockwell ? all those distinctive American faces: George W. Bush with right hand upraised and left on the Bible held by his beaming wife, Laura; Jenna Bush smiling between her parents; Dick Cheney; Chief Justice Rehnquist in his flashy chevroned robes; Bill Clinton and Al Gore in set-jaw profile, like medallions, their chins enigmatic and pugnacious; and just beyond Clinton, the parents of the new president, the ex-president looking mellow and vague.

In a curious way, the strongest and most important character in the tapestry at that frozen moment seems to be the president's mother, Barbara Bush, with her radiance of white hair. She is the most powerful presence. She watches her son intently, with a resonant comprehension that is beyond pride. She is the Force.

I don't know about you, but I find myself obscurely reassured by the knowledge that George W. Bush takes office under the watchful gaze of his parents (especially his mother), who are loving but unillusioned and will, I sense, keep him upon a basically honorable and decent path. They are honorable, decent people and exercise over their son a certain Confucian authority. He wants their approval, even at the age of 54. That is not a bad thing in an unparented, un-Confucian society, especially after eight years of a President who was, morally speaking, in narcissistic business for himself. The thing that Bill Clinton never had, all his life, was adults smart enough, or present enough, or sober enough, to supervise him.

In our public life, there is a strange motif of adolescence persisting full-blown into middle age and beyond. Clinton cleared up his sloppy teenager's sexual mess only the day before he left the White House. And there is Jesse Jackson. I watched the angry anti-inaugural protests in Tallahassee, at which a labor leader named Gerald McEntee called on the crowd to join in a moment of silent prayer for the Reverend Jackson in his hour of private tribulation.

Well-l-l-l-l-l-l. I have a lot of things to pray for before I get to the Reverend Jackson. We all make mistakes. But it seems to me that, like Clinton, Jackson is a little too old to deserve anything but contempt for indulging in the kind of behavior that guys should outgrow a year or two after their acne clears up. As with Clinton, the sexual misadventure that finally caught up with Jackson was but the latest in a long, obdurate sequence of gropings and wrong-side-of-the-fence lecheries that stretched back to the first awakening of their glands. I wag my finger here in a nonpartisan way ? I felt the same about the rabbity Nelson Rockefeller, who persisted in nailing the hired help even unto his undignified deathbed.

If you look, you may find another historical pattern. In the '60s, when Nelson Rockefeller ended his first marriage by taking up with a wife and mother named Happy Murphy, shattering her own marriage in the process, Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush, father of the 41st president and grandfather of the 43rd, stood on the floor of the United States Senate and delivered an indignant condemnation of Rockefeller's behavior; the patriarch Bush, six feet four, with thunderous black eyebrows, wondered what Nelson's immoral behavior could betoken for the future of American public life. Now we know. Rockefeller was the least of it.

I don't mean to suggest that Barbara Bush's censorious gaze is needed to keep W. from carnal stupidities. He's not the type anyway. (He proved on inauguration night he can't even foxtrot.) Besides, some people plausibly argue that a risk-taking sexual feistiness proclaims a strong leader. As Plutarch wrote of Marc Antony: "He did not fear the audit of his copulations...."

What I suggest is merely that the new president takes considerable strength and steadiness from his family, across generations. Whatever W.'s intellect, the temperament he gets from his parents' presence may be his great underestimated asset. That temperament may be the key to his presidency.


Oct 12, 1999
WEll while "Mother" Bush is giving moral lessons she should start with her own family on lying. Here's an excerpt from the Independent Counsel Summary on Iran Contra:

the Iran operations were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan, Vice President George Bush, Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Secretary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger, Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey, and national security advisers Robert C. McFarlane and John M. Poindexter; of these officials, only Weinberger and Shultz dissented from the policy decision, and Weinberger eventually acquiesced by ordering the Department of Defense to provide the necessary arms; and

large volumes of highly relevant, contemporaneously created documents were systematically and willfully withheld from investigators by several Reagan Administration officials.

following the revelation of these operations in October and November 1986, Reagan Administration officials deliberately deceived the Congress and the public about the level and extent of official knowledge of and support for these operations.

Here is official papers on the whole thing. Iran Contra

Her sleezy husband also pardoned most of these guys after he became president.

This "mother" also could maybe give a speech on Drunk Driving. Or maybe its better to cover it up for 20+ years. Barbara Bush needs to have a Coke, a smile, and shut the hell up.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Is this the new president you are talking about? >>

There's quite a difference between a 20-something year-old that tried drugs a couple times and a 55-60 year-old world leader fondling and groping almost every young woman that has the misfortune of standing too close to him or a religious/&quot;moral&quot; leader that has a history of indulging in adulterous behavior and has now fathered a child by his mistress. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but the fact still remains that Clinton and Jackson have both shown that they have no moral character... this is hardly a good trait for people that love &quot;throwing stones&quot; as much as they do, glass houses and such.


Sep 14, 2000
the fact that he has admitted he made mistakes and that he has worked to, and did, overcome them is more that clinton or jackson could ever say, jackson is a sick person- anyway, whose mother wouldn't jump on someone who was attacking her son, that is quite natural


Oct 12, 1999
How old was Bush senior during Iran Contra? He damn sure was old enough to know better. Please I hope we're not going to hear any more of this Holier than thou Republican BS again today. How quickly we forget about the guy the Republicans wanted for Speaker of the House. Then after it was found out that he had numerous affairs even surpassing Clinton then then all of sudden he withdrew himself. What was so funny was the Republicans were praising him for stepping aside and facing his demons. Man please. What about the speaker for years, Newt Gingrich. He really represents moral fiber. Yeah Right. Give me a break.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Just for you Hendon...

Some black leaders may part ways with Jesse Jackson

January 23, 2001
Web posted at: 9:10 p.m. EST (0210 GMT)

In this story:

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson is making it clear he is not going away -- but other clergymen are saying the time has come for a new approach to black issues.

Attending the fourth annual Wall Street Project Conference sponsored by his Rainbow/Push Coalition in New York, Jackson said the recent revelation that he fathered a child out of wedlock will not silence him..

&quot;My voice will be heard and it will be part of a chorus of voices demanding for our nation as we seek to be a more perfect union, demanding human rights for all, economic security for all, health care for all,&quot; Jackson told CNN.

Other black clergymen are wondering if working closer with the new Bush administration would be more productive than protests.

&quot;We in the black community have to move beyond the gratuitous use of the race card to retard debate and move forwards towards focuses on measurable outcomes,&quot; said the Rev. Eugene Rivers of the Azusa Christian Community near Boston, Massachusetts.

Letter to Bush
The pastor made headlines last weekend by suggesting that Jackson's disclosure about his affair that produced an illegitimate child meant the end of the generation of black leadership from the civil rights era.

He later joined other African-American pastors in sending President Bush a letter, urging a dialogue and action.

One signer, Bishop Charles Blake, the leader of the large west Los Angeles Church of God in Christ, said, &quot;Rather than further radicalize what may be some fundamental and honest policy differences between your administration and many in the black community, we think it better to focus on common areas of potential agreement where your administration could make an historic difference in the lives of millions of black people here and abroad.&quot;

Blake's politics are considered right-of-center and he supports school vouchers. But the letter's agenda is mainstream: AIDS relief for sub-Saharan Africa, debt forgiveness for poor countries, universal health care and better education in America.

Deeds, not words
&quot;The challenge to the president is therefore important because if he does not want to give some acknowledgment to the protest, if he does not want to accord respect to the congressional Black Caucus, the civil rights leadership, the fraternal leadership, and those mainline leaders, then he's still faced with this group, which is posing him the same challenge in terms of public policy,&quot; said Ronald Walters, a professor of Afro-American studies and government and politics at the University of Maryland.

The group that sent the letter to the White House stressed that they were seeking deeds from the new administration, not words.

&quot;We're trying to resist the impulse to confuse political theater with the concrete results, because children in Harlem and Harare need more than press clips and rhetoric,&quot; said Rivers.

Time for new leaders
Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution said the time has come for new leaders to come forward.

&quot;I think we are rapidly approaching the time when the African-American community can look forward to a new generation of leaders who did not come out of grass roots civil rights activism,&quot; she said on CNN's &quot;Inside Politics.&quot;

&quot;I happen to think that is a good thing,&quot; Tucker said. &quot;I happen to think the civil rights movement was successful, that the old-line civil rights activists served their nation very well. But I also think that it's time for a new generation of leaders -- people who grew up as products of the civil rights movement, people who benefited from the civil right movement and quite frankly, people who have been exposed to integration most of their lives.&quot;

But Walters said that the black community needs out-front leaders who draw controversy because their role is to kick up dust, to wage the case against racism in the country.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Then after it was found out that he had numerous affairs even surpassing Clinton then then all of sudden he withdrew himself. >>

Which is what Clinton should have done.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000
I don't believe in this day and age, as common as this has become, there is any need to comment on actions such as happens every day! If Pres. Bush chooses not to like it, I'm sure it is more of a &quot;vendetta&quot; type thing over the lashings Jackson gave him during the election debacle! Funny thing is......I believe it was CNN that also had a story where Pres. Bush called Jackson to console and reassure him after this was discovered........


Elite Member
Oct 11, 1999

<< How old was Bush senior during Iran Contra? He damn sure was old enough to know better. Please I hope we're not going to hear any more of this Holier than thou Republican BS again today. How quickly we forget about the guy the Republicans wanted for Speaker of the House. Then after it was found out that he had numerous affairs even surpassing Clinton then then all of sudden he withdrew himself. What was so funny was the Republicans were praising him for stepping aside and facing his demons. Man please. What about the speaker for years, Newt Gingrich. He really represents moral fiber. Yeah Right. Give me a break. >>

Did hell freeze over or something? I actually agree with classy.

Preyhunter, his remarks have nothing to do with GWB's presidency; he's simply pointing out the hypocracies in most of the statements made so far.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000

post some proof that Bush was involved in the planning and implementatoin of iran-contra. So far your allegations are as baseless as blaming Al Gore for Clinton's impeachment trial.


Oct 12, 1999
Bush senior my friend was a knowing particapant in Iran Contra. Click on the link. I cut that piece out of the official Summary. Read before you criticize. No discussion about Newt?


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999

<< I guess with ugly bitches like Barabara Bush you can understand why they have such hangups. >>

She raised two Presidents, and is an amazing lady. For you to call her a bitch and not know her personally is childish and very stupid on your part. But then again, I'm not surprised you resorted to name calling.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
I would also like to add that there was &quot;NO&quot; solid proof or evidence that Reagan and other related officials had a role in Iran Contra. Thats why Reagan was never formally indicted. Bush did pardon many officials that were in Iran Contra. Why wouldn't a President do this? After all, there was no &quot;solid&quot; evidence. JMHO.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Man, it seems the the hypocritical Republicans have a major hangup regarding sex. I guess with ugly bitches like Barabara Bush you can understand why they have such hangups. >>

That's just stupid and out of line. FettesBabe is right, you don't know her and have no way of quantifying such an ignorant statement.

Edit: Also, she was quite attractive when she was younger (in her 20s and 30s). But I guess you're just making a blanket statement about how ugly old people are... wouldn't surprise me coming from you.


Oct 12, 1999
Reagan and Bush knew about Iran Contra. Reagan especially knew about it and was working closely with the operation. You better read and stop making up things. There is a link to the official transcripts. That whole Reagan administration was corrupt. Republicans are such Hypocrits.:disgust:


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
There is &quot;no&quot; solid proof. I did read and study the whole ordeal while I was in school. You tend to believe anything that is against a republican.

<< Republicans are such Hypocrits. >>

Is that was Jackson was when he was giving Clinton advice about the Monica fiasco? He had to be a hypocrit since the woman was carrying his child at the time, and he hadn't told his wife. MMMM. Talk about a hypocrit.


Oct 12, 1999
FettsBabe obviously you didn't read or study this in school. This is from the Caspar Weinberger indictment. I do believe both Bush senior and Reagan's name is included. Where was &quot;mother&quot; Bush with her big mouth moral speech then? Where was the Republican moral fiber then?

13. On December 7, 1985, the defendant, CASPAR W. WEINBERGER, attended a meeting at the White House with President Reagan, Chief of Staff to the President Donald T. Regan, Secretary Shultz, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John N.McMahon, newly-appointed Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Vice Admiral John M. Poindexter, and Mr. McFarlane, who recently had resigned his position as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. Mr. McFarlane reviewed the development of the Iran initiative up to that point, including the TOW missile shipments prior to the release of the Reverend Weir and the November 1985 HAWK missile shipment. Mr. McFarlane then outlined a plan for additional sales of weapons through Israel to Iran to obtain the release of the remaining American hostages. The defendant, CASPAR W.WEINBERGER, argued that the United States had an embargo in effect that made arms sales to Iran illegal, that the President could not violate the embargo, and that &quot;washing&quot; the transaction through Israel would not make it legal. President Reagan responded that he could answer charges of illegality but that he could not answer the charge that he had passed up a chance to
free the hostages.

17. On January 7, 1986, the defendant, CASPAR W. WEINBERGER, attended a meeting at the White House with President Reagan, Vice President George Bush, Attorney General Edwin Meese, III, Director Casey and Secretary Shultz. At the meeting, the President favored the plan to sell missiles to Iran, through Israel, in exchange for the release of American hostages.


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Who's testimony is this? If I remember correctly everyone was pointing fingers at everyone.


Oct 12, 1999
It is Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. There was talk that Reagan should have been impeached. Him and his administration jepordized national security in this mess.
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