Like Mother Like Son??? Bush strkes out against Jackson!

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Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
This is also the same person that said he didn't take notes. Then he said he did. Then he said he saved them. Then he said his secretary destroyed them. He said he told her to destroy them because he didn't have time to type up a memorandum of what the notes said. Then he said he never took notes. Then he said he did but the books were scattered throughout various gov. members.

My issue here is that everyone was pointing fingers at everyone, and no one could be proven that they had a direct knowledge and hand in the "washing" of arms through Israel or even a direct sell to Iran. No one really knows what went on except those involved and I don't think we will hear any confessions soon.

I guess my point is: don't call republicans hypocrits when democrats are the same way. I do support good leadership and I think we have a good one in office, if I am wrong then I am wrong, just as millions of people were wrong about Clinton and Jackson.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Weinberger was simply trying to cover his own a$$ by implicating others in his plan.

Bottom line is, the only proof you have is the testimony of the former Defense Secretary... a testimony that couldn't and can't be corroborated with anyone else's views. Hmmm... me thinks that's why there weren't any indictments against Reagan or Bush; no real evidence, no "stained blue dress" so to speak.


Oct 12, 1999
There are just as many Republicans commiting adultery as Democrats. They lie, steal, cheat, and drink alcohol like everyone else. Speaking of drinking, how long will it be before our "RECOVERED" Alcoholic President, Bush Jr., cracks under pressure and starts taking a few swigs here and there? Trust me once McCain, a republican, passes that campaign finance reform bill, Bush will drink himself sloppy drunk in the oval office. I wonder if he'll be accused of disgracing the "pure" oval office? Please, this Republican moral purity is so revolting it makes me want to puke. When I think of Republican moral fiber I think of Jerry Falwell. How revolting is that! :disgust:


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999

<< I wonder if he'll be accused of disgracing the &quot;pure&quot; oval office? >>

Nay, Clinton did that!



May 24, 2000
Just thought I'd interject a little since campaign finance reform has been mentioned by &quot;classy&quot;.

The thing that is killing reform is the Democrats and Labor. You friggin' liberals want corporations to give up their freedom of speech (money talks) yet don't want unions to do the same.

Can't have one without the other. Well you can, because the damn liberal media never mentions the millions of dollars spent by the UAW, NEA, AFL-CIO etal. It just isn't fair. But then liberals don't care about fairness. Its always any means to their end. You guys suck!


Oct 12, 1999
JoeB hate to tell you this but its a republican pushing for campaign reform. And its going to pass. So liberal that, that you &quot;self-righteous&quot; conservative.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
It won't pass classy. Not in it's present form, and not without including unions in it... and the Dems won't stand for that.

So chew on that, you Liberal wacko!

<< how long will it be before our &quot;RECOVERED&quot; Alcoholic President, Bush Jr., cracks under pressure and starts taking a few swigs here and there? >>

He's been good for over 10 years... much longer than Clinton could go without some teen-age tail, that's for sure.


<< JoeB hate to tell you this but its a republican pushing for campaign reform. >>

It's hard to believe, but there are some misguided Republicans out there... and on this issue, McCain hapens to be one of them.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

Campaign finance reform hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell of getting signed if the soft money from unions, my dues, aren't included. Until the pinko's like you in congress get that fact through their heads it's a dead issue. McCain knows it too.



Diamond Member
Oct 21, 1999
Red, you are the one that called her a bitch. Is that the mouth you would kiss your mother with? You almost always resort to some type of name calling.

She married a &quot;future&quot; President and raised another, and raised a governor too. The one she married would have never became President without a wonderful and supportive lady behind him. As already mentioned, she was beautiful when she was younger, but then again, how will you look when you pass 60, 70 or 80?

Exactly how did he screw up the fifth day of his presidency?

From what you are saying you believe that no alcoholic or past alcohol abuser can stop. Boy you are wrong. If anyone is uninformed in that area it must be you.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Obviously you haven't a clue what you are talking about Fetts becaue she didn't raise two Presidents. The old Bitch married one who was a failure as a President(a lying backstabbing turn his back on his allies SOB). The other was a Drunken asshole for a good portion of his Life and is already screwing up in his 5th day of his Presidency. You Republicans take a big sh!t and proclaim to the world that it smells like roses and expect the rest of us to believe you,simply amazing >>

Red, with every day you sound more and more like a sad, potty-mouthed 10 year old.


Oct 12, 1999
Tiger obviously you don't anything about Congress and how bills get passed. McCain has 60 votes which guarantees it will pass. The President will have to sign it.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

Obviously you've got your head up your ass.
There are two houses of congress it has to get through, and the President never has to sign any bill no matter what the vote was in congress. He can let it die without signature.

Fall asleep during civics class yesterday?



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
classy, without 2/3 of the House's vote (and 2/3 of the Senate) the Pesident can veto anything, or he can just let it sit on his desk till it dies.

This bill won't pass in it's current state.

Nice try though, read up on your civics.


Oct 12, 1999
Ummm if you two Geniuses did a little news research you would know McCain has the votes necessary for it to pass in the house and the senate.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
There seems to be a lot of sh!t-flinging in the monkey house tonight.

J.J. is not immune from criticism. He did a bad thing and folks will talk about it. I was a rainbow coalition member and I discovered my contributions were used to relocate, shelter and keep quiet a secret mistress I would be extremely upset. Some of that money might even be taxpayer money which would be doubly-illegal. Nasty.


Jan 15, 2001
I grow so tired of seeing these arguments, but just cannot turn away. It is like going slow past an auto know it is juvenile, but you just have to look.

Mr. Walsh, the independent prosecuter for Iran Contra, stated on the radio that Reagan and Bush would have been impeached had it not been for Bush pardoning most of the people who knew the whole story. Cap Weinberger got a pardon from Bush, and he had not been tried for anything! This so-called &quot;premature pardon&quot; was handed down by Bush simply to assure Weinberger that he would not have to mount a witness stand and squeal on the president and vice president. The only thing that prevented Walsh from having Bush thrown in jail was the fact that Bush pardoned the principles (and Walsh felt he could not subpeona them) and funding ran out for his investigation before he had all the facts.

As someone who followed the entire affair closely at the time, I find a rather disturbing parallel between Reagan's administration and the one currently in the White House. A President that allows others to set policy and run the show while he &quot;presides&quot; is inviting trouble.

Maybe that will not would hope not. One would hope that President Bush will not bring people like Oliver North, Casper Weinberger and Willam Casey into their White House.


Oct 9, 1999
Lawrence Walsh makes Ken Starr look like the most politically neutral person on the planet. LOL! Try again with the &quot;official&quot; reports.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Damn Misguided republican politician and those pinko Democrats are always calling people names. LOL!!



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< Ummm if you two Geniuses did a little news research you would know McCain has the votes necessary for it to pass in the house and the senate. >>

Actually, they have 62 votes in the Senate (not 2/3) and 277 out of 435 in the House (that's 64%, not 2/3). They have enough to pass it with the President's approval (all they need is a majority for that), but don't have enough to bypass him (as per CSPAN at 11PM last night).

Bush already said he would veto the bill in it's present form (so that it'll include Unions and non-profit SI groups). So, your guys better get to editting that bad boy or there won't be any Campaign Finance reform, it'll just die on Bush's desk under a half-eaten baloney sandwich (what a shame).


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999

<< it'll just die on Bush's desk under a half-eaten baloney sandwich >>

Jeez Thorn, I don't like the guy, he's an idiot, but even I know that sandwich would be peanut butter and jelly. Why don't you do a little research before you post,(and vote, for that matter), your idiotic red-faced republican BS. DUH!



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I love how they start off with the name-calling! woohoo!

Actually, I'm more than happy with my vote and choice as President... Boy, you still choking on those sour grapes?

You're a sad pathetic little man, and that's not name-calling, just astute odservation.


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999

<< Actually, I'm more than happy with my vote and choice as President... >>

Yup, just goes to prove the old saw: Ignorance is bliss.



Dec 8, 1999
&quot;There is &quot;no&quot; solid proof. I did read and study the whole ordeal while I was in school. You tend to believe anything that is against a republican.

Actually the Republican Heirachy's involvement in Iran/Contra (icluding daddy Bush) is more or less a part of the public record.

There's a very good book about this giving names (including daddy Bush), places &amp; dates, writen by Ari Ben-Menashi, an ex-Mossad agent, called Profits of War : Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network

To quote from its Book News, Inc. , May 1, 1993 reveiw: -

<< Ben-Menashe, who worked for more than a dozen years in the inner circles of Israel's clandestine services, tells what actually happened during the 1980s: Israel and America prevented peace in the Middle East, the US supplied chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and Ronald Reagan and George Bush swapped arms with the Iranians for a delay in the release of the hostages to win the 1980 election. Published by Sheridan Square Press, Inc., 145 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012- 1054. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

Book Description
This is the book the Israelis tried to stop, written by the man they said didn't exist - the book the CIA tried to sabotage.

Ai Ben-Menashe worked for more than a dozen years in the inner circles of Israel's clandestine services. He was privy to the negotiations between the Republicans and the Iranians to hold the American hostages until after the 1980 election - the &quot;October Surprise&quot; - and he was there when Bush met a high Iranian official in Paris in October 1980. He also worked directly with Robert Gates - now the director of the CIA - to arrange the transfer of $52 million in cash to Iran in early 1981.

Ben-Menashe was one of the six members of Israel's top-secret Joint Committee on Israeli-Iran Relations, responsible for the transfer of Billions of dollars of arms to Iran during the 1980s. He traveled the world, buying and selling arms, setting up the front companies and conduits necessary for this massive trade, virtually all of it with the connivance of the CIA. In 1986, in Israel, he briefed George Bush.

Ben-Menashe also was involved in Israel's attempt to halt the U.S.'s arming of Iraq. He and his colleagues tried everything to prevent arms dealers - including Margaret Thatcher's son Mark - from supplying Saddam Hussein with unconventional weapons.

Ben-Menashe played a role in the growth of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, arranging for the acquisition of strategic materials through bizarre and incredibly difficult channels. He saw Israel's links to South Africa flourish; he watched super-secret Israeli committees calmly review their lists of which enemies of Israel would live and which would be assassinated; he saw his masters sponsor monstrous terrorist acts, all for the reason of state.

In the course of his operations, he worked intimately with a network of agents and collaborators that encompassed some of the most famous and powerful men in the world, including British publishing tycoon Robert Maxwell, and high U.S, government officials such as Senator John Tower and National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane.

Then his former allies cut him off and set him up. He spent nearly a year in a U.S. jail on trumped up charges while the Isreali government denied it had ever heard of him. But in October 1990, he was acquitted - because he proved both Israel and the United states had, indeed, authorized the decades-long secret sale of arms to Iran.

Thjs book, which reads like a gripping spy novel, is the inside story of the man who was a key source for Gary Sick's October Surprise and for Seymour Hersh's The Samson Option. It dissects the international arms trade as it tells of the accumulation of a fortune in CIA and Israeli intelligence bank accounts, whose ownership is still publicly disavowed by all concerned. Pieces of this puzzle were tantalizingly revealed during the Iran-Contra investigations; now the full picture emerges with breathtaking clarity.

A man who worked in the innermost circles of Israel's clandestine services bares all about Robert Maxwell's greed, paying Iran to delay the release of the hostages, and the millions of dollars now sitting in a CIA and Israeli intelligence slush fund.

From the Publisher
&quot;Ari Ben-Menashe is one of the most dangerous reegade agents ever to defect from Israeli intelligence. It is hard to think of anyone who has told us more about the secrets of the intelligence world than he. His charges have been corroborated.&quot; - Craig Unger, in the Village Voice

About the Author
Ari Ben-Menashe was born December 4, 1951, in Tehran, Iran, to an Iraqi-Jewish family. In 1966 he emigrated to Israel. From 1974 to 1977 he served in the Israel Defense Forces, in Signals intelligence. In the years 1977 to 1987 he was a civilian employee of the External Relations Department of IDF Military Intelligence. From 1987 to 1989, he was a special intelligence advisor to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. He speaks Arabic, Farsi, Hebrew, English, French, and Spanish.

Since 1990, he been a man without a country, dividing his time among England, the United States, and Australia. He cannot, for obvious reasons, return to Israel.

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