Lineage 2, Such fond memories...MMO's have become garbage =*(


Apr 14, 2013
Just curious if there are any past Lineage 2 players scouring the forums =P. I just miss this game so much, back in the prelude - C2 days that is....Was just browsing youtube and came across some of the old OST and man..The memories.

IMO....Music has such a big impact in MMO's, the current batch we have are just down right awful. Don't even get me started on Aion's music...god it was terrible...

Here a few samples for those who haven't heard Lineage 2 tracks...For those who have played the game...Let the memories flow =p..

For those who haven't heard...Some of the tracks sound like they came right out of Lotro..

Bah...I miss this game...Only flaw, tab target...But man the Alliances, the mass open world pvp for the weekly raid bosses. None of this instance BS of all these current MMO's....

"What?..You want to fight Baium and get his godly jewelry?...Join a big guild and alliance and lay seige on the other alliances camping his spawn as well.."

"What? You're doing queen on your alts?...Hell no..That Queen Ant Ring is ours....I'mma run up and hit that bastage and mess up your nurse ant mechanics and heal her up..." (Just so you know, had to hit her at certain times, and had to make sure you have guildies watch out for other guilds attempting to mess up your attempt by hitting her when you're not suppose to. Lots of PK'ing defending your guild =P)

All these current MMO's have just been failing in this regard. Yes, Lineage 2 was one of the grindiest MMO's you would EVER play. For people that cry about leveling in Tera, Aion, WoW, Rift, and all the other MMO's currently saturating the market, you have no idea what a grind is till you play L2....You're ruining MMO'S with all this casual play! It's not satisfying unless it takes time to achieve your level, gear, etc. One reason why Lineage 2 was so amazing was because it took so long to level up and get gear...

Plus OPEN WORLD PVP....ZERO instances. EVERYTHING was out in the open with no restraints. Someone took your mob?...Harass him, try to get him to flag, or just PK him...Careful though...If you pk, you get karma, people WILL kill you, and you will drop your gear or inventory items...Yes that weapon you spent 3 weeks farming...You just lost it because you wanted to go on a killing spree.

Heck I played the game for 2 years religiously...I still didn't hit cap..I ended up selling my account as a lvl 68 Treasure Hunter (75 was cap). I look at all these MMO's out now and shed a tear..The greatness of TRUE open world PVP is all but gone...Tera had a chance...AMAZING pvp...But crappy game design with tons of bugs (mostly implemented by proceeding patches), and NO incentive for open world pvp...BG's are fun....But come on...Open world pvp that spawns hatred among guilds, alliances with others...Friendship and rivalries....This is what makes an MMO great...Sad to see it's all but disappearing =*(.

BTW...not trying to bash on anyone or anything...Just want to offer my opinion and see who else remembers this epic game =D.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2002
I loved the game and it felt rewarding when you accomplished anything due to the amount of grind it took. Unfortunately I don't see myself having the time to enjoy such a game again, at least in the foreseeable future.


Apr 14, 2013
Yea..Game is free to play now with lots of new additions. No where near the same, although they have made it easy as all hell to level now to compete with the other MMO's...

But man...Do I miss the golden days in Lineage 2 ^_^.


Senior member
Feb 6, 2006
I only played Lineage 2 on private servers through 2004-06. Even then when I played on a 5x exp server it was still a bitch to lvl. I don't know how you retail players do it.

Sounds like Darkfall Online is right up your alley. No character lvl, just skill progression. Open world pvp with only a handful of instances. Similar to Ultima Online.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2005
I played it for a short time retail and for a bit longer on private. It was pretty but also pretty shallow imo.

Plus open world PVP and "large scale events" are way overrated.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
Lineage 2 was the game that made me aware I could not longer play games with that kind of grind timesink.

I think the highest level Iever got was 32 or so, before I threw in the towel


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
It was definitely one of my favorites. I remember getting into the beta and absolutely falling in love with the game. The grind was insane but world was awesome.

I remember my first toon I created I went on to become a Warlord. I think I was probably the only one on my server for the longest time. The one thing I'll never forget is having a Prophet follow me while I rounded up a HUGE group of those lizards that roamed that grassy plain then going ham on the whole group.

I later found out how terrible the Warlord was at PvP so I created a Hawkeye. Again, I was one of the few Hawkeyes on the server. Most people chose the Dark Elf or Light Elf, but my Hawkeye hit like a truck and I loved using him in Castle defends/seiges.

After that I created a Treasure Hunter and really enjoyed the speed of his attacks but he was the last toon I played before quiting.

I also remember the insane amount of gold farmers in that one tower. I would end up going in while grinding on on my Treasure Hunter and asking the first group I found for buffs. They usually would but if they wouldn't I would pull a group of mobs and fake death. Man I miss that game after thinking about it all.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
I've found korean mmorpgs have MUCH MUCH better soundtracks than any western MMO. Even the low budget ones typically have a ton of great music.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2002
Ya, I'm really hoping the new Final Fantasy MMO will turn out great. It's not Korean but hopefully they do a good job on it.


Feb 5, 2001
I loved L2. I was the highest level healer on our server and one of if not the best one as well. I loved it when I would log in and would get 30+ tells and invites. Always had the pick of what I wanted to do and with who

I quit because the very high level grind just got to be too much. When you were only receiving 0.01% of exp from a kill no matter what you killed it really sucked the life out of you even when you had an excellent group and could controller a huge spawn area.

Great game though, you were never truly safe, especially on my server (can't remember the name of it now) where the chinese farmers had a very big and strong alliance of guilds and they tried to keep people out of the high lvl areas.


Apr 14, 2013
Josh: I know exactly what you mean about the human dagger/archer classes. People were confused on why I went human rogue...Once I became a TH and started wrecking face, it slowly became the flavor of the month, and tons of rerolls ensued ^_^. I was one of the higher level TH's on Bartz...The good old days ^_^.

Kaotik: I know what you mean about the grind...I remember donut room DVC groups...12-13 mobs = .01 percent was ridiculous towards cap...But man the pvp in the game. The only problem I had with the game was the XP loss when you died...Besides that it was phenomenal =P.


Apr 8, 2001
Haven't heard anything good about the gameplay other than those that stuck to it and therefore claim it's the best experience eva.


Apr 14, 2013
Haven't heard anything good about the gameplay other than those that stuck to it and therefore claim it's the best experience eva.

A LOT of people were turned off by the epic grind and especially the point and click system. If you could get over that though, literally of the game..The animations, voice overs, open world pvp, HEAVILY alliance/guild based aspect, etc....and so on and so on =P, Literally made the game into one of the finest experiences I've ever had in an MMO...


Senior member
Jan 11, 2007
Ended up 80/80 in that game without botting, very much enjoyed that game despite all of its balancing issues and flaws. Talking to your friends for hours on end while AoEing in FoG was very fun. It didn't really matter at that point when an entire train gave barely 0.1% of a level, it was still fun.


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
Got frustrated in the early open-beta (or whatever the free period was), and killed an obvious farmer-bot (sitting behind a fence and killing things that couldn't pass by the fence)... WOOT WOOT! Everyone on the server was after me, got killed after running for the better part of 30 minutes, and a huge chunk of my time (3 pieces of the highest available gear at the time - gone).

I like rogue-like games, and don't mind permadeath, but I just felt ripped off... trying to get into the game, enjoying taking screenshots of sitting at the pier with a hundred other people, but the farmer-bots tempted me, and I killed them, and in turn was pk'ed and lost too much gear to care anymore.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
Haven't heard anything good about the gameplay other than those that stuck to it and therefore claim it's the best experience eva.

I liked a lot of things about the game, except for the grind. But, once again, I never even got to high levels. I imagine it only got worse.

At the time, I was actually 2 botting, tank and healer. And, even at say, level 20, the amount of kills you needed to level was pretty crazy. At the rate I was leveling, it probably would have taken me 2 years, or more, to reach anything resembling end game (well, I was probably levling slow, even for that game too)
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Junior Member
Jan 12, 2014
Found this post through Google while trying to search for some nostalgia after trying to search for a game like lineage 2 used to be. So I just wanted to add my two cents.

I really miss it like a man that could never get over his first love (although lineage 2 was not my first mmorpg, but my favorite by far).

/agree 100% with OP. After 8 years of complaining (since 2006) about these trash games, I have come to the conclusion the gaming generation is too soft for companies to take a risk to ever make another game like lineage 2.

This is why I'm learning programming, and will create a game that uses the same model, and give the starving gaming community the experience that we so desperately crave that has been taken away from us. Wish me luck.

Here's another reason why I laugh at these so called "raids" in todays mmorpg trash:

Now it's come down to no longer even being funny, it's just pathetic and sad


Golden Member
Jul 6, 2004
I loved the game and it felt rewarding when you accomplished anything due to the amount of grind it took. Unfortunately I don't see myself having the time to enjoy such a game again, at least in the foreseeable future.

Linage had a wonderfull world, and great look.. unless you wanted your character to look a tiny bit different.. and there was one key word in the quote above.. GRIND.. it wasn't a GRIND, it was a walk 2 miles to school uphill in 6 feet of snow with the wind in your face, to just start the grind.. What happens when game design is based on the fact people pay to play and hte longer they are ate each level the more money you make. not people play cus its fun.

i loved the art, the style, the open world (with no loading), etc.. awsome.. the rewarding crafting that bordered on anal. (few thousand kills to get 1 of something you needed 4 of is kinda horrible, but it does make good stuff rare). I stuck it out to the late 50's i believe an lunch.. went back late and did my 75 sub class, and recently went back after about 3 years away. Much faster now. but pretty shallow gameplay now., back in the day, it was pretty and fun, but GRIND does not do that games slow leveling system justice. It was its major problem.

just an opinon.. it still looks pretty good today even. oh and GAMEGUARD, may it rot in hell.


May 1, 2006
... although they have made it easy as all hell to level now to compete with the other MMO's...

But man...Do I miss the golden days in Lineage 2 ^_^.

Just a funny note, I remember playing EQ back when leveling was very hard, and that added a lot to the game, saying I predicted that for competitive reasons, MMO's would come out making it easier to level, and that then no MMO would be able to compete with that really hard leveling - players only put up with it because it was the only game of that quality available. I think that prediction has pretty much happened.

One that hasn't happened quite yet is one where you start at max cap, and the 'levelling' is all about accessing new zones, skilling up, getting better gear.

That would make sense to save dev costs on lower level zones.


Jun 3, 2011
Yay, it's this thread again!!

mmorpgs early on had high skill ceiling; this led more experienced players to be substantially better than newbs.
the longer the lifespan of a morpg, the wider the divide between newbs and pros, and the wider the divide, the lower the number of newbs who stayed and who paid for new accounts.

like every organism made to succeed, mmorpgs have a life expectancy - after which, they die.
then WOW and the other games made to be "a massive bag of fail, from day one" were made, and they are still going strong.


Platinum Member
Oct 11, 2005
I loved Lineage 2, it was great for the community and the sieges. I specialised as a Tyrant although I did also run a Abyss Walker & Bounty Hunter although really it was my brothers BH he let me play him when I needed to.

I do miss the fact that you had to to work for what you got in old MMO's, hopefully Star Citizen won't be WoW like hand holding and let us get on with the challenge.


Diamond Member
Jul 13, 2008
Yay, it's this thread again!!

mmorpgs early on had high skill ceiling; this led more experienced players to be substantially better than newbs.
the longer the lifespan of a morpg, the wider the divide between newbs and pros, and the wider the divide, the lower the number of newbs who stayed and who paid for new accounts.

like every organism made to succeed, mmorpgs have a life expectancy - after which, they die.
then WOW and the other games made to be "a massive bag of fail, from day one" were made, and they are still going strong.

MMORPGs and high skill ceiling is something that doesn't compute.
It is more like the longer you played and grinded the stronger you became regardless of skill or lack of it.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
When it was released me and my bro almost jumped in. We never played any MMOs so we didn't knew what it involved and how much time/money we would need to put in. So we passed.

Then came WoW...
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