Link me Affordable healthcare.

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No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: Thump553
Mid-50s, also looking for semi-reasonably priced insurance. My wife and I are self employed, currently paying about 10k per year for a mediocre AEtna policy (Blue Cross was even higher).

GL to the original poster-I've been doing that search for a couple of years.

We're also in our mid-50's and there's no such thing as "affordable health insurance" here in Kahleeforneeya.

Even a terrible policy with high co-pays and high annual deductibles runs close to $1000/month.
Since I got hurt almost 6 years ago, we've been on a VERY fixed income, and while costs keep going up, my income hasn't risen a dime. (in fact, they just cut my disability check by about $85/week for some as yet unknown reason.)


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2006
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: Thump553
Mid-50s, also looking for semi-reasonably priced insurance. My wife and I are self employed, currently paying about 10k per year for a mediocre AEtna policy (Blue Cross was even higher).

GL to the original poster-I've been doing that search for a couple of years.

We're also in our mid-50's and there's no such thing as "affordable health insurance" here in Kahleeforneeya.

Even a terrible policy with high co-pays and high annual deductibles runs close to $1000/month.
Since I got hurt almost 6 years ago, we've been on a VERY fixed income, and while costs keep going up, my income hasn't risen a dime. (in fact, they just cut my disability check by about $85/week for some as yet unknown reason.)

Just (crappy) Dental and (good) Health at my old job ran 1650/mo...


Aug 13, 2006
Yeah I would love some affordable health insurance, mine went up 33% this month which means it has doubled in cost from four and a half years ago.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
Originally posted by: TruePaige
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: shadow9d9

I just explained how your suggestion that catastrophic coverage was much cheaper was ill informed...

I don't get the leap to the idea that if you choose a private insurance, you won't be part of their public insurance...

Our costs compared to everyone else's costs are super inflated and we get much much less. We also get excluded and denied on a daily basis so that companies can make a profit off of our suffering.

No system is perfect. But paying half the cost so that every american will be covered for everything is worth changing to. No system is perfect, but it sure can't get worse than here.

"Grandmother dies after NHS cancer treatment is withdrawn because she paid privately for life-extending drug "

If someone chooses to ignore the rules of the system, that is their fault. Here, we get denied because 20 years ago we had acne that wasn't reported. There they get denied because they did something they weren't supposed to do. Huge difference.

I think you misunderstood...something I said. I didnt indicate, as you put it, that catastrophic coverage was much cheaper. So no idea how to respond to that.

If you dont get the leap, then check on NHS's website, or search for cases where NHS denied coverage due to having private insurance. I found many stories.

I also see you guys have have death panels :Q All in the name of saving a buck I guess.

Sentenced to death on the NHS
Patients with terminal illnesses are being made to die prematurely under an NHS scheme to help end their lives, leading doctors have warned.

I originally said:
The other first world countries pay 1/2 what we pay and cover everyone for everything... they pay about 6-10% extra in healthcare. I'm 27, married , with one child, and we pay about 20% of our income on health insurance, not counting copays and deductibles.

Oh, I am self-employed. I guess we should shut down small businesses and have everyone work for big companies, right? That has worked so well over the last year...

You said:

Not catastrophic they dont.

I figured you meant that catastrophic was a cheaper option...

As for NHS... if it is against the rules to go for a private insurance for some matters... it wouldn't be a secret to the people. Meaning that the people subsequently denied knew that they were taking that risk.

No no no. Its not that its against the rules, its that the rules are VERY strict what youre allowed to have covered by private insurance. But then we ARE talking about the nanny state here.

And catastrophic care is a BIG business in UK. I wonder why.

Perhaps we should have a thread to compare and contrast various countries health care? Back to the subject at hand, affordable health care is available. But apparently the OP wants something like $30/mo that would cover a brain tumor 100%, so maybe not for him.

Well, I just explained that it costs 5400 for a family of 3 for catastrophic only and now pay 9-10k, not including copays for full insurance for a family of 3.... This equals 25% of the median income of this country's pay and 12.5% for catastrophic only... Yet every other country pays 6-10% and everyone gets fully covered....

So... how is it exactly affordable?

Thats your problem.

1. you think that everything is covered, and
2. youre willing to get the same care (the UK since you brought it up) they get.

Analysis: youre out of youre friggin mind. But we can agree to disagree.

You made the claim it is affordable. Every time I ask you how my real numbers are affordable, you go on a dodging spree.

Back up your claim please of "Back to the subject at hand, affordable health care is available. "compared to my real numbers.

Then we can go on to discuss comparisons with other countries. However, all you are doing right now is trying to divert and derail without having to back up your claim.

Black angst is just mad that people pissed in his cheerios and proved him wrong, because he can't find a single, sensible, affordable plan.

Just a blind monkey like the rest of the anti-UHC crowd around here.

"Status quo! Because things are okay for me, things are okay how they are!"

Spend trillions just because things aren't OK for a small amount of Americans! This game is fun!

46/300 is a small amount? Tens of millions more with pre-existing conditions? Small amount? AHAHAHA.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
You made the claim it is affordable. Every time I ask you how my real numbers are affordable, you go on a dodging spree.

Back up your claim please of "Back to the subject at hand, affordable health care is available. "compared to my real numbers.

Then we can go on to discuss comparisons with other countries. However, all you are doing right now is trying to divert and derail without having to back up your claim.

I seem to have a serious comprehension problem with your posts. I thought we were talking know...the OP. My bad. Didnt know it was about you.

Maybe you can do as the OP did and list all the details so the rest of us can look for you?

So you won't back up your claim.. no surprise.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
Originally posted by: TruePaige
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: Thump553
Mid-50s, also looking for semi-reasonably priced insurance. My wife and I are self employed, currently paying about 10k per year for a mediocre AEtna policy (Blue Cross was even higher).

GL to the original poster-I've been doing that search for a couple of years.

We're also in our mid-50's and there's no such thing as "affordable health insurance" here in Kahleeforneeya.

Even a terrible policy with high co-pays and high annual deductibles runs close to $1000/month.
Since I got hurt almost 6 years ago, we've been on a VERY fixed income, and while costs keep going up, my income hasn't risen a dime. (in fact, they just cut my disability check by about $85/week for some as yet unknown reason.)

Just (crappy) Dental and (good) Health at my old job ran 1650/mo...

In the mid-90's, I was considering getting out of construction...which meant losing my union health insurance. I talked to my insurance agent and he could have provided us with VERY GOOD health insurance for <$100/month that was fairly comparable to my union coverage.
It wouldn't have included dental and vision care, but those were relatively inexpensive at the time too.
When I lost my health coverage in 2004, the COBRA coverage was $1300 for the first month, then $1600 per month after that.
(which never made sense to me...per union contract, I paid about $4.50/hr into the hours bank for insurance. took 110 hours per month to maintain full medical, dental, and vision coverage., or about $500/month. There was no employer payments involved, no union payments made other than what the members paid in through the fringe benefits plan)


Nov 9, 2004
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: TruePaige
Originally posted by: BoomerD
Originally posted by: Thump553
Mid-50s, also looking for semi-reasonably priced insurance. My wife and I are self employed, currently paying about 10k per year for a mediocre AEtna policy (Blue Cross was even higher).

GL to the original poster-I've been doing that search for a couple of years.

We're also in our mid-50's and there's no such thing as "affordable health insurance" here in Kahleeforneeya.

Even a terrible policy with high co-pays and high annual deductibles runs close to $1000/month.
Since I got hurt almost 6 years ago, we've been on a VERY fixed income, and while costs keep going up, my income hasn't risen a dime. (in fact, they just cut my disability check by about $85/week for some as yet unknown reason.)

Just (crappy) Dental and (good) Health at my old job ran 1650/mo...

In the mid-90's, I was considering getting out of construction...which meant losing my union health insurance. I talked to my insurance agent and he could have provided us with VERY GOOD health insurance for <$100/month that was fairly comparable to my union coverage.
It wouldn't have included dental and vision care, but those were relatively inexpensive at the time too.
When I lost my health coverage in 2004, the COBRA coverage was $1300 for the first month, then $1600 per month after that.
(which never made sense to me...per union contract, I paid about $4.50/hr into the hours bank for insurance. took 110 hours per month to maintain full medical, dental, and vision coverage., or about $500/month. There was no employer payments involved, no union payments made other than what the members paid in through the fringe benefits plan)

Your insurance guy was pulling your leg, VERY GOOD insurance for <$100 a month :laugh: yeah right! I've been buying insurance since 1975 and even back then you couldn't sniff a decent policy for that price.


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
Originally posted by: blackangst1
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
You made the claim it is affordable. Every time I ask you how my real numbers are affordable, you go on a dodging spree.

Back up your claim please of "Back to the subject at hand, affordable health care is available. "compared to my real numbers.

Then we can go on to discuss comparisons with other countries. However, all you are doing right now is trying to divert and derail without having to back up your claim.

I seem to have a serious comprehension problem with your posts. I thought we were talking know...the OP. My bad. Didnt know it was about you.

Maybe you can do as the OP did and list all the details so the rest of us can look for you?

So you won't back up your claim.. no surprise.

Look a few pages back. $75-$150/mo is reasonable IMHO.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2008
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: SirStev0
I just want all these "Reformers" to show me this great affordable health care they keep talking about.

They can't. Or at least they haven't.

The government healthcare bill that is on the table now does NOTHING about the cost or affordability of heathcare in this country. Absolutely NOTHING!!!

So, again, your problem isn't the cost of healthcare, it is the fact that you have to pay for it instead having the government pay for it by taxing other people.

Full text of the Obama Proposal

There are a few sections which detail proposed cost savings.



Diamond Member
May 18, 2007
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
Originally posted by: Carmen813
Originally posted by: Wheezer
Originally posted by: Citrix
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: SirStev0
Go ahead and sign up and get sick. See how great they are. That or try to find a good cipher to read the plan.
You wanted affordable and I found you affordable, but now it is not good enough for you.

I guess what you really want is a gold plated plan on a students budget?

Do you think the government option is going to provide you better coverage than this private one?

yes, i do. young, so foolish.

apparently the handling of Social Security, Veteran medical care and the gross mis-management everyday of peoples tax money isn't enough for some people to learn a lesson.

sometimes they just gotta learn the hard way.

good luck with that.

The private sector has it's fair share of problems to (perhaps you remember last year when the countries economy almost collapsed due to idiotic decisions at all levels of the private market). It isn't an either/or proposition.

But you also need to remember that the government who was charged to regulate these institutions, and people like Bernie Madoff, completely failed in their responsibility as well. While you can't 100% trust the private sector you cannot trust the government 100% either... if anything they are less trustworthy because they can screw you and there is nothing you can do about it.

I disagree with your premise. I vote for someone else if they screw me, just as I would switch companies if a company screwed me. You may argue that one vote doesn't matter, but I would argue that one customer doesn't matter either.


Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Jakeisbest
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: SirStev0
I just want all these "Reformers" to show me this great affordable health care they keep talking about.

They can't. Or at least they haven't.

The government healthcare bill that is on the table now does NOTHING about the cost or affordability of heathcare in this country. Absolutely NOTHING!!!

So, again, your problem isn't the cost of healthcare, it is the fact that you have to pay for it instead having the government pay for it by taxing other people.

Full text of the Obama Proposal

There are a few sections which detail proposed cost savings.

Yet once again lets point out to you the defunct government run organizations.

Social Security

You clean up those three and I will consider letting the government run anything else.


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: 0marTheZealot
Originally posted by: Nebor
Originally posted by: 0marTheZealot
Somethings are necessary and some things are luxury items. If we were arguing about whether or not OLED TVs should be sacrificed for health insurance, I'd hope that everyone would be reasonable. However, when it comes to something like school vs health insurance, there is no right answer. You can't sacrifice your future for health, but you can't sacrifice your health for your future. And secondly, I don't think that working at Wal-Mart is a smart choice in order to provide yourself/family with health insurance.

The real tragedy is that every modern country has been able to provide healthcare to it's citizens, for less money than what we spend on only a fraction of the population. We are quite obviously doing something fundamentally wrong.

Health insurance isn't a necessity. You can live perfectly well without it. Certainly it's nice to have, but so are name brand clothes and digital cameras. You're setting up a false dilemma with this school vs. health insurance argument. Many people have both. Schools provide cheap insurance. And most students work at least a little bit to pay for things they want.

And you don't think that working at Wal-mart is a smart choice to provide you and your family with health insurance? This is exactly my point. You say you want health insurance, but you in no way prioritize it. You're not willing to sacrifice anything for it. You're too good to work at Wal-mart, but you're perfectly fine taking the money out of my pocket to pay for what you want, but don't want to work for.

He and other people like him are already taking money out of your pocket by using the emergency room as the primary care office, by going on Medicaid or by going on disability due to illness. Secondly, the OP has said he's going to medical school, you really expect a person of that caliber intelligence to work as a cashier to get medical insurance? Medical insurance is not a nice thing to have, it's an absolute necessity. All it takes is one accident, one illness and you are financially fucked for a decade or more. It is in no way comparable to a digital camera.

Roger, understood they're using tax payer provided benefits since they CHOOSE not to purchase insurance. But I refuse to endorse a reform of the system that would purposely seek to ensure people like him that simply decide insurance isn't a priority for themselves. At least in the current system, those people are getting substandard levels of care. If you're going to steal money from me to buy something for someone else who CHOOSES not to work or prioritize their "needs," I hope whatever you're buying for them sucks, in this case health care.

Oh, and because the OP is going to medical school he's TOO SMART to work for things that he wants? WTF. I can't even believe you said that. If he's so fucking smart that he's too good to work an honest job to get the things that he wants, he can figure out a way to get those things without making ME pay for it. I mean shit, he's too fucking smart to work at Wal-mart, being a "person of that caliber intelligence" so he should just build a god damn cold fusion reactor in his basement. He'll be rich.

The entitlement mentality in this thread, and particularly in your snooty post drives me up the wall. Choke on a wheelbarrow full of dicks.
Dec 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Zstream
Yet once again lets point out to you the defunct government run organizations.

Social Security

You clean up those three and I will consider letting the government run anything else.

What's wrong with the postal service?


Senior member
Feb 13, 2000
Originally posted by: SirStev0
This needs its own topic. You are no longer allowed to claim there are affordable options out there. Put up or shut up.

I am 23, healthy, no history of chronic diseases, unemployed (I am a student), & nonsmoker. You must prove that I will be fully covered and that I will not be denied for "preventative" tests.

I do not have an employer so you can not forget their share of the cost. Just as a for instance, if my thyroid is significantly and irregularly enlarged and my doctor wants me to have an MRI, this MUST be covered (this is an actual example of a friend with my same stats who recently had the $2000 procedure denied)

Any anti-reformer on here is free to answer with a link. This is not a debate thread. I don't want to hear your theories on the issue. I don't care about your fairy tale coverage. It is time to prove that there is affordable health care in America.

Any Euro-posters feel free to rub in your average tax cost for health care.

You forgot to mention you have a pre-existing condition, mental retardation. Healthcare is NOT a right you parasitic son of a bitch.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
He said he is 23 and healthy. He can. And get his college paid for. Sounds like a win/win to me...


Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Ackmed
He said he is 23 and healthy. He can. And get his college paid for. Sounds like a win/win to me...

Unless, like me, he's diabetic. I found out couldnt after the recruiting office I marched in to told me the day after my 18th bday lol. AFAIK that hasnt chaged? Could be a reason. But I agree with your point


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Originally posted by: Ackmed
He said he is 23 and healthy. He can. And get his college paid for. Sounds like a win/win to me...

Hahaha, why didn't we think of this? The solution for the health care crisis in America is to have 100% of America join the Marines!


Jun 24, 2003
Originally posted by: Ackmed
He said he is 23 and healthy. He can. And get his college paid for. Sounds like a win/win to me...

Someone with an "intellect of his caliber" would never join the Marines. :roll:


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Didn't read the thread and likely won't since it is so long. But I'll post anyways. I have nearly this same plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield. For someone with the stats listed in your OP who lives in my state (I don't kno your location), it'll cost under $30/month for the $2,000 deductible, 30% coinsurance (option #2).

BCBS is well known and actually pays fully when you obey their rules (which in my case the only real rule is that I have to choose from one of dozens of their perferred providers).

It'll cover just about anything someone in your situation will likely encounter. Most likely situation, you pay $360/year for this insurance and never use it. Worst normal scenario, you are out $7k which you can make a deal with the doctor/hospital to pay out over time in an affordable fashion. Worst case scenario, you have medical bills over $1 million, you'll just have to declare bankruptcy, althouth, I'm not certain that you wouldn't need to declare bankruptcy with just about any plan from any company if that happened.


Oct 11, 2005
I love all the suggestions that include the "get anything serious, declare bankruptcy". Thats the problem .....
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