The corruption problem seems to be triggered more by one's particular network hardware (media, NICs, DSL/Cable Modem) than individual routers. I know because I've had three of them and they all had the same problem. Web page text and graphics would be garbled, downloaded ZIPs would have CRC errors, blah blah blah. I spent a lot of time on the phone with Linksys' sorry-ass tech support and I was told that they were puzzeled because all the "problem" routers they had been getting back were working fine when they tested them.
Other people have experienced the problem consistently despite replacing the router several times, so I think it probably does have something to do with the other hardware the router is coexisting with. I remember reading somewhere that it has to do with the router receiving packets faster than it can process them from the WAN connection, but that could be completely wrong... I don't know.
There is good news, however. Linksys has posted a new beta firmware image to their site that has fixed the problem for me <knocking wood>. It has a lot of great features for the money, although I bought it three months ago and haven't been able to use it until just now.
Another good thing about this router is that Linksys is constantly releasing new firmware with new features. For example, this latest fw also has the ability to pass IPSec through. That's pretty rare for a router this inexpensive. I'd say go for it. Linksys seems intent on ironing out any bugs.