Any task you want to do that can be parrellelized is usefull for clustering stuff..
Raytracing is a great example, although to work with OpenMosix stuff they need to fork() the task into multiple proccesses rather then run multiple threads. Yafray should be able to do this, as should Povray.
For some apps, like Maya or Cinelerra, for instance, have their own 'node client' applications for doing clustering applications.
Stuff like that.
For 'real' computational clusters you use libraries developed for clustering and maybe OpenMosix a bit to reduce administration overhead by load balancing clusters.
Then there are different types of clusters for doing other stuff. Like if you have a lot of file servers you can use clustering stuff to make sure that they have high performance and strong failover. This is what Google uses clusters for.. They have 20 machine clusters, or something like that.. as a single node.. then they'll have a few dozen of those. Each machine load balances within it's own cluster node and shares the load, databases and I/O, and such, then they cluster of clusters that are used for further load balancing and also for high aviability.
So if you have a machine have a hardware failure on one PC, that entire node goes down automaticly and a spare node kicks in and the effect is completely transparent/automatic. Then techs can come in and repair the faulty PC on their leasure with not even a millisecond of downtime in the eyes of a end user. That way google can just use a small handfull of experianced techs do the same work that it would take a army of Windows techs if they wanted to try to do the same thing with traditional servers.
Also another thing to check out to see what people will be using more and more in the next few years check out Xen.
Xen is a machine emulator that is very fast and is much like the 'server' version of Vmware. Instead of running a Xen program in a host OS to run another OS emulated Xen runs by itself and hosts slightly-modified OSes on itself.
It can do some very special things like emulate with only a 3-7% in reduction over performance on straight hardware and in a cluster situation it has the ability to actually migrate OSes from machine to machine WHILE they are running!
For a experiment Xen guys hosted a little Quake3 LAN tournement running with it's server on Linux running on Xen. As you know latency to responses is very important. During the middle of the game they moved the running server image from one PC server to another. The end users didn't even notice the downtime.. they calculated the system downtime in the transfer over at about 30msecs or so.
So that's something that is very cool.