Lion, tiger and bear, oh my! (PIC)

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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
It's funny because you think other people care about this rather than them just poking you with sticks to see what happens.

nah, it just reveals their true colors, kinda like Budashes there, who goes out looking for gay things, it reveals how much of a lovely human he really is.


My guess is that you don't consider yourself a homophobe, but the langauage you have used is unacceptable here.

Forum Director
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Jul 20, 2003
nah, it just reveals their true colors, kinda like Budashes there, who goes out looking for gay things, it reveals how much of a lovely human he really is.


Just because you got a boner doesn't mean the lions were being gay.


Golden Member
May 2, 2011
not surprising the bear is the lead animal

although i would usually think that a black bear would not stand up to the big cats

on a fight basis the black bear probably has a good chance to survive depending on the particular cat but otherwise they usually run

they do not have the size or intimidation of brown bears

that said i think bears are supposed to be the smartest carnivores

and they are oafs like scandanavians so all is good

they actually have a stronger sense of smell than other carnivores including cats and dogs

The tiger is the strongest animal out of all 3, the black bear stands little chance to ever survive a fight against the tiger.
Apr 20, 2008
nah, it just reveals their true colors, kinda like Budashes there, who goes out looking for gay things, it reveals how much of a lovely human he really is.


My guess is that you don't consider yourself a homophobe, but the langauage you have used is unacceptable here.

Forum Director

We laugh at you. All of us do.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012

Big tough lions couldn't even kill small game.

Your post reeks with butt hurt.

(Ph.D Biologist Pienarr and Biologist Sukuza kruger national park)

During the period under discussion lions were reported to have killed 39 hyenas, 6 leopards, 2 cheetahs, 12 jakals, 2 civet cats, 2 honey badgers, 1 caracal and two crocodiles....warthogs that have taken refuge under holes, sometimes whole families are elimanated in this manner...october 1965 lions attacked a full-grown adult white rhino bull, introduced into natal, the lions mauled him so badly he had to be destroyed...obeservers such as wahlberg and taberer of lions attacking and killing full grown black rhinos in east africa...It is well known that lions frequently prey on young and even adult hippoptami in areas where these beasts are particularly numerous.

What does the bear hunt as his base, fish and berries? Whats the average prey tigers hunt, chital and sambar? lol Africa has the largest prey base diversity on the planet, bears and tigers rarely prey on their bison, in fact they are killed more times than vice versa by them. Their bison is no where nearly as formidable as the cape buffalo, and their larger fauna like rhinos and elephants are much bigger in africa than india...india is without the giant eland, giraffe and hippo, animals that can easily pass a ton in weight, tigers prey stay around 300 lbs, and bears usually eat things that cant fight back, via vegatation, male lions are the share holders of bringing down bull buffalo, and more than all, they have been shown doing it alone.

Its kinda hard to take bear enthusiast serious when 1,000 pound grizzly bears have been documented killed by pumas more than once, and I wont take any tiger fanatic serious that they boust the tiger is the true king when there are over 20 sources say packs of 50 lb wild dogs that chase off and kill tigers, 60 lb leopards killing male bengal tigers over 4x. Female lions run in larger groups and still no reports of lionesses killing males, yet people like valmik thapar, courtney cooper, london zoo, el paso zoo reported numerous cases where the tigress dominated and killed the male tiger.

All you have is butt hurt chumps like you whineing like the idiots you are.


Aug 3, 2006
Oh hey, look whose ban expired.

Looks like that one was only two weeks. Let's go for two years this time.


Aug 3, 2006
Hey look its el stalko fago, lol Why not put in a request for a perma ban then?

An excellent idea, though this forum doesn't operate on mob rule so my guess is you'll have to repeatedly attack a mod (again) before you get another ban.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
An excellent idea, though this forum doesn't operate on mob rule so my guess is you'll have to repeatedly attack a mod (again) before you get another ban.

And what makes you think I would give a flying fuck? What would I have to be ashamed about if I was perma banned? Do I make a thousand parody threads like you? Do I stalk the shit out of the peoples threads who've smashed (your poor retarded arguments) in debates specifically on topic? Followed by your stalking girl friends like scitsopx, tard zinfamous, and other pardoy terds? Theres no shame in speaking the truth, I dont have to worry about clowns like you, Karma always finds its mark.

What exactly did I warrent to get a bann in anything non-mod related? beating you at your own game? lol So even now at your wits end, you're compromised of fake laughs because the only reason I ever banned was because I back lashed at the mods, since some of them had poor moderating visuals, and only adress upon losers like you who go crying to them and dont actually check the whole conversation where it shows you fucking terds are the root of the problem, thread derailing, trolling, lying, insults, stalking ect. As all I ever did was show info (of on topic) and expose lies:

On wiki it states in 1909 a male tiger kille a male lion, in the actual article no lion being killed is mentioned:

Its more detailed and true account:

TIGER KILLS LION IN FIGHT. Huerta Meets Death in Unequal Combat in Bronx Zoo. From the New York Herald. Huerta, a 2-year-old Nubian lion, was kiled yesterday In a terrific battle with Rajah, a big Bengal tiger, In Bronx Park Zoo. Keepers and attendants made fruitless attempts to stop the bloody duel. 'It was an unequal combat, Rajah being; nearly twice tha size of his opponent, but Huerta fought gamely until ·finally cornered and killed by the snap of Rajah's Jaws across the back of his neck. In some unexplained manner the door between the cages of the two denizens of the Jungle became unbarred during ths night, and Huerta got Into Rajah's cage 'about 7 o'clock this morning and immediately the battle began. Huerta had the better of the fight during the first few minutes. He seemed as anxious for the fray as the big tiger, and was poised for a leap at Rajah's throat when the tiger got the death grip. With the body of the lion lying Inert on the floor, Rajah sniffed at it a few times to satisfy himself that he had completed his work, and then backed into a corner, where he began administering to his own wounds. He had not come out of the fight unscathed. One ear was chewed off, his neck and back had been lacerated, and he may lose an eye.

The size difference betweena 2 year old lion and an adult:

More Missinforming:

Leonida a tiger that attacked the trainer, this weekend the Fame young tiger that killed old lioness Friday. Roger took lion." advantage of the confusion and attacked Sultana while she was off guard. Before Casartelli could intervene the tiger had ripped open the lioness' throat and stomach.

And the reason why she didn’t give good fight becauseshe was old, elderly and wounded from many previous fights with tigers, in one case she took on, fought and whipped 5 tigresses saving her trainers life:

It states here in the middle of the page, Fiction:

Heres him lying the tiger was a female:

The lions name was jackie:

The tigers name was satan (Male balls)

They belonged to melvin Koontz:

Sidney castro saying a lion was killed by a tiger...

What really happned at calcutta:

(Alipore zoo in calcutta)

A full-grown lioness was lately con-signed by the Sultan ot Zanzibar as a present to Lord Lansdowne, and was safely conveyed to the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta. During a conversation the keepers had an argument as to the fighting abilities ot tigers and lions. The tiger's keeper jumped on to the lioness's cage and lifted up her door, when the tiger leaped on the top of the sleeping lioness, caught her by the throat, and held on for a few minutes, when she died without; a struggle.[/I]

Tragically, the lioness Savannah, as she was recovering from the drug, was attacked by the male tiger Seatao.

Him faking a account:

And heres the real source that said they were mating and produced one of the rare hybrid offsprings:

Faking another one:

Heres the real deals:

A vet checks the eye of an African lion undergoing eye surgery at a zoo in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, China...under anaesthesia undergoing an eye surgery operation is held by workers at a zoo in Ningbo, Zhejiang province March 23, 2009. The 10-year-old African lion's eye was scratched during a fight with other lions at the zoo, resulting in serious granulomatosis and damage to its eyesight, Xinhua News Agency reported."

(Jim Tullys circus parade)

It says right there in blue, Fiction:

Lying that it was a female sumatran:

(Sultan killed Tommy)

Thrilling story of fight to finish.

"We shot the scene without a single rehearsal", beatty said. As usual the director insisted on a rehearsal, but I convinced him the best opportunity for a realistic battle would be when the two animals first met. You simply can't rehearsal a scene like that. Hence the cameramen were ready and the fight was a real one, unfaked... And claw to claw, fang to fang battle between natrual enimies of the cat family proved conclusively that the fighting prowess of the lion is superior to that of the tiger according to beatty the tiger lost the battle after a terrific struggle]We used a untamed tiger for the battle scene because we figured a good fight was a likely to ensue, the trainer continued. That tiger never before been in a cage with a lion.

Nearly a score of movie stars watched the battle and the majority of them bet on the tiger. I had no idea which would win, but I figured sultan had an even chance, though lions are gang fighters and a tiger is supposed to be invinceable in a single-handed battle with almost any animal. My reasons for giving the lion an even chance was that I knew that when one takes a hold with his teeth it is in a vital spot, while a tiger sinks his teeth and hangs on whereever he grabs first. Thats exactly why tommy lost the fight. While the tiger is simply hanging on to a shoulder, the lion was manuvering into position to get his enemys throat, all the while using his blade-like claws to great advantage, from now on I'll bet on the lion.

(Mabel starks a bias lion hater)

Heres him editing out the whole fight scene:

She lost her bet, every one can see she put a kind and nice lion in with a aggressive tigerm and yet the tiger got the worse of it.

Wikis site of (John S clark)

Clarke doesn’t know how, doesn’t suggest, and just wouldn’t in his life work with a wild lion/tiger (probably because hes afraid) he only works with captive raised, submissive and kind animals:

Samuel haughton and Frayer lying on multiple things:

First lie, it only took 4 men, not 9:

Second lie, martial never said the tiger always won, he mentions only one account:

(Marcus Valerius Martialis)

Translated by Anon…
OV THl PimiJO 8H0W8. 18
The rare-seen glory of th' Hyrcanian land,
A tiger, wont to lick his master's hand,
In pieces tore a lion in his rage,
A thing not known before in any age.
He durst not this attempt in forests high:
Beasts among men learn greater cruelty

In no where in his text did martial state the tiger always won, he only mentions a single occaison, and historians taled it as a staged and rigged event.

But of course...the world is filled with fucking lying faggots like you who cant handle the truth so they go all around the web and try to rewrite history, fill the internet with deceptive bullshit, yes...this all reflects back on you, no one has to no who you are, see you visually, or track you down, Karma always brings back the bullshit to the crap talker and stuffs his mouth with some grade A putred cow shit, your words reek of how pathetic, desperate and straight up fucking stupid you are.


Aug 3, 2006

Seeing you try to rant about Karma is actually too sad to be funny. On the first page you admit to being banned from at least five sites. Oh but wait let me guess, they were all ran by bear loving faggots weren't they? Yeah, karma's just taking its time with them, and karma had absolutely nothing to do with your insufferable ass being banned from everywhere you've been.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012

Seeing you try to rant about Karma is actually too sad to be funny. On the first page you admit to being banned from at least five sites. Oh but wait let me guess, they were all ran by bear loving faggots weren't they? Yeah, karma's just taking its time with them, and karma had absolutely nothing to do with your insufferable ass being banned from everywhere you've been.

You just sealed your argument...As I stated non-mod related, I had and still do have a bad habbit at back-lashing on mods when I am in a debate with an idiot like you. I Probably still have the PMs on 4 of the sites I was banned from an remember what I said as well, none had any material use on the debate, they were just me blowing up on the mods for not atleast punishing both partys espeacially the ones who started it, which harsh tone/language got me banned not the parody, stalking, lieing bullshit you terds do. And it started off from what you just suggested, they were tiger fanatics as I just showed the proof in which they lie on, as yukus mod banned me, he just so happens to be the same person on jackjacksonj, tigervslion blog, and wiki.

So yes, lying faggotry, you of all people should know about that. lol

I guess now it's 6 sites you've been banned from.
admin allisolm
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Oct 9, 2002
Right back to homophobic insults ("fago," "lovely human," "faggotry"). What's wrong with you?
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Dec 3, 2013
You just sealed your argument...As I stated non-mod related, I had and still do have a bad habbit at back-lashing on mods when I am in a debate with an idiot like you. I Probably still have the PMs on 4 of the sites I was banned from an remember what I said as well, none had any material use on the debate, they were just me blowing up on the mods for not atleast punishing both partys espeacially the ones who started it, which harsh tone/language got me banned not the parody, stalking, lieing bullshit you terds do. And it started off from what you just suggested, they were tiger fanatics as I just showed the proof in which they lie on, as yukus mod banned me, he just so happens to be the same person on jackjacksonj, tigervslion blog, and wiki.

So yes, lying faggotry, you of all people should know about that. lol

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