Lion, tiger and bear, oh my! (PIC)

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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Quite sad and pathetic that wikipedia can be controlled by bias rejects, Bigcat82 has been hounding the lion vs tiger moderation on wiki for years erasing anything pro-lion or in favor of the lions behalf:

The lion vs tiger wikipedia is so botched its beyound hilarious, its starting to look just like the Korean version:ổ_đấu_với_sư_tử

Funny how they have to try so hard to promote the notion a tiger would win more times, yet their sources are half ass so badly, anyone who reads its original source will die laughing in how desperate they are, as John varty never said those words on his own site he even states a more agressive lion would win by genetics, the 1909 incident which was at Bostocks zoo the tiger never killed the lion, the tiger named Mogul had a chain around his neck preventing Prince the lion from killing him as the owner herr falkendorf and his team had to beat the lion off the tiger with cro bars, the rest of the experts have no obseravtion of them fighting in excerpt form, the other accounts baroda and oude is non-existant in indias records and even the weights are hilariously obscured, as a composite the tiger is the smaller animal, even at max in terms size the lion is taller and has a mane.

Yet...anyone who reads clyde beattys 3 books, and read a few news articles on him will no just from one man, more sources than Bigcat82's 100's of forums, youtube videos and blogs of fake photoshoped accounts of snip and cuts leaving out full details, Clyde beatty had lost 50+ tigers in his 40 year career as the guiness world record holder of working 40+ tigers/lions in a single cage at a time, and only 2 lions to tigers...thats more accounts than all of the web has to offer of tigers killing lions, doubled...just from one man, and theres like a 100 other sources of occaisons the lion trumped the tiger without even trying.

Sad really, dont know what would drive a guy to pump out that much bias. But oh wells, ya cant hide the truth.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
And if you zip down to the bottom of the page, you can see some sources explaining the lion has the strongest striking force in the animal Kingdom for the carnivorous animals:

Above it not only exploits and exposes the fraud Bigcat82s, there was some records of bears killing tiger accounts he tryed to hide as well, in terms superiorty of combat, I see it as...


Who would of thunk, that Pumas have killed grizzly bears and leopards killed bengal tigers more than vice versa, quite shocking...I would'nt have belived it if I hadn't read the accounts myself.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Aww, did you miss me.

The hiding and consealing the truth is by far over, by the simple fact if we was to play the naming game, (using only sources where they named the individuals in the article) which further shows no need for extensive over posting of false misinforming people using the same accounts and counting them as different incidents by deceptive snip and cuts.

Who can name the killer tigers and killed lions of all of history has to offer so far? Theres only adult bengal Rajah that killed huerta a 2 year old maneless lion, who rajah nearly died in the process, Nana sahib another male bengal who got lucky ambushing a old teeth and claws blunted lion dessembowling him, and the rest female lionesses like ethal, savannah and perth killed by male tigers, the one in alipore zoo the lioness was sleeping and john varty said savanah was sedated by drugs. Thats it?

For the counter evidence theres:

(Owned By Clyde beatty)

- Lion named BossTweeds who killed 3 bengal tigers at once.
- Detroit kills siberian alice, and bengals Empress and Slieka the 1st.
- Lions Henry and tarzan killed Toona
- Prince kills bengals Rosie, slieka the 2nd, and Sheba.
- Caesar kills bengal tiger Bobby and two other tigers.
- Sultan kills untamed bengal Tommy.
- Memphis kills bengal sehka.
- Duke and his mate kills two tigers.
- Nero kills bengals Pasha and Trudi
- Duke beats up all of his tigers male and female.
- sultan the first, whips all of clydes tigers at once.
- Puna was killed by a lion.

- lucia zoras King Edward the sick lion kills male bengal named Dan.
- Leo kills a tigress in aleidale zoo.
- Sultan kills izabella in czech zoo.
- Jugglar kills rajah in Bostocks.
- Dewey kills a tigress in wallaces.
- Leo at new york kills tigress anne.
- Trainer Koses lion kills a 1,000 lb tiger named Roger.
- Kurtika a white bengal was killed by two young lionesses in nakandan zoo.
- Vikram a thirteen year old bengal was killed in madras by a lion named leo.
- Cheongi kills siberian Hobi and koran zoo.

And on and on the list goes, they are all backed up by book and newspaper archives, I have the links to all of them. Thats because the bias idiot Bigcat82 will erase them on site, lol. Sad, that so much desperation is being held to hide the truth, and thats just the small end, theres already 125 accounts of lions killing tigers, a proper research could potentially have thousand of cases a lion has been documented killing a tiger, yet on hand theres only what, less than 15 accounts a tiger has killed a lion, with majority of it bening cubs, females and ambushed tactics?

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Reactions: Thebobo

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Again, Clyde beatty alone can answer the question on L vs T, heres a small sum up of him, I'll try and see if I can get the bandwith of the book scans renewed:

Beatty is the Ultimate single sourced person on that topic, no single scientist, naturalist, trainer what ever has more credability and experince upon observation than him, not even all the records combine can accumilate the hundreds of fights hes mentioned.

But anyways, on topic, the trio leo, shere-kahn and baloo look fond and appreciative of their lives together, awesome trios.
Apr 20, 2008
Here's a reply I did a while back. There's even more now I'm sure!

I just decided to google ""silver prime" lion tiger" and lookie lookie here...

Edit: Showing up here under a different name...

Prime Prime Prime...

Oh shit, it's "Golden Prime"

And it's PRIME again!

And again, prime, back in June 2012!

April 2012!

What the hell? Prime in MARCH 2012!

MMA Vista?

It keeps going...

Under the guise of "ZODIAC WARRIOR"

Politely shut down by a Biologist that clearly knew you were a trollin!

Still at it!

He even got Sherdog!


Lol, really...


Prime on "AllExperts"!

Almost a year ago...

November 1st, 2011... You would think you would have found your answer or have it settled by now...

Ah man... We needed "Prime Time" around here!

How about a little bit of "Father Time"!

And more "Father Time"!

So yeah, those 5 forums you were on. Either you can't count or you're just stupid.
Reactions: Thebobo

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
The Tiger looks small compared to the lion. I thought they were supposed to be bigger. Once it reaches full size it will pwn the other 2

Thats because of the misconception of the words larger and bigger, the fact is tigers have 9 sub-species, while the lion 3, divide all the sub-species masses, and you'll get the average weight for that species, the tiger at 360 lbs, the lion 420 lbs. So averagely the lion will be more frequently heavier than the average tiger, at maximum the lion is only exceeded by bengals and siberians, bengals larger in the wild, while siberians larger in captivity, still on average they are roughly the same mass, with the largest of wild african lions in the latest census heavier than the largest wild siberians to date (without historical unverified records).

The heaviest tiger was Jaipur (owned by Joan marensk) at 1025 lbs, the heavist lion was Sultan (owned by Fritz weded Johnson) at 1,000 lbs, so theres only a .25 percent difference in mass, thats like having a 200 lb black buy being compared to only about 2 lbs heavier than a white dude, hardly notice-able, but lions are 5.5 inches taller than bengals/siberians, on a species scale the lion is just about a foot taller at the head and shoulder, and the lion also has a mane, so larger and bigger is really an understament, a bowling ball is not larger in size to a basket ball, its only heavier...

In this case the lion at a species level is heavier, taller and larger in size, while only like 2 % of the entire tiger species bengals/siberians (mainly obese ones) are heavier, still those individuals will not appear larger in size when next to a lion, since the lion is taller and has a mane.

Can't fault you here. You were called out.

I guess those vs topics are now Taboo for this forum, and yet rapes, killings, robbings, and all other criminal disccusions are up-held in the off topic section, along with some pretty stupid disccusions as well, dont see why the apex animal debate is held any lesser...Oh wells, no biggies.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Here's a reply I did a while back. There's even more now I'm sure!

I just decided to google ""silver prime" lion tiger" and lookie lookie here...

Edit: Showing up here under a different name...

Prime Prime Prime...

Oh shit, it's "Golden Prime"

And it's PRIME again!

And again, prime, back in June 2012!

April 2012!

What the hell? Prime in MARCH 2012!

MMA Vista?

It keeps going...

Under the guise of "ZODIAC WARRIOR"

Politely shut down by a Biologist that clearly knew you were a trollin!

Still at it!

He even got Sherdog!


Lol, really...


Prime on "AllExperts"!

Almost a year ago...

November 1st, 2011... You would think you would have found your answer or have it settled by now...

Ah man... We needed "Prime Time" around here!

How about a little bit of "Father Time"!

And more "Father Time"!

So yeah, those 5 forums you were on. Either you can't count or you're just stupid.

Wow you really are stupid, and still quite the stalker, if you read what I said, and obscured from redeeming your butt hurt demolishing I gave you, you would have conceded and accepted that I said...

Specifically in L VS B

I said Lion vs bear, I didnt say I never posted L vs T (lion vs tiger).... which I didnt even deny the lion vs tiger extensive research and debate I did the first time you went all stalker mode on me, lol WADF. Some times you have to put in a little work to find out the truth, you on the other hand, I dont know what the hell you're doing, stalking, making up lies, making up butt hurt threads on me, following me into other forums, whining and crying to the mods about me, asking your BFF's to troll me, jesus christ you're gone.

Butt Hurtt
Making your own wap mimicing of me in your wap butt hurt ways:

Cry Baby
Straight up cry baby, what cant handle that I actually post some incredible facts, and you were left with only your butt hurt:

lol And how funny was that when you stalked me, and followed me making an account in the teamauthority forum just to proceed in more butt hurt trolling? XD Awww wipe them tears crybaby, that one thread I made has more likes, views and educational things than your entire 10 page making of retarded threads on this forum, people can just click on your name, then click on all the threads youve made to get a hysterical laugh in how pathetically stupid you are.

So nice job in making your self look like a complete idiot yet again. lol
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Senior member
Jan 29, 2013
Wow you really are stupid, and still quite the stalker, if you read what I said, and obscured from redeeming your butt hurt demolishing I gave you, you would have conceded and accepted that I said...

Specifically in L VS B

I said Lion vs bear, I didnt say I never posted L vs T (lion vs tiger).... which I didnt even deny the lion vs tiger extensive research and debate I did the first time you went all stalker mode on me, lol WADF. Some times you have to put in a little work to find out the truth, you on the other hand, I dont know what the hell you're doing, stalking, making up lies, making up butt hurt threads on me, following me into other forums, whining and crying to the mods about me, asking your BFF's to troll me, jesus christ you're gone.

So nice job in making your self look like a complete idiot yet again. lol
lol, you must bust a nut watching the lion king
Apr 20, 2008
I dont know what the hell you're doing, stalking, making up lies, making up butt hurt threads on me, following me into other forums, whining and crying to the mods about me

Making up lies? Address this? I know you cannot.

The funny thing is, I've not reported one single post of yours. It's been other people.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Making up lies? Address this? I know you cannot.

First of all, Fuck you. The horse vs zebra, you put down random made up shit like the dates, location, names of the newspaper station that held the accounts of the combatants, in your view you're playing around, in were lying, of course I can show the link to everything I posted, you on the other hand cant, and was just making a stupid fucking idiot out of your self...why? Not even God knows.

Just adressed it, Bitch.

The funny thing is, I've not reported one single post of yours. It's been other people.

Yeah, shut the fuck up.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Shouldn't soundmanred and scitsophx be banned for derailing and trolling?

I mean I adressed some mods, but scitsoxph made whole threads insulting mods and blaiming mods for ruining this forum.

I mean jesus, I never insulted any mods, just called out facts over them, these guys derail threads daily and troll the shit out of people, and yet they get to waltz around like nothing?

Pft, I guess the forum needs their dose of crack head hypocrites to give it a little appeal.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
On the side note, this thread had 700 views just an hour or so ago, now 1,280's? Thats an extra 500+ insta views of people laughing there asses off at scistophx and his meth head boy friend, in how they are....still...getting humilated, and persist in doing it to them selves.

Bravo good chaps, Bravo. XD XD XD

As I increased my group by bringing in new animals, of course, there were troubles. The creatures would fight, at times, and I had to make peace with the whip and the pistol. I have never used any red hot irons and don’t approve of them. Sometimes a beast was killed. One of my very best performers is a leopard that has killed a cheetah, two boarhounds, a tiger and a polar bear,

In the news article, (not the book) it was stated by German animal trainer hernan Boger, the large male bengal tiger attacked the leopard named Puss, and the leopard killed the tiger by ripping out his throat. There are some 20 accounts of leopards killing tigers in captivity and in the wild, yet only a handful exist of the opposite, I think this bear baloo, would pummel sherekahn, maybe even leo, since he has no mane and is now less agressive.
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Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
That's so awesome. Reminds me of those stories where cats take care of baby squirrels or other animals. It's neat to see that kind of friendship happen even in the animal kingdom.

Meanwhile us humans have trouble not killing each other.


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
What's funny is you dudes loling at my post count and are apparently on tons of forums actively each day.
Reactions: Thebobo

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
If leo had a mane, he would have looked alot larger, the thickest and longest bear fur is 6 inches, the longest and thickest lion manes are 3 feet long, in 90 percent of the time the lion will look larger than a black bear or tiger, sometimes equal to greater size in the frontal area than brown bears:

Since lions usual posture is broad and erect, not slinking downwards like bears and tigers. I think the rules of apex combat, speed, agility and dexterity trumps everything, followed by durability, and then power.

Unfortunetly for the speed demons pumas/leopards, the lion is heavily protected in the primary insta kill spots, (throat and belly) thats why there is no accounts I have found either or killing a maned male lion, there are some 50 accounts combined of leopards/pumas killing much larger black, brown, polar bears and bengal tigers. Speed>Durability>Power

Physical strength and size means little, anyone wielding a small hand pistol can kill a man weilding a canon just the same, who ever hits first will kill the other, inserting a small bullet and rasing a 1 pound gun and firing, is alot faster than trying to load a giant canon ball face it twards some one and firing. So all that bigger fangs, heavier weight, longer claws ect comes into little meaning, none of those things strengthens the durability of the throat.

The lion is the most exposed to fighting consistantly through all his life, via the other apex predator territory and mating rights (out-fighting) but lions have that and, (in-fighting) through out all their lives, in order to kill a large maned lion, the lion has to be emensely over powered, the fight must be pro-longed, big bears are the only ones I see being able to full-fill the criteria, other than that, it would be just sheer luck if smaller bears, tigers, jaguars ect killing a well maned lion, the accounts speaks of that merit being true.
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