Lion, tiger and bear, oh my! (PIC)

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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Awesome art:

To bad they dont really show that much combativeness in real life, and check this out, it seems recently some one revamped some beatty info, the jeonju zoo and the perth zoo incident:

lol Sorry for Bigcat82 the guy with a hundred aliases in trying to hide the truth, but looks like he befells a huge task in trying to keep the truth hidden, as now in this era people can look through newspaper archives and dig up the facts all on there own, the more people will acsess the archives, the more the truth will be shown and the lies decimated. lol

Take these three accounts into consideration:

"Boss Tweed," Clyde said, "was one of the greatest fighters I've ever seen, in addition to his noble looks. He did some of his cleverest fighting in the Rochester Massacre. That was this spring. When two score of lions and tigers were in the arena for a dress rehearsal. One, on a high seat, reached down to take a cuff at the cat below. They frequently do that without much happening. But in this case the cat on the- high scat fell off and landed on the one below. The one below, thinking he was attacked, started to fight. In a second it was a free-for-all. In such a fight the lions have two distinct advantages. Their first is their thick mane which prevents the tigers from getting to their throats. Their second is their clannish way of ganging up on a tiger. A tiger will just watch another tiger being attacked. The lions join each other. An animal attendant excitedly raised a gate into the shoot so the beasts could return to their cages. Into the shoot ran three Bengal tigers with Boss Tweed in pursuit. "For twenty minutes they battled. Boss Tweed killed the three tigers, but himself was almost torn to ribbons. He recovered but somehow he never seemed to be the same. His spirit or his fighting nerve was gone. The other morning I opened his cage door and he was dead, for seven years I trained him, the longest of any of my cats. I was greatly attached to him.

lion kills three tiger’s ~ Altoona Mirror, September 27, 1928

Colonel HH Shri Sir Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji, Maharaja Jam Saheb of Nawanagar (1872-1933)

"Jam Sahib of Nawanagar has informed me that he has himself witnessed a fight between a lion and a tiger on four occasions, on all of which the lion won.",+on+all+which+the+lion+won&tbm=bks&tbo=1

Twice one lion defeated and killed 3 tigers? Thats incredible, and the consistancy makes it seem that its almostthe norm, as other lions like detroit killed 3 tigers, Prince killed 3 tigers, a lioness named Theba whipped two large tigers, a lion named dutch whipped all of terrells tigers, Pete taylors lion Emperor whipped all of his tigers, Clyde beattys lions Duke whipped over 6+ tigers at once, Sultan whipped over 7+ tigers at once, there isnt any single account that shows the fighting prowess of either tiger nor bear, even the one where the 4 lions fought 3 polar bears, the bears would have alltogether have more than 2,000 pounds over the lions, even 3 documented fights where a lion killed a bear, cow and tiger in a single fight in verona.

But still nice art.
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Apr 23, 2004
Thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


Oct 9, 2002
Age, Silver Prime? Just curious.

How many years have you been at this?
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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Age, Silver Prime? Just curious.

How many years have you been at this.

Doesnt matter. I just find it funny that the person who wrote wiki actually wants people to belive that tigers were the reason the asiatic lion went extinct on his blog, forum and other places leaves half ass cites from people who know absolutely nothing about lions, heres some of his B.S sources countered by facts:


1.) Kesri Singh, Oct. 26, 1955, "Experiments in implanting African lions into Madhya Bharat " - Journal, Bombay Natural History Society, Vol. 53, (p. 465-46 8) "…It (the tiger) was more cunning and powerful than the lion and therefore it killed off or drove the lion away from the areas it occupied." (p.465)*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions


lion kill’s siberian white tigress in leberic czech zoo:


2 Kenneth Anderson, "The Call of the Man-Eater", Chilton Books, Philadelphia and New York, 1961 "Then the tiger came down from the north-from Siberia and Manchuria-and the lion slowly began to lose ground before that more active animal." (p. 210)*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions

Two young lionesses kill adult white tigress

One of only 70 white tigers left in the world has died a month after being wounded in a fight with two young lions in an Indian zoo.
Nandan Kanan animal park'


3 Richard Perry, "The World of the Tiger", Atheneum, New York, 1965 "If tigers arrived in India later than lions, as is possible, then there is every probability that they were the containing factor." (p.165)*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions

Two lion cubs eat tiger News And Courier - Aug 27, 1973

"A state of emergency was declared in Alexandria after a young circus tiger vanished from its cage, Newspapers reported that the tigers remains were found several hours later in the cage of two lion cubs.",ar:1&source=newspapers&btnG=Search


4 Jack Denton Scott, "Speaking Wildly", William Morrow & Company, Inc. New York, 1966 "Often larger and stronger than the lion, the tiger is credited with driving it from India, …" (p. 256)*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions
(Frankfurt zoo) m

"Eight lions fought and killed a pair of tigers in Frankfurt's zoo early today after someone had failed to lock the gate between the animals' cages. The one sided battle started when a lioness which recently gave birth to cubs led four adult and three young lions into the tigers' cage. The tigers retreated into a corner before being forced to fight for their lives.
~Toledo Blade - Jan 17, 1957


5 Franklin Russell, "The Hunting Animal", Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., New York, 1983 "…The lion … reaching northern India before they were halted, presumably by tigers coming from the other direction." (p.38)*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions

Clyde beatty 2 lions named Tarzan and henry kill tiger named toona


6 Dionne Bunsha, "A kingdom too small", Frontline , Vol. 22, Issue 10, May 7-20, 2005 "They say it is dangerous for the lions to be in tiger territory. But just eight tigers in Kuno pose no grave threat. …."*

Facts that show a tiger cannot take on multiple lions

3 lions kills tiger BIRMINGHAM A tiger that was attacked by three lions died of its wounds yesterday.

And on and on the list goes, its no secret lions live in prides, for a single tiger or a mating pair to be able to kill 6-14 lions (the average size) is ridiculously stupid to mention, just recently indiatimes published a super pride of lions in india of a pride consisting of 32 lions, the fact that almost every indian scholar of lion/tiger conflict mentions a account of even single lions killing tigers in indias captivity like Kailash sahnkala, Nilakanta sastri, Damoo dhotre, Jam saheb, madras zoo, jamnagar zoo, a indian palace compounds ect, and just so happens the only account documented in india of a wild occaison that had gone to the death witnessed in velar near the gangis river, the lion killed the tiger...yes a lone asiatic lion, while the other 3 occaisons in the wild the lion stalemated a much larger bengal.

A tiger would commit suicide if he ventures into lion territory, not only by the males, but by the females, 3 lionesses can handle a male tiger just fine, the lion cubs are heavily guarded by both genders and of cousins, aunts and uncles too, even if a tiger managed to try and rid untended juvi lions, Huerta a 2 year old lion already showed to have nearly killed a adult male bengal named rajah, so the juvis will hold their own by the fact they are in groups as well, the same cannot be said for the tiger who has only one protecting factor, the female. To much facts stack up on the tiger against the lion in the wild, for any one to disagree is beyound retarded, since theres no tangible proof.
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Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Tigers have a hard time with leopards, two lions would oust even the fabled 1,000 lb tigers out of their territory every time, yet tigers of current are no heavier than lions, the once mytho giant siberian tigers average less than the african crater lions, while the bengal roughly the same mass, a pride is just over kill for any carnivore on the planet, no one can even bring forth more data that proves tiger is more than a match for a lion, from smallest to smallest sub-species, to average and composite, to largest against largest, the tiger loses in all hands delt.

The only ones I see pulling a close one against the lion is brown bears and polar bears. But like I said, I'm pretty much done on the research part for a while, gona leave it as is till laters.
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Apr 20, 2008
First of all, Fuck you. The horse vs zebra, you put down random made up shit like the dates, location, names of the newspaper station that held the accounts of the combatants, in your view you're playing around, in were lying, of course I can show the link to everything I posted, you on the other hand cant, and was just making a stupid fucking idiot out of your self...why? Not even God knows.

Just adressed it, Bitch.

Yeah, shut the fuck up.

It's called a parody thread. A good one at that. I bet you get really mad when you read articles by The Onion, don't you?

And to report your post to the mods or not to report... It'll be my first time. I'm not sure if I'm ready yet.

Boy do you curse a lot. You know cursing is a clear sign of low intelligence?


Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
It's called a parody thread. A good one at that. I bet you get really mad when you read articles by The Onion, don't you?

And to report your post to the mods or not to report... It'll be my first time. I'm not sure if I'm ready yet.

Boy do you curse a lot. You know cursing is a clear sign of low intelligence?

Parody thread? Nah, its just you being a little cry baby bitch.

I dont even get mad, you see all the XD's I give at you...those are me laughing my ass off at you racking up the views which by the way this thread started off with 700 when I checked in, now it nearly tripled, and every time it goes up I get to laugh at all the people who gets to read just how pathetically stupid, desperate and such the loser you are. And the team authority forum has almost a 100k, if you top in all the views youve made yourself a whopping laughing stock.

Nah, I curse to make you feel exactly how you know you the loser you are. You know it doesnt feel good, because you cant counter the main argument which I debate on, which is L vs T, you have nothing...other wise you wouldn't be crying half the time, how ironic you and your parody boy friends, insist I'm waisting time, yet exactly what are you all doing thats educational and constructive? Oh thats right just stalking, acting like 5th graders, like bitches, making up lies, faking things and lieing constantly, making hundreds of threads about your pathetic life that gets laughed at by almost every body, humiliating your selfs beyound belief, you even baited me to posting by Pm'ing me recently....XD XD XD

Talk about no life. Me...I'm alright, so good luck with your shamble of existance.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
Can U guise share some of da attention wit me?

3 lions named Rip, Rough and Tough kills tiger at Lane Park Zoo

Tiger Wounded By Lions Dies . BIRMINGHAM A tiger that was attacked by three lions died of its wounds yesterday

The 1950's was a hard year for captive tigers, theres like 10 accounts of tigers killed, from Clyde beattys mixed animal act, madras zoo, lane park, boltimore zoo, frankfurt zoo and a few more.
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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
3 lions named Rip, Rough and Tough kills tiger at Lane Park Zoo

Tiger Wounded By Lions Dies . BIRMINGHAM A tiger that was attacked by three lions died of its wounds yesterday

The 1950's was a hard year for captive tigers, theres like 10 accounts of tigers killed, from Clyde beattys mixed animal act, madras zoo, lane park, boltimore zoo, frankfurt zoo and a few more.

What a bunch of pussies.

Silver Prime

Golden Member
May 29, 2012
What a bunch of pussies.

Unfair bouts...but I guess thats the law of the Jungle, only the strong survives. Though thats some pretty cool names to have for lions, Rip, Rough and Tough. lol

If the tiger had a mane, there wouldnt be so much lion killing tiger accounts, or leopard killing tiger accounts, or bear killing tiger accounts, or female tigers killing male tigers accounts, but sadly there are.
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Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
The evidence clearly indicates the following...

Squirrel > Tiger >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mouse >>>>>>>>>>>> Fly >>>>>>>>> Ameoba > Lion.

'Tis the natural order of things.


Jul 20, 2003
Parody thread? Nah, its just you being a little cry baby bitch.

I dont even get mad, you see all the XD's I give at you...those are me laughing my ass off at you racking up the views which by the way this thread started off with 700 when I checked in, now it nearly tripled, and every time it goes up I get to laugh at all the people who gets to read just how pathetically stupid, desperate and such the loser you are. And the team authority forum has almost a 100k, if you top in all the views youve made yourself a whopping laughing stock.

Nah, I curse to make you feel exactly how you know you the loser you are. You know it doesnt feel good, because you cant counter the main argument which I debate on, which is L vs T, you have nothing...other wise you wouldn't be crying half the time, how ironic you and your parody boy friends, insist I'm waisting time, yet exactly what are you all doing thats educational and constructive? Oh thats right just stalking, acting like 5th graders, like bitches, making up lies, faking things and lieing constantly, making hundreds of threads about your pathetic life that gets laughed at by almost every body, humiliating your selfs beyound belief, you even baited me to posting by Pm'ing me recently....XD XD XD

Talk about no life. Me...I'm alright, so good luck with your shamble of existance.

My friend, this is like if TFP met Alkymest, and they had a baby... And then meanwhile, that crazy PCSLookout guy and Spatially Aware met and had a baby... And by some miracle, those two babies met, put on furry costumes and fucked; this would be the shit they birthed.


Dec 13, 2013
Actually the lion looks very content for a species that usually hates being submerged in any water at any time.


Dec 13, 2013
And if you zip down to the bottom of the page, you can see some sources explaining the lion has the strongest striking force in the animal Kingdom for the carnivorous animals:

Above it not only exploits and exposes the fraud Bigcat82s, there was some records of bears killing tiger accounts he tryed to hide as well, in terms superiorty of combat, I see it as...


Who would of thunk, that Pumas have killed grizzly bears and leopards killed bengal tigers more than vice versa, quite shocking...I would'nt have belived it if I hadn't read the accounts myself.

You are dumb.
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