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Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: zinfamous
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: zerocool84
Originally posted by: shortylickens
Quantum of Solace 9/10. Loses one point for no Q, but otherwise awesome. Its not quite the same thing as reality, but its great entertainment. I am glad Bond went in a new direction with Casino Royale. If it hadn't, then the franchise would likely have died.

QoS is the weakest Bond ever. Casino Royale and QoS aren't real Bond films but Casino was a good action movie and QoS was not even that. Oh and the franchise has been going for 40yrs so I doubt it would choose now to die if it stayed the same way.

wtf??? you guys really are on crack. did you even watch both movies?

Just finished QoS. I hated Casino Royale with a passion. it had little to no story, made no sense whatsoever, had little action. like 90% of the movie was a fucking poker game...

QoS was action packed! I liked it. Much better than CR.

you hate story; we get it already..... QoS was a clusterfuck of pointless running and jumping and tumbling and roughhousing in comparison to CR. CR was brilliant (in that it restored the "Real Bond," as originally imagined by Ian Flemming--which we saw in Dr No and briefly in From Russia with Love)

QoS was a sad departure (though maybe not as disappointing as any Brosnan Bond flick after Goldeneye, in comparison).

no, i don't hate story. i don't see where you get that at all. CR had no story at all.


May 30, 2000
Originally posted by: Newbian
X-men Origins: 8/10.

Was a decent action flick and as long as you don't remember to much from the comic books it will be a decent flick to watch.

Just wish they had more conversation from Dead pool before they sealed him up.

Also more from Gambit... I mean he didn't even toss any pool balls in the show.

I have to give it a 7/10, because I do remember the comic book, and it just pisses me off when they change what I consider to be a core part of someone's creation. Like compman25, I was disappointed.

Originally posted by: Imp
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 8.5/10 - Very entertaining. Wasn't looking for anything deep, just some backstory on Wolverine and an action flick. It delivered based on my expectations. I wish they found some stronger child actors for the intro though. Loved the ending too.

Edit: Forgot to add a major effects issue that bothered me to hell, namely Wolverine's adamantium claws. They looked cartoonish all the way through the movie. I swear they looked so much better in the first 2 X-men movies.

I must disagree with you on the special effects. I thought they improved on the claws over the other X-Men films.


Mar 3, 2009
Been on a horror movie kick with my gf. All ratings are based on the type of movie it tries to be. So if it tries to be a suspense movie, but fails and ends up with cheap gore, then I'd give it a lower rating, and I'll explain why in my description.

Slaughter - 5.5/10 Basically a saw rip off where a killer locks a bunch of rich kids in a house and makes them choose who dies next. Wasn't awful, acting wasn't horrid, wasn't great. Some good shock moments, some great gore. One nice thing: There wasn't anyone even vaguely famous and it didn't focus on any one character so you didn't really know who was going to survive. If you want some cheap gore, decent suspense, check it out.[/b]

The Orphanage (El Orfanato) - 6.5/10 Spanish horror/suspense flick about an orphanage. Had REALLY high expectations for this one. Didn't QUITE meet them, but there's a great twist. Also had the best sub-titles of all time. I don't know WHO subtitled it, but they need to be shot. There'd be whole scenes where subtitles didn't appear, other times it looked like the subtitles were in Engrish, and once there was even a "???????????" for a subtitle, even though the person was speaking clearly, and I even could translate a few words. It didn't ruin the movie, but probably lowered the rating a bit. Worth a watch I'd say. Some scary/shock scenes, and does a decent, though not perfect job of building suspense. If you like horror movies involving kids, you'll like this one.

The Reflecting Skin - 5.5/10 Still don't know WHAT to think of this one. I liked it somewhat, gf hated it. Stars Lena Headley from Terminator: S.C. Chronicles. The suspense in this one is psychological. Not really much gore, so if you want a gore/shock fest, this isn't going to be your movie at all. If you like psychological terror (and really some scenes were really terrifying), go for it. Great twist at the end, although some will probably see it coming.

Dead Snow 8.5/10 Nazi Zombies attacking a group of med students on break in a remote section of the woods. I give it an 8.5 because for what it tries to be, it does great. Don't go into this one expecting masterful suspense and psychological terror. It's gore, startling moments, shocking moments, and a good fun time. If you want some good shock-gore horror, and some funny scenes, I'd go for this one. Again, if you're not pretentious, and you also like some good shock scenes, and things of that ilk, check this out.

Slaughter - 4/10 Girl leaves her boyfriend, goes to Atlanta (?), meets a friend, ends up involved in this serial killing plot taking place on a farm. It's hard to explain without giving it away. The movie just didn't do it for me. It's like they tried to cram too many subplots in, child molesting, slaughtering animals, psycho parents, slutty friends. It SOUNDS good, and after watching it I felt like it should've been good. There's a somewhat decent twist that saves this from being complete crap. It wasn't really extreme gore...wasn't extreme shock...wasn't a psychological thriller...wasn't suspenseful. Just didn't do it for me.

Fear Itself (Season 1) -10/10 Great show on NBC. Each week a different person directs an episode. It's not a series; each episode is a standalone 42 minute horror show. Even if you don't like one week's, there's always the next. There's a vampire one, a witch one, a werewolf one, psychological terror in a few episodes. It's really great. Of course it got canned after 7 episodes or so on NBC. You can find all 14 that were made online. Ironically I think the best ones were later in the season. Really good series. Not sure how long it could've lasted before they ran out of ideas, but it really was like an adult version of Are you Afraid of the Dark

Mr. Boogedy Two: Bride of Boogedy 8/10 My gf told me about this horror movie she saw as a kid that scared the crap out of her. To surprise her I found it and we watched it one night. (Brownie points for me ). It's not bad for a kid's first horror/terror/scary movie. Nothing too violent, but scary enough that kids (1st or 2nd grade or so) should get a good scare out of it. If you got kids, give it a shot


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2003
Originally posted by: TwiceOver
Transporter 3 - 2/10 So many inconsistencies. Was billed as going back to the original style/feel. Sucked worse than 2.

Quarantine - 3/10 would have been 7/10 if it weren't for the ending.

Transporter 3 has no business belonging to the rest of the series. What a horrendous piece of crap.

Like Spielberg and Lucas, Luc Besson has lost his edge.


Apr 10, 2006
Audition - 8.5/10 Creepy Japanese movie. It had a lot of scenes that didn't really do anything but was still scary. And then sometime....:Q

Friend - 7/10 Standard Korean gang movie. Had some good actions scenes, and the story was pretty good too.

Welcome to Dongmakgol - 7/10 Cutesy Korean war movie that had some sad parts in it. Decent story, but the American actors are fucking painful to watch.

Oldboy - 8.5/10 ZOMG crazy as shit Korean movie. It has a good moral too.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Originally posted by: Muadib
Originally posted by: Imp
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 8.5/10 - Very entertaining. Wasn't looking for anything deep, just some backstory on Wolverine and an action flick. It delivered based on my expectations. I wish they found some stronger child actors for the intro though. Loved the ending too.

Edit: Forgot to add a major effects issue that bothered me to hell, namely Wolverine's adamantium claws. They looked cartoonish all the way through the movie. I swear they looked so much better in the first 2 X-men movies.

I must disagree with you on the special effects. I thought they improved on the claws over the other X-Men films.

I don't know, maybe it's because I only saw X-1 to X-3 on a TV, and not on the biggest screen at the theatre. I just don't remember spotting the 'fakeness'/cartoony-ness as easily. Maybe they stuck to prosthetics in the originals, because there wasn't as much effects/focus on them.

Edit: Grammar made me cry.


May 30, 2000
Hostel 2 - 6/10 Interesting take on those with money who still need something else. I never got to do the tour Europe thing, and those who are thinking about it, or have done it, should check this out.


Diamond Member
Feb 3, 2005
I thought the Wolverine movie was OK at best.

Not that it's a movie, but Battlestar Galactica is fantastic. Might as well just watch that instead of movies.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Against the Dark - 3/10

Steven Seagall vs. Zompires!!!!

That should have been awesome, but:
- Steve is looking old, slow, puffy and tired.
- Half the movie focuses on a party of humans wandering through a giant hospital, without the Seagull around, in typical survival-horror style
- Not one of the four attractive females has a shower scene.

Verdict: sadly wasted potential, avoid.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 9, 1999
Little Children -- 10/10.

Honest, unstinting and small-scale perfect in every way.


No Lifer
Aug 28, 2001
Quarantine - 8/10... zombie movies usually aren't my thing as the zombies are pretty cheesy but they didn't really let you focus on that... the urgency was pretty realistic and made you feel trapped along with them. Just enough gore and suspense. Ending could've been better but there weren't that many options. (No I'm not going to watch [Rec])

Taken - 7/10... hyped up and while it had a good pace I don't really see it as anything special. Good entertainment but again, why is this special? It was way too linear to deserve anything higher. 24 & Jack Bauer do this every week, albeit at a slower pace.


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: rh71
Quarantine - 8/10... zombie movies usually aren't my thing as the zombies are pretty cheesy but they didn't really let you focus on that... the urgency was pretty realistic and made you feel trapped along with them. Just enough gore and suspense. Ending could've been better but there weren't that many options. (No I'm not going to watch [Rec])

Taken - 7/10... hyped up and while it had a good pace I don't really see it as anything special. Good entertainment but again, why is this special? It was way too linear to deserve anything higher. 24 & Jack Bauer do this every week, albeit at a slower pace.

Have you seen the spanish version "rec" ? I saw that one and was wondering if I shoudl bother w/ the american version


May 30, 2000
The Wrestler - 7/10 It was worth it for me just to see Marisa Tomei pole dance. Like George Costanza, she always did it for me.


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2006
Amadeus - 8.5/10, Funny, thrilling, and, of course, great music! I'd highly recommend renting it if you haven't seen it.


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
I have no idea why I waited so long to watch these....

The Karate Kid - 5 outta 5: A classic.... Really well done. Will Smith don't remake it!

The Karate Kid Part II - 4 outta 5: The first film did not need any sequels.... However this was a nice back story on Mr. Miyagi. I was kinda upset that Daniel didn't improve his skills all that much. Borrowed plot elements from the first. This is mainly Mr. Miyagis film, which is fine and Dan falls for a girl while getting bullied by some more ass holes.

The Karate Kid Part III- 3 outta 5: I think I am being to nice giving this a 3. It really is a wreak of a flick. First of all Ralph Macchio just was too old and gained a little to much weight for the role. Once again ass holes are bugging Daniel and Mr.Miyagi and they don't call the police or anything. Daniel still doesn't smarten up and seems to still be a wuss. There is an asshole villain who owns the Dojo from the first film and wanted to trick Dan and train him to be EVILLLL....EVVVVIIILLLL. He was over the top and kinda cool in a cheese ball way. The fight was lack luster at the end and Dan comes out a wussy pussy still and doesn't man up much. However I give it 3 for the villain and......That's about it. I mean at the end of the first film, Dan came out on top then in the sequel it was like he forgot how to fight and in this one he still lacked skills. I mean shouldn't he be training in his off time to get better at Karate? Not whine, whine, whine....

The first was awesome and didn't need any sequels..... However part II while borrowing elements from the first was still good, 3 was a half ass rehash of the first with poor writing. Dan just gets stupider in each sequel. I did like the over the top EVIL villain that wanted to corrupt Danny boy. I also thought it was funny how in each sequel Dan couldn't keep his girlfriend. Course in part 2 he got taller and in part 3 he got chubby lol, part II is 6 months later and part III is 9 months.

Oh and I barely remember watching The Next Karate Kid on TV. I'll give that a 2 outta 5. They should have made it with Daniel having his kid be bullied or something and he trains his kid similar to what happened to him in the first or use that idea for a part 5 and not remake it with a 10 year old as Daniel. Part 4 should have been Dan as an adult and called it The Karate Adult? Nevermind....

Anyways good first two flicks, they just got weaker from half assed script writing.

Will Smith leave it alone. Instead Hollywood just bring back Ralph Macchio and have Daniel have a kid of his own getting picked on and thus he trains him and such using what he learned from Mr. Miyagi in the first film and simply call it Karate Kid and thus it will be a sequel / remake and make allot at the box office and everyone will be happy.

No 10 year old Daniel learning Kung Fu by Jackie Chain!


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Heh, sweet, Karate Kid marathon! :thumbsup:

Yes, Man - 6.5/10: Meh, it was ok. Had a few laughs and I didn't get bored with it, but there was nothing too memorable, aside from Zooey Deschanel of course. She's worth a few points on her own.



Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
Once Upon a Time in The West - 10/10 Great story. Acting was top-of-the-line. The locations were beautiful. And to make everything perfect, there's the music by Ennio Morricone.


Dec 12, 2002
Once - 8/10 cute story, I like watching these independent films. It was a little slow at some points, I fast forwarded through some songs, but overall great little story.

Schindler's List - 10/10 One of my favorite stories about the war. Liam Nisan did a GREAT job, going from nothing and money hungry, to being able to save over 1100 jews during the war.


Aug 24, 2008
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Heh, sweet, Karate Kid marathon! :thumbsdown:

Yes, Man - 6.5/10: Meh, it was ok. Had a few laughs and I didn't get bored with it, but there was nothing too memorable, aside from Zooey Deschanel of course. She's worth a few points on her own.


Don't forget "How are you doing that".



Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2002
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - 5/10: Honestly, I could take or leave it. I enjoyed the previous X-Men trilogy more than this. It felt rushed and didn't really keep my interest for the duration of the movie. The acting was fine, I just didn't really enjoy the (not-so-true-to-the-comic) story.

Crank: High Voltage - 9/10: No, really. I loved this movie. If you enjoy action movies, there's no excuse not to enjoy this movie. It doesn't take itself seriously, the characters are extremely colorful and the story doesn't pretend to be more than it is. It's a pure adrenaline driven, shoot-em-up, box of ass kickery. Jason Statham is fantastic as Chev Chelios and gives you what you came to see.

Bug - 0/10: The only reason I didn't turn it off and watch QVC was because I was watching it at 2AM with a friend and we wanted to see who would flinch first. Ashley Judd naked couldn't save this movie. There was absolutely no redeeming quality to this movie, except maybe fact that it wasn't 3 hours long (although it sure seemed like it).

* Keep in mind I rate my movies based on enjoyment factor alone. I feel that a movie is the sum of it's components and should be considered as such. If in the end I felt that it was worth my time, then it generally means it will be at least a 6/10.


May 30, 2000
The Da Vinci Code - 7/10 Very interesting take on Jesus, that I quite enjoyed. I now await Angels & Demons.


Nov 11, 2004
The Cooler 8/10

WOW was really caught off guard with this movie. Never heard about it in theaters or anything but got it off Netflix and damn it's a good movie. Story, acting, everything was well done. I really like Alec Baldwin in it. Would recommend it to anybody that likes a good story.


Sep 14, 2003
Changeling - 7/10 ... very entertaining and well-made
Milk - 5/10 ... boring at times even by boring biopic standards. Expectations were too high - not oscar-nom worthy
Marley & Me - 6/10 ... better than I expected. Not a date movie as my GF hoped (as evidenced by her balling her eyes out for 30 minutes).


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: zerocool84
The Cooler 8/10

WOW was really caught off guard with this movie. Never heard about it in theaters or anything but got it off Netflix and damn it's a good movie. Story, acting, everything was well done. I really like Alec Baldwin in it. Would recommend it to anybody that likes a good story.

Caught me off guard as well, I quite enjoyed it, though once I knew Macy and Baldwin were in it, I felt it had a good chance.

Step Brothers - 6/10: One of the better Ferrell movies I've seen in a while, which isn't really saying much. It's odd, but this is one of the few comedies I can remember watching in the past long while where I actually laughed more in the second half than the first. Worth a watch if you are in a stupid modd and want a couple of chuckles.

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