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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2007
Amelie 8/10 - Beautiful movie. Romantic story set in France. I love the fact that it makes you feel good about the little things in life. France looks beautiful in the movie. Makes me want to visit France some day.

District B13 8/10 - Very good mindless-violence movie set in France. American action movies can learn a lot from this one. Just don't dig into it too deeply. It is basically a non-stop adrenaline rush. France looks like a dump in the movie. Makes me want to avoid France at all costs.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Arcadio
Amelie 8/10 - Beautiful movie. Romantic story set in France. I love the fact that it makes you feel good about the little things in life. France looks beautiful in the movie. Makes me want to visit France some day.

District B13 8/10 - Very good mindless-violence movie set in France. American action movies can learn a lot from this one. Just don't dig into it too deeply. It is basically a non-stop adrenaline rush. France looks like a dump in the movie. Makes me want to avoid France at all costs.

I don't remember seeing much scenery outside of the District B13, but the setting for the movie is a ghetto. I don't see how you can base not going to France on a movie set in a ghetto...



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: pontifex
Originally posted by: Arcadio
Amelie 8/10 - Beautiful movie. Romantic story set in France. I love the fact that it makes you feel good about the little things in life. France looks beautiful in the movie. Makes me want to visit France some day.

District B13 8/10 - Very good mindless-violence movie set in France. American action movies can learn a lot from this one. Just don't dig into it too deeply. It is basically a non-stop adrenaline rush. France looks like a dump in the movie. Makes me want to avoid France at all costs.

I don't remember seeing much scenery outside of the District B13, but the setting for the movie is a ghetto. I don't see how you can base not going to France on a movie set in a ghetto...

I'm pretty sure he was just trying to highlight the contrast between the two movies he reviewed, both set in France, both with entirely different settings and scenery.



Golden Member
Oct 23, 2007
The Girl who Leapt Through Time - 8/10 - a very good anime movie, good story line, animation, characters. I really enjoyed this movie.

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - 7/10 - pretty funny movie, not as good as knocked up but still a movie with quite a few burst out laughing moments.


Jun 2, 2002
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer - 7/10

Proof - 7/10

Black Snake Moan - 6/10

Flawless - 6/10

Monster's Ball - 8/10


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2002
Paul Blart Mall Cop - 2/10
I really like Kevin James but this was awful for the most part. The majority of the movie is flat out ridiculous. You can tell the parts that the writer/director intended to be funny, yet the only reaction it got from either myself or my GF was a roll of our eyes. There were possibly 2 parts of the entire movie that induced laughter.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Terminator Salvation - 4/10: Meh. Pretty ridiculous plot, with lots of holes, and an extremely stunted, one-dimensional performance from Bale. Some of the action scenes were pretty cool, but everything was too convenient and contrived. The climax was not even all that exciting or interesting and you could see what was coming a mile away. Very disappointing.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Terminator Salvation - 4/10: Meh. Pretty ridiculous plot, with lots of holes, and an extremely stunted, one-dimensional performance from Bale. Some of the action scenes were pretty cool, but everything was too convenient and contrived. The climax was not even all that exciting or interesting and you could see what was coming a mile away. Very disappointing.


Just got back from seeing it. Overall, I was rather disappointed. On it's own, I'd say it was all right, but it was very poorly edited, good but often pointless action in some scenes, and indeed as incongruous as you mention. Suspension of disbelief aside, there is just way too much ridiculous in this one, imo.

as a stand-alone, I'd give it 6/10. As part of the Terminator franchise, I'd say 2/10. complete rubbish compared to even T3.

I dislike Star Trek, and I quite enjoyed that one more than this. I'd give ST a 8/10 in comparison.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
My Name Is Bruce - 7/10 for fans 4/10 for others

Stupid fun as Bruce Campbell plays a caricature of himself, where his drunken has-been actor character is kidnapped to fight a real Chinese demon. The making-of extra on the DVD was entertaining too.

The movie is on Netflix streaming if you have that.

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
Star Trek: 7/10. No Wrath of Khan, but a fun action flick.

Angels and Demons: 6/10. Less problem solving and more action than Da Vinci Code. The ending action was so ridiculous, I started singing the 007 theme making people laugh around me.

Terminator Salvation: 3/10. Uh, this thing was horrible. I didn't think it could be worse then T3 but somehow they made it happen.

There Will Be Blood: -10/10. Every year my family gets together to watch the worst purchased films we each bought that year. We are not allowed to purchase known bad films, but actually purchase ones we thought we would enjoy. The winner receives the other films as a gift, but we are not allowed to ever get rid of the collections. I won this year with this filming masterpiece. I thought my artsy sister would like the film (my worst 10 list includes films she actually likes) but she agreed that the thing was just plain boring. I guess as a character study it wasn't that bad. But in film form it was about 1.5 hours too long.


May 29, 2003
Star Trek (new one): 7/10, was a fun action flick without much in the way of a compelling story but is a good start to hopefully some deeper follow ups.

Terminator Salvation: 7/10, I really enjoyed it regardless of all the non stop hate everyone gives it. It wasn't perfect, but I didn't expect it to be. I look forward to follow ups that will hopefully flesh out some deeper story lines.

Wolverine: 6/10, I really didn't have high hopes for this after the shit fest X3 was but I was at least entertained despite a large number of plot holes or down right poor writing. I do hope this movie leads to a Gambit movie at least. Also there was some terrible CGI scenes in this movie like in the farm house in the bathroom looking at his new claws, just looked like some amateur did that CGI.

Paul Blart, Mall Cop: 3/10, I didn't expect many, if any laughs, but it was free for me to watch and I chuckled a few times, but overall it was really a pretty terrible movie and I'd be pissed if I actually spent money to see it.

Underworld - 3 - Rise of the Lycans: 5/10. It really wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. I kind of liked the first two but this one just wasn't as good as the others but still somewhat entertaining. Worth seeing for free or a rental but not by much.


Nov 28, 2001
Star Trek 6/10 - OK action flick. It did nail a few of the characters down well, Kirk and Spock. Certainly much more action packed than trek usually is. Having said this you will likely be disappointed if you are a trek fan. Overall the film is thematically thin and the dialogue forgettable. Aside from the good performances by Kirk and Spock the other characters are largely just there for nostalgia's sake. I miss Patrick Stewart

Wolverine 5/10 - Better than X3 but that's not saying much. This film hangs almost entirely on Hugh Jackman and luckily he manages to pull the movie up by its boot straps somewhat. The supporting cast of mutants are fun to watch in the opening scenes for sure but they are quickly dispatched to make room for the Sabertooth/Wolverine conflict. Unfortunately this is poorly done and one feels little if any emotional connection with the charcters despite the fact that they actually changed the original ethos by making the two brothers. Then there's Gambit who's character seems to have been poorly grafted onto the script by the writers at the last second. The final fight scenes with Deadpool look more like they have been drawn from Japanese anime (fine by me as I'm a fan) and certainly look cool, but like the rest of the movie its flashy and holds no weight.

The Fountain - 7/10 (Not quite sure what to give this actually) - Ok I saw this with really low expectations given Rotten Tomatoe's reviews and other things I'd heard. I was pleasantly surprised by some of it and agreed about the crapiness of other parts. First and foremost this is a visual and aural experience not so much a deep mental one. Despite what the director was trying to achieve this ends up being mentally something of a shallow and silly movie. It's heavy with metaphor, eastern mysticism imagery, fore and pre shadowing (given the timeline) etc etc.. It's too heavy with this stuff. The love story between Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz actually well developed, not played too over the top and not too melodramatic. The star of this film though is the imagery, sound/music, and editing. If you can forgo the movie for it's over the top metaphors and plot you will enjoy the visual/aural experience. I did.

Star Gate Continuum - 5/10 Meh Just another Star Gate episode, this one just happens to be movie length. Nice to see all the actors together again but nothing else stands out here.

Frost Nixon - 8/10 Fantastic acting on the part of Frank Langella as Nixon! Michael Sheen as David Frost is also very very good. Supporting cast are all excellent with the exception of Kevin Bacon who's more of a distraction than anything else. This is supposed to be set in the 70s and Ron Howard for the most part does an excellent job of putting us right there, then suddenly boom there's Kevin Bacon, not the right choice if you ask me. It's surprising how Howard was able to maintain a feeling of suspense and momentum throughout despite the subject matter being what it is, Hans Zimmer's music helps here.

The Wrestler - 6/10 Over ratted. Yes Mickey Rourke does give a good performance here but it's a bit maudlin if you ask me. In fact the whole movie is a bit maudlin. Nice change of pace for Aronofsky, if he did anything more like the fountain he was heading in a bad direction. The ending you could see coming from a mile away and didn't move me all that much.


Dec 11, 2000
Wolverine 5/10 - I like comic book movies, so on that grounds this got a few points. Hugh Jackman/Wolverine is cool .. the movie itself was fairly bad.

T4 3/10 - Cool action scenes/machines, everything else was God awful.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: KeithTalent
Terminator Salvation - 4/10: Meh. Pretty ridiculous plot, with lots of holes, and an extremely stunted, one-dimensional performance from Bale. Some of the action scenes were pretty cool, but everything was too convenient and contrived. The climax was not even all that exciting or interesting and you could see what was coming a mile away. Very disappointing.


Does Bale go back in time and punch is mother at any point?


Nov 29, 1999

Max Payne: 6/10

Some cool effects, but the movie never really goes anywhere. And it seems to be a victim of some horrible editing. Scenes didn't flow together very well, etc. Watchable, but not much else.

My Name is Bruce: 6/10

A bit too self-referential, even for me. Remind me a bit too much of that Ernest scary movie.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Locut0s
The Fountain - 7/10 (Not quite sure what to give this actually) - Ok I saw this with really low expectations given Rotten Tomatoe's reviews and other things I'd heard. I was pleasantly surprised by some of it and agreed about the crapiness of other parts. First and foremost this is a visual and aural experience not so much a deep mental one. Despite what the director was trying to achieve this ends up being mentally something of a shallow and silly movie. It's heavy with metaphor, eastern mysticism imagery, fore and pre shadowing (given the timeline) etc etc.. It's too heavy with this stuff. The love story between Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz actually well developed, not played too over the top and not too melodramatic. The star of this film though is the imagery, sound/music, and editing. If you can forgo the movie for it's over the top metaphors and plot you will enjoy the visual/aural experience. I did.

You summed up pretty much exactly how I felt about this movie. :thumbsup:

Originally posted by: Locut0s

Frost Nixon - 8/10 Fantastic acting on the part of Frank Langella as Nixon! Michael Sheen as David Frost is also very very good. Supporting cast are all excellent with the exception of Kevin Bacon who's more of a distraction than anything else. This is supposed to be set in the 70s and Ron Howard for the most part does an excellent job of putting us right there, then suddenly boom there's Kevin Bacon, not the right choice if you ask me. It's surprising how Howard was able to maintain a feeling of suspense and momentum throughout despite the subject matter being what it is, Hans Zimmer's music helps here.

Completely agree. Probably my second favourite movie of last year. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Originally posted by: Locut0s
The Wrestler - 6/10 Over ratted. Yes Mickey Rourke does give a good performance here but it's a bit maudlin if you ask me. In fact the whole movie is a bit maudlin. Nice change of pace for Aronofsky, if he did anything more like the fountain he was heading in a bad direction. The ending you could see coming from a mile away and didn't move me all that much.

Completely disagree. By far my favourite film of last year. I was absolutely enthralled by every scene this movie. I couldn't take my eyes off it and I loved every thing about it.



Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: KeithTalent

Originally posted by: Locut0s
The Wrestler - 6/10 Over ratted. Yes Mickey Rourke does give a good performance here but it's a bit maudlin if you ask me. In fact the whole movie is a bit maudlin. Nice change of pace for Aronofsky, if he did anything more like the fountain he was heading in a bad direction. The ending you could see coming from a mile away and didn't move me all that much.

Completely disagree. By far my favourite film of last year. I was absolutely enthralled by every scene this movie. I couldn't take my eyes off it and I loved every thing about it.


Well I should add that I did really like the "in the trenches" shaky filming method used. Best I've ever seen that put to effect. I also did like Marisa Tomei's acting a lot. Just something about the film didn't quite gel for me. That and I was expecting something more given the hype and the director.


Dec 5, 2000
7 pounds - 6/10 - I lost interest towards the end of the movie. way too long, imo. way too disjointed.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Get Smart - 8/10 Good action. Pretty funny. Good chemistry between Max and Agent 99. They didn't really explain why the agent turn on Control though.

Sea Moose

Diamond Member
May 12, 2009
Crank 9.5-10

This would have to be one of ..... THE BEST .... action movies ever. Starring the great Jason Stratham the movie starts out that strathams character is injected with a poisen that only gives him 24hrs to find the antidote and find the person that poisoned him.....

A wild grand theft auto style ride!

(not for kids)


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Bibble
Amadeus - 8.5/10, Funny, thrilling, and, of course, great music! I'd highly recommend renting it if you haven't seen it.

directors cut i hope!!


vicky chrstina barcelona-**/**** bit tiresome woody allen flick, tries to be charming, i guess if you really like woody allen you might like it. scarlett johanson as usual is a bore to watch when its not about the boobies. the other actors were pretty decent, but i got a bit annoyed at the everyone talking like woody allen bit.

star of david-hunting beautiful girls **/****- ok that was more soft core than i thought it would be. i guess its interesting in that it is pretty well made for an exploitation film.

his magestys secret service-*/**** most boring bond film ever!!
i guess watch if you want to see a wtf bond...including marriage...

time crimes ***/**** time travel film where each time a dude goes back in time he f*cks things up worse, in large part because he's an idiot. is a bit silly at times but generally entertaining.

valkarie-***/**** interesting to see how far the conspirators got. wasn't great though. not bad.

the spy who loved me- ***/**** fun to see where the dr evil character came from generally absurd, but entertaining no less.

pineapple express */****
i never. boring as f*ck

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