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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2006
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Bibble
Amadeus - 8.5/10, Funny, thrilling, and, of course, great music! I'd highly recommend renting it if you haven't seen it.

directors cut i hope!!


vicky chrstina barcelona-**/**** bit tiresome woody allen flick, tries to be charming, i guess if you really like woody allen you might like it. scarlett johanson as usual is a bore to watch when its not about the boobies. the other actors were pretty decent, but i got a bit annoyed at the everyone talking like woody allen bit.

star of david-hunting beautiful girls **/****- ok that was more soft core than i thought it would be. i guess its interesting in that it is pretty well made for an exploitation film.

his magestys secret service-*/**** most boring bond film ever!!
i guess watch if you want to see a wtf bond...including marriage...

time crimes ***/**** time travel film where each time a dude goes back in time he f*cks things up worse, in large part because he's an idiot. is a bit silly at times but generally entertaining.

valkarie-***/**** interesting to see how far the conspirators got. wasn't great though. not bad.

the spy who loved me- ***/**** fun to see where the dr evil character came from generally absurd, but entertaining no less.

pineapple express */****
i never. boring as f*ck

Is it really that hard to do a "something out of 10" score?


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2004
Dear Zachary - 8/10 A documentary about a doctor that was murdered in 2001. The filmmaker (a childhood friend of the victim) does a very good job pacing the revelations in the story to build suspense. I don't want to ruin it with details so I'll just say that parts of this movie left me utterly shocked.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Sea Moose
Crank 9.5-10

This would have to be one of ..... THE BEST .... action movies ever. Starring the great Jason Stratham the movie starts out that strathams character is injected with a poisen that only gives him 24hrs to find the antidote and find the person that poisoned him.....

A wild grand theft auto style ride!

(not for kids)

It's up there with Shoot 'em Up for my favorite silly action movies of the last few years.


Nov 27, 2001
No questioning my movie choices as of late!

Baby on Board - 5/10: Well, while watching this movie, while it did have some amusing parts to it and Heather Gram can be a bit of a cutie to look at, it seems the movie didn't really match the synopsis. I think the movie should be renamed "Why Communication Is Key to Marriage" and it will better fit the story.

Strike - 6/10: A sort of weird comedy that wasn't too bad, although it has a bit of stoner-ness to it (and it shows through the characters). The one thing I really noticed about the film is that it uses a bit of LA slang (or what I assume is LA slang) throughout the movie but I never really got a good gist of what exactly they meant when saying it. I think the most commonly used one was "slash" referring to a person being a "something/something" (i.e. "actress/waitress"), but it seemed like the term typically coined these women as slutty/skanky.

Star Trek - 6/10: The problem with Star Trek is that while the characters were fun to see and their antics were amusing regardless of your knowledge of the series' relatively vast background, the story was certainly lacking. The enemy, Nero, had a very weak presence and it was hard to think of him as much more than an over-emotional pointy-eared weirdo on a power trip.

Terminator: Salvation - 5/10: I think the main problem with Terminator 4 is that it just wasn't that exciting and the characters could've been easily replaced with cardboard cut-outs. During a few scenes, John Connor (Christian Bale) felt static and unreal to me that it causes a sense of being detached from his character... to convey with something, we need to relate and I wasn't able to. The action scenes seemed good, but you need a little more than nice action scenes to make a good movie.


May 30, 2000
Terminator: Salvation - 6/10: I thought Batman was horrible in this role. He just had no passion for the part, in fact he was more robotic than the terminators. The action makes the movie. I didn't have a problem with the plot, in fact the basic premise is what I expected.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - 6/10: The best part of this film was Wil Smith's kid. I kept waiting for Neo to go whoa, but it never happened.

Spaceballs - 5/10: I never saw it before this weekend and I wish I never did.


Mar 3, 2009
Continuing my horror movie binge:

100 Feet - 5/10 A woman goes back to her brownstone in NYC under house-arrest for killing her husband. His ghost promptly attempts to murder her and anyone near her. Wasn't awful. Wasn't great....I mean it was alright. Didn't really feel like it went anywhere, but it wasn't a snoozer either. This movie might be the baseline that I judge all other suspense/horror movies by. It was just so middle of the road.

Anamorph- 1/10 I didn't give it a 0 because that rating is reserved for The Core. But this movie is so bad I'm actually taking this review and making it into it's own thread in OT. This was by far the biggest piece of shit I've seen since the core. Don't buy/rent this thing: it's a waste of money. Don't netflix this thing; it'll just waste a space in your queue. Don't download this thing illegally; it's a waste of bandwidth. HORRIBLE movie. Stars Willem Dafoe as a forensic investigator. The movie goes NOWHERE. It's shot with all these film-school cliche color effects on certain scenes. There's also a bizarre girl that's either Dafoe's daughter, ex-lover, AA sponsor, or some combination of the 3. They never say but no matter who she is, all her interactions with Willem are creepy as fuck. This movie just plods along, there's a total of I think 4 murders over the hour and 40 minutes that somehow feels like it's 5 hours long. Did I mention Dafoe has OCD...oooooh his fatal flaw. Eat shit. OOOOH the serial killer is obsessed with Dafoe's character.....fuck yourself. I hated this movie.

Eden Lake - 1/10 I saw this one about 3 weeks after anamorph but I put them together here because they form 2/3s of horrible movie trifecta (along with The Core). A Couple goes on vacation to a flooded quarry (seriously) in the middle of the wilderness. Punk ass 13 year old kids ruin their first day there. Kids then steal the guy's SUV in the night. The couple walks all over an eventually finds the kid's camping. The guy demands his keys and cell phone back from the kids. For some reason his girlfriend starts saying "let's just leave them alone, it's not a big deal". I repeat, she says that losing their car & cellphone is NOT a big deal, and that her boyfriend should just drop it. The kids then try jumping the guy, along with the dog of one of the kids. The dog gets stabbed and dies. The kids start crying. The guy starts apologizing profusely. Yes, after the kids and dog tried killing him, he's apologizing for defending himself. Kids give the keys back and cellphone. Couple gets in the truck and drives off into woods. Kids follow and truck gets stuck, and guy gets pinned by a branch. He tells his gf to go and get help. In the next scene, it's dawn now, so several hours later...and the gf is hiding about 50 yards away after having slept the night there. Way to get help. The guy is found tied up and tortured by the kids. Girl manages to free the guy, guy eventually dies. Girl gets chased around for about an hour in the woods. Girl gets out of woods and stumbles to the nearest house. SUUUURPRISE it's the kid's parents. They kill her because they find out she killed one of the kids that was chasing her. GG. AWFUL movie. The woman or guy could've killed the kids EASILY. They could've run EASILY. They could've gotten out of the woods EASILY. Instead the writers couldn't figure out any way to keep the movie going so they kept having these retards make incredibly stupid mistakes. Just an AWFUL movie. My gf said it wasn't the worst movie she had ever seen. I almost dumped her on the spot.



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: MrMatt
Continuing my horror movie binge:

Damn MrMatt, thanks for torturing yourself to save us from these terrible movies. I almost want to watch some of these to see just how terrible they are. :laugh:



Jan 29, 2005
wall-e - i was in the sony store and they were playing this movie. i didn't want to watch in it the theaters because i thought it looked corny. boy was i wrong. it was a terrific movie very kid friendly (my girls love it to pieces) and very entertaining.

8.5/10 -the lack of dialogue is what kinda killed it for me as a 10.


Dec 5, 2000
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2009) - 7/10 - Better than I thought, based on what people here said. Better than some of the other movies I've seen recently.


Nov 29, 1999
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)


Watched this last night. Horrible. I suppose that they were going for the same effect as the orginal (not a sci-fi movie, but rather one about the human condition,) but this one just failed miserably.


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2002
Max Payne

Thought the art direction was amazing, similar to something like Sin City. Tons of grimy, dark industrial scenes. Characters were meh and the story was all over the place. 5/10



No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
The Day the Earth Stoood Still 2009 -1/10000000 Why on earth did curiosity get the better of me. Even good actors sucked in it.

And no, I was not referring to Keanu.

Bedtime Story 2/10 One of the weaker Sandler films.

The Wresler 7/10 Rouke did his job, I think it's the script that doesn't quite do it. Tomei was good but again the script doesn't quite cut it.

Slumdog Millionaire 5/10 I don't see what the hell all the fuzz was about. Cidade de Deus was so much better on a similar theme.



Nov 29, 1999
Terminator Salvation


Maybe I went in with horribly low expectations, but I dind't find this movie too bad. Some action, some effects, some fights. Some acting was weak, and horrible dialogue, but still watchable.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2003
The Strangers - 8/10 - I thought this was an excellent thriller. The suspense and "scare factor" was done great. It really reminded me of some of the older, classic horror films. They didn't rely on gore and massive violence like many of the newer horror films.

The Incredible Hulk - 6/10 - Some nice action scenes, and decent acting. I didn't care for the story too much. I thought it was better than the 2003 version, but it could have been so much more. I would say it is worth watching.

The Day The Earth Stood Still - 5/10 - Was an OK movie with nice special effects. I was expecting a lot more. Reeves sucks as always.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
Il Divo - 8/10. Loved the cinematography. I got the gist of the story, but it was a bit tough keeping up on the minutae since it's dialogue-driven and I had to use subtitles since it's Italian. Going to be watching it again.
Oct 4, 2004
Revolutionary Road - 9/10

Leo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet, directed by Sam Mendes. Entertaining movie with a very minimal plot. Young couple that have a house in a nice neighborhood with cute kids; absolutely loathing the fact that they live normal, ordinary, otherwise fairly happy lives. So they come up with a outrageous plan that will turn their lives around, fill it with adventure, romance and Europe-ness. And then it's straight to the shitter as a clash between idealism and realism ensues.

Totally performance-oriented movie. Winslet was good and came off rather effortless. Leo had a little more room for high-octane theatrics and was thoroughly convincing. Enjoyable movie if you don't mind a slower-pace and 'not much happening.' Not American Beauty but good in its own right.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Taken 8/10

Bad people take Liam Neeson's daughter, big mistake. Good serious Luc Besson action movie and Neeson is perfectly believable in it.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
One Eyed Monster 8/10
"Adult film stars Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart reunite in this hilarious homage to horror. Stranded by a storm, the cast and crew of a porn flick fall prey to a vicious killer when Ron's (Jeremy) dismembered member is possessed by a bloodthirsty alien. Now they'll have to destroy the slithering monster before it spreads its deadly seed across the world. Amber Benson, Carmen Hart and Charles Napier also star."

That either sounds like the greatest movie idea ever to you in which case you will love it or the worst idea ever in which case you will hate it. Very little nudity so don't expect a porno. Worth it for the extras alone.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Wall-E - 10/10 Great movie with animated Number 5

I will get flamed for the next one but

The Happening - 7/10 Mark Walbergh (?) was a bit to stiff but I like the premise and the overall storyline.

The Missing Corpse 7/10 Stellar B comedy movie. Guy has words with another man who winds up dead. The corpse then shows up in his car on his vacation. First it's here then it's there.

You can download it here. No worries as it is public domain.

Anything 3 Stooges or A&C 100/10 The boys are always in fine form


Nov 11, 2004
Drag Me To Hell 5/10

I really don't know how to rate this movie. It was extremely campy and super predictable. You already know what's going to happen in every scene. Some parts were funny but everything else was meh. I guess it's a good date movie cus that's the only reason why I went to see it. It scared people a couple times. It's getting good reviews on rottentomatoes but I don't feel it was that good. I did enjoy some parts but it was too predictable to me to rate it any higher.


Oct 11, 1999
Body of Lies 8.5/10
I listed this one about a month ago and said I was going to rewatch to see if my 8 still fit. Well I've watched it twice since then and really like this movie. There are some funny parts to it too.
"If you're not thinking about pussy, you're just no concentrating"
"Well that was fucking embarrassing. You still thinkin' about pussy, Ed?"

Taken 6.5/10
Thought at first it would be too short form the runtime, but it was fast paced and while nothing special, entertaining enough.

Tears of the Sun 8/10
This one doesn't get good enough ratings. I seen it in the $5 bin at Walmart for a while so I picked it up last year. Its one of my favorite movies. The SEAL characters are very likeable and the action is excellent.

The Jackal 6/10
I remember this one a long time ago so I rented it again. It is decent but I thought I remember liking it more ~8 years ago.


May 30, 2000
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian 7/10: Truly a fun movie. Yeah it's prdictable, and the plot is a bit weak, but I liked it anyway. Hank Azaria simply steals it, and Amy Adams is my kind of girl.

Notorious 7/10: Good portrayal of the short life Christopher Wallace. I'll never understand that whole east coast / west coast feud.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
Damn I hate to admit this but I just saw this on the movie channel.

Mighty Aphrodite 8/10 I usually cannot stand the Woody Allen thing but this was quick funny and Miro Sorvino is hot at least in this movie.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2005
Up - 9/10 - A bit depressing, but this is amazing considering it's a bunch of disproportioned cartoon characters. Voice acting is top notch, and it's very enjoyable for everyone; I did cringe at the trailers targeted at 8 year olds though.


Nov 29, 1999
The Man from Earth (imdb)


This was a pretty enjoyable movie, if you prefer the type. It's basically just 5-6 people sitting around a living room and talking, and the acting is a bit off, but it was still somewhat thought-provoking and entertaining.
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