Little girl shooting minigun

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Jan 31, 2005
Originally posted by: LordSegan

LA city deaths: In 2004, there were 31,245 recorded violent crimes of which 518 were homicides.

Israel has a VERY VERY VERY low non-war related gun homicide rate which is about 2.3 per 1 million, or about 15 per year

I think that was his point. LA has strict gun control laws, while in Israel most citizens own automatic weapons. Yet, LA's gun violence rate is much higher.

It's not the legal gun ownership that's the problem, it's the people in those places.


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2002
Outstanding. I am pretty sure my 5 year old will be watching cartoons instead of shooting BARs on Saturday mornings. I am all for gun rights and all, but there really is not positive message conveyed by having a 5 year old shoot up some cars with a gun larger than her. $20 says this ends up on some congressman's desk who is trying to ban guns?



Platinum Member
Mar 31, 2005
My Dad is a cop so he got a bunch of homeschoolers into what is basically S.W.A.T. Canada for a tour, the guy took us out to the shooting range and we got to shoot an MP5 machine gun with targets and whatnot, there was a 5 year old there, she pulled the trigger and almost fell over. It was a highlight of the year for me.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2004
Originally posted by: KristopherKubicki
Outstanding. I am pretty sure my 5 year old will be watching cartoons instead of shooting BARs on Saturday mornings. I am all for gun rights and all, but there really is not positive message conveyed by having a 5 year old shoot up some cars with a gun larger than her. $20 says this ends up on some congressman's desk who is trying to ban guns?


Sorry but this isn't too uncommon. Little kids shoot automatic weapons all the time, most times their parents own the multi-thousand dollar weapons. It?s just not common to people who don't deal with firearms or attend shooting shows.


Diamond Member
Jun 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: paulney
It's a video of a little girl and some rednecks reenacting Apocalypse Now :roll:
With real miniguns, explosives and other massive firepower


Those aren't miniguns. :roll: Those are .50 cal mounted machine guns. Miniguns have multiple barrels, spin, and require massive amounts of electricity to run.

Nothing wrong with a girl that young doing so, either.




Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
Two words: Red-Neck. :disgust:

Self Defense

For every time a gun in the home is used in a self-defense homicide, a gun will be used in?

* 1.3 unintentional deaths

* 4.6 criminal homicides

* 37 suicides22

In 1997 there were 15,690 homicides.

* Of these, 8,503 were committed with handguns.

* Among handgun homicides, only 193 (2.3 percent) were classified as justifiable homicides by civilians.23

For every time in 1997 that a civilian used a handgun to kill in self-defense, 43 people lost their lives in handgun homicides alone.24

More stats

FACT: Comparison of U.S. gun homicides to other industrialized countries:
In 1998 (the most recent year for which this data has been compiled), handguns murdered:

* 373 people in Germany
* 151 people in Canada
* 57 people in Australia
* 19 people in Japan
* 54 people in England and Wales, and
* 11,789 people in the United States

(*Please note that these 1998 numbers account only for HOMICIDES, and do not include suicides, which comprise and even greater number of gun deaths, or unintentional shootings).

FACT: Among 26 industrialized nations, 86% of gun deaths among children under age 15 occurred in the United States.

FACT: While handguns account for only one-third of all firearms owned in the United States, they account for more than two-thirds of all firearm-related deaths each year. A gun kept in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a homicide, suicide or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.
- Kellerman AL, Lee RK, Mercy JA, et al. "The Epidemiological Basis for the Prevention of Firearm Injuries." Annu. Rev. Public Health. 1991; 12:17-40

The Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

- 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

- since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

- Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

- Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers. (The NRA wants these moves reversed)

If Osama bin Laden had had more sense, instead of launching a terrorist attack, he would simply have provided financial backing to the NRA.


Glad not all Americans are like this, but there's way too many already.


Sep 7, 2001
Ah yes, the same worn-out discredited 'factoids' from the antigun Violence Policy Center and other choice hoplophobes. The last one is fairly representative of the lot....
Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers.
Actually, those restrictions were made in the early 20th century (e.g. Sullivan Act), and again in the mid-20th century (GCA 1968). And guess what? Didn't touch the homicide rates. These cities still represent some of the highest homicide rates in the world among major urban centers. In fact, there is not a single case in modern history where the enactment of gun control can be correlated with a decrease in violent crime or homicide.

After the Sullivan Act of 1911 was enacted in N.Y., which H. L. Mencken described as "one of the most absurd specimens of jackass legislation ever heard of", gun suicides declined but gun homicides actually increased. I notice Washington D.C. wasn't mentioned, where homicide rates skyrocketed after a sweeping ban on handguns was enacted.

Even better, most gun control laws passed in major cities were intended to disarm those unsavory brown people and other undesirable minorities, who threatened to make the business of oppression more difficult for white political establishments with pesky armed uprisings. The Black Code and Jim Crow were replete with gun restrictions, giving always-white law enforcement unfettered discretion over whom was or wasn't fit to own or possess firearms.

Of course, if you travel just 30 miles outside some of these urban centers with stringent gun control to communities with high gun ownership rates and lax gun control laws, guess what? Yup, the homicide and gun violence rates plummet to European levels. More guns = less crime.

The Klan would have been ardent supporters of organizations like the Violence Policy Center. We know they surely hated the National Rifle Association, having been founded after the Civil War by Union Army officers, electing as NRA president a war hero who was notorious for authorizing brutal methods of suppressing the Klan (Ulysses S. Grant).



Diamond Member
May 22, 2001
Originally posted by: LordSegan
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: LordSegan
I like that none of the gun nuts have responded to me now that I brought out a few facts. I'm going to assume that you rest your cases.

LA County's population is 50% higher than Israel's. It is naive to assume that if people didn't have guns, they'd stop killing people. I suspect LA has a lot of gun deaths because it has a lot of gangs. If you take away their guns they'll kill each other with knives.

Sorry buddy, but I'm talking LA CITY 3.8 million people. Read my post a little more carefully next time. IL has a pop of 6 mil +

(seriously, go re-read my post)

research more facts. you need to factor in population density.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2000
*siiiiighhhh* You Americans and your guns.... go ahead and blow yourselves up, "and decrease the surplus population" as Dickens would put it.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2001
Originally posted by: brigden
Originally posted by: newParadigm
Originally posted by: brigden
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: brigden
You can't argue with me because I'm right, so you try to attack me personally. Brilliant.

I can guarentee if you took a list of the 100 most cultured, sophisticated individuals modern American society has to offer, not a single one of them would list "shooting large automatic weapons and blowing up cars" as a hobby or interest.

However, should you make a list of the 100 most ignorant, ass-backward hicks of modern American society, a large majority would claim to be lifetime members to that club in that video.

You idiots are so blind to your own repulsive, philistine lives.

Not only are you using fallacious reasoning, it requires a subjective assessment of what is "cultured" and "sophisticated."

Philistine... could you BE more of a cliche?


Blowing up cars isn't cultured entertainment by ANY stretch of the imagination.

Why is blowing up cars any different than watching chemicals explode in the sky at a fireworks display?

Because blowing up cars is juvenille.

dude, you are dense


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Desslok
Originally posted by: Nik
Originally posted by: paulney
It's a video of a little girl and some rednecks reenacting Apocalypse Now :roll:
With real miniguns, explosives and other massive firepower


Those aren't miniguns. :roll: Those are .50 cal mounted machine guns. Miniguns have multiple barrels, spin, and require massive amounts of electricity to run.

Nothing wrong with a girl that young doing so, either.

&FTW, get the facts straight please.


Senior member
Mar 18, 2004
I've seen about 5 pages of meanderings on the pros and cons of the right to bear arms and what little girls should know about the capability of firearms to utterly destroy another human being. Intermixed is an utterly inane discussion of what kind or brand of firearm she was firing. Well dispersed throughout is an overwhelmingly frightening dosage of absolute ignorance.

At a time when so many of our young people are in a faraway land being subjected every day to the threat or the actuality of having that "amusing" deadly fusilade directed at them, such demonstrations of "good clean fun" merely serve to demonstrate that segments of our population are no better than those we fight in Afghanistan and Iraq.

They are armed and are practicing for the day they feel they must protect themselves (heaven knows the government can't do it) from the "American" brand of infidel be he or she Brown, Black, Jewish, Yellow, Red or Liberal. If you want to know the infidel flavor of the day just ask any member of these gun-toting groups. A segment of them has decided they need to patrol our southern borders with Mexico so perhaps the "enemy" now is Brown.

Don't be fooled (some of you already are fools and fooled). No matter the trappings of such weapons worship, its ultimate purpose is to protect home and family (and little girls) from infidels. It started when they earned the right to need protection from those pesky Native Americans who had the audacity to live here in a continent they believed they had the right to own and control. Then those darn darkies that they forced here to do their labor and make them rich had the audacity to cry foul and fight against thier oppressors.

Down through the years it's been cattlemen versus farmers versus sheepmen versus goldminers, versus Irishman, Italians, Jews etc. ad nauseum.

Our society (oxymoron?) harbors a paranoid sickness marked by blind selfishness, and group, pack-like behavior that has always had to have someone to fear and defend against. One could almost say thank-you for middle east terrorists with the same sentiments that gave us a place to focus our inherently violent natures for a while.

That video wasn't amusing. Firing weapons at anything to relish in the damage you can inflict is not fun to a healthy psyche. Dare I say check the bible? Great risk in that because the same twisted reasoning that I see demonstrated in some of these posts has been applied to God's word and twisted to enable such outrageous behaviors as has been a part of America's history. A Black man hanging from a tree has been celebrated by little girls no older than the one firng the automatic weapon and bolstered by a cheering laughing crowd of onlookers.

No - all of this saddens me. This cancer of hatred and violence is destroying our nation from within far faster than our enemies without could have hoped for. A 14 year old girl watches her 18 year old boyfriend kill her father and runs of with him to supposedly live happily ever after. A productive, contributing, upstanding member of society and her community is ruthlessly slain by a 15 year old. Why? Young people kill school principals, one another and innocents. Why? Video games? Or experienceing the real thing like the little girl in the video. Grown men steal, kidnap and murder little girls and boys for the satisfaction of their carnal lusts. Pornography is a billion dollar a year business. Parents must strive have an equal zeal to protect thier young children from this brand of infidel who receives less attention because he is a 99% white male infidel.

Probably, once this young lady reaches 15 or 16 years of age if not younger, she is fair game in the world these gun-toting fanatics populate.

Don't be amused. Be ashamed.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
Yeah, the whole "right to bear arms" thing is an outdated concept IMO. At the end of every arguement it always comes to that doesn't it.

I just don't see the need. I live in a middle class community and am pretty confident invaders aren't coming through my front door anytime soon. For those of us living in the ghetto, maybe it's a different story - but there's nobody to blame but us. We let it get to this point and it's a vicious circle. So let the killings continue.

And for those who say people kill people, guns don't kill people - you can't tell me it isn't easier and a hell of a lot safer for the attacker to gun somebody down instead of stabbing them with a knife or beating them with a baseball bat.

I agree with jimmyj68. People like those depicted in the video aren't playing with a full deck.

BTW, I'm an American and have the right and duty to question my leaders and constitution.



Dec 6, 2004
if you take away every single gun in the united states, everyone is not gonna say "oh well no more guns, i wont kill them". If they wanted to kill someone in the first place, not having a gun is not gonna stop them.


Golden Member
Oct 16, 1999
Originally posted by: AznAnarchy99
if you take away every single gun in the united states, everyone is not gonna say "oh well no more guns, i wont kill them". If they wanted to kill someone in the first place, not having a gun is not gonna stop them.



Xyo II

Platinum Member
Oct 12, 2005
Originally posted by: CFster
Originally posted by: AznAnarchy99
if you take away every single gun in the united states, everyone is not gonna say "oh well no more guns, i wont kill them". If they wanted to kill someone in the first place, not having a gun is not gonna stop them.


Actually, they will just use cars, and call it an accident.


Apr 9, 2000
that is fvcking awesome.

I'm not a hunter or a gun owner yet, but I will definately be teaching my daughter how to shoot a gun when she gets older. She's too damn froofy as it is now


Apr 9, 2000
Originally posted by: homestarmy
I didn't think cars really blew up that big in real life, I thought that was over exaggerated in the movies...

that was a movie


Sep 7, 2001
No matter the trappings of such weapons worship, its ultimate purpose is to protect home and family (and little girls) from infidels. It started when they earned the right to need protection from those pesky Native Americans who had the audacity to live here in a continent they believed they had the right to own and control.
Actually, it started long before that in Europe with various struggles of peasant classes and the otherwise disenfranchised to break the monopoly on the means of force (i.e. resistence) which was used to oppress them. These struggles continued to serve as the principle basis and origin of a right to keep and bear arms in early America.

It is ARMS CONTROL which was almost always motivated by racism, religious discrimination, and a tool of oppression.
Then those darn darkies that they forced here to do their labor and make them rich had the audacity to cry foul and fight against thier oppressors.
And imagine that the pre-eminent gun rights organization representing all these white oppressors actually fought against the disarming of blacks in the South. More recently, the NRA won an injuction against New Orleans officials in federal court barring them from systematically entering homes and confiscating firearms after Katrina, which were the only protection people had after a complete breakdown in law and order.

Even surgeons and doctors (e.g. typical religious zealots) were carrying guns for protection in the wake of Katrina, as documented by a "First-Hand Report of the New Orleans Tragedy" by Scott Delacroix, Jr., MD published in MedScape Online (who was packing a .38 for protection while entering the hot zone to help save lives).

Be ashamed...of your abysmally one-sided 'Hollywood' understanding of history (though increasingly common).
Yeah, the whole "right to bear arms" thing is an outdated concept IMO. At the end of every arguement it always comes to that doesn't it....BTW, I'm an American and have the right and duty to question my leaders and constitution.
You absolutely have that right to express your opinion, and you are also not alone in your view that the Constitution is 'old' and, thus, should be ignored.

The Framers gave to us a method for changing the Constitution precisely for these very circumstances when society no longer believes some part of the Constitution serves them, known as the amendment process. Making an end-run around the Constitution for ANY right only sets precedent and lays the groundwork for further end-runs, perhaps around those rights you "feel" are still relevant.

In fact, most of the legislation and court decisions the ACLU and American left have vigorously opposed in recent years as end-runs around the Constitution succeeded based on the exact same legal reasoning and theories that were made acceptable by previous end-runs around the Constitution; namely, abuse of the commerce clause and the right to keep and bear arms (championed by the very same American left). Oops!
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