Live the lie, fight the truth...


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

Awwwww poor Klixx , apparently you are too far away for the Brainwashing waves to reach you.

Don't worry I'm sure you be converted and assimulated before the next 4 years is out.

I have a problem (No surprise, many say it all the time here) in that I've tried taking all the layers of Tin-Foil off to submit to this Politial and Religious correctness of the Bush Regime and Era but the Brainwashing waves haven't been able to penetrate my thick skull yet either.

So for now you have company.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

Awwwww poor Klixx , apparently you are too far away for the Brainwashing waves to reach you.

Don't worry I'm sure you be converted and assimulated before the next 4 years is out.

I have a problem (No surprise, many say it all the time here) in that I've tried taking all the layers of Tin-Foil off to submit to this Politial and Religious correctness of the Bush Regime and Era but the Brainwashing waves haven't been able to penetrate my thick skull yet either.

So for now you have company.

Good to know, you'll have to get the Patron though, way cheaper over there.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

I agree.

"I would never say that this is the beginning of a new Holocaust. But this is how it starts." - Barbara John, Germany's former commissioner for foreigners.

Yet people are still belligerent and hellbent on refusing to see the truth.
Sep 12, 2004
Funny that you should be quoting Goering in regards to the US while the neo-nazis are making significant inroads into German government lately.


Oct 11, 1999
Klixxer, you know the "Freedom Fries" is really a joke over here right?

I've never seen it in print on any resturaunt menu yet...

And yep, we're over reacting since 9-11, it's to be expected.

I suspect the voters in the states will mellow as time goes on, there isn't popular support for the war in Iraq already, one could argue the missle defense shield keeps us working on technology, helping the inverted pyramid of technology growth concept, and maybe telling China/NK to be careful, plus our court system is slowly churning through the civil liberties violations, proving the check & balance system here works, albeit slowly & sporadically, but it works.

Had Germany lost as many people as we did in the WTC terrorism, I suspect you'd see a very similar reaction.

The learning curve about global politics is fairly steep, we've been big enough that we've essentially ignored international politics for a very long time, I have faith in the US public becoming more sophisticated in a relatively short period of time.


Diamond Member
May 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Klixxer, you know the "Freedom Fries" is really a joke over here right?

I've never seen it in print on any resturaunt menu yet...

And yep, we're over reacting since 9-11, it's to be expected.

I suspect the voters in the states will mellow as time goes on, there isn't popular support for the war in Iraq already, one could argue the missle defense shield keeps us working on technology, helping the inverted pyramid of technology growth concept, and maybe telling China/NK to be careful, plus our court system is slowly churning through the civil liberties violations, proving the check & balance system here works, albeit slowly & sporadically, but it works.

Had Germany lost as many people as we did in the WTC terrorism, I suspect you'd see a very similar reaction.

The learning curve about global politics is fairly steep, we've been big enough that we've essentially ignored international politics for a very long time, I have faith in the US public becoming more sophisticated in a relatively short period of time.

CBS news

House cafeterias will be serving fries with a side order of patriotism Tuesday with a decision by GOP lawmakers to replace the "French" cuisine with "freedom fries."

"This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France," said Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, chairman of the House Administration Committee.
Ney, whose panel oversees House operations, ordered the House Administrative officer to change the menus in House office building cafeterias to read "freedom fries" and "freedom toast."

The House action follows moves by several restaurants around the country to remove "French" fries from their menus to protest French opposition to U.S. military action in Iraq.
Also leading the anti-French campaign was Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., who noted in a letter to colleagues that Cubbie's restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., in his district, was now serving "freedom fries."

it's always nice to see that politicians are busy with important things and not trivial stuff like renaming
fried potatoes


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

You guys see way too far into this. You are all pissed off over ONE WAR, you act like the US is now Hitler Germany because we removed one evil dictator. I'll tell you why the message is about spreading democracy in the middle's because we didn't find WMD so we have to have another excuse. Does that make the war wrong or Bush evil? Hell no, you guys are insane. We didn't go to Iraq for money (it's costing us billions) or oil (we dont get any of it), so what's the reason? Maybe, just maybe, we went b/c we thought he had WMD and would pass them on to terrorists. You guys make up all these grand conspiracy theories that are just that, conspiracy theories with no basis in fact and no foundation for truth.


Feb 4, 2002
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

I think were making some of our own problems with terrorism by invading Iraq but at the same time I can't help but feel that if we had a terrorist like Bin Laden in our country terrorizing other countries and organizing terrorist training camps to do the same we would have caught him long ago. Especially after an international incident such as 9/11.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
It's interesting how many here argue against imposing the American system of beliefs upon other nations (namely, the Middle East), whereas the same people often feel quite free to overlay their own beliefs onto what America should abide by.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?


Diamond Member
May 7, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
It's interesting how many here argue against imposing the American system of beliefs upon other nations (namely, the Middle East), whereas the same people often feel quite free to overlay their own beliefs onto what America should abide by.

there is a big difference between having an "opinion" and actually invading a country on the basis of bogus information and then afterwards start whining that these countries who opposed this illegal invasion are not contributing enough for the rebuilding



Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Let's say you are a police officer, and you get a report that someone is out there that committed a crime and he has a tatoo. You start looking for people with a that discrimination against people with tatoos to look extra close at people with tatoos?


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: yllus
It's interesting how many here argue against imposing the American system of beliefs upon other nations (namely, the Middle East), whereas the same people often feel quite free to overlay their own beliefs onto what America should abide by.

And yet other people feel free to impose their beliefs not just on America but the world as well! :roll:


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

Couldn't have said it better myself. You're gonna catch alot of flak but that is what happens when you speak honestly in a time of universal deception.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Let's say you are a police officer, and you get a report that someone is out there that committed a crime and he has a tatoo. You start looking for people with a that discrimination against people with tatoos to look extra close at people with tatoos?

There is a distinct difference between the two situations. I'm not in the mood and I don't have the time to explain away this petty bullsh!t with you, though, because apparently you're both convinced that racial profiling is acceptable. Kudos to you and your right to believe what you wish.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Let's say you are a police officer, and you get a report that someone is out there that committed a crime and he has a tatoo. You start looking for people with a that discrimination against people with tatoos to look extra close at people with tatoos?

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
I love how some of you won't try to refute it but rather yeall "look at germany!!".

So you are saying that the US is worthless and discriminatory but it's ok because Germany is too?

Listen up fvckers, yeah, Germany has it's share of problems, it might even be as bad as the US, if you want to complain about that, start a thread about it, this thread is NOT about Germany's problems.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Let's say you are a police officer, and you get a report that someone is out there that committed a crime and he has a tatoo. You start looking for people with a that discrimination against people with tatoos to look extra close at people with tatoos?

There is a distinct difference between the two situations. I'm not in the mood and I don't have the time to explain away this petty bullsh!t with you, though, because apparently you're both convinced that racial profiling is acceptable. Kudos to you and your right to believe what you wish.

Because I support the racial profiling of Muslims at this point in time has nothing to do with blacks, chinese, indians, or anyone else. If they start letting terrorists run training camps that are actually commiting terrorist acts around the globe in their countries then I could support their racial profiling as well.

Kudos to you and your beliefs as well. As my sig says, it's not who's right that counts, it's who's left. The survivors get to right the history books.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Let's say you are a police officer, and you get a report that someone is out there that committed a crime and he has a tatoo. You start looking for people with a that discrimination against people with tatoos to look extra close at people with tatoos?

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

You can't disguish people by religion. You can disguish them by physical attributes, including tatoo's, scars, and yes, skin color. Racial profiling isn't persecution, it's called using your time and resources wisely. I never said I was for or against it, I'm just trying to explain the reasoning for it. It's a touchy subject, and I honestly don't know if I'm for or against it. BTW, I'm not religious so your Christian persecution thing didn't touch a nerve

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Originally posted by: Klixxer
I love how some of you won't try to refute it but rather yeall "look at germany!!".

So you are saying that the US is worthless and discriminatory but it's ok because Germany is too?

Listen up fvckers, yeah, Germany has it's share of problems, it might even be as bad as the US, if you want to complain about that, start a thread about it, this thread is NOT about Germany's problems.

It's about Germany or France or the UN or Clinton or Saddam. When you have a morally bankrupt policy, the best you can do is divert. We aren't as bad as Saddam because we havent killed as many as he did. Isn't that reassuring. We haven't locked up as many people without being charged as the USSR. That makes us better.

I saw a comment that you were getting worked up for nothing because it's just ONE war.



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: slyedog
more "gloom and doom" worry about your own country. we will take care of ours.

Ahhh, but you see, if you did, this post would not exist as i would have no problem with that.

When you establish a policy that goes beyond your borders you give up the right to handle it "internally".

If you are saying that was a stupid move, well, i could not agree more.

"Hey, they are pissed because we are meddling with their countries" What a shocker, huh? the US has been meddling with the business of the ME for a couple of decades and they are getting pissed about it, the solution? Kill them?

How about something a wee bit more intelligent? You know like, "yeah, it was wrong, we will stay out of your affairs from now on."?

That would have been the solution of a bigger man.


Sep 10, 2001
For once I'll agree with Klixxer. Problems in the US are a problem for everyone whether we/they like it or not. We have our hand in the world's cookie jar -- if we slip off the stool we used to get up there, the whole thing will break.

I wish I could see a good solution to the worst problems that we find ourselves in now, but I really can't. I don't have the wisdom or experience to even make useful suggestions. The only hope is that someone has wisdom and experience as these times require and that they can rectify things before it spirals completely out of control.
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