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Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: WinstonSmith
Originally posted by: Klixxer
I love how some of you won't try to refute it but rather yeall "look at germany!!".

So you are saying that the US is worthless and discriminatory but it's ok because Germany is too?

Listen up fvckers, yeah, Germany has it's share of problems, it might even be as bad as the US, if you want to complain about that, start a thread about it, this thread is NOT about Germany's problems.

It's about Germany or France or the UN or Clinton or Saddam. When you have a morally bankrupt policy, the best you can do is divert. We aren't as bad as Saddam because we havent killed as many as he did. Isn't that reassuring. We haven't locked up as many people without being charged as the USSR. That makes us better.

I saw a comment that you were getting worked up for nothing because it's just ONE war.


"We aren't as bad as Saddam because we havent killed as many as he did" as a supporter of SH and a provider of the means the US was, indirectly, responsible for a lot of what he did.

OR."We aren't as bad as Saddam because we havent killed as many as he did" - yet.

Last i looked WWII was also just ONE war, i don't know why people were so upset about Hitler, it was, after all just ONE war.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: slyedog
more "gloom and doom" worry about your own country. we will take care of ours.

Ahhh, but you see, if you did, this post would not exist as i would have no problem with that.

When you establish a policy that goes beyond your borders you give up the right to handle it "internally".

If you are saying that was a stupid move, well, i could not agree more.

"Hey, they are pissed because we are meddling with their countries" What a shocker, huh? the US has been meddling with the business of the ME for a couple of decades and they are getting pissed about it, the solution? Kill them?

How about something a wee bit more intelligent? You know like, "yeah, it was wrong, we will stay out of your affairs from now on."?

That would have been the solution of a bigger man.

If only the world worked like that. You think they'd forgive us? Hah, yeah right.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.
Detaining someone because they're 'suspicious' IS the greatest insanity of all, and contrary to everything that this country supposedly stands for.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
For once I'll agree with Klixxer. Problems in the US are a problem for everyone whether we/they like it or not. We have our hand in the world's cookie jar -- if we slip off the stool we used to get up there, the whole thing will break.

I wish I could see a good solution to the worst problems that we find ourselves in now, but I really can't. I don't have the wisdom or experience to even make useful suggestions. The only hope is that someone has wisdom and experience as these times require and that they can rectify things before it spirals completely out of control.

Actually, that was a very good way of putting it, stool-foundationg must be stable.

And it really isn't.

A good solution would be to work together instead of the US shunning the rest of the world and deeming the extreme majority of it "irrelevant".

The UN was created for a reason, it was a good reason and that reason is also why the US dislikes it so much, working together and not being the bully on crack seems to be a solution forgotten by many.

Most people who are against the UN have no idea what the UN really is and all the good it does.

The day the UN is scrapped is the day that the Nazi ideas have won, it was created to make sure it could not happen again, it is extremely Ironic that the forefront nation of the UN and against the Nazi agenda are now shunning the very ideas it helped create in a time of friendship between nations.

For me, this is a very personal thing as the holocaust or Hitlers Germany is not just history, it's MY history.

When they come for my muslim neighbour i will be in their way, because i KNOW that if i am not, eventually they will come for me, that day, my muslim neighbour will be in their way.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.
Detaining someone because they're 'suspicious' IS the greatest insanity of all, and contrary to everything that this country supposedly stands for.

I'm guessing you've never went through customs to get into another country? It's no different then coming out of a bar late at night and having a officer see that and pull you over to check you out. He has reasonable cause to do so. I guess I think at this point in time a person of mid-eastern descent going through a major airport should/would certainly draw my attention if I were a secruitiy officer.

What do you think would be a good reason to detain someone who might be a terrorist? A gun or a grenade hanging on his belt?? It's a tough call of where that line is, isn't it. When peoples lives are at stake, I think we should err on the side of caution. The last thing this country needs is another 9/11. It would start WW3.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: slyedog
more "gloom and doom" worry about your own country. we will take care of ours.

Ahhh, but you see, if you did, this post would not exist as i would have no problem with that.

When you establish a policy that goes beyond your borders you give up the right to handle it "internally".

If you are saying that was a stupid move, well, i could not agree more.

"Hey, they are pissed because we are meddling with their countries" What a shocker, huh? the US has been meddling with the business of the ME for a couple of decades and they are getting pissed about it, the solution? Kill them?

How about something a wee bit more intelligent? You know like, "yeah, it was wrong, we will stay out of your affairs from now on."?

That would have been the solution of a bigger man.

If only the world worked like that. You think they'd forgive us? Hah, yeah right.

No, some would still be angry and try to cause pain, to protect yourself against them would have costed a lot less than a full scale invasion of Iraq though, and it would most definently have had a very nice effect on the world community, i doubt you would not have the backing of EVERY single nation on this earth (excpt for 2-3 perhpas).

If you think the war in Iraq is for the US protection or for the Iraqi's freedom then i ask you WHY you believe that, it makes no sense to me.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

I hope you want to stay for a few years, you will be tortured psychologically and perhaps even physically, not because you did something wrong but because you beling to a specific race or religion.

You see, you won't be charged with anything, legal representation is therefore unneccessary, ther will be no trial and you will be kept indefinently.

You are saying that you are willing to give up a bit of freedom for a bit of security?

I am saying that you are wrong and that it is against the ideals that the US was built upon to have to do that.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.
Detaining someone because they're 'suspicious' IS the greatest insanity of all, and contrary to everything that this country supposedly stands for.


That goes for ANY free country.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

I hope you want to stay for a few years, you will be tortured psychologically and perhaps even physically, not because you did something wrong but because you beling to a specific race or religion.

You see, you won't be charged with anything, legal representation is therefore unneccessary, ther will be no trial and you will be kept indefinently.

You are saying that you are willing to give up a bit of freedom for a bit of security?

I am saying that you are wrong and that it is against the ideals that the US was built upon to have to do that.

What are you talking about? Who's going to be tortured?


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.
Detaining someone because they're 'suspicious' IS the greatest insanity of all, and contrary to everything that this country supposedly stands for.

I'm guessing you've never went through customs to get into another country? It's no different then coming out of a bar late at night and having a officer see that and pull you over to check you out. He has reasonable cause to do so. I guess I think at this point in time a person of mid-eastern descent going through a major airport should/would certainly draw my attention if I were a secruitiy officer.

What do you think would be a good reason to detain someone who might be a terrorist? A gun or a grenade hanging on his belt?? It's a tough call of where that line is, isn't it. When peoples lives are at stake, I think we should err on the side of caution. The last thing this country needs is another 9/11. It would start WW3.

You don't have to act suspicious, just carrying a copy of the Koran or looking like a Muslim will do to give you special treatment, you are not suspected of anything really, so you won't be charged with anything, but you will get your own very nice cell, indefinently.

I hope that is ok, i mean, a member of your race/religion did something, you do understand you have to pay for that?

Treating a specific race/religion differently is most definently persecution, that is, in fact, the very definition of persecution.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ntdz
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

I hope you want to stay for a few years, you will be tortured psychologically and perhaps even physically, not because you did something wrong but because you beling to a specific race or religion.

You see, you won't be charged with anything, legal representation is therefore unneccessary, ther will be no trial and you will be kept indefinently.

You are saying that you are willing to give up a bit of freedom for a bit of security?

I am saying that you are wrong and that it is against the ideals that the US was built upon to have to do that.

What are you talking about? Who's going to be tortured?

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

I hope you want to stay for a few years, you will be tortured psychologically and perhaps even physically, not because you did something wrong but because you beling to a specific race or religion.

You see, you won't be charged with anything, legal representation is therefore unneccessary, ther will be no trial and you will be kept indefinently.

Now where has that happened to people moving through the transportaion system of this country?

You are saying that you are willing to give up a bit of freedom for a bit of security?

I'm saying they can do it to me right now if they want to and it's been that way for a long time now so I don't see it as giving up any freedom. We've lost a lot of freedom because of 9/11, but that isn't the case here. It's just a news item because it gives people something basically unimportant to whine about, because it's supposedly "racist", and because it sells newspapers/commercials. To me it's a non issue

I am saying that you are wrong and that it is against the ideals that the US was built upon to have to do that.

There are many things going on that are against the ideals this country was built on. Why single out this one? As I said in an earlier post, if we were to have another 9/11 incident, I think it could easily spark WW3. What is the lesser of the two evils?



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

Hmmmm, wonder if he would say the same thing as he is "held indefinitely" for "questioning"??? :shocked:



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.

I just googled him. He's an enemy combatant, not someone being detained going through customs. That's a whole different deal IMO. It seems to me that it's another case of "erring on the side of caution", but there being detained for an "extended" period of time. I think they are more like POW's then anything else. What do you do with people caught fighting against you in an "undeclared" war?? What's your suggestion?

Edit: I don't think it's right, but i don't know what to do about it either?


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

There has been a crime, the criminal was Christian, now persecution of Christians is ok?

Don't think, not even for a minute that people of any race or religion should be allowed to be persecuted because someone adhering to said religion or of that race did something wrong.

If you do, you are welcoming a belief system that is based on discrimination and i am sure you don't want that.

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

I hope you want to stay for a few years, you will be tortured psychologically and perhaps even physically, not because you did something wrong but because you beling to a specific race or religion.

You see, you won't be charged with anything, legal representation is therefore unneccessary, ther will be no trial and you will be kept indefinently.

Now where has that happened to people moving through the transportaion system of this country?

You are saying that you are willing to give up a bit of freedom for a bit of security?

I'm saying they can do it to me right now if they want to and it's been that way for a long time now so I don't see it as giving up any freedom. We've lost a lot of freedom because of 9/11, but that isn't the case here. It's just a news item because it gives people something basically unimportant to whine about, because it's supposedly "racist", and because it sells newspapers/commercials. To me it's a non issue

I am saying that you are wrong and that it is against the ideals that the US was built upon to have to do that.

There are many things going on that are against the ideals this country was built on. Why single out this one? As I said in an earlier post, if we were to have another 9/11 incident, I think it could easily spark WW3. What is the lesser of the two evils?

1. I never mentioned the transportation systems, i have no idea where you got that from?
2. So discriminating against you for your race and/or religion is not taking away your freedom to believe or to be who you are? In USSR the followers of certain belifs were treated the same, you call that oppression i am sure, but when the US does the EXACT same thing it is not?
3. I am not sure that all out warfare would not be preferable to the current sneaking where safety gets in the way of liberty.

I am a fighter, i prefer all out in the open warfare to shady business of the government.

WWIII will happen, us humans are just too damn stupid to NOT do it.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

Hmmmm, wonder if he would say the same thing as he is "held indefinitely" for "questioning"??? :shocked:

It would suck, wouldn't it! Have they detained any one "indefinitely" who was going thru the transportation system who didn't have links to terrorism?

Listen Dave, I am against the invasion of Iraq. It's a war we can't really win unless we are willing to alienate the whole world. It was a terrible idea and right now I just want to get our boys home as quickly ans safely as we can. Bush mucked the whole thing up (like he has everything else he's ever done) and we just need to do damage control as best as we can and get our troops home. I don't want to see another terror incident while we still have troops in Iraq. Things could spiral out of control so fast it scares the hell out of me. Once that goal is acheived, then my opinion on "detaining" people would modify somewhat. I still maintain it has to be done though, but they can't hold them indefinitley.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.

I just googled him. He's an enemy combatant, not someone being detained going through customs. That's a whole different deal IMO. It seems to me that it's another case of "erring on the side of caution", but there being detained for an "extended" period of time. I think they are more like POW's then anything else. What do you do with people caught fighting against you in an "undeclared" war?? What's your suggestion?

Edit: I don't think it's right, but i don't know what to do about it either?

Ah, so the enemy is basically anyone, including you?

I have a friend who was released after being held for a couple of years, his crime? He was Arabic.

A semite, just like me, if i got a decent tan i could probably be mistaken for an arab too, perhaps bee imprisoned for just being an arab is good enough for you, but it SURE AS FVCK ISN'T FOR ME!

You are a complete and utter idiot if you think that being held indefinently because of your race is "erring on the side of cauton" and right!

You do not deserve the freedoms you have, people like you are what is WRONG with this world.

How about my friend, he was not caught fighting, he was just there, but i guess being a "beloved patriot" is enough, right?

I propose the US get the fvck out of the ME and STAY OUT, spend the money on securing the borders and stop meddling in other countries affairs, i know you think it is because they hate your freedoms but it really isn't, the reason the US is hated is because of the meddling in the ME and all the pain it has caused, supporting ONE dictator on one side and providing him with the means then supporting the other side, supporting a kingdom of opression and so on.

9/11 was the result of a long held policy that ignored the entire population of the ME, of course terrorism is never right but you HAD to expect SOME kind of reaction.



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer

1. I never mentioned the transportation systems, i have no idea where you got that from?
2. So discriminating against you for your race and/or religion is not taking away your freedom to believe or to be who you are? In USSR the followers of certain belifs were treated the same, you call that oppression i am sure, but when the US does the EXACT same thing it is not?
3. I am not sure that all out warfare would not be preferable to the current sneaking where safety gets in the way of liberty.

I am a fighter, i prefer all out in the open warfare to shady business of the government.

WWIII will happen, us humans are just too damn stupid to NOT do it.

1. From this quote in your opening post:

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

The "POW's" are a different situation.

2. You haven't convinced me that stopping mid-easterners going through the transportaion system for questioning/searching is racial/religous discrimination.

3. I agree that open warfare would be preferable. That isn't the way terrorism works though. We have to fight fire with fire in this case. If WW3 happens, we're all screwed. It will put the surviors back into the dark ages. I sure don't want it to happen ever and particulary in my lifetime.



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit

If the authorities want to detain me because I seem suspioucs, then they are welcome to do so as I have nothing to hide. They have every right to do it, that is their job and I expect them to do it. Anything I can do to help stop the insanity that is going on right now is fine with me. I don't really see how being detained and questioned is "persecution" and don't really see why anyone should have a problem with it?

I'm for erring on the side of caution. I'd rather be safe then sorry. If you think that makes me a bigot, then go ahead and think it. I know I'm not and that's good enough for me and the girls I go with.

Hmmmm, wonder if he would say the same thing as he is "held indefinitely" for "questioning"??? :shocked:

It would suck, wouldn't it! Have they detained any one "indefinitely" who was going thru the transportation system who didn't have links to terrorism?

Listen Dave, I am against the invasion of Iraq. It's a war we can't really win unless we are willing to alienate the whole world. It was a terrible idea and right now I just want to get our boys home as quickly ans safely as we can. Bush mucked the whole thing up (like he has everything else he's ever done) and we just need to do damage control as best as we can and get our troops home. I don't want to see another terror incident while we still have troops in Iraq. Things could spiral out of control so fast it scares the hell out of me. Once that goal is acheived, then my opinion on "detaining" people would modify somewhat. I still maintain it has to be done though, but they can't hold them indefinitley.

So basically, you are ok with discrimination against Arabs and Muslims? Let me take a wild guess, you are not Arab or Muslim, are you?


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

1. I never mentioned the transportation systems, i have no idea where you got that from?
2. So discriminating against you for your race and/or religion is not taking away your freedom to believe or to be who you are? In USSR the followers of certain belifs were treated the same, you call that oppression i am sure, but when the US does the EXACT same thing it is not?
3. I am not sure that all out warfare would not be preferable to the current sneaking where safety gets in the way of liberty.

I am a fighter, i prefer all out in the open warfare to shady business of the government.

WWIII will happen, us humans are just too damn stupid to NOT do it.

1. From this quote in your opening post:

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

The "POW's" are a different situation.

2. You haven't convinced me that stopping mid-easterners going through the transportaion system for questioning/searching is racial/religous discrimination.

3. I agree that open warfare would be preferable. That isn't the way terrorism works though. We have to fight fire with fire in this case. If WW3 happens, we're all screwed. It will put the surviors back into the dark ages. I sure don't want it to happen ever and particulary in my lifetime.

I give up, you are ok with racial/religous discrimination, i am not, i never will be and when they come for YOU i will be the one standing in their way.

Terrorism, ayup, tell yourself that this is because of terrorism, i mean, discrimantion is right if you refer to national security, isn't it, after all you are a PATRIOT, right?

Read the quote by Hermann Göring, it fits perfectly, how scared are you, exactly?

I am not scared of WWIII, we'll all die eventually anyway, if something good comes out of it, it's ok with me.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.

I just googled him. He's an enemy combatant, not someone being detained going through customs. That's a whole different deal IMO. It seems to me that it's another case of "erring on the side of caution", but there being detained for an "extended" period of time. I think they are more like POW's then anything else. What do you do with people caught fighting against you in an "undeclared" war?? What's your suggestion?

Edit: I don't think it's right, but i don't know what to do about it either?

Ah, so the enemy is basically anyone, including you?

I have a friend who was released after being held for a couple of years, his crime? He was Arabic.

A semite, just like me, if i got a decent tan i could probably be mistaken for an arab too, perhaps bee imprisoned for just being an arab is good enough for you, but it SURE AS FVCK ISN'T FOR ME!

You are a complete and utter idiot if you think that being held indefinently because of your race is "erring on the side of cauton" and right!

You do not deserve the freedoms you have, people like you are what is WRONG with this world.

How about my friend, he was not caught fighting, he was just there, but i guess being a "beloved patriot" is enough, right?

I propose the US get the fvck out of the ME and STAY OUT, spend the money on securing the borders and stop meddling in other countries affairs, i know you think it is because they hate your freedoms but it really isn't, the reason the US is hated is because of the meddling in the ME and all the pain it has caused, supporting ONE dictator on one side and providing him with the means then supporting the other side, supporting a kingdom of opression and so on.

9/11 was the result of a long held policy that ignored the entire population of the ME, of course terrorism is never right but you HAD to expect SOME kind of reaction.

Calm down Klix. Name calling isn't going to change my mind or anyone elses who might read this either. So one guy that you know of was unjustly held. That's unfortunate, but shet happens. Ask the poor families who lost people in 9/11 about what's fair. I guess that isn't your problem is it.

I wasn't for the invasion of Iraq. I thought it was a war we couldn't win and it looks like I was right. I just wonder how much money we will spend and how many people will lose their lives before we can get out of there? Unfortunatley GWB won the election. He is hell bent to waste this countries resources on this insanity. I just want to get our troops home without making the matter any worse then it is if possible.

I just can't feel sorry for a population that allowed terrorists to not only roam around freely, but to run training camps. SCR3W THEM AND THE CAMEL THEY RODE IN ON. I could care less how miserable their lives are. I think we should have spent all the money we've wasted in Bush's Folly on building alternative energy infrastructure and research. Without the US demand for oil, things would be different. Those ME people could just eat all their oil as far as I care.



Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer

I am not scared of WWIII, we'll all die eventually anyway, if something good comes out of it, it's ok with me.

You must have a death wish. That's an assinine statement if I'v ever heard one. Worthy of being put in someone's sig.



Nov 11, 1999
Well, 1EZduzit, they have detained at least one guy in such a fashion, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen. Even went so far as to ship him to Syria, his birthplace, to have him "interrogated" there... They figured he knew a guy who knew a guy who might have terrorist "links", whatever that means... The Syrians cut him loose after only a year, since they concluded he had no terrorist ties, which wasn't the Admin's doing, at all.

I have to agree with Klixxer to a certain extent, but to paint what's happening as universal among the US population is unfair. Many of us fight this tide of stupidity on a regular basis. I agree, however, that an unfortunate level of complacency among some and a tendency to think with the head on the penis rather than the head on the shoulders has left many vulnerable to the Bushist propaganda.

Hopefully, the tide can be turned prior to any more truly monstrous events.


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

I am not scared of WWIII, we'll all die eventually anyway, if something good comes out of it, it's ok with me.

You must have a death wish. That's an assinine statement if I'v ever heard one. Worthy of being put in someone's sig.

I think he's stating that our country is hellbent on starting WWIII and that he's powerless against it. Maybe said war will wake up the people of America to the truth, albeit a very hard lesson to learn.
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