Live the lie, fight the truth...

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Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: mossad

I would kinda laugh if your little 12 year old doughter was raped buy your straight neighboor. Not because she was raped but becuase YOUR GOING TO BE RAISING THAT LITTLE SOB thanks to the abortion laws you want.

Now there's a strong contribution to the forums...


Don't flatter that fvcker with responses, with a bit of luck he will stone himself to death. I will "kinda laugh" when he does.

Merry Christmas to you and your family Pliable.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Well, 1EZduzit, they have detained at least one guy in such a fashion, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen. Even went so far as to ship him to Syria, his birthplace, to have him "interrogated" there... They figured he knew a guy who knew a guy who might have terrorist "links", whatever that means... The Syrians cut him loose after only a year, since they concluded he had no terrorist ties, which wasn't the Admin's doing, at all.

I have to agree with Klixxer to a certain extent, but to paint what's happening as universal among the US population is unfair. Many of us fight this tide of stupidity on a regular basis. I agree, however, that an unfortunate level of complacency among some and a tendency to think with the head on the penis rather than the head on the shoulders has left many vulnerable to the Bushist propaganda.

Hopefully, the tide can be turned prior to any more truly monstrous events.

If creationism is real , as it pertains to Christianity, then the Christians amongst us, and their agenda, will prevail.

If evolution is real , the strong amongst us, and their agenda, will prevail.

Either way, you loose.

Sucks to be you, huh?



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

You know, if we had wanted your country (and the rest of Europe and Asia), we wouldn't have trained you in government, economics and science and returned it to you some 45 years after we took it. We didn't keep it, get the message? We didn't want it and still don't! Besides beer, (Ukraine makes better) and Mercedes (now made in Alabama) what does Germany have to offer the world?


Mar 29, 2004
oz why did you drag this one up? and where is klixxer anyhow? isn't he in afganistan or sarejvo fighting?
anyone heard he is ok or anything?
Last I heard he went home to germany on leave for bit, last login 12/24


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

Anyone remeamber when I posted this?

That was one my favorite threads I've ever posted, really gets your true colors out.


Mar 29, 2004
damn I hope he just got sick of the US neocons in here and stopped posting.
I had a question to ask him.
If anyone hears from him pm me.
Tabb: yeah that is downright creepy too bad so many in here have shut their eyes, Goering pretty much spelled it out back then.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Klixxer

You know, if we had wanted your country (and the rest of Europe and Asia), we wouldn't have trained you in government, economics and science and returned it to you some 45 years after we took it. We didn't keep it, get the message? We didn't want it and still don't! Besides beer, (Ukraine makes better) and Mercedes (now made in Alabama) what does Germany have to offer the world?

Dude, my penis is totally bigger than yours...

And his.
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: slyedog
more "gloom and doom" worry about your own country. we will take care of ours.

Your post in combination with the OP just underscores the absurdity of BOTH sides. First he basically walks in here with Pessismism central listed as his home town, ignorant of history and yet observant enough to see that there IS a problem. Then you pop in here with the obligatory poo-pooing and "don't worry, it's all fine" crap that the Conservative nutjobs want to be damn sure to feed us right now.

The TRUTH is that that *IS* a problem, and a bad one at that. Bush and the Republicans, along with a number of Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus, yesterday overstepped their bounds on an ENORMOUS level. They passed and signed, in the space of a few HOURS, a law that targets ONE person. That act alone is not merely unconstitutional but a complete afront to the concept of Justice, of Equality under the Law, of Liberty. They're attempting to MANIPULATE the Judicial System in an effort to get the outcome they want, even though the judicial system has reviewed this case more than TWENTY times with the same result. Add to this Bush's refusal to protect our borders from Mexico and you've got two major problems that can lead to loss of Life and Liberty for all Americans. I submit to you that when those first two are endangered, the Pursuit of Happiness isn't far behind.

The other part of the truth is that while there ARE problems and SERIOUS reasons for concern, we are NOT on the verge of the complete collapse of our nation. It will take far more than a farce like George Bush to bring America's ideals to destruction. Bill Clinto couldn't pull it off, and he was FAR more charismatic than W will ever be.

It's wrong to say that there's no reason for alarm, but it's equally wrong to declare our way of life to be within meters of total annihilation. You people on BOTH sides really out to stop your fearmongering crap and try for just a moment to be honest, to evaluate OBJECTIVELY and to see the truth that your government--Democrat and Republican alike-- is selling you out a little piece at a time.



Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: DragonMasterAlex
Originally posted by: slyedog
more "gloom and doom" worry about your own country. we will take care of ours.

Your post in combination with the OP just underscores the absurdity of BOTH sides. First he basically walks in here with Pessismism central listed as his home town, ignorant of history and yet observant enough to see that there IS a problem. Then you pop in here with the obligatory poo-pooing and "don't worry, it's all fine" crap that the Conservative nutjobs want to be damn sure to feed us right now.

The TRUTH is that that *IS* a problem, and a bad one at that. Bush and the Republicans, along with a number of Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus, yesterday overstepped their bounds on an ENORMOUS level. They passed and signed, in the space of a few HOURS, a law that targets ONE person. That act alone is not merely unconstitutional but a complete afront to the concept of Justice, of Equality under the Law, of Liberty. They're attempting to MANIPULATE the Judicial System in an effort to get the outcome they want, even though the judicial system has reviewed this case more than TWENTY times with the same result. Add to this Bush's refusal to protect our borders from Mexico and you've got two major problems that can lead to loss of Life and Liberty for all Americans. I submit to you that when those first two are endangered, the Pursuit of Happiness isn't far behind.

The other part of the truth is that while there ARE problems and SERIOUS reasons for concern, we are NOT on the verge of the complete collapse of our nation. It will take far more than a farce like George Bush to bring America's ideals to destruction. Bill Clinto couldn't pull it off, and he was FAR more charismatic than W will ever be.

It's wrong to say that there's no reason for alarm, but it's equally wrong to declare our way of life to be within meters of total annihilation. You people on BOTH sides really out to stop your fearmongering crap and try for just a moment to be honest, to evaluate OBJECTIVELY and to see the truth that your government--Democrat and Republican alike-- is selling you out a little piece at a time.



There's plenty of partisan hackery on both sides of the coin.


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
If you weren't partisan about something to some degree you wouldn't post here.

The problem here, and what I think they are deriding, is when your partisan bias clouds your sight. When you are so obsessed with trumpeting the party line that you lose your capability to reason based on common sense.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
If you weren't partisan about something to some degree you wouldn't post here.

The problem here, and what I think they are deriding, is when your partisan bias clouds your sight. When you are so obsessed with trumpeting the party line that you lose your capability to reason based on common sense.

That's what partisan hackery would be defined as...

You're on the demo/repub party because you are....


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
oz why did you drag this one up?

A view that is posterior, that looks anterior, is able to identify the really big ones and they rarely go down on the first or second flush. I guess I am one of those "Hey, look at this big sumbitch"

Heh heh...



Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
oz why did you drag this one up?

A view that is posterior, that looks anterior, is able to identify the really big ones and they rarely go down on the first or second flush. I guess I am one of those "Hey, look at this big sumbitch"

Heh heh...

Fair enough, if Klixxer was a turd he sure tore you all a new assh0le on his way out....

And with that I shall go the way of Klixxer myself and find another forum, people here just aren't getting it. This is a exellent thread to do so in since it still rings so true.


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
oz why did you drag this one up?

A view that is posterior, that looks anterior, is able to identify the really big ones and they rarely go down on the first or second flush. I guess I am one of those "Hey, look at this big sumbitch"

Heh heh...

Fair enough, if Klixxer was a turd he sure tore you all a new assh0le on his way out....

And with that I shall go the way of Klixxer myself and find another forum, people here just aren't getting it. This is a exellent thread to do so in since it still rings so true.

You are an addict,,,,,an unflushable. Heh heh.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
oz why did you drag this one up? and where is klixxer anyhow? isn't he in afganistan or sarejvo fighting?
anyone heard he is ok or anything?
Last I heard he went home to germany on leave for bit, last login 12/24

These threads should have some way to be flagged as null or something. Who looks at dates?



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Klixxer

You know, if we had wanted your country (and the rest of Europe and Asia), we wouldn't have trained you in government, economics and science and returned it to you some 45 years after we took it. We didn't keep it, get the message? We didn't want it and still don't! Besides beer, (Ukraine makes better) and Mercedes (now made in Alabama) what does Germany have to offer the world?

Dude, my penis is totally bigger than yours...

And his.

I guess that makes you the penis judging expert. Must take experience!


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
oz why did you drag this one up?

A view that is posterior, that looks anterior, is able to identify the really big ones and they rarely go down on the first or second flush. I guess I am one of those "Hey, look at this big sumbitch"

Heh heh...

Fair enough, if Klixxer was a turd he sure tore you all a new assh0le on his way out....

And with that I shall go the way of Klixxer myself and find another forum, people here just aren't getting it. This is a exellent thread to do so in since it still rings so true.

Damn, so much bad news for so many weeks and we get a ray of sunshine!


Jan 12, 2002
Originally posted by: Ozoned
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
Well, 1EZduzit, they have detained at least one guy in such a fashion, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen. Even went so far as to ship him to Syria, his birthplace, to have him "interrogated" there... They figured he knew a guy who knew a guy who might have terrorist "links", whatever that means... The Syrians cut him loose after only a year, since they concluded he had no terrorist ties, which wasn't the Admin's doing, at all.

I have to agree with Klixxer to a certain extent, but to paint what's happening as universal among the US population is unfair. Many of us fight this tide of stupidity on a regular basis. I agree, however, that an unfortunate level of complacency among some and a tendency to think with the head on the penis rather than the head on the shoulders has left many vulnerable to the Bushist propaganda.

Hopefully, the tide can be turned prior to any more truly monstrous events.

If creationism is real , as it pertains to Christianity, then the Christians amongst us, and their agenda, will prevail.

If evolution is real , the strong amongst us, and their agenda, will prevail.

Either way, you loose.

Sucks to be you, huh?

You resurrected this thread for a lame personal attack like this?


Diamond Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Klixxer

You know, if we had wanted your country (and the rest of Europe and Asia), we wouldn't have trained you in government, economics and science and returned it to you some 45 years after we took it. We didn't keep it, get the message? We didn't want it and still don't! Besides beer, (Ukraine makes better) and Mercedes (now made in Alabama) what does Germany have to offer the world?

Dude, my penis is totally bigger than yours...

And his.

I guess that makes you the penis judging expert. Must take experience!

I'll say. I graduated from the American College of America in 1993 with a major in the American school of penis measuring. After I had finished that, I had to go freelance with my profession, as steady demand for American penis measureres such as myself has been in something of a slump. So I packed my bags (only the finest American made), and set out for the Golden Gates (San Fransicso) to peddle my services.

I had much success upon ariving at that Mecca (American Mecca mind you) of penis measurers, but after all, a craftsman is only as good as his tools. I use fine American designed and manufactured tape measures, rulers, pencils, and a plethora of other uniquely American contraptions.

A professional penis measurer is constantly on the go, as each single job can last as little as 30 seconds. And at 5 dollars an hour, I have to fit in thousands of jobs each day. Luckily, I only drive the most fuel efficient of American made cars: a Ford Explorer.

After an exhausting day of work, nothing relaxes me more than to sit down with some delicious, sumptuous traditional American delicacies: Ritz crackers, Cinnabon, Budweiser, and a generous helping (I cap out at about 3 tubs) of Ben & Jerry's.

To top off a perfect evening of a naturally perfect American day, I like to relax with some choice American popular music. My current favorites are Leadbelly, Rapeurmother, At the Gates and Raffi, but I'm no closed minded individual. Far from it, I also regularly listen to Aerosmith.

I'm sorry to say that I have little time to pay attention to current world events (or even current American events). Or anything, really. But that's okay because I live in American and am an American American. Verily.

Disclaimer: You have been disclaimed.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
I honestly don't have the time to read all of this, but I must say, I'm impressed, the discussion has been unusually civilized so far, and what I've read has mostly been a very worthwhile read

Oh and CycloWizard, thanks, I very rarely agree with you, but people like you are the reason why I've managed to avoid having blanket opinions about deeply Christian people despite the crap I tend to get from some of them.
Of course, the ones that just can't accept the idea of "Live and let live" will be the most vocal ones, but still, sometimes it's hard not to just think "Fvcking Christian assholes..." about all Christians.

Again, thanks.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: kogase
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Klixxer

You know, if we had wanted your country (and the rest of Europe and Asia), we wouldn't have trained you in government, economics and science and returned it to you some 45 years after we took it. We didn't keep it, get the message? We didn't want it and still don't! Besides beer, (Ukraine makes better) and Mercedes (now made in Alabama) what does Germany have to offer the world?

Dude, my penis is totally bigger than yours...

And his.

I guess that makes you the penis judging expert. Must take experience!

I'll say. I graduated from the American College of America in 1993 with a major in the American school of penis measuring. After I had finished that, I had to go freelance with my profession, as steady demand for American penis measureres such as myself has been in something of a slump. So I packed my bags (only the finest American made), and set out for the Golden Gates (San Fransicso) to peddle my services.

I had much success upon ariving at that Mecca (American Mecca mind you) of penis measurers, but after all, a craftsman is only as good as his tools. I use fine American designed and manufactured tape measures, rulers, pencils, and a plethora of other uniquely American contraptions.

A professional penis measurer is constantly on the go, as each single job can last as little as 30 seconds. And at 5 dollars an hour, I have to fit in thousands of jobs each day. Luckily, I only drive the most fuel efficient of American made cars: a Ford Explorer.

After an exhausting day of work, nothing relaxes me more than to sit down with some delicious, sumptuous traditional American delicacies: Ritz crackers, Cinnabon, Budweiser, and a generous helping (I cap out at about 3 tubs) of Ben & Jerry's.

To top off a perfect evening of a naturally perfect American day, I like to relax with some choice American popular music. My current favorites are Leadbelly, Rapeurmother, At the Gates and Raffi, but I'm no closed minded individual. Far from it, I also regularly listen to Aerosmith.

I'm sorry to say that I have little time to pay attention to current world events (or even current American events). Or anything, really. But that's okay because I live in American and am an American American. Verily.

Disclaimer: You have been disclaimed.

That took a lot of effort. Did I mention that some posters are pretty verbose?

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