Live the lie, fight the truth...

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Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: RealityTime
Agreed. Much of what has been said is self-evident truth about the lies and hidden motives of the current usa government. But to approach the topic in such a ....... aggressive sort of way, is not going to work. These halfwits and boobs who believe the baldfaced lies coming from the bush administration, just wait in earnest for this sort of thing. When you are trying to defend such an obvious pack of monsters, you really are left with the only option of seizing on the mistakes and over-zealousness of people outraged by the current situation, when trying to come up with anything that is even barely sensible to say to defend bush and his cronies. If you'll notice, most people who try to justify bush's mad crusade and defend it here, basicly just carry on with personal attacks and crap about 'liberals'. No matter how hard it is to see the disgrace that is the usa government, you can't allow yourself to degenerate to their level of arrogance. Yes he lied, yes his past and current ties are fact and the knowledge and proof is there for anyone who wants to, to see it. Patience is a virtue. History has proven time and again, that abusive, dangerous men, always eventually fall. God willling the usa does not fall into the abyss with this madman and his mad fellows, but rather eventually does the right thing and ousts this nutbar. Someone, who yes, you are right, 90+% of the entire world thinks is crackers and entirely in the wrong.
Insulting them in your thesis statement is sure to win them over though. :roll: Your entire post is nothing but personal attacks and crap about 'Bushies', the very thing you decry in your post. The one-way glass that you're looking through... It's not really one-way at all.


Dec 18, 2004
Oh, I have used poor wording hate is a strong word. I thought I got over that bit. I will say I dont hate him anymore and do wish him the best. But i will say before I had that thought I did think that all these reporters you see on tv, well i just knew that their neighboors where going to be outraged by them and commenct to rapping ball bats over their heads. Im sorry, I just grew up thinking a country was worth fighting for. I guess I am wrong. I think I am on a different page. I was left behind somewhere. Can someone tell me what America stood for? Cause for some reason I dont see it that way now. Am I a Traitor now? I thought sep from church and state was good? Or civil rights where moving ina good direction. LOL i guess i was wrong. Hmmm What about OUR RIGHTS?? isnt that what made America America???? Nah WE dont need those. I remember the governements founding fathers saying we need checks and balances so the government doesnt take over. Dont you? Well I got a news flash for the uneducated, the rights they gave you so that dont happen, HAHHAHA They are the rights your God (whos morals you just voted for) Just took away from your ass. HAHAHAH that is what is so funny the sad part is if i dont leave then im going to pay for your mistake. HAHHAHAH
Lets party like its 1984!


Junior Member
Dec 20, 2004
Whether you're a Bush fan or not, there will ALWAYS be political motivations for certain actions and there will ALWAYS be spin put on these actions. To take quotes from politicians and believe what they say whole-heartedly is naive. Taking sides is pointless. Figure out the truth for yourself if there is any, don't believe whole-heartedly in anything a politician says whether they are a democrat, republican, Ross Perot, whatever. No one is as sincere as they appear to be.


Dec 18, 2004
Anyone aware that we let Osama bin laden go?
How about the fact daddy bush was dining with one of the bin ladens when the towers where hit?
Or that all the people being put into power are oil Ceos and such?
how about the fact haliburton moved to dc before chaney stole (sorry won --> my opinion almost reared its head) the election.
Or the fact that the generals in the pentagon new Iraq had nothing to do about 9-11 9 days after it happend said they didnt know if this was legal and that it was actualy ajoke being shuffled around by the big wigs (in disbelief)
how about hte fact the plane that hit the pentagon didnt do much damage bieng it was the only part of the building being remodeld.
diebolt said they would deliver bush his votes
been wrong prior to dubya running for office. (in wich case they where actualy reversed)
or the fact that the machines where not hacked into like people worried but they where actualy programed to call the third party numbers everyone thought was hackers.
the machines where illegal in florida and arms dealers (bush sr) lobbied the get america to vote act becuase blacks where worried about there votes and got the diebolt machines in.
or how about the fact that if you live in those 11 states that just dealt a horrible blow the humaness of gays and you voted for it your actualy a bigot and I guess your ass dont believe in equal rights. I know you voted on your morals but did you read the second half of that amendment deal? the part where it says they cant visit eachother on there deathbeds. No you prolly did. I just hope you dont decide you dont like people who go to AA or people who have chocolate labs or people who smoke cuase if you do im leaving the last thing i want is to be thrown into an oven for divorcing someone (wich i would like to add si a bit harder on your damn family then 2 gays living next door)
I would kinda laugh if your little 12 year old doughter was raped buy your straight neighboor. Not because she was raped but becuase YOUR GOING TO BE RAISING THAT LITTLE SOB thanks to the abortion laws you want. I know I know its not that bad 25 million americans no better than 9 billion (-25 million) Your New Church sucks.
I really like the fact that your america (what a crock of crap country) cant even air a god damn add on tv for the UCC who claims they wont turn gays blacks and latinos away from there church.


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: mdcpka28311
Whether you're a Bush fan or not, there will ALWAYS be political motivations for certain actions and there will ALWAYS be spin put on these actions. To take quotes from politicians and believe what they say whole-heartedly is naive. Taking sides is pointless. Figure out the truth for yourself if there is any, don't believe whole-heartedly in anything a politician says whether they are a democrat, republican, Ross Perot, whatever. No one is as sincere as they appear to be.


Senior member
Oct 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

I agree with most of this stuff, but not that line. Jesus does weep knowing the actions of his followers

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

Unfortunately, call it what you want, statistics don't lie! If people of color are doing drive by shootings and there is a drive by shooting, you look at people of color first. To make it more easily understood for the elitest, anti-American mind, when a woman is killed, look at the husband or boyfriend first. Is that racial profiling? No, it is simply an acknowledgement that statistically, most women are killed by someone close who is male. You know that, yet when the statistics tell us to look at minorities for certain crimes, it becomse racial profiling. You just can't have it both ways.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Orsorum
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Klix, your point is well taken, but I have to disagree. When the Muslims start policing themselves good enough to prevent the grisly beheading of human beings, then I could defend against the racial profiling of Muslims but until then we have a right to protect ourselves by any means nessecary.

Like all black people are responsible for crimes perpetuated by their fellows? All Chinese are responsible for the actions of the Chinese government? All Cambodians are responsible for Pol Pot?

Actually, I hold Jane Fonda, John Kerry and American and European war protesters during RVN responsible for Pol Pot!


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
I love how some of you won't try to refute it but rather yeall "look at germany!!".

So you are saying that the US is worthless and discriminatory but it's ok because Germany is too?

Listen up fvckers, yeah, Germany has it's share of problems, it might even be as bad as the US, if you want to complain about that, start a thread about it, this thread is NOT about Germany's problems.

As much as you would like to, you can't separate one thread of the world situation from the whole cloth. German skinheads were persecuting minority?s way back in 1986 when I was traveling there. How can you say that some skinhead didn't pick on some Muslim wearing religious garb and that the same Muslim isn't one of OBL's leaders today? Simple, you can't!



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: mossad
Anyone aware that we let Osama bin laden go?
How about the fact daddy bush was dining with one of the bin ladens when the towers where hit?
Or that all the people being put into power are oil Ceos and such?
how about the fact haliburton moved to dc before chaney stole (sorry won --> my opinion almost reared its head) the election.
Or the fact that the generals in the pentagon new Iraq had nothing to do about 9-11 9 days after it happend said they didnt know if this was legal and that it was actualy ajoke being shuffled around by the big wigs (in disbelief)
how about hte fact the plane that hit the pentagon didnt do much damage bieng it was the only part of the building being remodeld.
diebolt said they would deliver bush his votes
been wrong prior to dubya running for office. (in wich case they where actualy reversed)
or the fact that the machines where not hacked into like people worried but they where actualy programed to call the third party numbers everyone thought was hackers.
the machines where illegal in florida and arms dealers (bush sr) lobbied the get america to vote act becuase blacks where worried about there votes and got the diebolt machines in.
or how about the fact that if you live in those 11 states that just dealt a horrible blow the humaness of gays and you voted for it your actualy a bigot and I guess your ass dont believe in equal rights. I know you voted on your morals but did you read the second half of that amendment deal? the part where it says they cant visit eachother on there deathbeds. No you prolly did. I just hope you dont decide you dont like people who go to AA or people who have chocolate labs or people who smoke cuase if you do im leaving the last thing i want is to be thrown into an oven for divorcing someone (wich i would like to add si a bit harder on your damn family then 2 gays living next door)
I would kinda laugh if your little 12 year old doughter was raped buy your straight neighboor. Not because she was raped but becuase YOUR GOING TO BE RAISING THAT LITTLE SOB thanks to the abortion laws you want. I know I know its not that bad 25 million americans no better than 9 billion (-25 million) Your New Church sucks.
I really like the fact that your america (what a crock of crap country) cant even air a god damn add on tv for the UCC who claims they wont turn gays blacks and latinos away from there church.

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!



Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!

I read the forum rules. I missed the one that requires members to post a profile. Can you quote it for us?



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Condor

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!

I read the forum rules. I missed the one that requires members to post a profile. Can you quote it for us?

Just a little doubt that I have every time I see someone posting without a profile.



Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Condor

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!

I read the forum rules. I missed the one that requires members to post a profile. Can you quote it for us?


Makes me wonder about multiple accounts.


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2004
Originally posted by: Pliablemoose
Originally posted by: BBond
Originally posted by: Condor

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!

I read the forum rules. I missed the one that requires members to post a profile. Can you quote it for us?


Makes me wonder about multiple accounts.

It may just be people who value their privacy on the notorious WWW.



Senior member
Nov 15, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: mossad
Anyone aware that we let Osama bin laden go?
How about the fact daddy bush was dining with one of the bin ladens when the towers where hit?
Or that all the people being put into power are oil Ceos and such?
how about the fact haliburton moved to dc before chaney stole (sorry won --> my opinion almost reared its head) the election.
Or the fact that the generals in the pentagon new Iraq had nothing to do about 9-11 9 days after it happend said they didnt know if this was legal and that it was actualy ajoke being shuffled around by the big wigs (in disbelief)
how about hte fact the plane that hit the pentagon didnt do much damage bieng it was the only part of the building being remodeld.
diebolt said they would deliver bush his votes
been wrong prior to dubya running for office. (in wich case they where actualy reversed)
or the fact that the machines where not hacked into like people worried but they where actualy programed to call the third party numbers everyone thought was hackers.
the machines where illegal in florida and arms dealers (bush sr) lobbied the get america to vote act becuase blacks where worried about there votes and got the diebolt machines in.
or how about the fact that if you live in those 11 states that just dealt a horrible blow the humaness of gays and you voted for it your actualy a bigot and I guess your ass dont believe in equal rights. I know you voted on your morals but did you read the second half of that amendment deal? the part where it says they cant visit eachother on there deathbeds. No you prolly did. I just hope you dont decide you dont like people who go to AA or people who have chocolate labs or people who smoke cuase if you do im leaving the last thing i want is to be thrown into an oven for divorcing someone (wich i would like to add si a bit harder on your damn family then 2 gays living next door)
I would kinda laugh if your little 12 year old doughter was raped buy your straight neighboor. Not because she was raped but becuase YOUR GOING TO BE RAISING THAT LITTLE SOB thanks to the abortion laws you want. I know I know its not that bad 25 million americans no better than 9 billion (-25 million) Your New Church sucks.
I really like the fact that your america (what a crock of crap country) cant even air a god damn add on tv for the UCC who claims they wont turn gays blacks and latinos away from there church.

Wow, such drivel from someone without even a profile posted!

HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: CycloWizard
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
You have a lot of what if's there. I already think we are no better then the terrorists, we invaded their country and bombed them back into the stone age. How many innocents have we killed?? Isn't it a little late to worry about justice now??
You're suggesting that since we already screwed up, we might as well keep screwing up, regardless of who gets screwed? On the one hand, you feign interest in the deaths of innocent Iraqis while on the other you would cast aside the rights of any MEs that live in the US. Are they more human in Iraq than in the US?
The end never justifies the means. Then why did we invade them in the first place? We never found any WMD's. I don't believe that they will ever have a fair election, at least while we occupy the country. I highly doubt that we can create a lasting democracy, so don't lecture me about justice. I was against this war from the get-go but GWB has prevailed and now all I want is to end it ASAP by any (almost) means possible.
I didn't say the end never justifies the means. Though war is never a desirable means to achieve any end, it is sometimes necessary. I'm not arguing whether or not the war in Iraq was just. I also don't see why you throw 'don't lecture me about justice' in the middle of some other rant that is completely unrelated to the topic at hand. I can't see how detaining MEs would accomplish anything with respect to Iraq other than pissing off more Iraqis and foreign fighters and causing the deaths of more troops. If you disagree, then we'll have to agree to disagree.
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Let a ME terrorist blow up the Mall of America and see what happens. BTW, being arrested is not the same as being detained.
My point is that anyone could do it. You're assuming that only an ME would do it and, since there might be one or ten psychos that fit that description nationwide, you'd screw over the entire ME population.

Being arrested and detained are one and the same for the purposes of this discussion. If the police have no evidence that I am planning on bombing something and they detain/arrest me anyway, what's the difference? The constitution is violated, regardless of the name you want to attach to the action. I've been 'detained' by police before (long story - mixup of driver's license numbers) - maybe that's why I understand the gravity of the situation. If you get taken away by the police when you did nothing, there is no worse feeling in the world. I don't think I can give a description that would do it justice, but if you experienced it, you would know what it's like to feel violated. If you think that it's ok to treat people that way so you can feel a little safer, then I don't know what else to say.
Originally posted by: Zebo
WTF? Are you serious? pleaseexplain that one. They've been around as Christians for 1600 more years than protestants.
Many non-Catholic Christians that I know say that all Catholics are going to hell, can't be saved, and so on. I can't necessarily explain it (I am Catholic), but there's definitely an animosity against Catholics by fundamentalist Christians, possibly since Catholics don't apply literal translation to the Bible.

Your whole reply is total BS and not even worthy of a responce. You dance around the issue that we started the war with Iraq and now we have to finish. You would worry about a few ME's being detained for a short time for questioning rather then our troops??

You would rather take the chance of having to fight a much larger war with casualites in the 100's of thousands rather then to get this one over as quick as possible?

You talk of justice after we bombed and killed innocents in Iraq?

You just don't seem to have any common sense to me. You need to start thinking on your own instead of relying on what you were taught by people who can't think outside the box any better then you.



Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

I have no idea but I am greatly disturbed by it. I myself was one of the 'My country right or wrong'
lemmings. You can search these forums and find posts from me pre-war in which I was arrogant, ignorant, and even dismissive of human suffering... as long as the result was good for the 'ole USA.

Brought up on the 'America rules' fervour that infests all of American society, and still stinging badly from 9/11, I was your typical chicken hawk who cheered the bombs dropping on Baghdad even though I would never be brave enough to fight a just war let alone a war based completely on deception.

That was then... this is now. I could only ignore, excuse, and overlook so many lies from the Bush administration before I was finally forced to unwrap myself from the US flag and actually take a critical and logical look at the events, at US history and foreign policy.

What I found and what I learned disturbed me, saddened me, and woke me up to many realities of what our country has done in this world in our name. This is not the America that I was taught we were and this is not the America that I grew up loving. This is nothing more than another imperial power bent on domination.... only, as the kings of make believe, Americans have packaged it much more attractively than Nazi Germany or the USSR did.

But growing numbers of people around the world are slowly waking up and realising America doesn't live up to our own hype. As an ex-pat for the last 7 years I've seen the disillusion with the US EXPLODE in the last 4 years. At first I resented it and dismissed it as 'foreigner jealousy' as many Americans do. However, now I understand it. My home country angers me greatly at the moment and if I wasn't American I could imagine those feelings developing into hate.

I can't believe I was ever so naive...



Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Your whole reply is total BS and not even worthy of a responce. You dance around the issue that we started the war with Iraq and now we have to finish. You would worry about a few ME's being detained for a short time for questioning rather then our troops??

You would rather take the chance of having to fight a much larger war with casualites in the 100's of thousands rather then to get this one over as quick as possible?

You talk of justice after we bombed and killed innocents in Iraq?

You just don't seem to have any common sense to me. You need to start thinking on your own instead of relying on what you were taught by people who can't think outside the box any better then you.
I guess if you don't have an argument, just attack whoever you're arguing with. I don't see how anything I said could even be construed as BS. If it could be, I assume you would at least attempt to refute it. The entire problem with your line of reasoning, as I've stated time and again, is that there is a complete discontinuity between detaining MEs here and seeing any difference in Iraq. If anything, it would make Iraq worse. This is what I've been saying all along, yet you just call BS and skip over it.

Oh, then you get into the really good part: you say that since we've already violated the principles of justice by inflicting civilian casualties, we should continue to do so by detaining MEs here without cause. That's like cops saying 'well, we accidentally shot and killed your wife, so we figured we may as well kill your children as well." If that's your version of common sense, I'm glad I don't have any.


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.

I just googled him. He's an enemy combatant, not someone being detained going through customs. That's a whole different deal IMO. It seems to me that it's another case of "erring on the side of caution", but there being detained for an "extended" period of time. I think they are more like POW's then anything else. What do you do with people caught fighting against you in an "undeclared" war?? What's your suggestion?

Edit: I don't think it's right, but i don't know what to do about it either?

Ah, so the enemy is basically anyone, including you?

I have a friend who was released after being held for a couple of years, his crime? He was Arabic.

A semite, just like me, if i got a decent tan i could probably be mistaken for an arab too, perhaps bee imprisoned for just being an arab is good enough for you, but it SURE AS FVCK ISN'T FOR ME!

You are a complete and utter idiot if you think that being held indefinently because of your race is "erring on the side of cauton" and right!

You do not deserve the freedoms you have, people like you are what is WRONG with this world.

How about my friend, he was not caught fighting, he was just there, but i guess being a "beloved patriot" is enough, right?

I propose the US get the fvck out of the ME and STAY OUT, spend the money on securing the borders and stop meddling in other countries affairs, i know you think it is because they hate your freedoms but it really isn't, the reason the US is hated is because of the meddling in the ME and all the pain it has caused, supporting ONE dictator on one side and providing him with the means then supporting the other side, supporting a kingdom of opression and so on.

9/11 was the result of a long held policy that ignored the entire population of the ME, of course terrorism is never right but you HAD to expect SOME kind of reaction.

Meddling in other countries affairs? Isn't that what you're doing right now. Nice post hypocrit.


Senior member
May 12, 2004
Originally posted by: mossad
This is my 2 cents.


I believe he stole the 2000 elections (seen video of friends basicaly saying they did)

I believe he stole this election ( quite a spectacular debucale really I saw it happening)

I believe the war in Iraq was a lie (more than enough proof for me)

I believe his grandfather is one who had a non deniable part ( and verry important) in bringing the Nazi party to power by industrializing germany and shelling HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS into the the company (FG FURBEN < something liek that) who ran auschawitz and 39 other concentration camps

I believe 9-11 was the best thing ever to happen to Dubya

I believe he is a wolf in sheeps clothing

I believe the christian right is iether a bunch of devil worshipers or they will be severly unhappy with what is comming.

I do not believe the people pushing the Christian Rights agendas are Christians, I believe (for lack of better word) they are the anti christs

I believe that the people lobbying for this stuff are extreme bigots

I believe in Gays rights to live........ Together

I believe this country is nazifying itself perhaps being called the christian right or something other than nazi party.

I believe you are brainwashed sheep and I hate you for what your doing to my country.

Keep listening to your news they will keep you informed. That nothing has happend in the election this year (it went without a hitch right) and anyone saying it did was a conspiricist. Funny though how your election machines are republican owned. As is the media. As is the Administration. As is the same companies steeling your money. As is the same companies who toxify your land. As is the same companies who did buissuiness with saddam. As is the same companies who decided to out saddam. As is the same companies who are taking your rights. As is the same republicans who are selling you out. As is your screwed. As in the same ones who ran/built/counted your voting machines. Your screwed already. your democracy is gone becuase you cant even vote no more. to make it worse the patriot acts are calling you a terrorist and taking away your rights.

but hey whos complaining you voted for your morals right? If god was that cruel id tell him to go f himself. I grew up thinking these where things worth going to war and fighting over. Not lies. Oh well guess i was wrong.

Perhaps when your on your last quart of blood bleeding to death from the anal invasion you have recieved by the god appointed president you might be able to chew through your restraints to get down on your knees to pray for god to help you before you die. But i doubt it cause your already blind. Your blood runs thick, All over the iraqis. Next it will overflow onto the iranians (by this time your unwilling child will be drafted)

If he makes it because what your president is doing is encouraging terrorism. the world is not safer now that we got saddam. If you think it is then you have already lost. I iwll pray for your son if he does go to iran, that is if he is not killed in the (fatherland ---> new USA) by someone trying to liberate us from hitler er i mean dubya.

PS Your screwed. Why cant you see? 50% of Americans do as do 99% of the world. If you dont believe that then........... Your screwed.

I believe that you are an idiot.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

Things are changing and nobody can stop it.

The majority of Americans believe that racial profiling is ok and that
muslims should be screened extra carefully.

Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, discriminatory laws against gays are part of the US everyday freedom.

Let me remind you that one of Hitlers biggest proclamations was
Chrisians superiority.

The word of Christ is good, it's words that are for tolerance and
acceptance, unfortunantly they are so badly misinterpreted that the
devil, if he existed would be so very proud with his minions of today who call themselves Christians.

I give up on trying to change peoples minds and on the politics. Satan
has won and Jesus would weep if he knew the path of his followers.

Death and destruction, i lived it and trust me, you don't want it, but
nobody will have any choice anymore.

The missile shield works 95% if the missiles have scripted pathways and
homing devices attached, i doubt any hotile missile ever will, the very
point is lost on most Americans, but not on most other people, the point
of the anti missile shield is to protect the US from MAD, iow, it is
created so the US can nuke any country in the world without fear for retaliation.

It is a plan of megalomaiacs, the Nazis of the 21 century proclaim that
they are about freedom and democracy, of course, they are lying, freedom
to follow your leader is not freedom at all, the freedoms are taken away
step by step in the name of Patriotism, if you are against it, if you
are against war and destruction, you are unpatriotic and/or a coward. I
wonder how many have SEEN warfare, the explosions are not just
fireworks, they kill families, the children that are left behind won't
throw roses at you, when you are staring down the barrel of a gun held
by a 9 year old who don't get your version of freedom you are screwed,
either you kill a child or a child kills you, for what? Freedom?

Take the Freedomfries, the Patriot act and all the words of freedom and
patriotism and shove them up your ass Mr Bush, they are not real, it has
nothing to do with helping people either, there are homeless people IN
THE US starving to death every day, why bother with "the poor Iraqis"
when your own people are starving to death? It is a lie and i am tired
of it.

I present the lie, in the words of Reichsmarchall Hermann Göring:

Naturally, the common people don't want war ... but after all it is the
leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple
matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being
attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing
the country to danger. It works the same in every country.

- Hermann Göring

Ein zwei drei, Nazi polizei. Muslims have Freedom camps where they
can be isolated without trials or even being charge with anything, going
against the UN seems natural, what most people forget is that the UN was
ESTABLISHED TO PREVENT THIS, of fvcking course they are against it.

US über alles?

This is going to end in all out warfare, the sleeping vultures have been
awoken and are ruling the mightiest nation on earth, it is not the first
time, but it will hopefully be the last.

Unfortunately, call it what you want, statistics don't lie! If people of color are doing drive by shootings and there is a drive by shooting, you look at people of color first. To make it more easily understood for the elitest, anti-American mind, when a woman is killed, look at the husband or boyfriend first. Is that racial profiling? No, it is simply an acknowledgement that statistically, most women are killed by someone close who is male. You know that, yet when the statistics tell us to look at minorities for certain crimes, it becomse racial profiling. You just can't have it both ways.

I'm sorry if you misunderstood the entire meaning, try reading the post again, is it anti-American to be against racial profiling, opression and for freedoms these days?

No, Condor, the anti-Americans are you and those like you, at least from where i look, the people who are willing to give up freedoms.

If i didn't think so highly about the US and the REAL ideals that were upheld up til a few years ago i would not even have bothered posting what i did, i guess this "elitest anti-American" just don't understand how you idiots can piss away everything you have without even complaining about it.

The land of the somewhat free (unless you are a muslim of course, gotta stay safe from them) for the white christians?

The rest of your drivel in your other posts is great "hey, look at Germany, they ALSO have racists so why can't i be one" but it has been answered and has nothing to do with this thread.



Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: hysperion
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
Originally posted by: Klixxer

Don't read this forum much? Google Gitmo, psychological torture and even physical torture.

I just googled him. He's an enemy combatant, not someone being detained going through customs. That's a whole different deal IMO. It seems to me that it's another case of "erring on the side of caution", but there being detained for an "extended" period of time. I think they are more like POW's then anything else. What do you do with people caught fighting against you in an "undeclared" war?? What's your suggestion?

Edit: I don't think it's right, but i don't know what to do about it either?

Ah, so the enemy is basically anyone, including you?

I have a friend who was released after being held for a couple of years, his crime? He was Arabic.

A semite, just like me, if i got a decent tan i could probably be mistaken for an arab too, perhaps bee imprisoned for just being an arab is good enough for you, but it SURE AS FVCK ISN'T FOR ME!

You are a complete and utter idiot if you think that being held indefinently because of your race is "erring on the side of cauton" and right!

You do not deserve the freedoms you have, people like you are what is WRONG with this world.

How about my friend, he was not caught fighting, he was just there, but i guess being a "beloved patriot" is enough, right?

I propose the US get the fvck out of the ME and STAY OUT, spend the money on securing the borders and stop meddling in other countries affairs, i know you think it is because they hate your freedoms but it really isn't, the reason the US is hated is because of the meddling in the ME and all the pain it has caused, supporting ONE dictator on one side and providing him with the means then supporting the other side, supporting a kingdom of opression and so on.

9/11 was the result of a long held policy that ignored the entire population of the ME, of course terrorism is never right but you HAD to expect SOME kind of reaction.

Meddling in other countries affairs? Isn't that what you're doing right now. Nice post hypocrit.

When i execute your president and put a leader in place that will have your HEAD for disagreeing THEN i am meddling in your country's affairs numbnuts, right now i am just expressing my disappointment over what i grew up looking up to has become.

If you are willing to support whatever that does whatever and yell US, US, US then ok, you might want to rethink your strategy before your only right is just that though.


Diamond Member
Apr 7, 2004
Originally posted by: FrancesBeansRevenge
Originally posted by: Klixxer
Why is everyone so hellbent on refusing to see the truth?

I have no idea but I am greatly disturbed by it. I myself was one of the 'My country right or wrong'
lemmings. You can search these forums and find posts from me pre-war in which I was arrogant, ignorant, and even dismissive of human suffering... as long as the result was good for the 'ole USA.

Brought up on the 'America rules' fervour that infests all of American society, and still stinging badly from 9/11, I was your typical chicken hawk who cheered the bombs dropping on Baghdad even though I would never be brave enough to fight a just war let alone a war based completely on deception.

That was then... this is now. I could only ignore, excuse, and overlook so many lies from the Bush administration before I was finally forced to unwrap myself from the US flag and actually take a critical and logical look at the events, at US history and foreign policy.

What I found and what I learned disturbed me, saddened me, and woke me up to many realities of what our country has done in this world in our name. This is not the America that I was taught we were and this is not the America that I grew up loving. This is nothing more than another imperial power bent on domination.... only, as the kings of make believe, Americans have packaged it much more attractively than Nazi Germany or the USSR did.

But growing numbers of people around the world are slowly waking up and realising America doesn't live up to our own hype. As an ex-pat for the last 7 years I've seen the disillusion with the US EXPLODE in the last 4 years. At first I resented it and dismissed it as 'foreigner jealousy' as many Americans do. However, now I understand it. My home country angers me greatly at the moment and if I wasn't American I could imagine those feelings developing into hate.

I can't believe I was ever so naive...

That is almost EXACTLY the same story as i have, no, i am not an American but the IDEALS of America were what i grew up looking up to (I can promise you that you that the overwhelming majority of Europeans did, in fact, grow up looking up to the great country in the west).

Now, security is race based, freedoms are given up to create at least an illusion of safety, this is the USA, the country that others have tried to emulate for decades, the land of the free.

Thank you, people like you give me hope.


Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: mossad

I would kinda laugh if your little 12 year old doughter was raped buy your straight neighboor. Not because she was raped but becuase YOUR GOING TO BE RAISING THAT LITTLE SOB thanks to the abortion laws you want.

Now there's a strong contribution to the forums...

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