Lockups with ATI TV Wonder


Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
I'm having problems with this one. Just installed it and it seems to work, but it locks up when I try to do certain things. Moving the window, switching between window and full screen (and back), and recording video to HD(anywhere from 40 sec to 90 sec into the recording). the lockup occurs about %50 of the time I try any one of these tasks. I'm only able to work on this on weekends so I won't be able to try anything until Friday. My only other thought is that I could try a different PCI slot. Anyone have any ideas?

Here's the system config
MMC 7.1
DirectX 8.1

Asus K7M (VIA Driver 4.37)
Athlon 700
PNY GeForce 3 Ti200 (Nvidia Driver 23.11)
Maxtor 60G 7200RPM HD
One other HD roughly 8 GB if I remember right to boot from
It also has a PCI modem and NIC but I'm not sure of brand or driver.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2002
all i can suggest is to try resetting it to a pci card and reloading different drivers until you find a set that are compatible

i have a friend who is having the same problem and i get to go fix? it this weekend lol so if you figure it out let me know lol

here are some links i have found searching for answers myself

link 1

link 2

also found this

<< My recommendation: uninstall your drivers and hunt down version 1.0 (could be on the CD that came with your card, check the version # on the CD). I know these never gave me any trouble. Alternatively, try the development drivers from support.ati.com I haven't tried them myself, but that would be the next step. >>

i went to nividias faq and found this and it might just be the ticket for you

Q. My TV card has problems with the GeForce. How can I fix them?
Try installing the latest reference drivers. The 5.22+ drivers fix many problems with TV cards and may make the steps below unnecessary.

The following instructions were provided by Bill Ball from Creative Labs, who got them from NVIDIA:

Open the Display properties.

Go to Settings, Advanced, GeForce/TNT/TNT2/TNT2Ultra, Additional Properties, Overlay Color Control.

You can make adjustments or just hit the Default button and hit OK.

Close the Display properties.

The point of this seemingly useless maneuver is that it creates a registry key that you will need IF you have not opened the Overlay Color Control sheet before. If you have, then just skip the above step.

Run Regedit and locate this key:

Note: You may have several display entries numbered successively. Usually the last one is the active one, but if you have several that refer to other graphics cards no longer installed, you may want to delete them or run any uninstall for those cards. If you have several referring to your current card and can't figure out which is active, you may want to reboot into Safe Mode, go into Device Manager and remove ALL display driver entries and reboot to reinstall the drivers once.

In the active DirectDraw key create a new DWORD entry called 'VideoBusMasterMode' and give it a value of 1.

Close regedit and reboot

Try the TV card application. NVIDIA says this fixes the ATI TV Wonder and they believe it will fix the Hauppauge and other cards.

If not, run regedit again and look for this entry:

Change the value for OverlayMode from 0 through 5, restarting and testing the TV application each time.

If this does not help, and you have a card based on the Brooktree BT848 chipset, you can disable Overlay mode until a fix is found by going into the following registry key:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\bt848\Force Primary
and changing the default value from 0 to 1.

Finally, if all else fails, try loading two copies of your TV card application. The second instance of the application may not show the problem. This may be the only way to fix the problem in Windows 2000.

it might be direct x 8.1 as noted here:

I installed the card on Win2K. I had done my research before I bought it and had already downloaded the new software for it. It was detected on boot and the software installed with out a hitch. after a reboot I opened the TV program and it scanned for channels. two minutes later I was watching Fox news while I read my e-mail.
Closeing the TV windows was another thing. It would not close without using task manager to kill it. once killed I could not start it again without a hard reboot.
I was frustrated and ready to give up and either take the card out or down grade to 98SE when I decided to try installing DirectX 8.
That did the trick. The TV program now works like a charm. It Rocks!
The only thing I don't like is that I can not record in MP1 or MP2 as I would be able to on Win 98. That and I don't have the Video editor that comes with the 98 version.

hope this helps



Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
Thanks for all the info. I'll see what Ican find out this weekend. I also found I left out a very important piece of info. When it locks up, The mouse an KB don't respond but sound still plays. I was also thinking this might be the nvidia VIA XP loop issue. It only happens in the MMC App. Otherwise it's perfectly stable.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Did you install the MS "Video capture update" for Win98/ME?
Too many possible sources of the hangups:
1. NVidia cards/drivers are known to have problems getting working with the TV Wonder.
2. The specific PCI slot used; which IRQ's Windows assigns can vary from one model of motherboard to another.
3. Conflicts over IRQ's with other PCI cards, such as NIC, sound & modem.

So: best to remove all PCI cards except the TV Wonder, and get the TV picture display working first, with
whatever NVidia driver produces the most stable result.
Once that's done, add the sound card back in and get that working, as well as TV sound.
Leave the NIC & modem for last. May take a lot of trial and error.
Also: Start computer in F8/Safe Mode. Check Device Manager for single devices which are listed twice.
If found, delete both instances and re-boot in Normal mode, to re-detect as a single device.
Or consider upgrading to WinXP. Much more stable OS than Win98.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
Sorry for the long post.

Well, It's going downhill. I Removed all PCI Cards and installed the tuner in another slot. Same thing. Moved it to a different slot and now it tells me

The TV player failed to initialize the video.

Ensure the correct video drivers have been installed and close any applications which may be playing video such as DVD before attempting to restart TV.

Unfortunately somewhere along the line I have tried drivers 23.11, 22.50 and 21.83. So I'm not sure where the new problem came in.

I have rebooted in safe mode, and removed all copied of duplicate drivers and let Windows redetect after reboot.

I ran the ATI compatibility utility and this is the pccheck.log file

[01:25:49] ******** PCcheck Log: Begin: Mon Mar 25 01:25:49 2002

[01:25:49] ======== PCcheckTests For System Compatibility ========
[01:26:20] --- Begin Initializing PC check Info....
[01:26:20] *** Start registry access....
[01:26:20] User Settings: bWarn=1, bSnd=1, bMem=1
[01:26:20] *** Open Key Ex success....
[01:26:20] *** Creates the keys into the registry....
[01:26:20] *** Writing the keys into the registry....
[01:26:20] End of Initializing PC check Info
[01:26:21] --- Begin checking MMX....
[01:26:21] MMX architecture
[01:26:21] --- Begin checking Processor....
[01:26:21] Processor speed is 700 MHz
[01:26:21] --- Begin checking RAM....
[01:26:21] RAM is 256 MBytes
[01:26:21] --- Begin checking Sound card /Audio clock stability....
[01:26:31] Has Sound Card
[01:26:31] Sound card with Clock Stability -0.14%
[01:26:31] --- Begin checking Windows Version....
[01:26:31] Windows98
[01:26:31] --- Begin checking DirectX Version....
[01:26:33] DirectX Version is 7.0
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking DirectX Media Version....
[01:26:33] DirectX Media version is 6.255
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking Video card....
[01:26:33] Primary Graphics Chip: Not ATI RAGE PRO or LT PRO or more recent
[01:26:33] Primary : Graphics Chip: Not ATI RAGE PRO or LT PRO or more recent
[01:26:33] Primary : Unknown
[01:26:33] Primary : Graphics board memory is Unknown MBytes
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking DVD drive....
[01:26:33] ModeSense:bStatus == SS_COMP - It may be a CD Unit
[01:26:33] SearchForDVDUnits - CD: AdapID=0, TargID=0, LunID=0
[01:26:33] This drive has no region protection
[01:26:33] SearchForDVDUnits - Found total CD and DVD ROMs =2
[01:26:33] **For CDROM Drive 'G:'
[01:26:33] CDDVD Device 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD DMA is 1
[01:26:33] CDDVD Auto Insert Notification is 1
[01:26:33] CDDVD Vendor name (Standard CD-ROM device)
[01:26:33] CDDVD Name MATSHITA CD-RW CW-7586
[01:26:33] CDDVD Master
[01:26:33] CDDVD Speed 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2Set 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2Region 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2NumChanges -1
[01:26:33] **For CDROM Drive 'H:'
[01:26:33] CDDVD Device 1
[01:26:33] CDDVD DMA is 1
[01:26:33] CDDVD Auto Insert Notification is 1
[01:26:33] CDDVD Vendor name (Standard CD-ROM device)
[01:26:33] CDDVD Name SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-608
[01:26:33] CDDVD Slave
[01:26:33] CDDVD Speed 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2Set 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2Region 0
[01:26:33] CDDVD RPC2NumChanges -1
[01:26:33] Total DVD and CD drives 2
[01:26:33] CD [G:] MATSHITA CD-RW CW-7586
[01:26:33] DMA for CD operation is enabled
[01:26:33] Auto Insert Notification for CD operation is enabled
[01:26:33] DVD [H:] SAMSUNG DVD-ROM SD-608
[01:26:33] DMA for DVD operation is enabled
[01:26:33] No region protection
[01:26:33] Auto Insert Notification for DVD operation is enabled
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking hard drive....
[01:26:33] HD Name GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47
[01:26:33] HD Vendor name (Standard disk drives)
[01:26:33] HD Name GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47
[01:26:33] HD Vendor name (Standard disk drives)
[01:26:33] Total HD drives 2
[01:26:33] Hard Drive [C:,E:] GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47
[01:26:33] DMA for Hard Drive operation is enabled
[01:26:33] Hard Drive [D:,F:] GENERIC IDE DISK TYPE47
[01:26:33] DMA for Hard Drive operation is enabled
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking Mouse....
[01:26:33] Mouse is installed
[01:26:33] --- Begin checking Memory read bandwidth....
[01:26:33] ** Video Read Bandwidth (DirectDRAW) Test...
[01:26:34] ** Video Read Bandwidth (Host) Test...
[01:26:35] bCheckMemBandwidth = 1
[01:26:35] Memory Bandwidth check has error(s) 1
[01:26:35] Video read is not checked.
[01:26:35] Video read (DirectDraw) in Byte is 1.61 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (DirectDraw) in Word is 2.45 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (DirectDraw) in DWord is 5.74 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (DirectDraw) in QWord is 9.57 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (Host) in Byte is 466.55 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (Host) in Word is 721.26 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (Host) in DWord is 1297.15 MB/Sec
[01:26:35] Video read (Host) in QWord is not checked.
[01:26:35] --- Begin checking Memory write bandwidth....
[01:26:35] ** Video Write Bandwidth (DirectDRAW) Test...
[01:26:35] ** Video Write Bandwidth (Host) Test...
[01:26:37] Write bCheckMemBandwidth = 1
[01:26:37] Video write is not checked.
[01:26:37] Video write (DirectDraw) in Byte is 249.82 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (DirectDraw) in Word is 240.81 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (DirectDraw) in DWord is 249.99 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (DirectDraw) in QWord is 4383.45 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (Host) in Byte is 606.71 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (Host) in Word is 608.11 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (Host) in DWord is 654.17 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] Video write (Host) in QWord is 441.28 MB/Sec
[01:26:37] --- Solution for this system....
[01:26:37] ATI DVD Software Installation/Playback is impossible on this system. Check for details.
[01:26:37] PCcheck Result: 4 item(s) Failed, 0 item(s) Warned
[01:26:55] 2
[01:27:51] CPCcheckApp:CcheckTests - Return value = NO_ERROR
[01:27:51] ******** PCcheck Log: End : Mon Mar 25 01:27:51 2002

It also looks like I'm not seeing everything in the Device manager that used be there like Codecs and stuff. Here is the list of TV Tuner related files in the Device Manager.

ATI TV Wonder BT CAP WDM Audio Capture
ATI TV Wonder BT CAP WDM Video Capture
ATI TV Wonder TV tuner, Philips WDM Tv Tuner
ATI TV Wonder WDM Audio Crossbar
ATI TV Wonder WDM Video Crossbar
ATI WDM Teletext Decoder

I installed DX8 and the Video capture update, but that didn't work either. I am currently DLing DX8.1 on 56K so hopefully that will be done by morning.

Anyone have anymore ideas? Thanks.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2000
Update - I installed DX8.1 and now I get video and audio again, but it still locks up moving and resizing windows. Back where I started. I think I've pretty much eliminated that a PCI slot could be the issue. FYI - this MB has onboard audio so I couldn't remove it and Ididn't try disabling it in bios. Should I try?? If that were to fix it the tuner wouldn't work in this mobo with audio enabled anyway, so it would be kind of useless.



Junior Member
Mar 25, 2002
hey, i own the ati ve and had many problems with MMC 7.1 so now i use a program called Dscaler. get it here. Note: make sure you uninstall all the drivers in device manager (delete them) then reinstall them:

ATI TV Wonder BT CAP WDM Audio Capture
ATI TV Wonder BT CAP WDM Video Capture
ATI TV Wonder TV tuner, Philips WDM Tv Tuner
ATI TV Wonder WDM Audio Crossbar
ATI TV Wonder WDM Video Crossbar
ATI WDM Teletext Decoder

(im not sure those are all of them because im using a different comp to post this)

anyways, i love dscaler because it has a simple format and runs much faster than the default software. also, make sure you select your tv card, processor speed info, etc under options or preferences and set video in to tuner card. hope everything works out.


Senior member
Sep 22, 2000
A friend of mine is having the same problem with a TV wonder card. When we first installed it the tv tuner failed to initialize the video. We then changed pci slots and it would work, but locked up after 15-20 seconds of use. We installed new video card driver's, directx 8.1 again, the tv wonder driver's again , shut down all applications running in the background and no go. He has a built-in sound card and we disabled that in the bios. Nothing worked. This was on W2k with sp2 installed.

He's running an Athlon XP with Soyo Dragon+ KT266A mb and an ATI Radeon SDR AGP card. After four hours we finally gave up. Hope somebody finds a solution, he has a bunch of old home movies he'd like to get onto cd.

He's thinking about going with a different card, like the wintv or avermedia.

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