Logitech MX1000 laser mouse review


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Oh man this mouse sucks, lol. Please, to anyone who is on the fence like I was on buying this thing, DO NOT REWARD SCAMS.

I first read about it in an early review here at this thread. A few people were having issues, but it wasn't clear until later how bad it was. Read through some of the pages afterwards and you'lll see what I mean (I add my review there too.)

Thanks to the first dude on that thread who came up with the *U* test. When playing games you have to pick up your mouse often to reposition, but this crappy mouse won't turn back on for a second or so when you set it back down! Lookat these two videos to see what I mean:

Normal MX700 mouse response when picking it off the mat

Awful response from the MX1000

My old Intellimouse (original edition!) had seen better days, but it still worked pretty well with the feet worn off and everything. I'm getting a new super computer soon, so I was in the market for all-around peripheral upgrades. Wanting to be on the cutting edge, I fell for the $80 hype of laser technology (1.3 software) from Logitech.

I don't know if it's laser problems in general or just a rushed product for Christmas (ergo, SCAM), but the MX1000 does not deserve to be on the shelf, period. True, some people may have it work adequately for them, but there are quite a few people out there with complaints - and apparently Logitech ackowledges it by saying it's made for office applications in their message boards (i.e. not games!). They need to pring that on the box!

I play on a light wood, shiny surface so according to Logitech they made the MX1000 just for me. 100%, Grade A, USDA Choice garbage. First of all, it failed the 'U' test miserably for me too. It didn't even pretend to know it was touching a surface until after a second or so. I tried it on a dozen different surfaces - all the same non-responsive results. I tried it with the Setpoint software, the Intellipoint software and barebones. It's a crappy mouse through and through.

Honestly, once it decides to move, I admit the cursor moves like a dream. VERY smooth which shows the potential when its finally done right. Buut it's not right here. I turned on Counter Strike next; I literally laughed out loud when I tried laying down the ownage on a public server like I can do with the old corded Intellimouse. Even with toning down the speed a bit (it's increased by default it seems), my character jitters about like he has Turret's Syndrome or something. Absolutely ridiculous.

20x more tracking power my @$$... the only reason their marketing genius didn't use '100x more tracking power' is because the phrase is probably copyrighted from some other company's scam. No wonder Logitech is claiming that it wasn't meant primarily for gaming (according to an earlier post here). You can't blame it on its sleep mode either; the three lights go off after eight seconds or so of non-movement, but in the 'U' test it stays on.

I never tried the MX700, but according to some reviews and comments I've read, the re-charge rate is poor and the precision isn't as solid as the corded mice just yet (I could be wrong). But for now I took it back (CompUSA charged a 15% restocking fee for that beta!). I got the excellent MX510 instead and it is perfect.

TRUST me if you're a gamer. It's not worth taking the chance on being a duped guinea pig even if you end up being a rare, fortunate player where it works well on your machine. Last year the gaming scam of the year for me was the buggy Champions of Norrath online game on the Playstation 2. This year the crown so far easily goes to Logitech's obviously rushed MX1000.

P.S. It also rocks back 'n forth on flat surfaces like it has a broken wheel or something, just like some other complaints in that thread. Hust another example of how shoddy this rushed piece of crap is.


Oct 14, 1999
I am not experiencing that problem. The emitter\sensor (cant call it a transceiver) pair is capable of tracking approximately 0.125" above the mousepad I am using. The mouse does not go into sleep mode for about 2 seconds after activity (LEDs turn off). If it takes you 2 seconds to reposition your mouse, your mousepad is huge.

The charger works fine for me.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
No, it takes a second or so for the mouse to recognize it's been put down once you lift it up. Look at the two vids and you'll see the difference in the tests.


Oct 14, 1999
I just picked it up, moved it around in the air with my hand until the LED went off. I put it back down... and the cursor moved -.-


Jul 17, 2003
My MX1000 has been absolutely flawless. In fact mine works even if I hold it about a half inch off the table
Jun 14, 2003
well toms jus gave its pretty good review......but i can see what u mean, dunno if that action u were doin in that video would be done all the time like, tho when u got limited desk space and u need to move the cursor a long way then yeah i can see ur point.

i was gonna buy it too, but when they were only on pre-order i was like fook that i want a new mouse now, and got the MX510


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
well toms jus gave its pretty good review......but i can see what u mean, dunno if that action u were doin in that video would be done all the time like, tho when u got limited desk space and u need to move the cursor a long way then yeah i can see ur point.

i was gonna buy it too, but when they were only on pre-order i was like fook that i want a new mouse now, and got the MX510

The point of it was to show anytime you lifted the mouse up and put it down the MX1000 won't recognize it for a little bit - in games that will kill you. Try it with your mouse now... see? The cursor moves. It doesn't budge AT ALL with the MX1000 for many people. Stay FAR away unless you buy it with a good return policy (I had to pay 15% restocking fee at CompUSA!).


Jan 13, 2001
Whoever thinks those videos are relevant is a 'tard! Even the goofiest blonde user with thousands of items in their daily ad-aware and spybot scans doesn't use a mouse like that.

That is just stupid. This is akin to driving a car and slamming the brakes hard enough to skid every 20 feet!

Damn! :|



Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Originally posted by: sharkeeper
Whoever thinks those videos are relevant is a 'tard! Even the goofiest blonde user with thousands of items in their daily ad-aware and spybot scans doesn't use a mouse like that.

That is just stupid. This is akin to driving a car and slamming the brakes hard enough to skid every 20 feet!

Damn! :|


You aren't too bright are ya?

Once again, the point of the vids is to show that when the mouse leaves the mat and then is set down, the MX1000 will NOT respond right away. Why is that hard to figure out? Do that test with your mouse now... see how it reacts easily and instantly after being set down? When playing CS or Doom 3, if you lift your mouse and set it down with one of these beta suckers your movement will be delayed! That's the only thing being illustrated, but shown in a way that replicates a dozen attempts to show the point, instead of once or twice.

Get the mouse yourself and play regularly; you will notice the lag everytime you put it on the mat. Delay, delay, delay.


Jan 13, 2001
You aren't too bright are ya?

Once again, the point of the vids is to show that when the mouse leaves the mat and then is set down, the MX1000 will NOT respond right away. Why is that hard to figure out? Do that test with your mouse now... see how it reacts easily and instantly after being set down? When playing CS or Doom 3, if you lift your mouse and set it down with one of these beta suckers your movement will be delayed! That's the only thing being illustrated, but shown in a way that replicates a dozen attempts to show the point, instead of once or twice.

Get the mouse yourself and play regularly; you will notice the lag everytime you put it on the mat. Delay, delay, delay.

I have this mouse and it works fine. I pick the mouse up and set it down and it tracks immediately. You really have issues if you actually use the mouse this way. I suggest you get your head out of your ass and fix your obvious problem!



Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Congrats to you... apparently you got one of the good beta mice. There are plenty of them don't. If someone wants to get it, just make sure you go to a store that allows returns. No need to waste $80 gambling on whether your mouse works as intended.

I went and got a MX510 and I love it. Best mouse I've ever used, so I ain't slamming Logitech blindly. Still, people out there should know about a problem that truly exists, especially since it's even been discussed on the Logitech boards.


Golden Member
Jan 29, 2003
You guys are crying cause its a poor gaming mouse? Did they advertise it as a gamers mouse? Do they not have a "gaming mouse" called the mx510? If you want a cordless gaming mouse then get the mx700.

The mx1000 was designed for people that want cordless freedom with long battery life and they can brag about having the latest gizmo.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2002
I can understand arredondo's point there, maybe not all mx1000's are effected but clearly his mouse is suffering that problem. As a gamer I can understand first hand how that can cause you some nasty problems in game.

But it is true they dont say its a gaming mouse, so I suppose you cant really complain about that. But still it shouldn't suffer a problem of that kind.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Originally posted by: deepinya
You guys are crying cause its a poor gaming mouse? Did they advertise it as a gamers mouse? Do they not have a "gaming mouse" called the mx510? If you want a cordless gaming mouse then get the mx700.

The mx1000 was designed for people that want cordless freedom with long battery life and they can brag about having the latest gizmo.

They advertise that its 20x moore accurate than the other mice. They list the specs as being the same as their premiere gaming mouse, the 510MX. That in itself is misleading to any and all gamers... they put a disclaimer on their webboards that it was designed for office applications and stuff like graphic design... they should put this information instead ON THE BOX.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2004
I dont own it, but just got done reading a review on it from Maximum PC, and they gave it a 9/10, their only major complaint being a non-user replaceable battery. They even said that it is very good for games, the only downside there being that not all the buttons would be comfortable for most gamers.

They tested the hell out of it, gave it a good review, said it had great response times, and said that a wired version, which will be cheaper is shipping soon.

You probably got one of the first of the breed, and like any new product, there can be some problems with either the initial build, or the manufacturing process may not be perfect yet. Thats why almost any computer user will wait before making a high cost purchase on an item that has only been out for a day. Look at motherboards, they usually have 2-5 revisions before all the negative effects are worked out.

I had a series 1 Microsoft optical mouse, and it was good, but would stutter if I moved it fast enough, I got a 1.1 mouse a year later, and the problem is gone.

So you can complain I guess, but I fail to see how the problem is anymore Logitech's fault for design problems as it is yours for buying something technologically brand new and expecting it to be flawless.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
i will wait for corded version, they will have the bugs worked out by then, i hate having to recharge those things and/or deal with the extra weight


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
So you can complain I guess, but I fail to see how the problem is anymore Logitech's fault for design problems as it is yours for buying something technologically brand new and expecting it to be flawless.

Screw that. You make absolutely no sense. Logitech acknowledges the issue and covers their butts by saying it was meant for executives and graphic design, not necessarily for gamers (not said on the box however!)? This is much more pervasive than you want to realize. Quite a few people have gotten this beta product and have had the exact same problems on multiple machines on multiple surfaces with multiple replacements.

Yes, its new technology but don't rush a beta to market just to get some slaes for Christmas or you're scamming the public. As for review sites not reporting problems, its very possible, even likely, that Logitech sends them a model that does work well. That screws the consumer though who's taking a chance at being so lucky with their hard earned $$$. Here are more comments from others, all different people at the forum link in my main review:

I have tested these in every variable condition I can think. This includes trying it on PS/2, USB 1.1, USB 2.0, and w/ different combinations of mouse software installed all of which I believe I mentioned before. I've tested it on a PIII 800 laptop, and three desktops (P4 2.8C, Athlon XP-M 2500+, PII 450) that couldn't be more different from each other. I've got totally different software configs on each. I even went so far as to test the MX1000 w/ a different receiver, namely the MX Duo's to rule out the receiver as a problem.

The result is the same in all situations, so I'm more inclined to rule out my PC's as the problem. I can easily test it out on more if you wish. I don't know why some people on here are so hell bent on refusing to acknowledge this as an issue, especially since it's consistent among those who see it. It seems like so people are so bent on calling this the best mouse ever that any comment contrary to this such as the delay issue is being accused as a conspiracy to make Logitech look bad. This is simply not the case. I do not think it is unreasonable for us to simply acknowledge that this issue exists for some people in some form. I certainly acknowledge that there are those who don't have the issue, though it doesn't really answer the question why.

Unfortunately I bought my MX1000 while at home on break. My internet connection at home is too slow to play counter strike, etc so I did not bother and therefore did not notice the problem. Now I am back on my college campus and have found this EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING issue with the mouse. I do not have the option of returning it so I am hoping that logitech addresses the issue soon.

bought the MX1000 just a few days ago from Dixons in Leeds, UK after my MX700 stopped tracking completely. At first I was quite impressed but I am also experiencing this horrible delay problem in FPS games and it is noticable in Windows...

I love the mouse other than the delay. Regardless of whether this problem only plagues some mice or all of them, what I find odd is that when you press the reset button, for the first 15 seconds or so the delay dissapears. To me this sounds like the problem is not with the new laser illumination technology, but something else. I wonder if someone in design thought they could get more life out of the battery if the thing went to "sleep" immediately after losing sight of the surface and the delay is the "wake-up" period.

I bought MX-1000 just today and have same problems. I'm going insane... 90 Euro down the drain + I sold MX-510 =(

It ain't an isolated problem. You're taking your chances if you buy one.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2004
Honestly, find me a mouse, anywhere, that on the box it says "not for gamers". Why would you lock out a major buying group like that, even if you did not think it was the best mouse for the job? Also several people seem to be using their mouse just fine, thats why I still think these are just wide-spread manufacturing defects, which is a problem, but does not make the mouse a bad product, or even a beta one. It could be a bad batch, it could be a million other reasons.

You take a huge company, such as Ford, they make the Escape Hybrid, something that is a commonplace vehicle, just as a Logitech mouse is commonplace, but make a huge change to it. The vehicle going Hybrid, the mouse going laser. Even though both will sell very well their first year, you never want to be the person who gets a first edition of anything that is so brand new. They could test the hell out of the Hybrid, they could test the hell out of the mouse, but until its in the hands of a 100k people, with 100k different ways of using it, you wont see all the real problems. Also, it would only take something like a bad batch of charging units in the hybrid to make a whole batch of them bad. Just as it would only take a poorly aligned laser, some manufacturing error, or just a bad batch of laser components to make this mouse perform poorly.

These are the kinds of things that get worked out, and the product is better by its first revision, or in the case of the hybrid, its next year.

If you want to have the newest technology, that?s fine, everyone does, but you have to pick your words carefully if something goes wrong with it. It doesn?t make the product bad, its just the law of probability. You wont see the real performance of the product until more than a focus group has their hands on it.

What Logitech says about it, not being a gaming mouse or whatever, could just be some CSR?s BS explanation. It could just be a way for the company to cover themselves because there is a huge batch of them out there that are bad. The fact that there are so many good ones though, something you don?t seem to want to talk about, shows that it isn?t a problem with all the mice.
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