Logitech MX1000 laser mouse review

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Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2001
Man, will you please stop calling it a "beta mouse"? I have this mouse, and it does have the "problem" you mentioned. But you know what? I never would have even known if I hadn't seen this thread. Why? I DON'T PICK MY MOUSE UP WHILE GAMING! Why would I? If you have to pick it up then maybe you need to adjust the sensitivity and acceleration so it moves fast enough to keep up with you. And if you actually have one and hate it so much, sell it to someone here. I guarantee someone will buy your "beta" product.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
just tried picking up my mouse and it loses tracking after a1.4 about the blck mouse pad. perhaps a more reflective surface makes a difference. I dont have anything white i can use.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: vetteguy

when your turning and you need to turn more, you pick up up to place it at another end of the mouse pad and tug it the other direction to keep turning, if you were to put it backto the right, you would turn back to where you were.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
Logitech scammed you too, eh Adul? Sorry to hear it. These other ostriches here prefer to stick their heads in the sand. It may work for some people, but in no way should a product work so poorly for a bunch of others.

The point is there is no mouse I know of where the results for the user vary so wildly. I mean, even a basic $5 mouse with a ball in it works consistently well for 99% of the people that buy them new. If this BETA (!!!) product wasn't rushed out to scam some of the people of their $$$ just before Christmas, the kinks may have been worked out enough for the MX1000 so it would also work as well as a $5 mouse for most users.

For $80 to sell a mouse you know gamers would try and not telling them its not for them is a scam - Logitech's statements show they knew ahead of time that it wasn't up to gamers' standards (even though a $5 mouse would at least do the job). I'll keep calling it beta until they release a product that isn't a crap shoot of whether it works well for everyone who buys it. Get it if you want (I took mine back and got the awesome MX510), but you are taking your chances.

Don't reward scams! Stay away from the BETA MX1000 or keep your receipt in a safe place


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2002
Honestly, I think you trying to this product is in beta is a little premature. I have had mine for a week, after previously having the MX700 and the MX510, I love this thing. I do not experience any of the issues you have described above, but I am sure, as with every other product that is mass produced, there will be defects. If you have an issue with it, call Logitech, if they are not able to resolve it, send it back, get your money and enjoy. I have no advice other than I think you are over-reacting a bit and may want to just sit back, relax, and move away from the computer for a few seconds. My gaming hasn't been effected one bit by this mouse, as I really have enjoyed the accuracy found in the MX510, combined with the comfort of having no wires like the MX700.


Golden Member
May 27, 2000
Just read the Toms Hardware guide review of this product and it does indeed seem like the laser shutting off was part of the design.

"The laser used by Logitech is obviously a low-power Class 1 model. It consumes less than 700 µW, which is quite minimal. To avoid any possible exposure by looking at the underside of the mouse, the laser shuts off as soon as the mouse is no longer sitting on a surface."



Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
my dads got one, for his imac. it works absolutely perfectly. im jealous of him.


Junior Member
Oct 1, 2004
A friend of mine bought one yesterday, and I tried it out.

The cool thing about this mouse is it's AMAZING tracking... It's a bull%^&* argument that it's for CAD and businessmen! What do they ever need to move it at great speeds for?

I've got an MX510 and so far it's the best all-round mouse, and even it does not compare to the exquisite tracking (meters/second) of this lazer mouse. Firstly you need all excelleration OFF, then in a game, more it FAST to one side, and then back the exact same point... and voilla... you are there! What executive needs this!!!?

I'm a low sens player, which mean that my movement is flowing and I pack an average of 45% rail accuracy in Quake... this mouse if really good with accuracy, but if they just left the sensor on while picked up, then it would make moving actuallt plausible... since like most low sens players I use a huge mouse pad, and pick up my mouse constantly which makes this mouse unusable... all they needed to do was to keep the sensor on for a bit longer!!!

I then tried playing it as high-sense, and it does become a bit easier to use, since most high sens players hardly ever need to lift the mouse... it becomes bareable in this mode, but still not good enough.

The MX510 is still the best mouse... And I have used MS ball-mouse, Razer Boomslang 1000, MS Optical versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2, MouseMan Dual Optical and MX310....

-sgrug- (I also have a cordless Dual Optical Mouseman, but it has a severe glitch that you cannot press a button without interrupting the movement slightly which makes strafe/circle jumping in Quake impossible if you use the mouse to jump.... I have since also swopped to using SPACE as jump anyway...)

I'm sure this mouse should be 'hackable' with some solder etc.... which would then make it the ultimate... I love the fact that they made it work at 125 unlike ALL the other corless mice.

PS: PS2 adaptors still give better performance though... up to 200Hz and beyond... but you would need Linux to truely appreciate it's repsonse rates for this...

Hope this was enlightening to all you prospective buyers...

PS: On another topic, the whole mirror thing. The mouse is obviously outside the visible spectrum, and thus the 'mirror' may not be as mirror-like at those frequencies and may or may not work... hence the Box disclaimer... Just my 2c



Golden Member
Feb 1, 2004
As has always been the case and shall always be throughout eternity wireless mice suck for FPS games where you need to move FAST, FURIOUS, VIOLENTLY @ times and even lift the mouse off the mousepad whether in anger or desperation or even skill blah blah blah. MX510 for me. BTW, I was being fecetious about the always and forever stuff but after all the failed wireless purchases for gaming I have made I would never purchase a wireless mouse for FPS games until I saw thread after thread of FPS users confirming that it works perfectly as good as the best wired mouse. As already being seen the wireless mx1000 has issues just like I was telling my brother I doubted it was perfect for FPS games and I for one would wait for lots of FPS users to talk about it before buying one because lots of people are posers and say it works pefectly but hardly play FPS games at all so wouldnt know the difference between a FPS game and the Simms. He was telling me to sell my mx510 and jump on the mx1000 bandwagon right away after the first review, lol.


Senior member
Sep 17, 2004
You are wise to be patient. Your pocketbook thanks you. Stick with the MX510 if you play action games, absolutely.


Jan 5, 2004
the mouse works fine when its on the pad, but if you lift it up a little bit and move it, it takes a sec for the lasor to pick it up.

Say, you're playing a fps and you run all the way to the side of your mousepad or hit hte keyboard, you're first reaction is to pick it up and move it over more, but the problem is when it hits the pad, it doesn't instantly pick up movement, then there's lag.

its a well known problem, there are plenty of people on forums all over the place with the problem. if you put it down slowly while moving, it picks up fine, but that takes a bit of delicacy that most people don't have while gaming


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2004
I found the "pick up lagg" very annoying as I am a zero mouse accel gamer with pretty low sens.

Ill give it a try for a while but otherwise its going back :/


Junior Member
Oct 15, 2004
Originally posted by: lailoken
The cool thing about this mouse is it's AMAZING tracking... It's a bull%^&* argument that it's for CAD and businessmen! What do they ever need to move it at great speeds for?

It's not about the speed. It's about control.
Have you ever used a CAD package or high-end graphics application?

Many optical mice skip when you're trying to precisely place pixels or move a control vertex to a specific location.
It can be annoying when the pointer won't stay still or skips over two pixels instead of one.

Logitech makes some CAD specific products and, though the 20X figure pulled out of the air by marketing may be false, I believe the CAD claim is valid.

As for businessmen, I'll never be sure what any of them really need other than a lawyer.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Can anyone tell me, when fully charged, how many green bars light up on the MX1000?
Mine came with 3 lit up, and its been on the charger for about 2 hours now, and its still like that. I read of 4 guage power indicators, but i cant see a space for a 4th LED.



Nov 5, 2002
Just thought I"d offer my input: I works great here. No problems in FPS games or any other game at all. I really like the feel of it, much better than my mx500.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2004
Originally posted by: BoomAM
Can anyone tell me, when fully charged, how many green bars light up on the MX1000?
Mine came with 3 lit up, and its been on the charger for about 2 hours now, and its still like that. I read of 4 guage power indicators, but i cant see a space for a 4th LED.


I think the way it works is 3 bars, 2 bars, 1 bar, and then 0 bars. So the 0 state counts as one


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Ive tested it fully. And here are my findings.
I dont get any of the problems that people claim to have, like the slow startup if its been to "sleep", or the rocking due to unlevel pads. I have only had one problem thus far, and that is that after a restart, about 20mins ago, the mouse didnt work at all, despite being connected up properly. But a restart fixed that. Its only happened once since i got it, so i cant comment on if its a isolated incident or not.
Its general feel is great, but my one major gripe, is that the middle click (on the wheel), is hard to do without hitting the side scroll clicks as well, and it sounds a little clunky when it does click in the middle. No biggy though, it could just be the way im using the mouse.
I dont like it that the software doesnt support sidescrolling yet. A bit of a pointless feature if i cant use them, or at least program them to something else. It`d be nice to be able to program scroll left/right to keyboard keys, so then in game i can have them set to lean or summit, until games fully support side scroll buttons. Another problem i have with the software is that it doesnt install proper drivers. The Logitech suite has to be running in the background to have the mouse`s extra buttons working.

Overall, im impressed. And the minor niggles i have are probably because i got used to my MX700, which if i remember correctly, i also had gripes with till after about a week of usage.
As for the problem i had. Ive only experianced it once, and it may be an isolated incident, but i`ll post back if it happens again.
Well worth a buy though imo.


Mar 3, 2004
I got this mouse 3 days ago. All I can say this mouse is awesome. I dont have any complaints with it. My previous mouse was Microsoft optical wireless which lags especially in games. I used this mouse in fps games and its a much improvement from my previous mouse. No lag at all. Instant reaction.
I have tested lifting my mouse and it move straight away. It doesnt lag at all when I put it down. I moved it 6 feet off the ground and I can still use it!
I also tested with a software called mouserate. My microsoft mouse rates about 80-90hz on average while the MX1000 rates about 125-150hz on average.
All I can say, I'm really happy with the mouse and I'm glad that I bought it!


May 17, 2004
Mine has had no problems. My kids have them also and use them for alot FPS gaming. Something else is wrong in those reviews. Ours have been rock solid and we will never go back.


May 17, 2004
Just tested a couple of ours when they are picked up they respond instantly when put back down. I work with CAD systems all day and I know a good mouse when I use one. This is the best mouse I have ever had by far.. Like I said, I'll never go back. Maybe there is a problem with certain MB chipsets or something.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Luthien
As has always been the case and shall always be throughout eternity wireless mice suck for FPS games where you need to move FAST, FURIOUS, VIOLENTLY @ times and even lift the mouse off the mousepad whether in anger or desperation or even skill blah blah blah. MX510 for me. BTW, I was being fecetious about the always and forever stuff but after all the failed wireless purchases for gaming I have made I would never purchase a wireless mouse for FPS games until I saw thread after thread of FPS users confirming that it works perfectly as good as the best wired mouse. As already being seen the wireless mx1000 has issues just like I was telling my brother I doubted it was perfect for FPS games and I for one would wait for lots of FPS users to talk about it before buying one because lots of people are posers and say it works pefectly but hardly play FPS games at all so wouldnt know the difference between a FPS game and the Simms. He was telling me to sell my mx510 and jump on the mx1000 bandwagon right away after the first review, lol.

BS, obviously you haven't tried the MX700 or you wouldn't make that statement.

I've had it for 2 years now and it's worked flawlessly in every FPS I have and yes I do play them often. UT2k4, Far Fry, Doom3 (just the demo waiting for a bundle with a 6800gt to get the full version)

I can lift the mouse as long as I want and it track immediately when I put it back down.

I think what they did with the MX1000 is improve power efficiency and for eye safety reasons shut the laser off when lifted, unlike the MX700 who's LED remains on but starts blinking fast when lifted for several seconds.


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: element
I've had it for 2 years now and it's worked flawlessly in every FPS I have and yes I do play them often. UT2k4, Far Fry, Doom3 (just the demo waiting for a bundle with a 6800gt to get the full version)
Same here.
I replaced my MX700 with a MX1000, and both are excellent for games.
The technical specs behind both of them show that theres NO DIFFERENCE between them and wired mices in reaction time/lag. But we still see a few dubious claims from individuals who think that they`re gods gift to gaming, and claim to notice the difference between a few Hz. Unless they have a built in timing chip and oscilloscope, theres not a chance in hell that they`d notice a difference. Because there isnt one. Its in my opinion, that people who say they can notice the difference, that the difference is in their head. Psychological. They claim to see what isnt there.



Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2001
Originally posted by: arredondo
Don't buy this BETA product!

Wow, you're still going off about this? Will you just return it already and quit whining? Oh wait, I forgot, you don't actually have one of these, nor do you have any of the other products you've spent your time criticizing. :disgust:
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