LoL - I can't believe Rep's made a stink about Gray Davis ! -> Bush to Propose Immigration Law Changes


Jun 3, 2003

Bush to Propose Immigration Law Changes

By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON - President Bush (news - web sites) will propose immigration law changes to allow workers from Mexico to enter the United States if they have jobs waiting for them, officials said Monday in previewing an election-year measure intended to bolster support among Hispanic voters.

Advocacy groups were invited to the White House on Wednesday to hear details of the program.

"The president has long talked about the importance of having an immigration policy that matches willing workers with willing employers," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said. "It's important for America to be a welcoming society. We are a nation of immigrants, and we're better for it."

Immigration advocacy groups characterized Bush's move as a politically drawn effort to curry favor with Hispanics, a potent political force, particularly in key states like Florida, California and border states. Two sources speaking on condition of anonymity said Bush would outline a set of principles rather than a detailed piece of legislation, and that the policy statement would draw on bills already pending in Congress.

"It looks very much like a political effort and what they do with these `principles' is going to determine whether this is really a policy initiative or not," said Cecilia Munoz, vice president for policy at the National Council of La Raza. "The Latino community knows the difference between political posturing and a real policy debate."

She said the initiative was crafted by Bush's political strategist, Karl Rove, and that the immigration policy community was excluded from the deliberations.

"We know of no one in the immigration policy community, business groups or Latino groups who has been consulted," she said.

Rove, with Bush at a campaign fund-raiser in St. Louis, deflected questions about Bush's proposal.

"Stay tuned," he told a reporter.

Bush's planned announcement comes five days before he meets in Mexico with President Vicente Fox on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of the hemisphere's leaders.

Mexico is seeking a measure of legality for the approximately 4 million undocumented Mexicans living in the United States and wants a legal way for others to work in the country in the future.

Immigration talks between the United States and Mexico stalled when the Sept. 11 terror attacks prompted the United States to tighten border restrictions, and were set back further by Mexico's refusal to support the Iraq war. Tensions also arose over Bush's refusal to stop the execution of a Mexican national in Texas.

Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, at a town hall meeting in Miami last month, hinted at a change of policy when he said the United States needs to "come to grips" with an estimated 8 million to 12 million illegal immigrants and "determine how you can legalize their presence." He also said that the immigrants should not be rewarded citizenship.

Bush, at a year-end news conference in January, said he was preparing to send Congress ideas about an "immigration policy that helps match any willing employer with any willing employee." He said he is "firmly against blanket amnesty," or a mass legalization.

Two guest-worker bills have been proposed in Congress: One from Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain and two of McCain's Republican House colleagues, Jim Kolbe and Jeff Flake; and a second from Sen. John Cornyn.

Cornyn, a Texas Republican, has proposed that illegal immigrants could volunteer to work for up to three years if a job exists for them. When they've worked three years, they could apply for legal permanent residence, but must return to their country of origin to do so.

Workers illegally in the United States would have 12 months to apply to the program and after that would no longer be eligible. Those accepted would be given a "blue card," allowing them to travel outside the United States.

The Cornyn proposal would give guest workers the same rights granted Americans under Labor Department laws and would set up accounts for workers in which employers would deposit money drawn from workers' wages in lieu of withdrawing the money for Social Security (news - web sites) or Medicare.

The money would be held by the Treasury and would be refunded to the worker when the worker returns to his or her home country.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
"President Bush will propose immigration law changes to allow workers from Mexico to enter the United States if they have jobs waiting for them"

Of course they have jobs waitng for them, who else is going to build the 200,000 houses announced to be built in my Community.


Nov 24, 2001
Originally posted by: tnitsuj
The president needs the Hispanic vote in 04. is politics.

this has always been his position. democrats are the ones whos views change w/ the polls.


Oct 25, 2002
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Genesys

My wife's an immigrant. I have three very good friends who are immigrants. Do you mean 'iilegal' immigrants?


Golden Member
Nov 10, 2003
Originally posted by: Gaard
Originally posted by: Genesys

My wife's an immigrant. I have three very good friends who are immigrants. Do you mean 'iilegal' immigrants?

mostly, yes. and my aunt is an immigrant, whats your point?

and no, this has nothing to do with race [sorry guys, im just not a racist] but it does have everything to do with the belief that the US is overpopulated.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

No. That they should earn. If anything, a regular Identification Card from the DMV should suffice. It's identical to the driver's license but soley for identification.


Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2002
LOL, just saw this thread after I started one of my own. Anyways, I'll just cut and paste what I had there:

"Way to go Bush. Exacerbate the already critical problem of overimmigration from Mexico for the sake of winning the hispanic vote in the upcoming election.

I have always been a supporter of Bush but immigration is a problem that has been ignored through both the Clinton and Bush years.

I have no problem with immigration. America needs immigration. But we need a better, more balanced immigration policy and more educated, skilled immigrants from other regions. There are too many people from Mexico coming over here and not assimilating and bringing down this country. If it continues great parts of this country are going to go the way of Mexico. Take a look at California and Texas for example to see where things are headed.

P.S. By the way I am hispanic so I don't want to hear anything about how my views are racist, because race has nothing to do with it. "


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
LOL, just saw this thread after I started one of my own. Anyways, I'll just cut and paste what I had there:

"Way to go Bush. Exacerbate the already critical problem of overimmigration from Mexico for the sake of winning the hispanic vote in the upcoming election.

I have always been a supporter of Bush but immigration is a problem that has been ignored through both the Clinton and Bush years.

I have no problem with immigration. America needs immigration. But we need a better, more balanced immigration policy and more educated, skilled immigrants from other regions. There are too many people from Mexico coming over here and not assimilating and bringing down this country. If it continues great parts of this country are going to go the way of Mexico. Take a look at California and Texas for example to see where things are headed.

P.S. By the way I am hispanic so I don't want to hear anything about how my views are racist, because race has nothing to do with it. "

More educated/skilled immigrants coming to the US has never been a problem. In fact, the brain drain in Europe and developing countries find their homes here. As for menial labor, or any other labor, if there is a shortage, all should be welcomed.


Platinum Member
Aug 22, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
LOL, just saw this thread after I started one of my own. Anyways, I'll just cut and paste what I had there:

"Way to go Bush. Exacerbate the already critical problem of overimmigration from Mexico for the sake of winning the hispanic vote in the upcoming election.

I have always been a supporter of Bush but immigration is a problem that has been ignored through both the Clinton and Bush years.

I have no problem with immigration. America needs immigration. But we need a better, more balanced immigration policy and more educated, skilled immigrants from other regions. There are too many people from Mexico coming over here and not assimilating and bringing down this country. If it continues great parts of this country are going to go the way of Mexico. Take a look at California and Texas for example to see where things are headed.

P.S. By the way I am hispanic so I don't want to hear anything about how my views are racist, because race has nothing to do with it. "

More educated/skilled immigrants coming to the US has never been a problem. In fact, the brain drain in Europe and developing countries find their homes here. As for menial labor, or any other labor, if there is a shortage, all should be welcomed.

That sounds good in theory, but things aren't really like that. If that's the case how come my friend from England with a college degree and perfect english can't get a work permit over here, but there are so many uneducated, non-english speaking losers from Mexico that get to stay here??? It doesn't make sense. Half of them contribute nothing to this country but to raise the crime rate and create slums.



Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
LOL, just saw this thread after I started one of my own. Anyways, I'll just cut and paste what I had there:

"Way to go Bush. Exacerbate the already critical problem of overimmigration from Mexico for the sake of winning the hispanic vote in the upcoming election.

I have always been a supporter of Bush but immigration is a problem that has been ignored through both the Clinton and Bush years.

I have no problem with immigration. America needs immigration. But we need a better, more balanced immigration policy and more educated, skilled immigrants from other regions. There are too many people from Mexico coming over here and not assimilating and bringing down this country. If it continues great parts of this country are going to go the way of Mexico. Take a look at California and Texas for example to see where things are headed.

P.S. By the way I am hispanic so I don't want to hear anything about how my views are racist, because race has nothing to do with it. "

More educated/skilled immigrants coming to the US has never been a problem. In fact, the brain drain in Europe and developing countries find their homes here. As for menial labor, or any other labor, if there is a shortage, all should be welcomed.

That sounds good in theory, but things aren't really like that. If that's the case how come my friend from England with a college degree and perfect english can't get a work permit over here, but there are so many uneducated, non-english speaking losers from Mexico that get to stay here??? It doesn't make sense. Half of them contribute nothing to this country but to raise the crime rate and create slums.

Your friend probably can't get a work permit because of politics, not his skills. A couple of years ago people were complaining about too many H1-B visas being handed out. The gov't lowered the amount given out in response to the criticism.



Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Aceshigh
LOL, just saw this thread after I started one of my own. Anyways, I'll just cut and paste what I had there:

"Way to go Bush. Exacerbate the already critical problem of overimmigration from Mexico for the sake of winning the hispanic vote in the upcoming election.

I have always been a supporter of Bush but immigration is a problem that has been ignored through both the Clinton and Bush years.

I have no problem with immigration. America needs immigration. But we need a better, more balanced immigration policy and more educated, skilled immigrants from other regions. There are too many people from Mexico coming over here and not assimilating and bringing down this country. If it continues great parts of this country are going to go the way of Mexico. Take a look at California and Texas for example to see where things are headed.

P.S. By the way I am hispanic so I don't want to hear anything about how my views are racist, because race has nothing to do with it. "

More educated/skilled immigrants coming to the US has never been a problem. In fact, the brain drain in Europe and developing countries find their homes here. As for menial labor, or any other labor, if there is a shortage, all should be welcomed.

This is going to hurt all Americans and even those who are not yet Americans but Residents or waiting to become a citzens or residents. The reason being is that these people worked their butts off to get here, to get their jobs and their status but now Bush is giving it away like candy.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

They do in Tennessee and looking to do so in Georgia too this month. It's great, everybody loves it here with everything in Espanol, no English allowed. Don't have to go away on vacation to Mexico, it came here to us, si.
Oct 16, 1999
This is only about cheap labor. Bush is bringing it here so companies won't have to outsource to Mexico. Of course, that is better than outsourcing to Mexico, but not by much. More companies will be using this cheap labor that otherwise would not have, these jobs will go to Mexicans instead of Americans, the Mexicans will do everything they can to horde as much money thay can then take it all back home with them to Mexico. They will live 10 to a house, use 5 to a car, and they don't use banks or credit cards. All these huge negatives are going to outweigh the (only) benefit of 'cheaper consumer goods' (really a BS argument, how much cheaper are the goods you buy because of NAFTA and outsourcing and the immigrants that are already here?). Lower-class America is going to get screwed HARD from this. I live in NC, lots of lower-class labor types and lots of Mexican immigrants, and I've seen the effect this situation (and NAFTA, it has destroyed our textile industry) has had here.


Jun 3, 2003
NAFTA was the nail on the coffin of the American worker and Bush shall be the hammer that drives it in all the way home.


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

No. That they should earn. If anything, a regular Identification Card from the DMV should suffice. It's identical to the driver's license but soley for identification.

Earn or get it does not matter anymore you just make sure to print out those DMV tests in Spanish. American companies will demand that their new cheap labor force be allowed to drive !



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

No. That they should earn. If anything, a regular Identification Card from the DMV should suffice. It's identical to the driver's license but soley for identification.

Earn or get it does not matter anymore you just make sure to print out those DMV tests in Spanish. American companies will demand that their new cheap labor force be allowed to drive !

It is in spanish, with Spanish Officers to give them the written and driving tests.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

No. That they should earn. If anything, a regular Identification Card from the DMV should suffice. It's identical to the driver's license but soley for identification.

Umm why not let them take a test if your going to give them the ID anyways it should be that they can get the license but it should have on it a big stamp saying illegal.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Spencer278
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: Dari
I think that there should be no stopping anyone from getting a job anywhere, so long as they don't start to suck on the government's welfare tits. Hell, we get qualified professionals (for example, nurses) from abroad to help with our shortage here, why can't we get the same kind of assistance regarding menial labor? If no one wants to do it, why stop others from filling the gap?

and we might as well allow them to get a DMV license as well ! If they are going to be working and living here. Though I don't want to see anymore complaints about L.A., San Diego or any other U.S. city looking like Mexico city after a couple of years from now.

No. That they should earn. If anything, a regular Identification Card from the DMV should suffice. It's identical to the driver's license but soley for identification.

Umm why not let them take a test if your going to give them the ID anyways it should be that they can get the license but it should have on it a big stamp saying illegal.

Is that anyway to treat our citizens from the south?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
They come into California all the time illegally. If not for them, many crops wouldn't get picked. So we're going to make it so they can come in and do what they've been doing for decades. And don't give me any bs about losing jobs to Americans. If you want to pick crops for what they make, then get out here because we've got plenty of jobs for you.


Jan 10, 2002
Why do people employ Illegal Immigrants who are here???

^^^^^^^^Will they STILL have jobs if the employers are forced to pay the taxes for them and the insurance... etc. etc..????

So.. can my girlfriend who is here on a Education Visa become a legal citizen too Mr. Bush? She has spent approximately $250,000 here and NEVER received ONE SINGLE FVCKING PENNY OF SOCIAL WELFARE.......



Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: dirtboy
They come into California all the time illegally. If not for them, many crops wouldn't get picked. So we're going to make it so they can come in and do what they've been doing for decades. And don't give me any bs about losing jobs to Americans. If you want to pick crops for what they make, then get out here because we've got plenty of jobs for you.

Do the farmers (who already receive Govt. Subsidies) pay the necessary taxes for these workers and do they pay the insurance....

Too bad we couldn't force the Welfare Recipients to work on farms or force Prison Inmates to do the farm work...

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