LOL! The Palin story is like a bad disney movie

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Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Originally posted by: quest55720
Originally posted by: OneOfTheseDays
Rubber stamp Obama? WTF are you talking about? Stop spreading fucking lies Republican slime.

This seems to be the #1 trick in the conservative playbook. Whenever you point out their lies and hypocrisies they just say, well the other guy is like totally worse. Fucking idiots.

List all these times Obama went against Pelosi. With a super majority Pelosi will be able to pass any crazy law she wants. The only thing stopping them from being law is a president who will veto her.
Outside of the fact I don't like Obama, this question is the one which concerns me the most.
Obama voting record proves he's as partisan as it gets, so what's he going to do when Pelosi or Reid send him a piece of shit to sign. I don't think he will have the stones to stand up to his party.


Sep 4, 2005
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: loki8481
why should I care about what some former Harvard student thinks again?

Because he actually gives a damn about the country?

EDITED for accuracy.

What does his having been a Harvard student have to do with his grasp of politics? He was an English major, not Poly-Sci, not Econ, not International Studies, not anything that would give him any special insight into politics at all.


Oh that's rich... LINK

Palin spent her first college semester at Hawaii Pacific College, transferring in 1983 to North Idaho College and then to the University of Idaho. She attended Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska for one term, returning to the University of Idaho to complete her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987.[17][18]

What does that have to do with anything?


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: loki8481
why should I care about what some former Harvard student thinks again?

Because he actually gives a damn about the country?

EDITED for accuracy.

What does his having been a Harvard student have to do with his grasp of politics? He was an English major, not Poly-Sci, not Econ, not International Studies, not anything that would give him any special insight into politics at all.


Oh that's rich... LINK

Palin spent her first college semester at Hawaii Pacific College, transferring in 1983 to North Idaho College and then to the University of Idaho. She attended Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska for one term, returning to the University of Idaho to complete her Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, graduating in 1987.[17][18]

What does that have to do with anything?

Absolutely nothing at all.

Also, Robor has apparently missed the fact that I don't support Palin because I think she's a religious nut job.



Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
You act as if Pelosi is worse than Bush. She's not. Even if Obama is a rubber stamp that's still a marked improvement over what we have or will have if Bush 2.0 (a.k.a. John McCain) becomes president.


Diamond Member
Apr 29, 2005
Originally posted by: her209

She does have foreign policy experience. Her state borders Russia and Canada.

Please list all of her "accomplishments" in dealing with either country. Maybe McCain can appoint me as the Mexican Ambassador....after all, I live in Texas but I have absolutely no experience dealing with the Mexican government. I'm fully qualified using McCain's and all of the Palin supporter's logic.

Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong

Maybe so...but he's 72, and if he dies, Mary Tyler Moore takes over the planet...

This made me laugh....I can just hear her: "Oh, Vladimir"

Originally posted by: quest55720

List all these times Obama went against Pelosi. With a super majority Pelosi will be able to pass any crazy law she wants. The only thing stopping them from being law is a president who will veto her.

This is probably one of the stronger criticisms against Obama. I would like to believe that he is smart enough and savvy enough to be just playing the game. That he has voted with party on some issues just to gain their confidence/support and that he will be closer to GWB in the respect that once he is elected, he will make the party follow him instead of the other way around.


Apr 8, 2002
I see Matt hasnt kept up with his internet rumors. He should check Snopes or Factcheck before the next interview. Then get on dailykos of huffington for revised talking points.



Apr 8, 2001
While the hacks are all busy patting each other under the belt, no one should bother looking up when the good damon man first endorsed bho and how long he had been in office.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Robor
Originally posted by: loki8481
Originally posted by: OneOfTheseDays
Rubber stamp Obama? WTF are you talking about? Stop spreading fucking lies Republican slime.

This seems to be the #1 trick in the conservative playbook. Whenever you point out their lies and hypocrisies they just say, well the other guy is like totally worse. Fucking idiots.

what has Obama said or done to make you think he'd buck his own party? he's voted on party lines 97% of the time.

(McCain is somewhere between 79-88% according to google)

edit: my Obama numbers were too low according to factcheck

McCain 2000 and McCain 2008 are apples and oranges. What are McCain's recent numbers in voting with his party and GWB? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it 95%? Given the absolute disaster they've been, why has he sided with them *more* recently?

his lowest was actually in 2005 (77%)

he voted "with" Bush 95% in 2007, but for comparison, Obama and even Harry Reid voted with GW 40% of the time (Obama was with him 50% of the time, actually, in 2006)

how much McCain's vote actually mattered when his party was in the minority in 2007 and it seemed like nearly every single bill was about pulling out of Iraq might be another story.


Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Corbett
Originally posted by: Dari
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: eskimospy
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: Buck Armstrong
I'm not even talking about Obama, I'm talking about hockey-mom church lady vs. our most powerful and ruthless enemies. These are serious, evil men, and they WILL NOT take this klondike bar seriously.
Do you realize that there is a line of people in Alaska who did not take her seriously until she kicked their asses.

Starting with the three term mayor of Wasilla who she beat.
Then Frank Murkowski who spent 20 years in the Senate before became governor. She killed him the PRIMARY winning 51% of the vote in a 3 way race.
She then beat a two term former Democrat governor 48-41.

I am sure that everyone of these guys dismissed her as some fool hockey mom, right up until she kicked their asses on election day.

Here's the problem Pro-Jo, I have someone I want you to meet. His name is ProfJohn from about a month ago.

Originally posted by: ProfJohn
We should also not forget that Kennedy's inexperience caused his first meeting with Khrushchev to be a total disaster that lead the Russians into think they could push Kennedy around.

The missile crisis was created because the Russians didn't think Kennedy would stand up to him the way he did.
Back then, having world leaders think we were weak was HORRIBLE, TOO BIG A RISK TO TAKE! After all, we almost all died in a nuclear war due to the Russians thinking we were weak. I'm glad to see in the intervening month it's become okay for the Russians to view us as weak, because we've got people who are secretly tough and will win in the end!

Do you ever get a strange feeling in your head when you have to reconcile all these contradictory ideas? Do you even remember having these opposing ideas in the past? Or have we always been at war with Eastasia?
What idea is contradictory??

Palin is certainly NOT weak.
And Palin is not running to be President.

Obama is the weak one here.

ALL four candidates are running for President.

No, they are not.

Yes they are. A VP is more or less a backup President.


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Palin is certainly NOT weak.
And Palin is not running to be President.

Obama is the weak one here.

If you removed names and political affiliations from all four candidates, and just listed their educational and career accomplishments, hers would easily be the bottom of all four.

Or if her and Obama swapped resumes (but kept ideological views) you would argue that he was more experienced? That really stretches the limits of believability.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: dahunan
Do you ever realize how stupid your argument sound?

The city has an area of about 12.4 square miles (32.2 km²). 11.7 square miles (30.4 km²) of it is land and 0.7 square miles (1.8 km²) of it is water. The area is 6% water.

[edit] Demographics
The census of 2000[8] <reported 5,469 people,
She is the governor of Alaska!!!!!!!!!

God you idiots act like the only thing she was has ever done was being mayor of this small town.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: eskimospy
You just said in the first quoted post that people have often seen Palin as weak. (and were then proven wrong) In your second quoted post you said that the Cuban missile crisis was caused because the Russians saw Kennedy as weak. Before this was a problem for you, now it's not a problem for you. Why? Because you are fully programmable.
Ahh now I see your point.

Interesting. I guess you have to wait till the debate to see if she looks weak at the debate or not.

Kennedy looked weak in person. I have never heard anyone say Palin seems weak in person. I think that is the difference, but we can wait till the debate. If she gets steam rolled then you have a point. But I can't imagine that happening.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: RightIsWrong
Originally posted by: her209

She does have foreign policy experience. Her state borders Russia and Canada.

Please list all of her "accomplishments" in dealing with either country.
She made a deal with Canada on that oil/gas pipe line.

Now list the accomplishments of Obama when it comes to other countries.

Keep bringing up the experience thing. All it does is help to highlight Obama's lack of experience.


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2005
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Palin is certainly NOT weak.
And Palin is not running to be President.

Obama is the weak one here.

If you removed names and political affiliations from all four candidates, and just listed their educational and career accomplishments, hers would easily be the bottom of all four.

Or if her and Obama swapped resumes (but kept ideological views) you would argue that he was more experienced? That really stretches the limits of believability.

Obama would definately be third on that least, maybe even fourth. So that begs the question, why put your least experience candidate at the TOP of the ticket?

39% of poll respondents believe Palin is more qualifed than Obama to be President, versus 43% who believe Obama is more qualifed to be President. That's a mere 4% differential, and pretty small when you consider that you are comparing someone at the top of their ticket versus someone who is at the bottom of theirs.

If Obama supporters really cared about experience the way they claim to, they simply wouldn't be Obama supporters.


Past Lifer 1957-2014 In Memoriam
Oct 21, 1999
Originally posted by: OneOfTheseDays
Yes because having a President who does what he believes is right with no regard for the opions of anyone else has worked out so well for us.

Not only that but he too has 'executive experience' as a governor. Lot of good that did your country.


Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: dennilfloss
Originally posted by: OneOfTheseDays
Yes because having a President who does what he believes is right with no regard for the opions of anyone else has worked out so well for us.

Not only that but he too has 'executive experience' as a governor. Lot of good that did your country.

in fairness, the Texas governorship is one of the least powerful in the country, while the Alaska governor is one of the most (in terms of responsibility and what they actually have control over)



Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: CptObvious
I agree with Jason Bourne...Sarah Palin succeeding as president would be a disaster.
Agreed. She might have shored up the base, but she scared off a lot of common-sense independents.

Seriously? People won't vote for one side because an inexperienced person MIGHT become president and will instead vote for an inexperienced person to directly become president???

Its quite easy to argue that Palin will, after a single year as VP, be much more qualified than Obama is right now.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: CptObvious
I agree with Jason Bourne...Sarah Palin succeeding as president would be a disaster.
Agreed. She might have shored up the base, but she scared off a lot of common-sense independents.

Seriously? People won't vote for one side because an inexperienced person MIGHT become president and will instead vote for an inexperienced person to directly become president???

Its quite easy to argue that Palin will, after a single year as VP, be much more qualified than Obama is right now.
Obama would be much better now than her now or ever; she clearly has no interest in learning anything outside of Alaska; she is not well-read; she is exceedingly ignorant of many issues. Surely you see that.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: CptObvious
I agree with Jason Bourne...Sarah Palin succeeding as president would be a disaster.
Agreed. She might have shored up the base, but she scared off a lot of common-sense independents.

Seriously? People won't vote for one side because an inexperienced person MIGHT become president and will instead vote for an inexperienced person to directly become president???

Its quite easy to argue that Palin will, after a single year as VP, be much more qualified than Obama is right now.


Experience means jack-poo if you look and sound like an idiot.

You trying to tell me Palin looked Presidential or Vice Presidential in her latest interview with Couric?

You can argue that Palin will have more experience than Obama after a single year of being VP. You can also argue that Obama, after a single year of being President, will have much more experience...either way its a damn stupid argument.

Ultimately I think the "experience" argument has peaked. I don't think there is any way for Palin to argue experience anymore..she has to get in front of cameras and news reporters and argue that she is competent now, and thats really her fault for coming across like an idiot.


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: CptObvious
I agree with Jason Bourne...Sarah Palin succeeding as president would be a disaster.
Agreed. She might have shored up the base, but she scared off a lot of common-sense independents.

Seriously? People won't vote for one side because an inexperienced person MIGHT become president and will instead vote for an inexperienced person to directly become president???

Its quite easy to argue that Palin will, after a single year as VP, be much more qualified than Obama is right now.


Experience means jack-poo if you look and sound like an idiot.

You trying to tell me Palin looked Presidential or Vice Presidential in her latest interview with Couric?

You can argue that Palin will have more experience than Obama after a single year of being VP. You can also argue that Obama, after a single year of being President, will have much more experience...either way its a damn stupid argument.

Ultimately I think the "experience" argument has peaked. I don't think there is any way for Palin to argue experience anymore..she has to get in front of cameras and news reporters and argue that she is competent now, and thats really her fault for coming across like an idiot.

More smoke and mirrors.

The other side has plenty of tape with Obama saying "uh" a dozen times when answering a single question. Not very presidential if you ask me.

I am not going to seriously debate the issue with you because I don't like either of the assholes we have running. I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2007
There's a difference between using 'uh' as a space filler while making a logical argument, and completely bombing a question, and coming off as scatter brained. Couric asked Palin's position on the $700b bailout, and got some incoherent mumble jumble about healthcare reform and job creation.

Using 'uh' as a spacefiller is not the best speaking approach, and alot of people tend to use 'uh' to fill the dead air as they think, but it's also not the worst. What is retarded however, is trying to compare that to Palin's performance on CBS.


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: OrByte
Originally posted by: Darwin333
Originally posted by: jpeyton
Originally posted by: CptObvious
I agree with Jason Bourne...Sarah Palin succeeding as president would be a disaster.
Agreed. She might have shored up the base, but she scared off a lot of common-sense independents.

Seriously? People won't vote for one side because an inexperienced person MIGHT become president and will instead vote for an inexperienced person to directly become president???

Its quite easy to argue that Palin will, after a single year as VP, be much more qualified than Obama is right now.


Experience means jack-poo if you look and sound like an idiot.

You trying to tell me Palin looked Presidential or Vice Presidential in her latest interview with Couric?

You can argue that Palin will have more experience than Obama after a single year of being VP. You can also argue that Obama, after a single year of being President, will have much more experience...either way its a damn stupid argument.

Ultimately I think the "experience" argument has peaked. I don't think there is any way for Palin to argue experience anymore..she has to get in front of cameras and news reporters and argue that she is competent now, and thats really her fault for coming across like an idiot.

More smoke and mirrors.

The other side has plenty of tape with Obama saying "uh" a dozen times when answering a single question. Not very presidential if you ask me.

I am not going to seriously debate the issue with you because I don't like either of the assholes we have running. I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy.

There is a big difference between saying "uh" during a sentence pause and claiming you have foreign policy experience by living across the border from another country... sh*t everyone in Seattle must have the experience too... cuz every time you look... there is another Canadian poking his head over the border...


Senior member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: ohnoes
There's a difference between using 'uh' as a space filler while making a logical argument, and completely bombing a question, and coming off as scatter brained. Couric asked Palin's position on the $700b bailout, and got some incoherent mumble jumble about healthcare reform and job creation.

Using 'uh' as a spacefiller is not the best speaking approach, and alot of people tend to use 'uh' to fill the dead air as they think, but it's also not the worst. What is retarded however, is trying to compare that to Palin's performance on CBS.

I couldn't have said it better myself...
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