Looking for advice from people who are/were in the Military


Senior member
Jun 9, 2005
I'm currently a senior in HS and I'm looking for advice from people regarding college and what they think the best path is. My situation is like this: I never really cared about HS so I can't go to a university because of my grades. I did ok on my SAT's (1140) and I know I will do well in a college environment so my plan right now is/was to go to community college for a year or two and transfer to Rutgers or another college offering ROTC and do that. I am very commited to joining the Army. My previous plan was to enlist right out of HS but I changed my mind because I didn't see that offering any future for me if I decide that I want to stay in for 20 years and make that my career. So, from what you've experienced or from the things you've heard and seen, do you think that doing 4 years of college and ROTC and joining after as an officer is my best bet? Would it be easier to enlist and try to become an officer from within the Army? Nothing is guaranteed if I try with ROTC. One more question. What do they look at when you try to get into OCS as an enlisted person. I got an 86 on the ASVAB in case that plays a part in anything.


Jan 15, 2001
Go enlisted first. Consider the National Guard before you go active. If you decide you don't like the Guard lifestyle or you love it and want to do it 24/7, you can always go Active Duty.

There have been a ton of ASVAB and Army posts on this forum lately. I've been in the Army National Guard for the last 3 years (on Active orders for the last year). I'm not any kind of expert, but I can share information and stories as an enlisted Infantryman who has not yet deployed.



Diamond Member
Jan 21, 2001
not sure, but isn't it harder to make the jump from enlisted to officer?

I know took about 8-10 years (I don't remember) to go from enlisted grunt to CWO. He will pretty much cap out advancement 3 years before his 20 are up. They do pay him pretty well, and good benefits, but he was getting shot at every day, so I wonder if the tradeoff is enough (2 tours in Iraq as a 58-D pilot).


Senior member
Jun 9, 2005
Originally posted by: bmacd
Go enlisted first. Consider the National Guard before you go active. If you decide you don't like the Guard lifestyle or you love it and want to do it 24/7, you can always go Active Duty.

There have been a ton of ASVAB and Army posts on this forum lately. I've been in the Army National Guard for the last 3 years (on Active orders for the last year). I'm not any kind of expert, but I can share information and stories as an enlisted Infantryman who has not yet deployed.

I wouldn't mind doing something like that, it's just that I'm worried about the difficulties of going from enlisted to officer if I ever decide to make that choice.

Dr. Detroit

Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2004
Joined up and shipped out at 17.5. this was back in 1992.

I was college bound for sure, had a brother in college and my senior year of HS took all of 6-weeks. I wanted to wait to start community college in the fall and hang out with my GF, work my two jobs, and do a lot of partying. Dad got tired of my self proclaimed freedom after about 3-weeks and wanted me enrolled in college full time that winter term.

Being the smart-young-kid was tough in basic, guys in there were 28 years old and a lot more mature than me.

I got about $35K for college by enlisting in a combat MOS through the Army college fund. I knew that all I wanted was some time to mature and the maximum college money, at that age my Dad was really the one making the clear well thought out decisions. 3yrs did not sound like a long time, but it was! I was tired of playing soldier after about 2yrs. Got boring and the whole HooAhh, Army machismo, was old and stale. Worst part of my experience was having guys who joined up in the late 70's from Mississippi and Alabama telling me what to do, these boys were dumb as a post and had all of a 6th grade education. My cracker ass from the west coast, hippie, was not well respected. Learn to do it the Army way as it is the only way!!!

I don't regret all of it, and I wonder if I would be where am I today if I hadn't joined up, would I be better off or worse off? I'll never know!

I learned a bunch about myself and matured, after 3yrs of soldiering University was pretty easy and not very daunting. Graduated in 4yrs with no student loans!

Lucky for me this was the Clinton Era and I did not ship out to any of theose crazy places like Bosnia or Somalia. I stayed state-side and chilled in the midwest.

Worst part was definitely the absolute dumb asses that join up. Dealing with their erratic and stupid behavior willreflect on you as you are a team! Everyone beats thier spouse, gets DUI's, has 3 kids, commits adultery, gambles, hangs out with strippers, becomes an alcoholic, and generally is a wreck. The bad always overshadow the good.



Jun 1, 2001
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: bmacd
Go enlisted first. Consider the National Guard before you go active. If you decide you don't like the Guard lifestyle or you love it and want to do it 24/7, you can always go Active Duty.

There have been a ton of ASVAB and Army posts on this forum lately. I've been in the Army National Guard for the last 3 years (on Active orders for the last year). I'm not any kind of expert, but I can share information and stories as an enlisted Infantryman who has not yet deployed.

I wouldn't mind doing something like that, it's just that I'm worried about the difficulties of going from enlisted to officer if I ever decide to make that choice.

Green to gold's not terribly hard to get into (Text), though enlisting to eventually become an officer isn't the most direct way -- ROTC is.

Also, you don't have to transfer to a school that hosts an ROTC program if you can't get into one. Many host programs allow students from satellite schools to do the program with them. I would start by contacting Rutgers's PMS and asking what your options are, what the satellite schools are, what percentage of kids there usually get scholarships, and so forth.


Platinum Member
Oct 31, 2004
if you plan on becoming an officer. don't waste any time. do your college thing, ROTC, etc. for most people, it'll take a little longer if you become enlisted first. if you decide to join now, prepare for anything.


Dec 31, 2006
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.


Senior member
Jun 9, 2005
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term


Jun 1, 2001
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Go to college, then the military.
I'd pick Air Farce over Army. You can put in 8 hour days and learn a trade that you can use when you get out.
I didn't find much calling for baby killer when I got out.


Senior member
Jun 9, 2005
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted

<---Ex Army.
Good luck with that if you are in Combat Arms. I spent way too much time in the field to take classes.
Now, if you are a REMF, it may be possible.


Jun 1, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted

<---Ex Army.
Good luck with that if you are in Combat Arms. I spent way too much time in the field to take classes.
Now, if you are a REMF, it may be possible.

It would be tough even then.

Suppose the perfect storm hits and you're able to do two three-unit (2x3 = 6), correspondence courses at a time, each course lasting 12 weeks, and needing 90 units before you can put in a packet for OCS.

90 units x (12 weeks / 6 units) = 180 weeks


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted

<---Ex Army.
Good luck with that if you are in Combat Arms. I spent way too much time in the field to take classes.
Now, if you are a REMF, it may be possible.

It would be tough even then.

Suppose the perfect storm hits and you're able to do two three-unit (2x3 = 6), correspondence courses at a time, each course lasting 12 weeks, and needing 90 units before you can put in a packet for OCS.

90 units x (12 weeks / 6 units) = 180 weeks

You can also (or used to be able to) "challenge" classes and get the credits. I did it for a business class. You take an exam and if you pass, you get the credits.


Jun 1, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted

<---Ex Army.
Good luck with that if you are in Combat Arms. I spent way too much time in the field to take classes.
Now, if you are a REMF, it may be possible.

It would be tough even then.

Suppose the perfect storm hits and you're able to do two three-unit (2x3 = 6), correspondence courses at a time, each course lasting 12 weeks, and needing 90 units before you can put in a packet for OCS.

90 units x (12 weeks / 6 units) = 180 weeks

You can also (or used to be able to) "challenge" classes and get the credits. I did it for a business class. You take an exam and if you pass, you get the credits.

Ah yes. There are also ways through EArmyU to get credits for military courses already taken. Note that they're never much, though.


Dec 31, 2006
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: b0mbrman
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
Originally posted by: 21bUSA
I'm an enlisted soldier in Baumholder, Germany and I tell you honestly; the Officers have it so much easier. But thats how the Army works, higher ranking -> better life | Lower ranking -> shitbag.... I love it though, I joined up cause i wanted to. I love the Army and what I do....as long as you can put up with all the bullsh!t the Army has to offer, you are set for life.

Do you know if any of your Officers enlisted then went to OCS?

One of the problems I'm having is that I only want to be an officer if I go career. I think I would enjoy myself more as an enlisted soldier if I only did one term

Are you planning on earning your college degree through other means while enlisted? Because you'll still need one of those to get into OCS

I would try to get it while I'm enlisted

<---Ex Army.
Good luck with that if you are in Combat Arms. I spent way too much time in the field to take classes.
Now, if you are a REMF, it may be possible.

It would be tough even then.

Suppose the perfect storm hits and you're able to do two three-unit (2x3 = 6), correspondence courses at a time, each course lasting 12 weeks, and needing 90 units before you can put in a packet for OCS.

90 units x (12 weeks / 6 units) = 180 weeks

You can also (or used to be able to) "challenge" classes and get the credits. I did it for a business class. You take an exam and if you pass, you get the credits.

Ah yes. There are also ways through EArmyU to get credits for military courses already taken. Note that they're never much, though.

All I can say is the AKO Correspondence course are a joke. Yes, they can be used as college credits but only some colleges accept them.

If you truly want to become an Officer, go to college before the Army. Thats what my LT did before he joined. However, he's in for a good 6-8 years though because he needed money for college and the Army paid for it. He just has to serve for a few years.

If you want to go enlisted, just do it. You are going to hate BCT and AIT, but when you look back on it, it'll be the best time of your life in your military career.


Jun 1, 2001
Yes. CTC is a much better option for getting college credits on the go.

With ROTC, you owe 4 years if you take a scholarship or 3 years if you don't. Also, after you're done, you'll have a degree from a school better than whatever online credits-factory you take your correspondence courses through


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: aberdeen5
I'm currently a senior in HS and I'm looking for advice from people regarding college and what they think the best path is. My situation is like this: I never really cared about HS so I can't go to a university because of my grades. I did ok on my SAT's (1140) and I know I will do well in a college environment so my plan right now is/was to go to community college for a year or two and transfer to Rutgers or another college offering ROTC and do that. I am very commited to joining the Army. My previous plan was to enlist right out of HS but I changed my mind because I didn't see that offering any future for me if I decide that I want to stay in for 20 years and make that my career. So, from what you've experienced or from the things you've heard and seen, do you think that doing 4 years of college and ROTC and joining after as an officer is my best bet? Would it be easier to enlist and try to become an officer from within the Army? Nothing is guaranteed if I try with ROTC. One more question. What do they look at when you try to get into OCS as an enlisted person. I got an 86 on the ASVAB in case that plays a part in anything.

Sniper. chicks dig the long gun


Sep 25, 2001
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I wouldn't do it unless you are aware there is a decent chance to die in Iraq.

you dont enlist in wartime for a job. you enlist because military is your passion. ie: TallBill


Senior member
Aug 1, 2001
I'm no expert at this but I'm from NJ too! Some county colleges (ie. I know essex cc) have programs that let you take the first 2 years at CC then transfer directly to a 4 year school (ie. rutgers) as long as you get decent grades. Look into this and see if you can also do rotc while in cc. You can also enlist in the NG/reserves while your in rotc if your inclined and then finish your contract as an officer after your grad.


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: JEDI
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I wouldn't do it unless you are aware there is a decent chance to die in Iraq.

you dont enlist in wartime for a job. you enlist because military is your passion. ie: TallBill

Pretty much. I personally enlisted first. I've been in for ~4 years now and its still a good job. I am getting out however to finish up college. I just didn't take it serious the first time around. And I'll probably end up doing ROTC while at college and end up back in the Army.

One option would be to do something similar to what I did. They are offering MUCH shorter enlistment terms these days. Enlist for 3-4 years, work your ass off to make Sergeant. Then either stay enlisted, or get out and use your GI bill to go to school. At that point you could decide to do ROTC or just move on.

Not everyone has to do 20, but I respect anyone that does at least a couple years.


Jun 5, 2000
Originally posted by: shadow9d9
I wouldn't do it unless you are aware there is a decent chance to die in Iraq.

humm hundreds of thousands have served in Iraq and 3200 have died. umm yea there is a 100% chance of getting killed. :roll:
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