Looking for some overclocking help with my E6400


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
I'm not having very good success with my attempts at overclocking, so I'm looking for some help.

I have:
Asus P5B Deluxe, BIOS rev 0507
Intel E6400 with Scythe Ninja Plus w/a 120mm fan
1 GB stick of Corsair PC 6400 9set to 5-5-5-12 initially, 5-5-5-18 later on)
480w Antec power supply
PCI video card (for a Folding at Home machine a nice video card is not necessary)
6.4gb IDE hard drive

Initially, I had success in getting it running at 2.6ghz stable Folding (350x8, vcore 1.375v). I let it go overnight with no problems. Once I got up to 2.8ghz, it would boot to desktop, but would crash when I ran Orthos. I tried Orthos on small units (stress CPU only, and it was stable, whereas blend/mixed units crashed it; this led me to think memory/chipset volts). I finally got it fairly stable by upping the memory voltage to 2.25 and raising CPU voltage to 1.4v.

When I tried to go up to 3ghz (376x8), the system bluescreened, and upon attempting to reboot, I got a message saying that Windows\system32\confg or some such was corrupted/missing. I was unable to get back into Windows despite numerous attempts, and had to reformat and reload everything.

This time I got it up to 2.8ghz, using different settings: auto on all voltages, and Orthos crashed again. In frustration, I upped the chipset voltages one notch, and got it stable enough to run Orthos for a little while.

I then upped it to 3.2ghz (400x8 @ 1.4v CPU voltage), and found that the temps were 57 idle (too high), so I said forget that, and went back to 3.0ghz, I upped the chipset voltages again. It hard locked up when I ran Orthos. Upon reboot, I got the dreaded corrupted system files again. Luckily I was able to lower it to 2.8ghz and start back up in safe mode, where I was able to do a system restore and get it running again.

I'm a noob at this, but it seems that there is some sort of data corruption issue going on here. I have PCI-E bus set to 100, and PCI bus set to 33mhz. Memory was set to 533mhz/266 (I think this runs it at 1:1, right?). If I had memory at (auto), the system would hard lock up past 2.6ghz.

Or am I missing something obvious?


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Your memory is failing on you. That will cause data corruption. You're gonna need to lower your overclock to a ~667 fsb, or whatever your RAM will pass ~8 hours of Memtest at. The new Corsair has crap IC's, and isn't going far past what it's rated for at all.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: myocardia
Your memory is failing on you. That will cause data corruption. You're gonna need to lower your overclock to a ~667 fsb, or whatever your RAM will pass ~8 hours of Memtest at. The new Corsair has crap IC's, and isn't going far past what it's rated for at all.

That about sums it up.

I'd try loosening timings up as much as possible & vdimm as high as you feel comfortable with (2.3V is likely as high as i'd suggest).

Use those & see how far you can get, running Orthos blend along the way.
Basically put though, you're gonna need some decent RAM if you want a better OC.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2001
The P5B Deluxe shouldn't need any extra voltage to hit 400MHz FSB. Another thing to check is to download the program MemSet from here:


It's a program that can read a number of chipset/memory parameters while in Windows. Run everything at stock, then run MemSet and record the parameters, especially the Write to Precharge Delay and Write to Read Delay. Then when you overclock, go disable SPD and then try to match the manual memory settings to the default ones as much as possible.

Also, disable Static Read Control in the North bridge configuration screen.

I then upped it to 3.2ghz (400x8 @ 1.4v CPU voltage), and found that the temps were 57 idle (too high)
That's pretty high, my idle temps with E6600 3.24/1.35v P5B-dlx and Scythe Ninja is in the low 40s.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
I just thought of something. You have PC6400 RAM, which is supposed to run just fine at 400 Mhz (800 DDR), so the RAM shouldn't be the problem. Try giving it 2.1v of vdimm, but putting the fsb @401, instead of 400. Intel motherboards use memory "straps", and with some, 400 gets you to the lower strap, but with others, it's 401. And if you want more infomation about memory straps, look here: link.

edit: I'd give my processor some voltage, before trying a 1.1 Ghz overclock. It can be lowered later, once you've seen that the rest of your system will do the overclock.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
I retried the OC, all voltages at auto except memory, which I set at 2.1v. 2.6ghz stable for 8 hours Memtest, 6 hours Orthos. Bumped it up to 2.8ghz (350x8), memtest stable for 6 hours, Orthos crashes after 10 minutes. Temp is 47-49C for blend test, 52c for Gromacs test, and 42c idle. Memory timings are as n7 suggested: 5-6-6-18-6-42-10-10-10-10. This memory is supposedly rated for 5-5-5-12 @ 800mhz (400FSB). The board has auto selected 1.367v, so I bumped it up a little and am re-running the Orthos test. I'll report back when I know something there.

I may look into lapping the processor if the temps are out of line. I have a 50ish cubic feet/min 120mm fan on the heatsink.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
K, when i get home from work i will post all my settings for you.

That'll be in a few hours.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Your temps are fine.

Can you first try running things with everything @ stock (auto) except RAM? Set the RAM to its defaults @ 800 (try 5-5-5-15-6-42-10-10-10-10) w/ its rated vdimm & see if it even runs at those settings stably.

It that doesn't work, well, then we know what the issue is.

Here's what i use for settings:

Under Advanced > CPU Configuration i set everything to disabled except Execute Disable Bit, as it could actually be useful.
That and you can leave Modify Ratio Support enabled if you wish to use a lower multiplier.

I won't go over the other settings for now, even though some would argue some of them should be left on.

In Advanced > JumperFree Configuration, we have all the main overclocking options.
Once you have tested that your RAM does indeed run @ 400 (DDR2-800) as i mentioned above, here are the settings i'd suggest:
(Please use the setting i mention below, not my own settings in the bios screen shots)

AI Tuning = Manual
CPU Frequency = 401+
DRAM Frequency = 802
PCI-e Frequency = 100
PCI = 33.33
Spread Spectrum = Disabled
Memory Voltage = rated vdimm or whatever you used to get it stable earlier
CPU VCore Voltage = 1.4375V (in Windows, this will result in 1.4V idle; 1.39V load)
FSB Termination Voltage = 1.3V
NB Vcore = 1.45V
SB VCore = 1.5V
ICH Chipset Voltage 1.215V or auto

It is extremely likely you will be able to lower a whole bunch of these voltages, but since they are by no means extreme, they are a good safe start that you can always lower later.

Now for RAM timings...
Advanced > Chipset > North Bridge Chipset Configuration.

Memory Remap Feature = Disabled
Configure DRAM Timings by SPD = Disabled
DRAM CAS# Latency (TCL/CAS) = 5
DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay (TRCD) = 5
DRAM RAS# Precharge (TRP) = 5
DRAM RAS# Activate to Precharge (TRAS) = 15 or whatever your RAM is rated for (can usually be lowered later)
DRAM Write Recovery Time = 6
Rank Write to Read Delay = 10
Read to Precharge Delay = 10
Write to Precharge Delay = 10
Static Read Control = Disable

Aside from TRFC, in the testing/benching i have done, the last five setting affect performance in a very minimal way, so i recommend leaving them loose until you have everything else tweaked.

Good luck & keep us posted!

Now just FYI, the reason i oversimplified this is that i hope to turn it into a mini P5B Deluxe OCing guide (like others i've done for my previous mobos) when i get more time.
I realize you know most of the things i laid out, but doing it this way makes doing the rest of the guide (if it ever happens) easier to finish.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
n7, before I saw your latest suggestions, I tried this: updated BIOS to 0711, 7x401, CPU core 1.387, memvolts 2.1v. Orthos ran okay for an hour on Gromacs, 1.5hrs ok on blend. No crashes.

Upped FSB to 415 (DDR 830), memvolts to 2.15v, CPU to 1.4v. Ran memtest 2 hours okay. Orthos crashed out after 3 hours.

I redid things per your suggestion, and I'll report back. Seems like I need better memory. I hadn't counted upon the board not working well with the "8" multiplier. If I have to stick with 7, I need better RAM to get this thing up to 3ghz as I had planned.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
I'm not following how it is you can't run with the 8x multi?

If you run 8x401, you have 3.2 GHz, & your RAM isn't being stressed too much, as it's sitting @ 802, which is basically its default.

Keep in mind, you may need a little more vcore than 1.4 to run 3.2 GHz, since as i mentioned, what you set in the bios doesn't happen in Windows due to vdroop.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
I can run 8 multiplier up to FSB 325 with no issues. After that, things get dicey.

I then upped it to 3.2ghz (400x8 @ 1.4v CPU voltage), and found that the temps were 57 idle (too high)
Already tried, tems were too high for my taste.

At this point, I tried N7's idea of running the system at default speeds and settings, except run the memory at 802mhz. Only other things changed are the memory timings (set to stock 5-5-5-12). Orthos crashed out after 3 hours, whereas I've had memtest running for nearly 6 hours with no errors. I don't get it...

This board has given me the most trouble overclocking that I've experienced so far, that's for sure.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
Minor update. Set the speed to 401x8, upped cpu volts to 1.435v, set memory to DDR802, and it has been running Orthos for 10 hours now, no crash. BUT I'm running the Gromacs test, since it's most similar to the intended use of the system (a Folding at Home dedicated system), and it looks fine (albiet a bit warm at 56C). Blend test it doesn't seem to like so much; blend has been less stable than small units or Gromacs tests have been. I'm going to let it run Gromacs for 24 hours, and if it's good there, I'll just call it quits at 3.2ghz...but I'll need a better cooling fan I think - 56C under TAT seems a little high for my taste.

I think that when it's time to upgrade my main machine that I won't rely on such a major overlock (2.13 ghz stock to 3.2ghz) due to the heat issues (add in a case and video card and things would get pretty hot I think). Have to get something with a higher stock speed and not OC it quite as much.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: BillClo
but I'll need a better cooling fan I think - 56C under TAT seems a little high for my taste.
56C underload for a realworld application for TAT isn't bad, that's almost 30C below the throttling point.


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: BillClo
I thought max temp for the C2D was 60C?
60.1c at the geometric top center of the CPU IHS, while TAT is much closer to the actual core.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: BillClo
I can run 8 multiplier up to FSB 325 with no issues. After that, things get dicey.

I then upped it to 3.2ghz (400x8 @ 1.4v CPU voltage), and found that the temps were 57 idle (too high)
Already tried, tems were too high for my taste.

At this point, I tried N7's idea of running the system at default speeds and settings, except run the memory at 802mhz. Only other things changed are the memory timings (set to stock 5-5-5-12). Orthos crashed out after 3 hours, whereas I've had memtest running for nearly 6 hours with no errors. I don't get it...

This board has given me the most trouble overclocking that I've experienced so far, that's for sure.

Everything you have done so far indicates RAM is still the issue.
As much as people here like Memtest, i seriously do not believe it's a very good stability indicator, as running a DOS-based test is not the same as running Windows.

Based on other posts i've seen here, it seems to me Corsair is binning a lot of their cheaper RAM extremely tightly, which is why it starts crapping out, sometimes even at stock.

Also, i might suggest reseating your heatsink, as 57C idle is a tad high.
Could be a case airflow issue perhaps?

That being said, it seems that most can run up to over 70C under load w/o issues, so i wouldn't worry too much.
Again, keep in mind that temp measurement is different on C2Ds than older CPUs, which is why we get such high temps reported.

Originally posted by: BillClo
Minor update. Set the speed to 401x8, upped cpu volts to 1.435v, set memory to DDR802, and it has been running Orthos for 10 hours now, no crash. BUT I'm running the Gromacs test, since it's most similar to the intended use of the system (a Folding at Home dedicated system), and it looks fine (albiet a bit warm at 56C). Blend test it doesn't seem to like so much; blend has been less stable than small units or Gromacs tests have been. I'm going to let it run Gromacs for 24 hours, and if it's good there, I'll just call it quits at 3.2ghz...but I'll need a better cooling fan I think - 56C under TAT seems a little high for my taste.

I think that when it's time to upgrade my main machine that I won't rely on such a major overlock (2.13 ghz stock to 3.2ghz) due to the heat issues (add in a case and video card and things would get pretty hot I think). Have to get something with a higher stock speed and not OC it quite as much.

See what i mentioned above regarding temps.
Your heatsink is excellent, that's certainly not the issue.

Also, while i don't want to sound overly harsh, the issues you are having are not because of the mobo!
Your RAM isn't even passing Orthos at stock settings; you found that our yourself!

I would RMA that ASAP, or pick up something better that doesn't fail Orthos @ 802 MHz default timings/vdimm, as that's what it's rated to do.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001

I'm running this mobo without a case, so airflow isn't an issue. I had already reseated the heatsink, using a dab of compound about the recommended size of a grain of rice. No real difference in temps. I'm seriously considering a 100CFM or so fan, since the system sits in the basement; noise isn't much of an issue.

What replacement RAM would you suggest with this mobo? I don't have a problem going with somthing faster than PC 6400 if the price isn't too ugly. 1GB is about all I'll need with this rig. It's run Orthos Gromacs units for nearly 21 hours now, with no hiccups. At what point should I consider it stable? Or do I need to run a similar length of time with blend units also?

I don't want to RMA the RAM if I don't have to; even if it is defective, Newegg nails ya for 15%...but on the flip side, memory that won't even run stable at it's rated speed is about worthless.


Junior Member
Oct 22, 2006
I was following this thread and decided to follow the config n7 gave. Worked like a charm. I just got booted into windows and looks like my temps are 46 and 48c on both cores. Although I am not running anything cpu intensive just yet. I was going to run 3dmark06 as it has cpu tests in it, just to see how much the temps go up and to also see the difference in my score compared to stock.

n7 thanks for posting those figures. I appreciate it.

Im guessing my crucial ballistix memory does the job as I am not having the issues Billclo is. I have the asus p5b-e board and 1GB dual channel mem, along with the E6400.

One question I have is are my temps good? I have a coolermaster centurion case with two 120mm fans one in rear and and front, and a thermaltake blue orb cpu fan.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: BillClo

I'm running this mobo without a case, so airflow isn't an issue. I had already reseated the heatsink, using a dab of compound about the recommended size of a grain of rice. No real difference in temps. I'm seriously considering a 100CFM or so fan, since the system sits in the basement; noise isn't much of an issue.

What replacement RAM would you suggest with this mobo? I don't have a problem going with somthing faster than PC 6400 if the price isn't too ugly. 1GB is about all I'll need with this rig. It's run Orthos Gromacs units for nearly 21 hours now, with no hiccups. At what point should I consider it stable? Or do I need to run a similar length of time with blend units also?

I don't want to RMA the RAM if I don't have to; even if it is defective, Newegg nails ya for 15%...but on the flip side, memory that won't even run stable at it's rated speed is about worthless.

Well, if everything is running okay for what you use your PC for, then if you want to keep the RAM why not?

But your RAM is the reason it's failing Orthos @ stock frequency/timings, & TBH, i wouldn't tolerate that.
Contact Corsair & see if they'll take care of you



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: joebjoe
I was following this thread and decided to follow the config n7 gave. Worked like a charm. I just got booted into windows and looks like my temps are 46 and 48c on both cores. Although I am not running anything cpu intensive just yet. I was going to run 3dmark06 as it has cpu tests in it, just to see how much the temps go up and to also see the difference in my score compared to stock.

n7 thanks for posting those figures. I appreciate it.

Im guessing my crucial ballistix memory does the job as I am not having the issues Billclo is. I have the asus p5b-e board and 1GB dual channel mem, along with the E6400.

One question I have is are my temps good? I have a coolermaster centurion case with two 120mm fans one in rear and and front, and a thermaltake blue orb cpu fan.


Temps are okay

Glad to hear it worked for you!

If you want to check fully for stability, download Orthos:
Run the blend test for a few hours overnight or something.

If you don't plan to OC higher than 3.2 GHz (you should try for higher though ), then you can likely lower some of those voltages.
Drop CPU vcore & run Orthos after each change to see how low you can go & still be stable.

Also, ICH voltage can actually usually be run @ the lowest voltage instead of what i mentioned.



Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Originally posted by: BillClo
I'm running this mobo without a case, so airflow isn't an issue. I had already reseated the heatsink, using a dab of compound about the recommended size of a grain of rice. No real difference in temps. I'm seriously considering a 100CFM or so fan, since the system sits in the basement; noise isn't much of an issue.
Yes, you do need to have that RAM replaced. Call newegg, they almost always waive the 15% restocking fee, when the product is defective. If they won't, force Corsair to replace it.

However, the reason you're seeing the temps you're seeing has everything to do with airflow and orientation. Your heatsink was designed to be run inside of a case, with the other fans providing airflow over the heatsink, and it was designed to run on it's side, the way that all heatsinks run, when the motherboard is mounted in a case. Check out a few reviews of it. Most of them try to run it the way you're running it, and once they contact Scythe (about the high temps), they put it in a case; problem solved.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
Originally posted by: myocardia
Originally posted by: BillClo
I'm running this mobo without a case, so airflow isn't an issue. I had already reseated the heatsink, using a dab of compound about the recommended size of a grain of rice. No real difference in temps. I'm seriously considering a 100CFM or so fan, since the system sits in the basement; noise isn't much of an issue.
Yes, you do need to have that RAM replaced. Call newegg, they almost always waive the 15% restocking fee, when the product is defective. If they won't, force Corsair to replace it.

However, the reason you're seeing the temps you're seeing has everything to do with airflow and orientation. Your heatsink was designed to be run inside of a case, with the other fans providing airflow over the heatsink, and it was designed to run on it's side, the way that all heatsinks run, when the motherboard is mounted in a case. Check out a few reviews of it. Most of them try to run it the way you're running it, and once they contact Scythe (about the high temps), they put it in a case; problem solved.

I wasn't aware that putting the mobo in a case might affect temps like that. Hmm...I'll have to try that and see if there's a difference. Thanks. Have you any links to these articles; I'd be interested in reading some.

Newegg hasn't been too good on waiving the 15% lately. I had to return a mobo they sent me (it was the wrong one, yet the invoice was correct), and they got all condescending like they were doing me a great favor not charging me the 15% for THEIR mistake. I had to get all pissy to get them to credit me for the return shipping on their error. The replacement board they sent me was correct, but it was DOA. They refused to waive the 15% on a DOA board, so I'm not real confident they won't charge me the 15% again. I'm going to try to send it back to Corsair. It's getting really hard to find a company that doesn't charge a restock fee on defective merchandise.

I know, alot of unscrupulous customers send stuff back for iffy reasons, many of which have nothing to do with the product being bad, but sheeze. I get stuck with the fee most of the time, and it isn't fair when the product truly is defective...


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Well, I'm not gonna go digging through these reviews again, like I did when deciding on which heatsink to buy, but the reviews that I'm talking about are definitely here: link. Also, I'm not 100% sure that all of them that mention the fact that the Ninja has to be mounted horizontally (on it's side) are under the Ninja reviews, because I read alot of them.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2001
Originally posted by: myocardia
Well, I'm not gonna go digging through these reviews again, like I did when deciding on which heatsink to buy, but the reviews that I'm talking about are definitely here: link. Also, I'm not 100% sure that all of them that mention the fact that the Ninja has to be mounted horizontally (on it's side) are under the Ninja reviews, because I read alot of them.

That's fine. Thanks; I'll do a bit of digging around.


Junior Member
Oct 22, 2006
I havent had a chance to let Orthos run overnight. I let it run for 15 min on blend and had no errors. My temps got as high as 63c but for the most part sat at 60c.

I just ordered a Scythe Kama bay and a pci slot cooling fan to help with keeping things cool. Dont want to go liquid route so this looked attractive to me. I plan to take up the 3 bays it says it will , seeing how I have 4 open anyways with my dvd burner at the top. You could also mount it like a cdrom but that isnt what I want it for. I want more air coming in and this will def do that. I will make a determination afterwards if the stock fan on the kama bay isnt worthy. Ive read that some people think it isnt.

Im looking to keep my temps in the low 50s when under stress like Orthos etc.. Im pretty confident those two items will drop my temps by atleast 5c.

I am expecting the stuff by Friday latest so I will post back and let you guys know how I make out
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