Looks like the Berkeley Wackos are at it again

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Golden Member
Jul 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Millenium
Originally posted by: diskop
Originally posted by: Millenium
Originally posted by: EngineNr9
Well christ, was anyone from Garrison, North Dakota sent to help with your tornado problems? I'm not sure what any of this is proving.

And sir, much of Berkeley qualifies as inner city (ghetto), probably a good 1/4th. You are the one making ridiculous claims having never spent any time in the East Bay, so the burden of proof is on you.

Like I said to BOTH of you already name one church of high school that doesn't do the same. The whole point is that the population of Berkeley runs their cocksuckers all day long and then never does anything to CHANGE what they bitch about. So my point is INACTION that the school takes. Sorry but your little 1/4 ghetto theory doesn't faze me at all. I am from Western Birmingham. I grew up only a few miles from areas that make Oakland look like a bastion of wealth. Point being that schools and churches do the same that Berkeley does. For all the spotlight and attention you people get for your bitching and moaning about the fvcking purple polka dotted white lily tiger moth, why don't you do something to help our country?

Well, due to the fact that I have no interest at all in what the whining half of the population does, I wouldn't know anything about their actions or lack of it. You see, half of the campus here are engineers and scientists, and the other half are the complaining bitches that you hear so much about. I'm on the engineer side of course, and actually I didn't hear anything about the 9/11 commemoration until I saw the link here.

However, I do remember that right after 9/11, there was a vote in the House where they were trying to decide whether to take action against the people who were responsible, and the vote was xxx to 1, with the 1 being the representative for Alameda/Berkeley district. Now that was pretty stupid.

But I also have to say that since you haven't spent a good deal of time in Berkeley or this area, you shouldn't be making any conclusions about our action or lack thereof. Just like since I haven't spent any time in your area (Alabama/Georgia), I shouldn't be coming to the conclusion that the only thing there are rednecks southerners and other morons. Because it's not true.

I assume Berkeley has books, magazines, and newspapers like my little redneck enclave does. Also I hope you have the internet(how else could you be posting). In each of the souces I just listed you can find a wealth of information on culture, world, national and local events, college events, stories of goodwill, old-fashioned bitching and lots of other information. Just because I haven't lived in Berkeley for four or five years doesn't mean that I know nothing about the place. I also am still waiting on proof of all the good works that Berkeley does that distances it from High Schools and Churches.

Well in that case, by all the books, magazines and newspapers that I have read I conclude that your redneck town is the worst place in America. Dumb rednecks? Incestual morons? Yup that's what you've got.



Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
Don't knock us rednecks about incest. It's more fun hugging your sister than a tree any day my friend.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: diskop
Originally posted by: Millenium
Originally posted by: diskop
Originally posted by: Millenium
Originally posted by: EngineNr9
Well christ, was anyone from Garrison, North Dakota sent to help with your tornado problems? I'm not sure what any of this is proving.

And sir, much of Berkeley qualifies as inner city (ghetto), probably a good 1/4th. You are the one making ridiculous claims having never spent any time in the East Bay, so the burden of proof is on you.

Like I said to BOTH of you already name one church of high school that doesn't do the same. The whole point is that the population of Berkeley runs their cocksuckers all day long and then never does anything to CHANGE what they bitch about. So my point is INACTION that the school takes. Sorry but your little 1/4 ghetto theory doesn't faze me at all. I am from Western Birmingham. I grew up only a few miles from areas that make Oakland look like a bastion of wealth. Point being that schools and churches do the same that Berkeley does. For all the spotlight and attention you people get for your bitching and moaning about the fvcking purple polka dotted white lily tiger moth, why don't you do something to help our country?

Well, due to the fact that I have no interest at all in what the whining half of the population does, I wouldn't know anything about their actions or lack of it. You see, half of the campus here are engineers and scientists, and the other half are the complaining bitches that you hear so much about. I'm on the engineer side of course, and actually I didn't hear anything about the 9/11 commemoration until I saw the link here.

However, I do remember that right after 9/11, there was a vote in the House where they were trying to decide whether to take action against the people who were responsible, and the vote was xxx to 1, with the 1 being the representative for Alameda/Berkeley district. Now that was pretty stupid.

But I also have to say that since you haven't spent a good deal of time in Berkeley or this area, you shouldn't be making any conclusions about our action or lack thereof. Just like since I haven't spent any time in your area (Alabama/Georgia), I shouldn't be coming to the conclusion that the only thing there are rednecks southerners and other morons. Because it's not true.

I assume Berkeley has books, magazines, and newspapers like my little redneck enclave does. Also I hope you have the internet(how else could you be posting). In each of the souces I just listed you can find a wealth of information on culture, world, national and local events, college events, stories of goodwill, old-fashioned bitching and lots of other information. Just because I haven't lived in Berkeley for four or five years doesn't mean that I know nothing about the place. I also am still waiting on proof of all the good works that Berkeley does that distances it from High Schools and Churches.

Well in that case, by all the books, magazines and newspapers that I have read I conclude that your redneck town is the worst place in America. Dumb rednecks? Incestual morons? Yup that's what you've got.

Confusing the facts with Hollywood? I can't remember a single news article that mentions any of the things you just did. Hollywood does, but what do you expect from them? Truth? Sure...



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

This thread is coming along quite nicely, I'd say......

...good times, good times.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
why are you guys getting so mad about this particular event. It is about remembering a loss of lives on September 11th, it's not like we are celebrating Independence Day or some form of national pride. Thousands of people died, a horrible and undeserved death, the national anthem has nothing to do with this. I personally, don't care if the National Anthem is sung or not, but I can understand where these Berkeley folks are coming from and I respect their opinion on this matter.


Diamond Member
Apr 24, 2001
Originally posted by: MrDingleDangle
its times like this im glad we have Texas...

and other times im glad we have berkeley...

they seem to even each other out in the long run...thats what makes this country great...

and i've lived in both texas and cali and like them both, but they are def. opposites

i personally think its ridiculus, but they can do what they want as long as they dont force their opinions on me

Hey hey hey now, don't consider Berkeley part of California please. Us Southern Californians hate Berkeley people as much as you guys do.

And remembering those that died on Spetember 11th, with no patriotic themes or anything? Right.... Osama Bin Laden and all his followers just wanted to kill those people... they had no intention of harming AMERICA as a whole and it just happened that they chose the TWIN TOWERS which are NATIONAL LANDMARKS and some of the TALLEST of the world. That's like sayiing "lets remember those that died in World War II, but who gives a fvck for the reason we were fighting in the first place."


Apr 18, 2000
Quindel, a self avowed hater of the American Flag, the federal government, and the "Star Spangled Banner,"

Sounds like someone needs to move to another country that she doesn't hate so much.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
That crazy Berkeley, they take only the best of the best and the brightest of the brightest, and look at them. They don't think like I do. What on earth could be wrong with me, I mean them.

It's quite amusing to see somebody mention Berkeley and watch whole crowds flip out. We really need more attention to mental health in this country. I'm sure it's right winged talk radio that's made people so comfortably, confidently, idiotic.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
That crazy Berkeley, they take only the best of the best and the brightest of the brightest, and look at them.
I'm looking at them. They've got mind-altering substances all up and through them. So much for the best and the brightest.



Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
I'm looking at them. They've got mind-altering substances all up and through them. So much for the best and the brightest.

and what college kid doesnt? man that was a sorry attempt at a rebuttal if i've ever seen one.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Not to mention, Sudheer Anne, that the bio class at Berkeley probably mentions that hormones are mind altering chemicals. I hope all of us have those 'up and through us'. And what's this 'up and through them' stuff.


Jan 16, 2001
Ooohhhh, WTF; I'll chime in my two-cents.

The attack on 9-11 was an attack on this country, The United States of America. Non-citizens aside, 90% of the total number dead were American citizens. Being from NYC, I can tell you that probably half (at least) of those Citizens, were "new" citizens from other countries.

When you become a citizen, you pledge ALLEGIANCE to the FLAG of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The attack that killed our citizens was a direct attack on our country as a WHOLE and every single person that claims the USA as his or her home should be damn pissed about it!

I am not sure if Berkeley is a private or publicly funded university. If private, they can set ALL the rules. AFA I'm concerned, if they are receiving one damn cent of American Taxpayer Money (and I'll bet they are!!!!!) they should NOT be allowed to set rules on what can or cannot be said. No pledge of allegiance? Are we not in the US of A?

IMHO, any public gathering (much like a football/baseball game) should be preceeded by the singing of the National Anthem. God Bless America. Land that I love. If you don't LOVE it, if you want to just COMPLAIN about it, or DENY citizens the rights that our forefathers and grandfathers and fathers and brothers DIED to keep whole, then you need to STFU and GTFU. That would be "Get The F**K Out."

I am in Texas. Know what we'll be doing on 9-11? Singing the National Anthem, Crying and shooting off fireworks. The people in the Towers and the Pentagon and on the planes would have wanted it that way.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
That crazy Berkeley, they take only the best of the best and the brightest of the brightest, and look at them. They don't think like I do. What on earth could be wrong with me, I mean them.

It's quite amusing to see somebody mention Berkeley and watch whole crowds flip out. We really need more attention to mental health in this country. I'm sure it's right winged talk radio that's made people so comfortably, confidently, idiotic.

Or it could be the copious amounts of dope you smoke. I love watching the liberal crowds flip out over facts. When hit with facts they immediately scramble around and accuse you of every dastardly trick in the book. Right winged talk radio? I haven't listened to talk radio since I was eight years old. Stay off the pot and let your mind get clear for a minute. Are the facts that confusing?


Senior member
Feb 22, 2000
Ooohhhh, WTF; I'll chime in my two-cents.

Ok, I will too.

The attack on 9-11 was an attack on this country, The United States of America. Non-citizens aside, 90% of the total number dead were American citizens. Being from NYC, I can tell you that probably half (at least) of those Citizens, were "new" citizens from other countries.

I might argue that it was an attack on western culture as a whole, but close enough.

When you become a citizen, you pledge ALLEGIANCE to the FLAG of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The attack that killed our citizens was a direct attack on our country as a WHOLE and every single person that claims the USA as his or her home should be damn pissed about it!

Well, actually that was hard for me to do since I, like most US citizens, was one by birth. But I did say it a few times in school, not that I had to. And yes, I think most citizens are 'pissed' about the attacks.

I am not sure if Berkeley is a private or publicly funded university. If private, they can set ALL the rules. AFA I'm concerned, if they are receiving one damn cent of American Taxpayer Money (and I'll bet they are!!!!!) they should NOT be allowed to set rules on what can or cannot be said. No pledge of allegiance? Are we not in the US of A?

The University of California at Berkeley is a state school. From the article, it appears that the Chancellor's office is sponsoring a day of remembrance. The event is organized by the student government, which is an elected group of representatives. That they've chosen to organize the event in a certain way is probably a reflection of the liberal-leanings of the student body. The event appears to focus on how the events of 9/11 were a tragedy for humanity as a whole, and not just for the US. That doesn't seem particularly awful to me. The repercussions of the event have been felt all over the world: innocent lives were lost in the US, Afghanistan, and elsewhere; liberties have been curtailed across the globe. And this is likely only the beginning. As to your final question, we are indeed in the US, which means that neither you nor they will be imprisoned because of your opinions and the fact you and they chose to voice them.

IMHO, any public gathering (much like a football/baseball game) should be preceeded by the singing of the National Anthem. God Bless America. Land that I love. If you don't LOVE it, if you want to just COMPLAIN about it, or DENY citizens the rights that our forefathers and grandfathers and fathers and brothers DIED to keep whole, then you need to STFU and GTFU. That would be "Get The F**K Out."

This country was (more-or-less... see slavery) founded on the ideals of freedom. Among those is not being forced to recite pledges whenever X number of people gather. Likewise, a guaranteed freedom is being able to complain about the US and even say how much you hate it. It even allows people, like yourself, to say that people should be forced to say some things, not to say others, and praise the freedoms of the US at the same time.

I am in Texas. Know what we'll be doing on 9-11? Singing the National Anthem, Crying and shooting off fireworks. The people in the Towers and the Pentagon and on the planes would have wanted it that way.

That's great. Do what you want; I'd only suggest you let others do as they please as well.

Oh yeah, don't blow off any fingers.

[EDIT: Fixed a few typos]


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
well said Random Coil. It's obvious Michael D is one of the typical Texan rednecks with a hot temper. Nobody here is denying the National Anthem. I love it, and i think it is one of the most powerful songs. It can move you to tears and fill you with pride in a way that nothing can. But, some people feel that it is unnecessary, but they are a small minority, so I say to you let them have their way because it's not worth fighting over because in the end they will win and you will lose. Be happy Berkeley is holding a day of remembrance for the victims because that's what it is all about, it's about the lives of these poor people that died, don't trivialize it with your stupid national anthem arguments.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Geezus...if they want to have a event to honor the dead and don't happen to sing "America the Beautiful" or "Go Tell it on the Mountain" simultaneously then let them have a fscking event to honor the dead. What the hell is the harm in simply honoring the dead?

They have an open mic for anyone to say what ever they feel. Sounds pretty damn reasonable, if you got a problem with the way they pay homage then go do it your own way.


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
Ah, Millenium, then you came by comfortably confidently idiotic naturally.

If I had my decoder ring I could understand WTF you were trying to say right there. Since I don't could you please clarify?


Golden Member
Jun 14, 2000
I believe their approach is a little extreme, but it makes sense to some degree. How can you have a patriotic memorial to an event that was most likely caused by its own government?

I am sickened by Sept-11. But I don't point need to point my finger to foreign shores, just to the White House.

Global Research

I think that Berkeley students (as some people have said our brightest students) are smart enough to know what is really going on. I bet most of you who have posted have not followed the Bush Administration's involvement leading up to Sept 11.

How can you be patriotic about your own government possibly murdering its own people?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: dszd0g
I believe their approach is a little extreme, but it makes sense to some degree. How can you have a patriotic memorial to an event that was most likely caused by its own government?

I am sickened by Sept-11. But I don't point need to point my finger to foreign shores, just to the White House.

Global Research

I think that Berkeley students (as some people have said our brightest students) are smart enough to know what is really going on. I bet most of you who have posted have not followed the Bush Administration's involvement leading up to Sept 11.

How can you be patriotic about your own government possibly murdering its own people?

Caused by our own government? Any proof of that? Any at all? I don't think so...


Golden Member
Oct 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Millenium
Confusing the facts with Hollywood? I can't remember a single news article that mentions any of the things you just did. Hollywood does, but what do you expect from them? Truth? Sure...

[ATOT Uneducated Generalizer Mode on]

Drunk rednecks riot in Alabama

Dirty water in Alabama... guess they've reallized fetching water from a well is unsanitary

President Bush stresses the nead to increase literacy among rednecks in Alabama

Judge in Alabama KKK African American Church bombings retires

[ATOT Uneducated Generalizer Mode off]

That was a simple google search from just 2 websites on Alabama news...

To claim that someone knows what Berkeley is like simply by reading "news articles" is laughable.

Do all the Berkeley haters in here know that UC Berkeley is the #1 rated public university in the country, or that any engineering discipline (EE, ME, CE, CS, Chem E etc) is in the top 5 worldwide, or that the UC Berkeley Haas Business school and the Boalt Law School are among the most prestigious in their respective fields? I would say this is news to 75% of the vocal Berkeley bashers in this thread.

Instead of forming ignorant conclusions based on internet news articles from your computer 3000 miles away, why don't you come visit the campus and the city and learn some facts like those I mentioned above.



Oct 9, 2001
Ahh, who cares? Academic life is about as far removed from reality as you could possibly be. You get to talk about ideals until you're blue in the face but you don't have to actually live them.


Golden Member
Jun 14, 2000
Originally posted by: Millenium
Originally posted by: dszd0g
Global Research

Caused by our own government? Any proof of that? Any at all? I don't think so...

Definite proof no. Evidence... a ton. In a trial you generally don't even get proof, but one makes a verdict based on evidence.
Go ahead and look at the evidence, there is plenty of it.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Gr1mL0cK
That's like sayiing "lets remember those that died in World War II, but who gives a fvck for the reason we were fighting in the first place."


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: calbear2000
Originally posted by: Millenium
Confusing the facts with Hollywood? I can't remember a single news article that mentions any of the things you just did. Hollywood does, but what do you expect from them? Truth? Sure...

[ATOT Uneducated Generalizer Mode on]

Drunk rednecks riot in Alabama

Dirty water in Alabama... guess they've reallized fetching water from a well is unsanitary

President Bush stresses the nead to increase literacy among rednecks in Alabama

Judge in Alabama KKK African American Church bombings retires

[ATOT Uneducated Generalizer Mode off]

That was a simple google search from just 2 websites on Alabama news...

To claim that someone knows what Berkeley is like simply by reading "news articles" is laughable.

Do all the Berkeley haters in here know that UC Berkeley is the #1 rated public university in the country, or that any engineering discipline (EE, ME, CE, CS, Chem E etc) is in the top 5 worldwide, or that the UC Berkeley Haas Business school and the Boalt Law School are among the most prestigious in their respective fields? I would say this is news to 75% of the vocal Berkeley bashers in this thread.

Instead of forming ignorant conclusions based on internet news articles from your computer 3000 miles away, why don't you come visit the campus and the city and learn some facts like those I mentioned above.

Did you read any of those articles or just skim them.

The one about drunk rednecks has one major flaw:
WEST POINT --The West Point Police Department reported that Gwenorris Booker of West Point was arrested and charged with public intoxication, inciting to riot, obstruction-hindering a law enforcement officer and disorderly conduct.

John Lewis Roberts of West Point was charged with a violation of the Georgia Controlled Substance Act-possession of cocaine, two counts of obstruction-hindering a law enforcement officer, leaving the scene of an accident, fleeing-attempt to elude and speeding in excess of 120 mph.

I saw this story on the news. Both were black. So call them rednecks all you want.

The other articles were positive. I guess you won't take time to read what I actually questioned the school on. I questioned the school on why it blows a lot of hot air about what we need to change, but they do nothing themselves. Obviously none of you can post anything to show all the great public acts Berkeley is doing. All you can do is talk about how the University is ranked on a national level. That would be great if I was questioning the intelligence of anyone in this thread or at Berkeley. The only one doing that so far is Moonbeam.

I just want some examples of people at Berkeley actually following up on all the things they protest and debate. I haven't gotten any yet.

If you think the term redneck offends me then guess again. I can't be responsible for your ignorance. I thought you people were enlightened? Liberals are always the first the preach PC bullsh!t, but are the first to use offensive terms. Hypocritical to say the least. You can say all day long you were generalizing, but deep down you meant all that.
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