Lord of the Rings Online Thread (old)

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Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: bunker
Wanted to stop in and thank JBT for the key. I'm liking it and will probably buy it. Is there a way to just buy a key online since I already downloaded the thing or do I have to go to the store and actually buy a retail copy? (I'm at work right now and can't get to LORTRO.com to check, damn Surf Control filters!)

no problem man. I'm pretty sure you can get it through the account Tab on top of the LOTRO client.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: nateacox
can anyone toss me a buddy key? I promise to activate it ASAP. Thanks

sure no problem just PM me your email address.


Platinum Member
May 14, 2001
Took about a 30 day break from this game. Currently sitting at level 47. Wondering if anything major has changed in the game, regarding end content?


Nov 28, 2001
A new content Patch is comming out with in the next 2 weeks i believe. ALOT of PVP and craft changes are comming, not sure what else.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Chat with the devs tonight:

What I am planning on brining up (bring it up as well if you agree, we might be able to spark interest):

1. Improvements to Auction House:
[*]Raise cap on number of auctions / bids
[*]Label when searching which ones you are the high bidder on
[*]Tab between input fields
[*]Remember what price you last sold an item at and scale it by quantity

2. Launcher:
[*]Port to .NET Framework 2.0 or above
[*]Able to select which character to login as from the launcher
[*]Use the OS's default browser rather than IE (if applicable)


Senior member
Jul 18, 2002
Question for you Loremasters out there. Do you cast "Sign of Power: Wizardry" before a Flanked! is triggered and then get the morale boost or do you trigger "Sign of Power: Wizardry" when the is Flanked! activated?


Apr 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Schnieds
Question for you Loremasters out there. Do you cast "Sign of Power: Wizardry" before a Flanked! is triggered and then get the morale boost or do you trigger "Sign of Power: Wizardry" when the is Flanked! activated?

Cause I never wait for that damned thing to show, I generally caste it as a DOT.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Dev chat transcript:
Sprite - Welcome to another great Stratics house of commons with the developers of The Lord of the Rings Online! Tonight's topic is open discussion, so all questions are welcome.
Sprite - Please send your questions to [QT]Legend by using /msg [QT]Legend My question here. Questions sent to myself or the developers will NOT be answered so please do not send them to us. You only need to send your question one time and only to one QT. Sending it multiple times will not increase the likelihood of it being answered.
Sprite - We'll begin with a brief introduction from our guests and then proceed with the chat. Now would be a good time to send those questions to [QT]Legend!
Annuvin - Hey all, I'm Annuvin, the Creative Director of Lord of the Rings Online. My hobbies include Tennis, Basketball, Soccer, and anything I can do that gets me out of the dim, dank halls of my office. Oh, I also block "good" ideas. And by "good" I mean dubious.
Tens - Hey everyone. This is Tens, Lead Systems Designer on LOTRO. Thanks for waiting
Scenario - Evening all - my name is Matt "Scenario" Elliott. I'm the lead worldbuilder for LOTRO. The world team is not the team responsible for not implementing fishing, but we do make the world look pretty. I am not crazy for Hot Pockets!
Orion - Greetings! I am Allan "Orion" Maki, one of the senior content designers on The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. You can blame me for monster play primarily, but my reach is great touching many areas of the game...except fishing.
Patience - Hi everyone! I'm Meghan "Patience" Rodberg, community manager for LOTRO. Thanks to me and my amazing foraging skills, Scenario is not eating Hot Pockets tonight.
Patience - Thanks for coming to the chat! And thanks to Stratics for hosting us again!
Patience - So, we have some exciting news tonight - we announced the release date today for LOTRO's second free content update, Book 10: The City of the Kings. It's got some great stuff in it -
Patience - lots of work on monster play, crafting, the introduction of new game systems like Reputation and Bartering, about 40 new emotes (and /hug is back! w00t! - a small but oh so important emote), and the Captain and Hunter got a lot of attention this time around too.
Patience - Patch notes will be coming out soon. Soon as in, "As soon as I can possibly get them together."
Patience - Also, we recently announced the start of a Referral program for LOTRO. Refer friends to get free game time in LOTRO - check lotro.com for details.
Patience - If you're attending the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle on August 24-26, be sure to stop by our booth and say hi. We're also having a party Friday night - check the forums (http://forums.lotro.com) to RSVP.
Patience - Attending PAX are Orion, Annuvin, me, Saffron, Frelorn from Asheron's Call, Quarion from DDO, and more folks from Turbine. Hope to see some of your faces there!
Patience - That's it - I'll turn you over to the devs now... don't forget to ask about fishing! Together, we will prevail!

Sprite - *Vr2LRose* Are there any plans to add more or repeatable versions of the general crafting quests? - By general i mean quests obtainable by anyone, that reward with craft components seeds/ ingredients/ resources, and boost the AH economy, and are currently mostly found in tier 1. Such as the pie crust/ amethyst ring/ lore based quests.
Orion - That's not a bad idea at all. I think that we could consider something along these lines. We would need to be careful about how much experience we give for the repeatable versions of the quests...but this could happen. No time frames mind you, but it could happen.

Sprite - *Celdritch* I'll make this simple. Combat on horses, boats in Evendim, and sedatives for the Deer of Evendim. Please?
Tens - Simple response: Not just yet. Not anytime soon. And yes, but cooks are going to need alot of pipeweed to do it

Sprite - *Gamepolice* When is Book 11 coming out or will it be a full expansion pack?
Annuvin - Book 11 is coming out somewhere in the October/November timeframe. In general, we pack a, well @#$%-ton of content into all of our updates, and book 11 has more. Housing is a large portion of it, but you can expect a large number of quests as well.
Annuvin - As for being an official expansion pack... it's not. Existing LOTRO customers will get it as part of the standard download!

Sprite - *Leviathan* Is there any new news on adding fishing to LOTRO? What would be its role in the game? Would it be a profession or something else?
Tens - Yes, actually...
Tens - We've debated fishing alot internally and, ultimately, we've collectively come to the following conclusion:
Tens - Fishing in LOTRO is best served as implemented as a class...
Tens - Our 8th class.
Tens - You heard it first!
Annuvin - Yeah... Dubious ideas.
Orion - Oh my god.
Annuvin - Fishing won't really happen, until we get a good proposal for it, that's both achievable, and... well, fun.
Patience - I <3 Leviathan.
Tens - Level 49 Fisherman, FTW

Sprite - *ouric* Will the new barter system work in points, or will particular items and mounts require fulfilling a specific list of trophies?
Orion - Bartering is handled through the acquisition and expenditure of trophy items. You want the goods, you gotta have the stuff!

Sprite - *Darky* Are we ever going to be able to get rid of the Skull key?
Orion - We would certainly like to clean up pack space in the future. This means keys specifically...but the time frame right now is still an unknown.

Sprite - *Scali* What plans do you have to make crafting more customizable? Are highly-customizable recipes anywhere in the future, or just a larger variety of static ones?
Tens - We have big plans for crafting. Really big plans.
Tens - Plans so big we were actually discussing that very topic today.
Tens - While its too early for specifics - we'd really to increase the number of inputs and outputs that our crafting system allows for.

Sprite - *Jenn* Are ya'll planning on speeding up Mounts?
Scenario - The Mount issue is one of balance. Your options are a faster travel option that is stuck on rails or a slower one with complete freedom of movement. For the time being, there are no plans to make player mounts move at a faster rate.

Sprite - *Klaitu* What sort of features are being talked about for the next LOTRO expansion?
Annuvin - Well, all sorts of things are being talked about, ranging from; Make monsters a playable race, to a new Fisherman Nuke class that deals damage via mind bullets.
Annuvin - Suffice to say, our expansion packs will further the story of LOTRO, along with the story of the Fellowship. I'd give you more details, but the marketing ninja's will attack. I've already killed 4 of them this week... I'm about spent.

Sprite - *Terca* is there ne chance of raising the level cap,or player houses?
Patience - Hi Terca! Usually the level cap is raised in expansion packs, so we'll consider it for LOTRO's first expansion. Also, yes, housing will be available this fall in Book 11.

Sprite - *Drakk* do you have any new instances planned for the early level 30's?
Orion - If the desire for more level 30-ish instances turns into a definitive need, then we will address it. For the moment, there are no plans to open new level 30-ish instances. I would guess, by your question you would like more.

Sprite - *malfeasance* do you think that in the next update we will be able to change our characters appearance?
Annuvin - Every one of our updates has a theme. The tentative theme for book 12 is character customization, ranging from haircuts, to some (possible) additions to the trait system. Again, I'm very hesitant to commit to a featurelist.. (see previous entry, about Marketing Ninjas)

Sprite - *Asriel* How are plans coming along to restock all the ponds, puddles, and bodies of water that were so gruesomely affected by Sauron's anger against all things fishy?
Tens - At level 35 all Fishermen will receive the Revive Fish skill which will allow to return 3 fish to any ponds, puddles, and bodies of water.
Tens - However, it has a really long cooldown, so returning all of the fish to Middle-earth is going to take a really long time...
Patience - w00t!
Patience - <3 Tens.
Annuvin - Dubious.
Patience - Annuvin.
Annuvin - If I thrived off of Love, I'd be dead by now. Hate all you want, I'll make more!
Patience - Managers.
Patience - Sheesh.

Sprite - *Anon8975* hello, for those that are tired of gold spammers, will there at least be a mail filter implemented soon?
Patience - Hiya, er... Anon9875. We will eventually be implementing more functionality in the mail system to help with spam. In the meantime, we're fighting gold sellers tooth and nail.
Patience - I posted about it recently on the forums. Since beta and launch, we've banned literally thousands of accounts - not just the ones caught spamming in the game, but all of the associated accounts to.
Patience - er, too
Patience - That includes accounts caught selling gold, and even a few accounts who bought some pretty outrageous amounts from the sellers.
Patience - It's an ongoing process that the GMs spend a lot of time dealing with. We'll continue to try to remove them from the game as quickly as they're caught - and sometimes even before it.
Patience - They annoy us too!
Patience - So maybe this is a good time for me to remind our players: Don't buy gold or items for real money, and don't sell your buddy keys for in-game gold or real money. If there were no buyers, the annoying sellers wouldn't have a market to sell to.
Annuvin - (I've learned patience from Patience. She's very long winded.)
Patience - Good thing I'm a fast typist.
* Patience blows smoke from her finger.
Patience - Okay, done.
Patience -

Sprite - *Lotro1242* How will the barter system work?
Orion - We have introduced a series of new instances with the Book 10 update. These instances and the area surrounding them, have creatures who may or may not drop the items needed for bartering. When you collect enough you can turn them in for new armour pieces. Now, this system is expandable, so we can turn bartering items into special drops across the world, in special areas, off specific creatures etc... This means that we can continue to add new trophi
Orion - Not as fast as me.
Orion - , items, rewards and a whole host of other goodies moving forward. We're pretty pleased and looking forward to adding more, more, more with the bartering system.
Orion - completing my last though, sorry

Sprite - *Boomheadshot-25* what area of land would it include and most importantly can you let us in on the where-abouts of that expansion? plz and ty
Scenario - Answering Boom - At this point, I can't speak too much about the specifics of future updates (and expansions). Suffice to say, the areas we have in mind are amongst the most anticipated locales in Middle-earth.

Sprite - *Beornwryth* The new Bartering system that we will be seeing in book 10 is great for people who can't get into, or don't have time for raidsing for armor. Seeing the skyrocketing price of legendary pages in the Auction House, will there be a similar system for getting legendary pages if you just don't have time to farm for them?
Tens - Hey Beornwryth. That's a great suggestion. We'll see what we can do!

Sprite - *Exwolfe* Is there any chance that swimming underwater may be added in the future?
Tens - Fishermen will be able to swim underwater, especially during mating season...
Orion - Oh my...
Annuvin - Dubious.
Tens - But, unfortunately, all other classes will have to hold their breath for the "Call To the Sea" until at least our first expansion pack (if not later).
Patience - Come ON, you are NO FUN.
Patience - omg.

Sprite - *stuartmedium* It says in book 10 that we will be able to skin our UI. How would this work?
Patience - Hi Stuart! You can already skin the UI, but Book 10 allows you to actually scale it up or down. For info on skinning, you can check the UI forum on the LOTRO forums - Frosty (the dev) has written up a guide, and the link to download an art pack is there too. You could also visit http://www.lotrointerface.com.
Patience - It's a fan-run site, but has tons of really good info!

Sprite - *Tingar* What can you tell us about hidden titles like 'Breakfast Expert' which some people doubt are even in the game since no one is yet to confirm it?
Tens - I can tell you this: We really hope these are working in Book 10 *crosses fingers*

Sprite - *XycoZ* Q: Are there plans to restore node tracking skills while horseriding ? It was a big shame to lose such a useful ability
Tens - Yes!
Tens - (in Book 10)

Sprite - *Guest08* is there any chance of a player or monster player only server?
Orion - Here's the thing. Monster play was originally created to assist normal players in acquiring Destiny Points. Destiny Points, as you know, are a means to purchase perks for your main character. We're pretty impressed with how this little nugget has grown into a wonderous tree.
Orion - With that said, since the main purpose of monster play is to assist players in gaining destiny points, it is highly unlikely that you will see servers that are divorced from each other in this way.

Sprite - *Shaftoe* The Virtue traits for players are interesting, what are the odds of seeing "Vices" added to Monster Players as traits? Avarice, Cowardice, Spite, Untrustworthy kind of leap to mind and would be a fun way to work in stat bonuses for Monster Players, how about it?
Orion - We already have corruptions. These function much the same way as traits. A full system, like the one used to earn the traits in-game is not in the works, but there is a pretty good chance that you will see more corruptions in the near-ish future.

Sprite - *Jables-* Orion: Will there ever be Freep vs Freep battle? Like an arena for ladder rank perhaps? Or will it jsut be to complicated to fit in with lore and balancing
Orion - Good Question, we are looking at options to allow Freep v Freep competition, but it unlikely that we will ever see a Hobbit stabbing a Hobbit in The Shire. We need to be very cautious about this and give it the proper care before we would even consider implementing this into the game.

Sprite - *Lancre* Are there any plans to lower the cost of sending items in the mail, and the costs of AH deposit and sales fees?
Tens - Not at this time.

Sprite - *Beornwryth* The new design a cloak contest is a great opportunity for the community to get involved in an actual in-game item. In the future, do you plan for the community to design other things, like armor sets, or even traits and titles?
Patience - Hiya Beornwryth! Yes, we'd like to have more community involvement in things like that. Some of them will be more difficult, particularly art - cloaks are easier because we can provide a template since it's just a flat object, basically. Armor and other 3-D objects get tougher.
Patience - Still, we definitely want to do more stuff like that in the future. I don't know if you remember, but we did a riddle contest a while back too!

Sprite - *shaef\zz* Will we be getting Eagle mounts, and when can we play as wizards?
Tens - You can expect to see Eagle Mounts and playable Wizards in Book...
Tens - Not Anytime Soon

Sprite - *stuartmedium* I know it may be a ways away, but any idea when an area will be released which maybe the level equivalent to the Lone Lands? I get sad in the Lone Lands. ):
Scenario - We have some degree of alternate content choices for most levels (for example, Lone-lands and North Downs are similar in difficulty and offer different content options). Alternate content paths (including alterate areas of similar challenge) has been something we've discussed internally, but at this point we do not have anything specific to discuss.
Scenario - Also - I suggest playing in the Lone-lands at sunrise/sunset, it is a much more vivid time of day.

Sprite - *Maiar* question form a "founder." how will LOTRO mantain revenue and future content in the long run with many one-time buyers?
Patience - Maiar, the response to the lifetime account pricing has been great, and it's a model that does work. Lifetime accounts will still need to buy expansion packs when they're released, and we have more than enough players who pay monthly as well.
Patience - Lifetime accounts are only a small percentage of the subscriber base, since not just anyone can sign up for one.

Sprite - *Loup* In book XI,is there only a small amount of houses,or is there enough houses for guarantee that each player can own his own house?
Tens - In Book XI we should have enough houses available so that every player that wants one will get one.
Tens - And, yes, that's alot of houses!

Sprite - *Huracan* Can you go over the new instances being added in Book 10, especially Annuminas? Also, can you talk a bit about future direction with instances like adding smaller raids (12 mans) and maybe having branched instances with different easily accessible parts?
Orion - I can gloss over them, there are three. In depth detail, not going to happen. We have a special mechanism for them that requires the populace to work together to keep them, I can tell you that.
Orion - As for where we are going in the future, we are planning on working smaller instances into the mix wherever we can. We know that massive instances are not for everyone, so we will be focusing the smaller, group instances to shorter periods of time.
Orion - We are still planning on opening more raids as well, focusing on smaller groups (12), then perhaps some others geared toward mid-size (18) and of course the large (24)
Orion - We plan on being around for a long, long time and there are plenty of areas of this world to explore and experience. I think it is safe to say that we can continue to build ecperiences for many types of game play styles.

Sprite - *Drakk* Do you plan to fix monsterplay? Right now the monsters are severly weaker than the freeps
Orion - Funny you should ask, we just posted a large dev diary just last week explaining a bundle of the changes added to monster play in Book 10.
Patience - Here's the link: http://www.lotro.com/article/392
Orion - We know that these will not address all the concerns that monster players have at this point in time, but it does give you a fair assessment of where we are going and what we are doing.

Sprite - *Scali* What does Turbine intend to do about the super-inflated auction house prices on base crafting resources (Exceptional hides, dwarf/ancient iron ore)? I believe the subcontexual question is more a matter of what to do about gold farmers.
Patience - players farm for gold too sometimes.
Patience - Sorry
Patience - Hi Scali! Yeah, the gold-farmers... or gold-sellers as I try to call them, since "real" players farm for gold too sometimes.
Patience - Yeah, I need to copy BOTH lines, sheesh.
Patience - Anyway, we'll continue to try to remove them. There's a change that went into Book 10 that should make it much harder for them to mine resources in areas that are significantly higher-level than they are.
Patience - You shouldn't see "bjsuja" and "fruahn" running around the Misty Mountains at level 6. That's the goal, anyway.
Patience - We'll continue to try to put in systems that make it more difficult for them, while not impacting our "real" players. It's an ongoing fight.

Sprite - *Jables-* What are the designs going to be for housing? aka did you plan on how much storage or what they look like?
Scenario - We have a fairly complex design system which involves locking Orion in a room with an angry nest of hornets... er...
Scenario - Housing, like any large scale system, has taken a lot of planning and development to bring it online. Each aspect of the system (from storage, to permission, to visuals) has gone through concept, development and iteration.

Sprite - *HMan* I have a question about horses. What, if anything, will be added/changed to horses in the next patch? And will current owners have to buy a whole new horse or will there be "upgrades" that can be applied to already purchased ones? (I just hit 35 and am wondering if I should wait to buy), thanks!
Tens - The new horses that will become available in Book 10 will be given out as rewards for achieving high levels of Reputation and/or PvMP Rank.
Tens - They will be entirely new horses that will have to be purchased from their associated vendors.
Tens - If you're on the fence as to whether or not you should buy one at level 35, I'd say go for it. You're probably at least a few levels off from the new mounts (although, FWIW, I have to give mad props to our Art Team. They look awesome!)
Patience - omg, you typed all that out???
Patience - THREE LINES?
Tens - I know... impressive

Sprite - *Lever* With player housing officially announced, is it going to be based on instanced kinship "neighborhoods", or just one big instanced lot for the whole server?
Orion - There are currently no plans for kinship only neighborhoods. Kinships can buy their own houses for communal use. We might look into kinship neighborhoods in the future. Neighborhoods are instances, and not open to the whole server.

Sprite - *infra172* My question: Will we ever see the Lonely Mountain in Lord of the Rings Online?
Scenario - Eventually, maybe, someday.

Sprite - *Xevus* hi questions go here?
Tens - Yes
Orion - Dubious.
Patience - Well... except we're just about out of time, there, Xevus
Scenario - Infra - The Lonely Mountain is, geographically, a good distance away from where we are now.
Patience - I'm going to get Annuvin a custom 8-ball that just says "Dubious."
Annuvin - I already have one.

Sprite - *Theulin* Will "heritage hairstyles" be added to LOTRO? I read that Men of Rohan typically have braided hair, and there are not many braided hair options for the race of Man
Annuvin - As you can see, Orion is already "biting my rhymes".
Annuvin - As for new hairstyles, we've been talking about that for Book 12.
Annuvin - Again, "talking" is different than "promising", but we'd like to ensure that players have more options that make them look and feel unique.

Sprite - *tazdvl2000* he is kidding about fishing being a class right?
Tens - ...
Patience - ...
Annuvin - (sigh)
Tens - Well...
Patience - ...you don't want it to be a class?
Orion - ...please god, let him be kidding...
Annuvin - he may think he isn't.
Annuvin - But he is.
Annuvin - Oh yes.
Annuvin - He is.
Tens - Who is?
Scenario - Can we have a Crazy Cat Lady class too?
Patience - We have a spec for it and everything!... er.. well, OCR does.

Sprite - Does it have to be a Lady?
Patience - We just can't get the devs to buy into it.
Tens - Yes, consider it in the bag! (with all of the kittens)
Patience - It won't be a class. I don't think.
Patience - Pretty sure anyway.
Scenario - Or.. are you?
Tens - Sadly, probably not
Scenario - *dramitic chipmunk*
Scenario - *spelling deficient developer*
Patience - ...dramitic?
Patience - Okay, the count in the channel is tropping. I think we better go too.
Patience - dropping
Patience - omg
Annuvin - <- makes stabbing motions.
Orion - MY EYES!!!
Annuvin - It's hard to type when you can't see.
Patience - For the love of god, Sprite, make an end of it!
* Sprite sharpens the executioner's axe
* Sprite chops!

Sprite - That's it for this one folks! Thanks for joining us here on Stratics IRC, the logs will be up on http://lotro.stratics.com shortly. Feel free to join #lotro for open discussion. Be sure to come by next time!
Orion - Thanks everyone, see you later!
Patience - Thanks for coming, everyone
Scenario - Thanks for coming to the chat all!
Tens - Later all. Thanks for coming!


Platinum Member
May 14, 2001
I got my Champion up to 46. I've been in a couple kins, but what I found is if you aren't in a group or a kin from 40-50 , you really don't level at all. The game got to be a major bore with me after playing WOW for 3 1/2 years. Something is missing in LOTRO, not sure what it is...but it almost felt like I was playing a single player game.


Apr 8, 2001
Doesn't look like they answered very many questions, or they cut some out with all the fisherman junk talk.
Overall the stuff discussed was very good and makes me happy to be a founder with all the content coming, particularly since they are still working on free d/l stuff.


Platinum Member
May 14, 2001
Wouldn't waste your time in this game. When you play it, it almost seems like its a single player game.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: kush23
does this run on mac?

Some people have gotten it to work on Linux, but the updates must be done on a Windows machine and then copy/paste over.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Free trial now up (no key needed)

I expect lots of wonderful gold spamming in-game now. Somewhat unfortunate they had to do this, though I figured it would happen eventually.



Nov 28, 2001
Probably true, but in my experience I receive much less gold spamming since Book 10 came out.
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