losing a 1lb a day

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
...IT AINT HEALTHY! i know this and we all know this. but lets put that aside.

Ive been away from home for a couple months on a business trip. I put on a few pounds. Im about to head home but cannot let my woman see me like this. I got a friend who was born with a 6 pack. I asked him about losing fat real quick, like getting rid of 10-15lbs of fat in 2 weeks. I also asked him if it was possible to lose 1lb a day. He tells me yes. with 30 min of INTENSE total body workout. keeping food portion under control (calorie intake) and getting into ketosis mode. and somewhat keeping a high fiber diet.

From what he says, I am to wake up and immediately start the intense workout, of coarse starting with a 10min warm up routine. THEN i eat a fairly large breakfast. and eat small things throughout the day to avoid going into starvation mode. I drink LOTS of water, so keeping hydrating will definitely not be an issue.

Im 27 years old weighing in @ 220lbs. i would like to lose at least 15lbs in 2 weeks. Is this possible using the method I described above?

EDIT - what i mean by intense workout , is keeping my heartup pretty high for 30min straight, not hummberbird high though,


Golden Member
Oct 15, 1999
How tall are you? You don't have a ton of weight to lose so I'm guessing this won't be easy, or healthy.

Did you gain weight from lousy diet? Or was this from alcohol on your trip? Do you normally eat crap like soda and potato chips? If the answer is yes you have better odds at quick loss by drastic and good diet changes.

It can take a bit of time (like 1 week) before you start to go into ketosis. For energy, antioxidants and a natural diuretic I suggest 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice after waking up, and one right before bed. Wash it down with some water because that will be TART.

You shouldn't obsess about weight though. Just work hard for 2 weeks, make some good changes and feel better about yourself. Don't obsess over a number. And if your lady friend sees you are a bit heavier tell her that you missed her so much that you got depressed and ate all the chocolate in sight - she'll understand.


Special K

Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2000
I still don't see how this can work without you losing a significant amount of muscle mass and/or screwing up your metabolism. Losing a pound of fat a day is equivalent to a 3500 calorie/day deficit. If there was a way to lose fat that fast, it would already be well-documented and we wouldn't even need to have these discussions.

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
Originally posted by: Titan
How tall are you? You don't have a ton of weight to lose so I'm guessing this won't be easy, or healthy.

Did you gain weight from lousy diet? Or was this from alcohol on your trip? Do you normally eat crap like soda and potato chips? If the answer is yes you have better odds at quick loss by drastic and good diet changes.

It can take a bit of time (like 1 week) before you start to go into ketosis. For energy, antioxidants and a natural diuretic I suggest 1 cup of unsweetened cranberry juice after waking up, and one right before bed. Wash it down with some water because that will be TART.

You shouldn't obsess about weight though. Just work hard for 2 weeks, make some good changes and feel better about yourself. Don't obsess over a number. And if your lady friend sees you are a bit heavier tell her that you missed her so much that you got depressed and ate all the chocolate in sight - she'll understand.

Im 6'2". I gained weight because the location im at is also the location where my mother stays. I cant say no to my moms cooking, haha. I usually drink once or twice a week if that. and when I do its usually 1 can of beer as a chaser for rum. As for junk food, forget it. I dont even know when I ate chips or drank soda.

Ill look into that ketosis diet.

oh and, what am i going to do with all that extra skin? easy, use it to glide back home. like a sugar glider.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: Special K
I still don't see how this can work without you losing a significant amount of muscle mass and/or screwing up your metabolism. Losing a pound of fat a day is equivalent to a 3500 calorie/day deficit. If there was a way to lose fat that fast, it would already be well-documented and we wouldn't even need to have these discussions.

It won't. OP, you WILL lose an intense amount of muscle mass in this process. Suck up your pride and do it right. Your woman will appreciate if you do it the right why instead of just losing a ton of mass (both muscle and fat). A diet like this is bad for your body, unrealistic, etc. Also, why do you think your friend that has always had a six pack knows what he's talking about? What he's actually set you up for is failure, especially without even mentioning a resistance training program. Read the fat loss sticky and take your damn time. Everyone wants the instant gratification. You spent 6 months putting it on. Why would it come off in 2 weeks?


Senior member
Jan 9, 2009
well, since we are putting health to the side of trying to look good, I think you can do it. Not sure about the 1lb a day though. And yeah, your metabolism will slow and you'll get fat again after you get home to your women. I also wouldn't think too much about using the scale as a measurement, but more of how your pants and waistline looks like, since you'll be putting on muscle weight at the same time if you are exercising.

Without using relatively harmful supplements like Hydroxycut and increasing your heart to unhealthy levels, look into green tea metabolisers. I don't think you need to eat a big breakfast, but a reduced portion of your meals. Eat small and eat often, like maybe 8 times a day. Crash diet with low sugar veggies (ex: tomato and banana is like a higher sugar veggie/fruit). Go and buy psyllium husk fiber, take that with your reduced portion meals to feel full. Also you'll be going to the bathroom often, and unless you want to struggle on the toilet, drink LOTS of water all day. The side benefit from the psyllium husk is it will scrap all that old crap in your colon out, so you could possibly drop a few more without trying, and your gut may feel smaller. Also, you should take a multipack vitamin supplement to help replace some of the nutrients you are not getting from the crash diet.

This is unhealthy, and in the long run, you'll probably get fatter. You could die, have organ damage and your penis could fall off. So think about the consequences and try it at your own risk, as I'm not giving you any medical advice or suggest you do this for good health.

Ever think maybe your women likes a little flab so she could squeeze and pinch you which may arouse her/you and you two end up banging like animals all night?


Informant X

Senior member
Jan 18, 2000
I wouldn't do this, sounds dangerous. Losing a pound a day is extremely hard. I WAS doing a somewhat similar, however much more strickter diet and was losing about 1.5lbs a day BUT.....

Due to the intake I developed Angina of heart. Not fun, but it went away, and two when I slowly went back to normal foods I gained some of it back. Went from 230 to 215 and am now a lil over 220. So I can work, but is really bad for your health.

As for your girl, imma keep it really real. If she'd dump you cuz you gain a lil weight x the bitch.

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: Special K
I still don't see how this can work without you losing a significant amount of muscle mass and/or screwing up your metabolism. Losing a pound of fat a day is equivalent to a 3500 calorie/day deficit. If there was a way to lose fat that fast, it would already be well-documented and we wouldn't even need to have these discussions.

It won't. OP, you WILL lose an intense amount of muscle mass in this process. Suck up your pride and do it right. Your woman will appreciate if you do it the right why instead of just losing a ton of mass (both muscle and fat). A diet like this is bad for your body, unrealistic, etc. Also, why do you think your friend that has always had a six pack knows what he's talking about? What he's actually set you up for is failure, especially without even mentioning a resistance training program. Read the fat loss sticky and take your damn time. Everyone wants the instant gratification. You spent 6 months putting it on. Why would it come off in 2 weeks?

I wouldnt necessarily say im on a strict diet. I was recommended that I add more fiber into my diet. I actually woke up this morning and started exercising. 10 min warmup followed by 30min of intense, no break workout. 50 push ups, 100 situps, 50 squats, 50 steamrollers and ran up and down a 45 degree hill (which kills me, lol) of coarse i dont do 50 push ups in one shot, its all spread over 30 min. I know its weak. After the workout I ate, 3 fried eggs 4 slices of fat free ham and a slice of avacado. those eggs are what my mom likes to call "real" eggs. shes got a bunch of chickens that lay them daily. I plan to eat snacks here and there until dinner. As for my woman, i just dont want to go back looking like a slob. thats it. it isnt a matter of me throwing up my food hoping to cut down 2 sizes or fearing a breakup. thats another reason why I came here and posted, to get more opinions. it totally makes sense that i spent a couple months putting it on and how would it come off in 2 weeks. never thought about it that way. forget ketosis. Ill just take my time.

Call me what you want, but I still dont understand how I would lose muscle mass..at the time of this posting that is.



Senior member
Jan 9, 2009
You lose muscle mass because the body thinks it's not going to have food later if you are doing strenuous work and reducing your food intake. it usually goes after the muscle first as a source of energy, because fat is suppose to be reserve energy for late and emergency use. after your muscle is broken down from working out, it repairs itself when you sleep when there is enough food and nutrients. When there isn't enough food, you're body reduces your muscle mass so you aren't burning as much calories. In effect you're body becomes more efficient with the food reduction. With the reduce muscle mass, less food is needed. It's your body's safety mechanism.

Since you mentioned you need to add more fiber, get the pure psyllium husk I mentioned earlier (Metamucil is available at all drug and food stores if you can't find the pure stuff)


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2002
I've had no problem losing 5 pounds in a week. I have a pretty high metabolism though, and my body seems to react quickly when going from a high calorie, crappy diet to a lower calorie, better diet. I think high fiber helps a lot, as I tend to eat a lot of veggies like raw carrots, and high fiber cereal when I'm dieting. I can't say I've ever noticed a loss of muscle mass (I'm no bodybuilder but have a pretty good muscular frame). I doubt it's (all) water weight either as I always drink a lot of water, about a gallon a day.

I'm a bit short of 6'0", and about 170 pounds for reference. I try to stay around 170 pounds but about once a year I'll get up to 175-ish and diet for a week or two.
Mar 22, 2002
Originally posted by: mofoe2001
Originally posted by: SociallyChallenged
Originally posted by: Special K
I still don't see how this can work without you losing a significant amount of muscle mass and/or screwing up your metabolism. Losing a pound of fat a day is equivalent to a 3500 calorie/day deficit. If there was a way to lose fat that fast, it would already be well-documented and we wouldn't even need to have these discussions.

It won't. OP, you WILL lose an intense amount of muscle mass in this process. Suck up your pride and do it right. Your woman will appreciate if you do it the right why instead of just losing a ton of mass (both muscle and fat). A diet like this is bad for your body, unrealistic, etc. Also, why do you think your friend that has always had a six pack knows what he's talking about? What he's actually set you up for is failure, especially without even mentioning a resistance training program. Read the fat loss sticky and take your damn time. Everyone wants the instant gratification. You spent 6 months putting it on. Why would it come off in 2 weeks?

I wouldnt necessarily say im on a strict diet. I was recommended that I add more fiber into my diet. I actually woke up this morning and started exercising. 10 min warmup followed by 30min of intense, no break workout. 50 push ups, 100 situps, 50 squats, 50 steamrollers and ran up and down a 45 degree hill (which kills me, lol) of coarse i dont do 50 push ups in one shot, its all spread over 30 min. I know its weak. After the workout I ate, 3 fried eggs 4 slices of fat free ham and a slice of avacado. those eggs are what my mom likes to call "real" eggs. shes got a bunch of chickens that lay them daily. I plan to eat snacks here and there until dinner. As for my woman, i just dont want to go back looking like a slob. thats it. it isnt a matter of me throwing up my food hoping to cut down 2 sizes or fearing a breakup. thats another reason why I came here and posted, to get more opinions. it totally makes sense that i spent a couple months putting it on and how would it come off in 2 weeks. never thought about it that way. forget ketosis. Ill just take my time.

Call me what you want, but I still dont understand how I would lose muscle mass..at the time of this posting that is.

If you are in such a severe caloric deficit, your body will run out of liver glycogen stores. When that happens (if you're not in a state of ketosis), your body needs to turn to other intrinsic means of getting glucose to your brain. You know what you can break down into glucose? Certain amino acids. You know where those amino acids come from? Your muscles. Even if you have fat to burn, it can't be converted to glucose. Because of that, your body will burn fat to keep your muscles/organs going, but your body will consume muscle to provide glucose for the brain.

On top of that, this process will occur in general (even at the rate of 1-1.5lbs loss per week) if not on a progressive resistance program. If you don't put that stress on the body to maintain and repair muscle, it won't. It'll use it for energy along with glycogen and fat stores. If you change the body's priorities, it will hold onto that muscle much better and get rid of mostly fat stores.


Jun 30, 2004
I've lost close to 20 pounds in two weeks with no muscle loss. Granted most of it was still just water lost though due to minimal carbs + depletion workouts. Only about 6-7 pounds was pure fat, and that was following a very strict PSMF diet.

If you attempt to try and lose even more than that by doing a lot of high intensity exercise along with a strict diet, you'll run into problems very quickly. In my experience, if you plan on following a strict low calorie diet you're best off keeping workout frequency and volume low to compensate a little bit and just let the diet do the work. On such a diet I just do enough weight training to maintain LBM and cardio is just brisk walking 3-4x a week. I wouldn't even think about cranking up the intensity unless I was in a more moderate deficit.

Also, as you bring calories and carbs lower protein intake should increase for the reason SociallyChallenged stated in the last post.


Golden Member
Jul 25, 2006
I have heard having your body weight (not water-weight) change more than 5 lbs in a week is unhealthy. I would suspect not letting your body's clock even get wound up before skull****ing it with a routine you don't do (seemingly b+w contrast to the circumstances where you gained some weight), and not easing yourself into it (not the warm-up, just building the routine) could be bad. I'm not trying to kick you on your way up- just saying that, from what I've been taught, this may not be good.

I think toning your body some, trying to lose 10 pounds in the time frame, and introducing a healthy diet into your lifestyle that you'll stick to past your near-term goals is a better idea. I could see a lot of people shocking their body with the sounds of your plan, only to relapse worse from the physical and caloric exhaustion. Just cut salts out of your diet 36 hours before seeing your woman- they make the body retain water and not having that going on could make you look 10lbs lighter. Unless you are so differently shaped body-wise that you could potential send her tot he hospital due to a flab-slap.

If you do go through with your plan- I highly suggest taking your resting heartrate religiously when you wake, in the middle of your workout, and when you finish (and 2 15-min intervals after than). Look up online what thresholds your height/age/weight place on the heartrate. Eat a crapton of potassium + magnesium: this will assure that restricting your diet doesn't hinder the intake of nutrients. Lack of potassium with physical exertion above stressful is a good way to develop an irregular heartbeat, or worse. Magnesium will keep you from feeling stiffened and like you've been up for days on end. Oh- and take a double-triple dose B-vitamin complex. It'll keep you from feeling tired. That, and make your piss look like it should glow in the dark. If you have high blood pressure (maybe get it checked before doing anything), do not do this to yourself.

From personal experience- losing weight that quickly is gratifying for the first, maybe, 3days. After that, you realize you're losing it everywhere- maybe even some muscle mass. My circumstances were completely different... but I'll say this- It is completely different when you lose that kind of weight just going through your day, not aiming for weight loss at all. Point of the story- stick to what's in the fridge, in the gym, and information online and do yourself a favor by not even contemplating the medicine cabinet. Unless it's got a daily value on the packaging, it doesn't matter how healthy it is for you.


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
This is IMPOSSIBLE to do properly.

Your mate is a nutter to think 'you' @ 220lbs can drop 1lb a day for 2 weeks STRAIGHT AND keep it off. I can see you dropping it in a sauna and then maintaining the drop for say a 24hrperiod but YOU WILL NOT be able to keep the water weight you dropped off. Some fighters drop 30lbs over a 8-10 week period and some can even do that in 48hrs but none of these guys keep it off for longer then weigh in.

I've dropped 6lbs in a sauna/ steam room (3hrs over a 5.5hr period) and I starved myself for 48hrs to make weight. I was smashed but I did it. I stacked the weight straight back on but I knew that and it isn't a permanent th ing. Short time waterweight loss.



Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2006
I lost around 5 kilos in 5 days not long ago, i was on holiday and not eating right and doing too much activity, i was about 12% bodyfat before, and weighed 99KG..

I got back and put most of it back on, i'm back upto 97KG but at about 10% i'd say.. Obviously i lost a bit of muscle aswell as fat, and when i got back my workouts suffered alot!
It is possible, i didn't even notice i wasn't eating right or losing weight, but i wouldn't want to do it again, or for 2 weeks, and im sure the weight loss would slow down..


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2000
Instead of 15lbs you should shoot for something like 4 or 5 lbs. You'll have a better chance of keeping it off. If you do a google image search for 5lbs of fat that's a lot of shit right there.
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