"Lost" 6x15 "Across The Sea" Tues. 9pm NO SPOILERS UNTIL AIRED

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Nov 27, 2005
cool episode but wish they gave us more. a lot of it seemed like filler. if the real MiB is dead why go through all the brotherly scenes etc? it was all a bit anticlimatic, wish they had more shock factor
Sep 29, 2004
I haven't bitched all season, there were actually a couple of episodes that I thought were great. Overall the season has been disappoint, especially when compared to seasons 4 and 5. But its still my favorite show, which is why I get comic book guyee about it.

To answer the question about random bullshit.

* The "light" - and especially mommy's explanation of the light, something like "every man has a little of this light in him, and if you try to get to this light, it turns to dark, blah blah" ugh puke.

* "I've made it so you can never hurt each other" -- ok, what? how? why? wtf??

* "I'm going to channel the light and the water which will allow me to leave the island" -- oh rly?

* Drinking the wine and whatever latin "spell" mommy mumbled. Huh?

* Can you just say the guy's god damn name? Please? Just so the internets can stop saying Flocke.

That's all I can think of right now.

I know where you are coming from. 100+ episodes and they are still doing the "look at the silly monkey" crap. At work, I'd say 4 of us have watched it over the past 6 years. And 2 of us are pretty much sick of it. The two of us are watching simply to see how it ends. It's not like it was the first season or two with the special web sites, etc.

I just don't care any more. The mysteries were cool but the seemingly random direction of the plot has gone from interesting to bullshit at about year 3 and 4.
Sep 29, 2004
I really didn't like that episode all that much. I had hoped it would explain how Jacob is able to go off the island and touch people in addition to his relationship with his "brother."

So, why did MiBs body entering the cave unleash smokey? So, smokey needs to be put back into the cave to conclude things?

Why is Jacob immortal? I know their fake mom said they could not hurt each other at one point but woopie. What was the point of drinking the cup? I don't get it. ya, another plot device with no explained meaning.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
cool episode but wish they gave us more. a lot of it seemed like filler. if the real MiB is dead why go through all the brotherly scenes etc? it was all a bit anticlimatic, wish they had more shock factor

He's not dead, not really. He just absorbed or turned into the smoke monster, while retaining that image of his old body. Because remember he tells somebody a few episodes back that he had a crazy mom growing up.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
So, why did MiBs body entering the cave unleash smokey? So, smokey needs to be put back into the cave to conclude things?

Why is Jacob immortal? I know their fake mom said they could not hurt each other at one point but woopie. What was the point of drinking the cup? I don't get it. ya, another plot device with no explained meaning.

Ah, I bet that's going to be the finale - putting Smoky back in the cave. Good observation.

Jacob is immortal to protect the cave of light. Fake Mom put a spell on each of them to not kill each other directly, but they can still be killed (which is why Smoky killed Fake Mom and why Smoky had Ben kill Jacob).


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I know where you are coming from. 100+ episodes and they are still doing the "look at the silly monkey" crap. At work, I'd say 4 of us have watched it over the past 6 years. And 2 of us are pretty much sick of it. The two of us are watching simply to see how it ends. It's not like it was the first season or two with the special web sites, etc.

I just don't care any more. The mysteries were cool but the seemingly random direction of the plot has gone from interesting to bull at about year 3 and 4.

Yeah. I gotta finish watching, but I don't really care anymore. But I've invested this much time, so I gotta finish it. I remember the first season, how amazing it was - like when the light in the hatch they dug up turned on, I was like AHHH, HOLY COW!! Now I'm like gee Mr. NoName turned into Smoky, big deal.

I don't think they planned out the rest of the story properly after the first two seasons. They're trying to be kind of mystical and have that larger-story warm-fuzzy stuff going on (magic cave of light etc.), but they haven't done a good enough job filling in the right blanks.

Or maybe they have, which is why we're still watching it after all these years


Nov 18, 2005
See... see... I knew this would happen.

This show was destined for an ending that made people bitch, regardless of how it ended.
They should have just made it all a big dream by Hugo just for the laughs, as many people joked it, but it would have been a complete shock to see it end that way.

I mean seriously, if they didn't answer these kinds of questions... people would bitch about not having answers.
No matter what answer the writers make, people are going to bitch about it being some kind of bullshit answer, a cop-out, a contrived ending just to make it easy to wrap up. Or, they'd argue it was an unnecessarily convoluted.

But honestly... I'm relieved.
I absolutely love this show, and I still expect the finale will leave us with some mysteries.

But see... it seems everyone wants pure HOWs, and not the WHYs... science vs faith eh? :biggrin:
So this and this happened? Show explains why.
Viewer response: "That's it?! But HOOOOWWW?! Ugh!"

People, listen up. I know everyone will continue to gripe even after this post, because y'all would rather gripe than anything else. Whatever.

This show, it is something they call Fiction.
In some works of Fiction, the world is described a certain way.
Just like most people cannot quite grasp the Hows and Whys of why our world - the real world - is the way it is, and how it came to be... that same basic concept must be granted to some fictional worlds.

Do people REALLY care to have every single possible answer about why characters in Star Wars can have this magical power that can let them interact with the world in ways other characters cannot?
If you are one of those people who bitch and moan about not being provided those answers: I hate you.


Nov 18, 2005
In an attempt to avoid a massive wall of text that scares the shit out of people and makes them not read it, I shall continue what I previously began.

I didn't know exactly where they'd take the show, and in what ways they'd describe the Island. And I couldn't predict the exact qualities they'd give their fictional world, if any.

But I expected it.

From the first moment, in the series Pilot, that they gave a glimpse of what would end up being ol' Smokie, I knew this series would treat us with some wild and fanciful shit.

When they first hinted that all the characters were kind of linked together in some way, I expected the writers were up to something.

When they first brought in the Hatch and the first descriptions, I expected it to be a ruse, truthfully. But when it blew up, so did the ruse. Something was definitely crazy about the island, though truthfully I did expect it could go either way.

To keep this brief, I'll skip many. I'll enjoy watching the entire series again on Blu-ray (currently somewhere in Season 2, kind of put it on pause when Season 6 started), because I can definitely remember quite a few scenes where some things were rather blatantly connected, but they hadn't been spelled out, nor were they touched upon much further. Many scenes from the first half of the season, were given new meaning with scenes in the later half.

The writers knew the general direction of the series the whole time. That's my big point here: most of these big twists and revelations, they weren't concocted just to keep things fresh, they've had the paths of the characters charted for the whole series, especially since midway into Season 3. For the whole series they had it all planned out, but what they left open was some of the more minor events that were in-between the big points. What the characters would say, what would happen to some characters for 10 minutes as they walked after getting water... no, that wasn't planned. However, they let the story write itself, so to speak, as the plot drove on. They had the plot written, and the characters written, the smaller interactions weren't charted specifically until closer to those moments.

But anyhow... when time travel was brought into the picture, I REALLY knew something was going on.

And recently, when Jacob described the island as a cell of sorts for Smokie, I expected that could go either way. And it still might, that much remains to be seen.
When it was described that Smokie leaving the island would mean destruction of everything... I expected that could end up meaning anything. It could be a metaphor, it could be a ruse for more power play, or it could be straight fact - smokie leaving the island = humanity's end game.

And now, that last line, is looking quite true.

What I got out of this episode?

MiB (seriously, I am upset they didn't reveal a name. That's just ridiculous.) fell into the light.
"Mother" described to Jacob that contact with the light would not mean death, but worse than death.
MiB made contact with the light, and died. But he didn't die, he became immortalized in a cloud of smoke. His physical body is gone, but touching the light caused him to turn into something else.
What I gather is, Smokie IS MiB. MiB figured out tricks he could pull off as time went on, that includes taking the form of dead people.

It seems people are up in arms about the whole "Light" concept.
I'm not. In fact, I just don't care. The show is a big ride for me, the plot devices are simply there to help drive the characters. The characters provide the entertainment.
Seeing the back story between the two brothers, imho, was especially pleasing.

As for the Light, right now I am equating it something along the lines of The Flame of Olympus. And the Island is Mt. Olympus.
The Light is the source of all order in our world, and as "Mother" described it, it literally is the life-force in all life (or at least in humans).

Something tells me a human making contact with the Light, and turning into a powerful force, means a lot of the power contained within the Light is held within Smokie. Which would also explain why Smokie can see into the lives of those it examined (think back to Mr. Eko and the flashes in the smoke), and might also explain the whole concept of seeing dead people on the island... when people die, their life-force, or soul if you will, returns to the magic vessel of life called the island, and returns to the pool of Light. ... maybe, who knows where they will go with that one.

But since Smokie is "part-Light", and the Light is supposedly something desperately in need of protection from outside interference... it could be gleamed from this that Smokie, leaving the island, would mean a breach of the Light into the rest of the world. The Island is supposed to be basically a big secret from the world, so that people cannot just search for this light and make such a breach a possibility.

I'm sticking to this Mt. Olympus analogy, with the Light being extremely important, because it seems exactly where the show is going.
And personally, I think that does the show justice.
The show has always been about psychology, philosophy, sociology, and a little religion. And ancient mythology has been brought into play quite a few times, either in passing comment or in larger themes. Wrapping up the show with very strong ties to ancient Mythos would be fitting, as the ancient Greeks involved a lot of those similar, very human themes in their stories.

The entire series, the writers always hinted at the concept of the island being, well, different. And the characters constantly debated whether the island was special, or if it was just a bunch of crazy shit on an otherwise ordinary island.
Turns out, it's a little of both.


Nov 18, 2005
Was it just me, or did Kate look hotter in the flashback?

Well she was like what, 4 or 5 years younger in that scene.

The cave scenes were simply ripped from the last time they filled them, so what you're looking at is a younger actress when that scene was filmed a few years back.

And yes, she was super hot. Still is.


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2008
Why is Jacob immortal? I know their fake mom said they could not hurt each other at one point but woopie. What was the point of drinking the cup? I don't get it. ya, another plot device with no explained meaning.

it's just immortality juice. Jacob gave the same stuff to Richard to drink. can't really expect the Lost writers to start giving the back story on Jacob and MiB's "mom." it's probably safe to assume that at some point in time she was appointed the caretaker of the island by someone else, and it's been an ongoing process.

Was it just me, or did Kate look hotter in the flashback?

agree, she looked very nice


Golden Member
Feb 29, 2004
I wonder how long ago this was. Because obviously the wheel gets finished, and also a ton of hieroglyphics are added around it at some point. There was no ancient egyption stuff anywhere, so that means this was at least 200+ years ago (because 160 years ago, the big statue was there when we saw Richards flashback).


Nov 27, 2005
He's not dead, not really. He just absorbed or turned into the smoke monster, while retaining that image of his old body. Because remember he tells somebody a few episodes back that he had a crazy mom growing up.

ahhhh, right. thanks. but was she really crazy? I would think after all these years he would have realized she was right lol, especially considering he stole her "they come, they kill" speech. but he does still want to leave


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
ahhhh, right. thanks. but was she really crazy? I would think after all these years he would have realized she was right lol, especially considering he stole her "they come, they kill" speech. but he does still want to leave

She was a crazy and lonely old woman with control issues and the actress played the part extremely well.


Diamond Member
Mar 23, 2009
this is the only lost thread from this season i didn't bother reading.

fuck this worthless-ass drivel. did they hire a group of four year olds to write this fucking episode? congrats, assholes, this bullshit just surpassed the finale of BSG for the worst hour of tv i've ever watched.

jesus fuck.


Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2005
Interesting episode but how did the weak dying mother wipe out an entire camp, burn them and then bury the well that they dug?

More questions then answers....


Sep 25, 2000
He's not dead, not really. He just absorbed or turned into the smoke monster, while retaining that image of his old body.

I got the impression that he turned into the smoke monster... Ascended.. if you will, using Stargate Terms.


Aug 8, 2001
I don't know why people are still calling him Flocke or MIB, I've been calling him Esau, which seems a better fit even more so now that we know he's Jacob's brother. Plus there was that whole "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated" biblical reference going on.

Well, I still think the smoke monster itself is Desmond. I think he copied (or downloaded, to used another word) the memories of the dead Esau, much like smokie does later on in time (earlier on in the series). The "light", whatever it actually is, definitely is the source of the power over time manipulation - the wheel shows that.

The next big question in my mind (this episode was good because it addressed a lot of the other ones hanging in my mind) is what Desmond will do after gathering the alt timeline people together, and what he will "trigger" by attempting return to the island. Like I've said before, I think everything in the series hinges on Desmond, just like everything has been dependent on the concept of "time". If he enters the "heart of the island" (it's cheesy, but I just knew they were going to pull out that phrase for this episode), which seems to a strong possibility given the EM testing done on him, I think he will be completely free in time-state, and that's when he is able to take the smoke form in the time of Jacob/Esau that we saw in this ep.

I'm probably absolutely wrong about everything, but it's fun to theorize
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Senior member
Jan 12, 2006
See... see... I knew this would happen.

This show was destined for an ending that made people bitch, regardless of how it ended.
They should have just made it all a big dream by Hugo just for the laughs, as many people joked it, but it would have been a complete shock to see it end that way.

I mean seriously, if they didn't answer these kinds of questions... people would bitch about not having answers.
No matter what answer the writers make, people are going to bitch about it being some kind of bullshit answer, a cop-out, a contrived ending just to make it easy to wrap up. Or, they'd argue it was an unnecessarily convoluted.

But honestly... I'm relieved.
I absolutely love this show, and I still expect the finale will leave us with some mysteries.

But see... it seems everyone wants pure HOWs, and not the WHYs... science vs faith eh? :biggrin:
So this and this happened? Show explains why.
Viewer response: "That's it?! But HOOOOWWW?! Ugh!"

People, listen up. I know everyone will continue to gripe even after this post, because y'all would rather gripe than anything else. Whatever.

This show, it is something they call Fiction.
In some works of Fiction, the world is described a certain way.
Just like most people cannot quite grasp the Hows and Whys of why our world - the real world - is the way it is, and how it came to be... that same basic concept must be granted to some fictional worlds.

Do people REALLY care to have every single possible answer about why characters in Star Wars can have this magical power that can let them interact with the world in ways other characters cannot?
If you are one of those people who bitch and moan about not being provided those answers: I hate you.

Amen brother


Oct 9, 1999
this is the only lost thread from this season i didn't bother reading.

fuck this worthless-ass drivel. did they hire a group of four year olds to write this fucking episode? congrats, assholes, this bullshit just surpassed the finale of BSG for the worst hour of tv i've ever watched.

jesus fuck.

Seriously. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a... magic xylophone or something?


Aug 8, 2001
Lol at people expecting more from a show that is about a time traveling tropical island once occupied by hippies and polar bears.

It's entertaining, so enjoy it for what it is, or stop whining and stop watching.
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Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
this is the only lost thread from this season i didn't bother reading.

fuck this worthless-ass drivel. did they hire a group of four year olds to write this fucking episode? congrats, assholes, this bullshit just surpassed the finale of BSG for the worst hour of tv i've ever watched.

jesus fuck.

I was totally waiting for you to post this
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