Louis CK mocks overly sensitive PC liberal types, gets rewarded by being whined about by overly sensitive PC liberal types.


Jan 12, 2005
Reactions: pcgeek11
Nov 25, 2013
Waves hello to the troll.

Louis CK was hilarious again and mocked millennials for being boring and sensitive. So they react the only way they know how. Louis CK is a Hillary supporter, mocks PC culture and now they brand him as "alt-right".

The show that has triggered the liberals. (NSFW in any of his clips)

A few more links of liberals being butthurt:


This joke in particular has CNN's panties in a bunch.


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
So your heros are Donald Trump and Louis C.K.? You might want to reevaluate your life if you look up to sexual predators. Maybe make that your new years resolution.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
Louis CK just liked to whack it with an audience. Trump actually raped women. CK is the lessor of the two evils, but they're still both evil.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Louis CK was hilarious again and mocked millennials for being boring and sensitive. So they react the only way they know how. Louis CK is a Hillary supporter, mocks PC culture and now they brand him as "alt-right".

The show that has triggered the liberals. (NSFW in any of his clips)

A few more links of liberals being butthurt:


This joke in particular has CNN's panties in a bunch.
This is why we have to impeach Trump or remove him from office as unfit. He is making it too easy for liberals to be to triggered and we don't need the majority party becoming as crazy as Republicans. Trump needs to go before it's too late.
Reactions: HurleyBird


Oct 22, 1999
Louis CK just liked to whack it with an audience. Trump actually raped women. CK is the lessor of the two evils, but they're still both evil.
IIRC it was always with consent too. He was just asking people he probably should've been asking.


Mar 17, 2008
He was banned? for what?
My guess would be thread littering .. He would do this exact thing 10 times a day, find something to be offended about, declare all libs for racists and move on to next new thread. I am guessing he wore a mod out or two, but dont know.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I don't know about you, but I'm not keen to cheer on a man who threatened to ruin women's careers if they didn't watch him jerk off. Not surprised that Slow loves people like that, though... after all, his favorite political leader is well-known for sexual assault.
Reactions: darkswordsman17
Mar 11, 2004
Louis CK just liked to whack it with an audience. Trump actually raped women. CK is the lessor of the two evils, but they're still both evil.

That's what we know of Louis CK as far as the sexual impropriety allegations go, but since behavior like that very often tends to escalate, I have a hunch he's done worse shit than that (he probably just did it to relative nobodies; he strikes me as someone that would be the Bill Murray of sexual assault "nobody's gonna believe you"). And he was having the women threatened (of course he was too chickenshit to do it himself though because he's a slimy sack of shit). Obviouisly Turmp is much shittier (because honestly, short of murdering people and/or pushing for genocide you really can't be much shittier than Turmp), but anyone acting like Louis CK was just being guilty of wanting to show his dick too much does not seem to actually have seen what he's all done.

IIRC it was always with consent too. He was just asking people he probably should've been asking.

Not according to the stuff I've seen. He would basically invite them up under the guise of brainstorming comedy ideas or helping their careers and then he'd lock the door (sometimes he'd stand and block the door preventing them from leaving) and pull out his dick and starting jacking off. There were other times he supposedly asked and the women were generally shocked to the point that they didn't respond or were just like "uh...ok" so he just went ahead and did it. And some of the "consent" was probably because they thought he'd help their careers if they just let him do that (and since he wasn't trying to full on assault them directly, they figure that's probably better than some of the other shit they'd heard about). And that's just the allegations we heard about. That supposedly went on for years too, and we know behavior like that tends to escalate, so I won't be at all surprised to find out that he went further than that. And he had people going up to women that even insinuated revealing it and had them threatened.

So yeah, hardly some consensual voyeur situation.

Oh and don't forget he tried to rub it into their faces in his shitty movie where he tried to defend the idolization of Woody Allen. Which, not sure if people have seen, Allen has said some really fucked up stuff since, I think it was more or less saying how its a witch hunt against the poor sexual predator men. I think it was maybe even more fucked up than that (like he outright said that "rape isn't that bad, and its actually often consensual" or something just totally fucked). And of course he's been an ardent defender of Roman Polansky, and I think there were other allegations against him, so the whole "he raped the 13 year old because he was so distraught over his wife having just been murdered by the Manson family" argument went out the fucking window as there were underage girls saying he tried to get them alone before his wife got murdered).

Louis has shown he's a piece of shit. So, sure he's not up to Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein, but he's pretty goddamn despicable.
Reactions: Brainonska511


Jan 12, 2005
I don't know about you, but I'm not keen to cheer on a man who threatened to ruin women's careers if they didn't watch him jerk off. Not surprised that Slow loves people like that, though... after all, his favorite political leader is well-known for sexual assault.

You must have me confused with Clinton supporters. Who did you vote for, the woman that kept company with (errr... married to) a rapist, or the guy that made some locker room talk?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
You must have me confused with Clinton supporters. Who did you vote for, the woman that kept company with (errr... married to) a rapist, or the guy that made some locker room talk?

Oh, right, it's just "locker room talk" because Trump told you that it was; I forgot that you always accept Trump's lies at face value. Also, you do know it's still completely inexcusable to joke about sexually assaulting women, right?

Never mind that 15 separate women have accused Trump of sexual assault or harassment. Never mind that the man has a long history of being a creep, having cheated on all three of his wives and implying more than once that he'd like to sleep with his daughter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that a serial womanizer with repeated accusations of sexual assault would happen to trivialize sexual assault.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. I don't excuse any credible claims against Bill, but he wasn't the one running for office, and it's safe to say Hillary is far more sympathetic to women's rights than Trump is. She wouldn't have tried to stack the Supreme Court with anti-choice judges, gut Planned Parenthood funding or support politicians who believe rapists should have control over their victim's child. My ideal candidate would not have been Hillary, but I wasn't going to vote for a misogynist asshole like you did.


Nov 4, 2004
Oh, right, it's just "locker room talk" because Trump told you that it was; I forgot that you always accept Trump's lies at face value. Also, you do know it's still completely inexcusable to joke about sexually assaulting women, right?

Never mind that 15 separate women have accused Trump of sexual assault or harassment. Never mind that the man has a long history of being a creep, having cheated on all three of his wives and implying more than once that he'd like to sleep with his daughter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that a serial womanizer with repeated accusations of sexual assault would happen to trivialize sexual assault.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. I don't excuse any credible claims against Bill, but he wasn't the one running for office, and it's safe to say Hillary is far more sympathetic to women's rights than Trump is. She wouldn't have tried to stack the Supreme Court with anti-choice judges, gut Planned Parenthood funding or support politicians who believe rapists should have control over their victim's child. My ideal candidate would not have been Hillary, but I wasn't going to vote for a misogynist asshole like you did.

LOL, Hilary ran a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza shop. You can't explain that.


Jan 12, 2005
Oh, right, it's just "locker room talk" because Trump told you that it was; I forgot that you always accept Trump's lies at face value. Also, you do know it's still completely inexcusable to joke about sexually assaulting women, right?

Never mind that 15 separate women have accused Trump of sexual assault or harassment. Never mind that the man has a long history of being a creep, having cheated on all three of his wives and implying more than once that he'd like to sleep with his daughter. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that a serial womanizer with repeated accusations of sexual assault would happen to trivialize sexual assault.

Also, if you hadn't noticed, Hillary Clinton is not Bill Clinton. I don't excuse any credible claims against Bill, but he wasn't the one running for office, and it's safe to say Hillary is far more sympathetic to women's rights than Trump is. She wouldn't have tried to stack the Supreme Court with anti-choice judges, gut Planned Parenthood funding or support politicians who believe rapists should have control over their victim's child. My ideal candidate would not have been Hillary, but I wasn't going to vote for a misogynist asshole like you did.

So in other words, there is very little evidence of any wrong doing by Trump, but Bill used to fly the Lolita Express regularly and we know has used his position to bust a nut on Monica Lewinsky's dress. Let's not forget he lied to the entire nation until he learned of the dress. And then he still lied about the definition of "is". Hillary felt he was the type of company worth keeping around, staying married to, and attempted to bring him with her back into the White House.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So in other words, there is very little evidence of any wrong doing by Trump, but Bill used to fly the Lolita Express regularly and we know has used his position to bust a nut on Monica Lewinsky's dress. Let's not forget he lied to the entire nation until he learned of the dress. And then he still lied about the definition of "is". Hillary felt he was the type of company worth keeping around, staying married to, and attempted to bring him with her back into the White House.

Very little evidence except for a taped confession of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting people, of course. Ironically you’re complaining about Bill Clinton lying in your post while your only defense of Trump would be that he was lying to Billy Bush.

Louis CK is free to make whatever kind of jokes he wants. People are free to criticize him for it. What’s ironic here (a twofer!) is that you’re being every bit as much the triggered snowflake here by not being able to accept that.

So basically you’re a whiny, hypocritical piece of shit that supports a sex offender. Good life choices for you, haha.
Reactions: Meghan54


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
So in other words, there is very little evidence of any wrong doing by Trump, but Bill used to fly the Lolita Express regularly and we know has used his position to bust a nut on Monica Lewinsky's dress. Let's not forget he lied to the entire nation until he learned of the dress. And then he still lied about the definition of "is". Hillary felt he was the type of company worth keeping around, staying married to, and attempted to bring him with her back into the White House.

I'd say 15 women with consistent stories, plus Trump's own admission of endorsing sexual assault, constitutes at least an investigation-worthy case.

Oh, and on the Jeffrey Epstein front, your boy Trump loves Epstein. From the Daily Beast:

"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York in 2002. "He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

So, if you're going to condemn Bill (and to be clear, you should), you must also condemn Trump. He clearly knew what was going on.

And if you're going to be consistent, will you also condemn Louis CK and stop trying to make him a hero? He admitted to being a sex offender and doesn't appear to have made a sincere apology for it.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
I'd say 15 women with consistent stories, plus Trump's own admission of endorsing sexual assault, constitutes at least an investigation-worthy case.

Oh, and on the Jeffrey Epstein front, your boy Trump loves Epstein. From the Daily Beast:

"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York in 2002. "He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

So, if you're going to condemn Bill (and to be clear, you should), you must also condemn Trump. He clearly knew what was going on.

And if you're going to be consistent, will you also condemn Louis CK and stop trying to make him a hero? He admitted to being a sex offender and doesn't appear to have made a sincere apology for it.

only consistency slow has shown is he will suck up to Orangutan in Chief no matter what.


Jan 12, 2005
Very little evidence except for a taped confession of Trump bragging about sexually assaulting people, of course. Ironically you’re complaining about Bill Clinton lying in your post while your only defense of Trump would be that he was lying to Billy Bush.

Louis CK is free to make whatever kind of jokes he wants. People are free to criticize him for it. What’s ironic here (a twofer!) is that you’re being every bit as much the triggered snowflake here by not being able to accept that.

So basically you’re a whiny, hypocritical piece of shit that supports a sex offender. Good life choices for you, haha.

This is one of the things you liberals do when you're logically cornered, you twist the argument into being about rights. No one here is arguing whether or not Louis CK has the right to say what he wants. No one is arguing that people do or don't have a right to criticize. We all accept that both parties have a right to their opinion and to voice it. You're shadow boxing again, but you think that you just won the championship belt.

What this discussion is about, is how liberals are now ruining comedy with their PC snowflake butthurtedness. He's always been vulgar and said offensive things. Some 10 years ago he had a bit where he said n***** (a word the left has made so vile I dare not utter it here in a PC bastion, even for simply using it as a quote). But now today's PC left falls apart from comedy. I used to lean left, but the left has gone full retard now and I have #walkedaway as you know. The left has strayed left of common sense and here we have yet another example.


Nov 11, 1999
This is one of the things you liberals do when you're logically cornered, you twist the argument into being about rights. No one here is arguing whether or not Louis CK has the right to say what he wants. No one is arguing that people do or don't have a right to criticize. We all accept that both parties have a right to their opinion and to voice it. You're shadow boxing again, but you think that you just won the championship belt.

What this discussion is about, is how liberals are now ruining comedy with their PC snowflake butthurtedness. He's always been vulgar and said offensive things. Some 10 years ago he had a bit where he said n***** (a word the left has made so vile I dare not utter it here in a PC bastion, even for simply using it as a quote). But now today's PC left falls apart from comedy. I used to lean left, but the left has gone full retard now and I have #walkedaway as you know. The left has strayed left of common sense and here we have yet another example.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Reactions: feralkid


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
This is one of the things you liberals do when you're logically cornered, you twist the argument into being about rights. No one here is arguing whether or not Louis CK has the right to say what he wants. No one is arguing that people do or don't have a right to criticize. We all accept that both parties have a right to their opinion and to voice it. You're shadow boxing again, but you think that you just won the championship belt.

Haha, look who just moved the goalposts. This isn’t about rights, this is about you being so easily triggered when someone is criticized and how you’re a hypocrite for complaining when people say what they want about Louis CK saying what he wants.

Stop being such a snowflake, (slowflake? Har!) it’s okay if people are criticized. You’re going to have a very hard life if you can’t accept that.

What this discussion is about, is how liberals are now ruining comedy with their PC snowflake butthurtedness. He's always been vulgar and said offensive things. Some 10 years ago he had a bit where he said n***** (a word the left has made so vile I dare not utter it here in a PC bastion, even for simply using it as a quote). But now today's PC left falls apart from comedy. I used to lean left, but the left has gone full retard now and I have #walkedaway as you know. The left has strayed left of common sense and here we have yet another example.

Yes we are well aware that you have repeatedly lied about being a former liberal. People have owned you with your own quotes in the past. The only real question about this is why you continue to lie even after being caught. Can you explain this?

Also wasn’t it hilarious how the whole #walkaway movement was just other unscrupulous conservatives like you lying to each other? I love how the only people gullible enough to fall for your lies were other conservatives. You have to admit that’s pretty funny.
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